Call your girlfriend (Larry A...

By 90smalik

5.5K 240 59

In that moment, Harry thought his life was perfect, with his perfect friends and girlfriend. But all of this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (last chapter)

Chapter 5

612 26 1
By 90smalik

A/N : Sex scene alert !!! wohooo xD

Enjoy Xx


Chapter 5

As the days passed by, Harry was sure that he was starting a routine that he wasn’t going to be able to stop once Sarah came back. Every single day he would attend to his classes, taking important notes about what his teachers were saying, most of the time not even paying attention to what they were actually saying. Later in the afternoon he would meet Louis somewhere around the campus: sometimes they would both stay quiet under the trees Louis loved so much, the boy reading some book and Harry pretending to read his comics he had, when actually he would be glancing at the boy.

Other times, they would spend their time talking, sharing some tiny pieces about their lifes: Harry, for example, discovered that Louis was part of the drama club back in high school and he loved to go to the theater (the dark haired boy made a mental note to take him there as soon as he could). Louis, on the other hand, found out that Harry was a great cooker, and his specialty was pasta. When he asked him if he could prove some, Harry blushed and said that he would think about it.

Sometimes they would go to their rooms and watch movies or read comics together. It was nice because Harry would share his favorite comics with Louis, and Louis would share his favorite movies with Harry. They had watched movies like ‘Pride and Prejudice’, ‘Marie Antoinette’ and a variety of other ones. While watching, Harry would ask questions like “Why would she give them cake?” and Louis would laugh, explaining to him his point of view.

Most of the time those little reunions at their rooms would end up in long and breathless kisses, with Harry on top of Louis exploring his whole tiny body with his hands. Both of them enjoyed this part of their day, when they would be on a world that nobody could enter, only the two of them exploring each other in the most passionate way. But they would never do nothing more than that, stopping when the bulge on Harry’s pants was impossible to handle, so hard that would hurt the curly haired boy. Instead of taking another step, they would detach from each other and stay layed down, petting each other’s hair.

Everything would be perfect if Harry wasn’t suffering from his eternal dilemma. He decided that he would only choose when Sarah came back because he would be able to think properly. But when he got texts from the girl, talking about her trip and how she missed him, he would only send short replies as “cool”, “really?” and “I miss you too”. His heart would tighten at that, but he was too drunk on Louis to care.

Yet, thinks were perfect. But not for too long.


“We haven’t talked properly for such a long time, and it’s entirely my fault, I’m always so busy with papers and classes and my swimming practices.” Liam whispered at Louis, sitting right beside him. They two were sitting an the library, writing notes on their notebooks.

“Don’t worry, I know you’ve been busy. I don’t blame you.” Louis answered, without taking his eyes from his paper.

“You’re not even looking at me, how can I be sure you’re being honest?” Liam voice came to his ears.

Louis raised his gaze to Liam, facing those wide puppy eyes looking at him. Okay, he was a little upset because Liam was so busy all the time and if he hadn’t have Harry, he would probably be alone all the time. But it was impossible to be angry at him while looking to his eyes, his big warm eyes, almost begging to him.

“I’m not mad at you or something, relax.” Louis said, staring deep at his eyes.

“Thanks, I appreciate your understanding. So, what about the mysterious guy you’re seeing? Can I meet him?” He asked, a serious tone taking over his voice.

“Why do you want to meet him so badly? Are you planning on scarying him out or something?” Louis asked, with a sarcastic tone.

“No, of course not. It’s just… I really care about you Lou, really. I know I can be the boring big brother type sometimes and I know I’m overprotective but  it’s just that I can’t afford to see you hurt because I won’t be able to comfort you and-“

“Liam, stop. You don’t have to be like that, I already told you I understand. I know you care about me and seeing you like this really breaks my heart. And you’re not boring, you’re like the most amazing guy around here. I mean it.” Louis said, placing one of his hands over Liam’s. The other boy stared at him, his eyes soft and his bottom lip trembling a little. Louis loved Liam because he was such a big and strong guy, but inside he was just as tiny as Louis.

Liam started to rub his tumble against Louis’ hand, smiling. “Thanks. You really are a wonderful friend, Louis.”

“Same. And don’t worry, if something happens to me I’ll go straight to that stupid pool and drag you out of it. Or maybe I’ll just empty it dry.” He said, smiling softly.

“I would like that.”


“Hey, I was wondering if you don’t want to come over? I have a little surprise for you.” Harry’s voice came from the phone,

“A surprise, uh? I bet you’re dressed up as Spider Man or something.” Louis said, laughing.

“So funny, Lou. No, I’m not dressed as Spider Man, but can you please come over this evening?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. Just don’t rush me, I’m going to change and I’ll be there in a moment.” Louis replied, already opening his wardrobe.

“Perfect. See you soon, then.” The other boy said, hanging up. Louis took a deep breath, looking for what to wear: he should use something special because Harry was making a surprise for him. He spent almost 1 entire hour showering and dressing, deciding to wear his favorite buttom up shirt, a pair of dark jeans and a pair of Toms on his feet. He sighed, looking at his own reflection at the mirror: he was decent. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door of his room and walked to Harry’s.


“It’s me.” Louis said, knocking on the door. The room was completely silent, and he wondered if Harry had gone and left him there by himself. But, suddenly, the door opened and Louis couldn’t see nothing but Harry’s form right in front of him: the room was completely dark.

“Harry? What is this?” Louis whined, trying to see something, but the room was too dark: he cursed himself for forgetting his glasses.

All of sudden, the curtains by the window where opened and Louis was able to see a table and two chairs, one in front of another. At the table, there was a pair of long candles and some plates. Harry started to light up the candles, making everything more visible.

“What is this?” Louis repeated, still in shock.

“I decided to make something special for you. I went to the cafeteria’s kitchen earlier today and asked them if I could use it to prepare a meal for us. It’s Italian Pasta, I thought you would like it.” The green eyed boy said. Even at the light of candles, Louis could see him blushing.

“You made all of t-this… for me?” Louis asked, amazed.

“Yeah, did you liked it?”

Louis walked towards Harry, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips, quickly. Both of them were smiling, Louis’ eyes shining more than ever.

“Of course I did, this is perfect, you shouldn’t have. Oh my God, I don’t even have words to describe how I’m feeling right now. Thank you very much.” Louis hugged him tightly.

“It was nothing Lou, really. Now let’s eat before the food gets cold.” Harry said, moving the chair so Louis could sit there.

“What a gentleman.” Louis smiled at him, sitting down.

As they started eating, Louis decided that Harry’s pasta was probably the best pasta he had ever proved: the flavor was soft and, at the same time, strong and spicy. Harry poured some wine on Louis’ glass, smirking at him. Louis wasn’t used to drinking wine, but he drank it anyway. Harry couldn’t take his eyes of Louis, admiring the boy as he kept eating his food.

“This is delicious Harry, really. I wonder why you’re taking art classes, you should try to become a chef or something. You definitely have what it takes.” Louis said, taking another sip of wine. Harry blushed even more.

“Cooking it’s kind of a hobby for me, I guess. But I’m glad you liked it, it means a lot.” Harry answered, reaching for Louis hand.

At that moment, Harry realized that Louis’ was the one who he wanted to spent the rest of his life with, the one who he truly loved. As those blue eyes kept glancing at him, radiating some kind of heat, Harry decided that he would break up with Sarah as fast as he could and would ask Louis’ to be his boyfriend. He couldn’t handle the thought of not having Louis, not having him to hug or to kiss, not having him to spend time with. This was meant to be.

“You okay, Harold ? Looks like you’re lost or something.” Louis said, his hand still on Harry’s.

“Yeah, I was just thinking about something.”

“Well, the thing is: I finished my food and I would really appreciate some dessert.” Louis took the last sip of his wine, smirking at Harry.

“Oh, crap! I forgot the dessert. I was going to buy those cupcakes you love so much, the chocolate and mint ones. I’m so stupid.” Harry said, burying his face on his own hands, ashamed.

“Don’t be like that, it’s okay. I was just kidding. Actually, I have a better idea about the dessert.” There was something different on his voice. Harry looked up and saw Louis looking at him, biting his bottom lip.

“Yeah?” It was the only thing Harry was able to say, still looking at Louis.

Suddenly, Louis grabbed Harry’s hand and walked him to the bed, laying him on and getting on top of him, his chest touching Harry’s through their shirts. He started kissing him softly, his hands messing the black hair gently. Harry’s hands went to Louis’ waist, holding him still. They kept that slow rhythm, lips touching calmly and tongues rubbing against each other in such a coordinate pace.

HArry started to lift Louis’ shirt, breaking the kiss so he could finally take it off from his body: his tanned chest was smooth, without any hair or something. Louis bit his lip as he saw Harry’s look, full of want and need. He felt Harry’s fingertips brushing his chest and his tummy, sending shivers through his whole body.

Louis used his own hands to take Harry’s shirt off, his eyes scanning the black haired boy’s chest and arms full of tattoos. His mouth started to water, wanting to prove the taste of Harry’s skin. He lowered his face and started to kiss him again, but this time with more lust and need. Harry’s hands were exploring his body, stopping at his bum and squeezing it hard. A gasp came out of Louis’ mouth, making Harry’s cock twitch on his pants. Their hard cocks were rubbing against each other through the pants they were wearing. Wasting no time, Louis pushes his pants and Harry’s ones off with their shoes, leaving them almost naked.

Louis stops to admire the sight of Harry lying on the bed, the huge bulge in his boxers. He palms it through the fabric, making a groan come from Harry’s mouth. His own mouth travels down his chest, kissing his tattoos. “Maybe I should go further down?” Louis asked, looking up to see Harry’s face.

“Y-Yes, you really should.” It was all Harry was able to say, his hand resting softly on Louis’ hair.

Louis’ fingers travel down to Harry’s briefs, playing with the waistband of the boy’s boxers. The dark haired head was spinning with thoughts running through his brain. Suddenly he feels his underwear coming down, so he moves to help slide his boxers off.

Louis stares at Harry’s hard and leaking cock. He feels his mouth watering even more at the sight, his face coming closer to the pulsing member. “So hot, so beautiful. I want to see how you taste.”

Louis wraps his hand around Harry’s cock, darting his tongue out and licking the tip slowly, taking all the precome that he was producing. Instantly, Harry left out a moan, holding Louis hair tightly, his body nearly jumping in awe.

The blue eyed boy keeps linking the tip of Harry’s cock before pressing the cockhead on his own lips, before opening his mouth and taking it slowly. It tastes mainly and good, so Louis keep licking it and continues to slide him deeper in his mouth, while stroking what he can fit.

“So good Lou, you’re such a good boy, taking my cock in your mouth.” Harry whispered, his words only making Louis suck him deeper down his throat. Harry starts to trust his cock inside Louis mouth slowly, carefully so the boy wouldn’t gag.

As Louis keeps sucking, Harry tries to sit up so he could better watch Louis sucking him off: the boy keeps on sucking Harry happily, moaning around his cock. The dark haired boy keeps on thrusting slowly down his throat, feeling Louis bobbing his head. When he opens his eyes, all he can see are blue eyes looking up through his eye lashes.

Louis starts to palm himself through his own underwear, feeling his cock almost begging to be released from his prison. He feels Harry’s grip on his hair easing, as he starts to pet his head gently.

“I-I’m going to-“ Harry starts, and with a “pop” sound, Louis pulls away, kissing his cockhead. Licking his own lips, Louis comes up and takes Harry’s mouth on his own, kissing him hard, making Harry feel himself on his tongue.

Suddenly, the dark haired boy pushes Louis on his back on the bed, taking his boxers with a quick movement. He looks at Louis’ naked body, biting his bottom lip at the sight, feeling his own cock hardening even more. He starts to kiss Louis neck, sucking on it and leaving purple bruises all around his flesh. Then, he starts to kiss his chest and his belly in such a passionate away, almost worshiping Louis’ body. He kisses Louis’ cock gently, before kissing the inside of his thighs. After kissing Louis whole body, he starts to spread his legs open, finally being able to see Louis’ pink hole right in front of him.

“C’mon Hazza, just-just take me already.” Louis whined, his eyes closed with arousal.

Harry started to kiss Louis’ bum cheeks before darting his tongue out to lick Louis’ hole slowly, feeling the boy’s back arch on the bed: his hole was obviously very tight, so Harry kept his bum cheeks apart while licking it, shoving his tongue deep inside Louis, making the boy moan loudly, trusting against Harry’s tongue. Seeing Louis like that, naked and begging for him, was something that Harry could never get tired of.

The green eyed boy took his mouth away from Louis hole, going to the bedside table to search for lube. When he came back, he started to slick his fingers with the cold liquid, looking at Louis right in the eyes.

“What do you want me to do?” He asked, fingers covered with lube.

“I want you inside of me, I want to feel you deep inside.” Louis moaned, almost begging. His hand was on his own cock, stroking himself slowly.

Smirking, Harry circles Louis’ entrance with his fingers, looking at the boy’s expression, taken over by pleasure. As he starts to bury his index finger inside Louis’ hole, the boy starts to whimper, his mouth parting in a silent scream. His hole is extremely tight, grabbing Harry’s finger tightly.

“Fuck Lou, you’re so tight.” He says, looking at the boy, who was painting and sweating.

Soon, a second finger joins the first one, making Louis moan even louder. Harry's smirks, watching the boy beneath him begging for more contact. Harry head goes down as he starts to kiss Louis chest, still trusting his fingers deep inside his hole. Suddenly, a third finger joins the other ones, stretching Louis’ open. He keeps trusting his fingers in and out, kissing Louis’ collarbone.

It doesn’t take too long for Harry to hit Louis’ prostate, making the boy scream in pleasure. Harry starts to trust against the spot over and over again, making Louis whimper. “Please Harry, I need you inside me, get inside me.”

He bites Louis’ neck hard before taking his fingers out of his hole. He takes the lube one more time and starts to slick his own cock, stroking it gently. He rubs the tip of his cock in Louis’ entrance, making the boy shiver. “Want you inside me, deep inside me. Want you to fuck me so bad.”

At the sound of Louis’ cursing, his cock twitched on his own hands. Unable to hold himself for another second, he lined himself up and started to push slowly inside Louis hole. Both of them moaned loudly at the sensation, Harry stopping halfway inside, looking at Louis who was stroking himself slowly, his eyes closed.

“So tight, love. So hot around my cock. Do you want me to move?” Harry asked, looking at Louis with lust in his eyes.

“Yes, please move. I want you inside me completely. I want you to come inside me, I want to feel full.” Louis begged, almost crying.

Harry had to hold himself to not come here and there. Slowly, he started to trust himself in slowly, and once he’s all the way in, he leans down to kiss Louis on the mouth. They stay like this for a moment, kissing slowly and connected in such a good way, feeling each other as they never thought it was possible.


sooooooo you enjoyed ? :D  larry smut is life k bye


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