White Mask Male Reader x Rain...

By SoggySocks866

13.8K 81 43

You are Y/n a terrorists based on your hates against the government More

Chapter 2, Why You Were Forced.
Chapter 3-Your First Misson.
Chapter 4 Your First Deconstruction Lesson
Chapter 5 How You Got A Kiss From A Co-Worker
Chapter 6-How You Got A Friend
Chapter 7- How You Got A Girlfriend
Chapter 8- Ships.
Chapter 9-Music And The Streets
Chapter 10
Chapter 11- How You Got The Rivalry Between 2 Girls.
Chapter 12.

Chapter 1- Why You Joined.

2.8K 17 6
By SoggySocks866

Mama: Hey Boy!  Why are you fuckig with those drugs!  And why we're you fucking with a prostitue a school!  You rat!
You: But Ma-
Mama: Shut The Fuck Up!
All while she was telling at you.
Your mom suddenly turned silent.
She gave you your Nintendo controller.
Mom: Get out of my sight.
You stop there for a second.
Mom: Now Boy!
You ran to your bedroom.
You knew your mom loved you,  but she never said anything,  you were a decent grade student,  mostly C's and B pluses,  but it was good enough for you to get a 4.3 GPA and that's what your teacher wanted,  she was like a second mom to you,  she made sure you stayed away from the shady part of our world,  and helped you with anything.
You headed upstairs thinking about what happened at school.
You: Damn you Tommy you framing bastard.... I'll get you back you fucking ass....
You went upstairs to hear giggleing in your older brothers room,  his girlfriend Jenna was over,  she was a rich girl who actually cared about her boyfriend and didn't brush him to the side like a piece of trash,  as he was the one who bought you the Nintendo,  for your birthday. She was  a older sister to you,  her parents were cool too,  you are over there with them all the time, they said to you-"Listen Here Kid,  If You Need Anyone We Are Here,  Just Imagine Us As Your Grandparents"
You always did,  Jenna's mom word cook huge meals if you said you were hungry,  she supported you in every division you made as long as she thought it was right.
Jenna's dad was the kind of dad who would stay up till 2 in the morning making a wood remote control airplane and landing and taking off strip in their backyards. He was the one who shared his candy with you without you asking,  he taught you many things like,  the golden rule- " Don't keep a girl waiting" If you catch my drift.
You opened the door to Jadens Room.
Jaden: What do you want?
You: Just wanted to say hi to Jenna.
She walked over and gave you a hug.
Jenna: I missed you kid.
You: Missed you too Jenna.
Jenna: Now go play.
You nod.
You skipped to your room,  wanting to play your Nintendo so badly.
You opened your room to a aviation themed room,  airplane wallpaper litters the wall,  a wood airplane hung from the ceiling,  a dresser made of finished wood,  a TV mounted on the wall,  and a Minecraft poster right next to it,  you were only 9 at the time,  in 5th grade 2 grades higher than what your supposed to be,  you were fascinated in the 5th grade science curriculum,  it focused on airplanes and aerodynamics,  you wanted to be in the airforce when you were older.
But that didn't work out,  as you saw activist groups and terrorism groups arise,  because new presidents were being switched every day,  dictator after dictator.
You are 34 at this point,  in the White Mask terrorists,  a well known "Ghost"  Or what some call you,  "Scout".
You devolpted a flying drone,  airplane that you began to throw like a paper airplane then it took off like a predator drone,  armed with a 9mm semi auto mini pistol inside,  along with a HD camera spoting device,  and a VTOL mode for scouting buildings.
Today was storming the streets of the bank,  where you had to set up the bomb.
You have never fully killed someone,  you have shit them to a point if injury,  but never finished them off.
You doors in the main door way,  waiting for the police to arrive with heavy APC's and the Counter Terrorism Units.
You spotted them,  and it was a BOPE operator with a Navy SEAL and a German Operator,  with the American Swat,  they were all girls.
You: Rainbow!
Charles: Alright! Setting charges!
You set up a video saying " Play Me"
You watch them in the camera that they are watching.
You: Hello Rainbow...... We have set up a few bombs for you..... But beware....
The snipers pulled out.
The rainbow operators killed them.
The commander pushed you and a few others out.
The others Injured 3 of them,  but you were left standing,  pointing your M9 at one of the operators.
The pointed her pistol at you.
They both did.
?? : Put It Down!
You kept your ground.
You were armed with a Mark 13 Auto Defibulator,  that you made,  if they shot you dead,  you would be right back up on your feet.
You: Shoot me dead and I'll be back up to haunt you for your stay...  
??? : Stop. Put the Gun Down Now.....
Charlie: Don't Do It!
You look at them.

?? : Put It Down!!!!  Now!

You: You Put Yours Down!
They dropped their pistols.
You set yours down too.
Charlie shot one.
You: Charlie!!!!
You tried to rush over to help her.
?? : Stay Back!
You: Let Me Help Her!
You: She has trauma in her leg!  A possible nerve was shot!
You took off your vest, mask,  and emptyed your pockets.
You: I have nothing to hurt her.
Charlie died.
You look at him.
You turned back to the pressing matter.
The Operators looked at your face,  blushed,  but kept their composure.
You: Just let me help her....
?? : Fine.
You took a knee by her.
You: Thigh or shin?
?? : Shin...
You rolled up her pants leg.
You: 45 ACP, wedged behind some tissue,  shit...
The operator standing had her gun pointed at you.
You out clean silocone gloves on, 
You: This is going to hurt like,  a lot.
?? : Anything just get that steel out of my body.
You: 3....2....
You started a second early.
Her screams was muffled by her shirt in her mouth.
You took the warm bullet out and flicked it away,  filling the bullied wound with a cotton swab and bandaging it tight.
You: She will be fine.
She helped the other operators up.
They secretly took a picture of you,  for interrogation.
They out you in handcuffs, and chained you to the helicopter,  the injured operator stayed on the helicopter watching you.
You had no intention of leaving,  there was pros and cons,  you were fighting for what you bleved in,  but you were against the countries,  and you family.....

?? : Thank you.
You were surprised to hear that.
You: , Yeah, Yeah, umm,  no problem....
Then the other operators returned from killing your "Friends"
It was silent the way backback,  other than the loud blades of the helicopter rotors spinning. You weren't as "Badass" As everyone oresieved you to be,  you paid attention in school.

You just kept your nose to the ground,  not looking up.
The other operators smiled at each other seeing as they took you for interrogation.
??? : But without him Ash would be dead.
You look at her.
??? : We scored a 2!  A Medic!  And what?
You show them a box,  that contained your extendable drone.
You: It's,  well,  a project,  that I have been working on.....

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