Model Of Love

By MrsUrie-Stumph

106K 1.9K 541

Brantley and Lila Jane have been married 5 years. She had made him wake up and stop the drinking and bullshit... More

Outlaw Wives Club
Fans and Fallout
Shouldn't Have Asked
Where's My Wife?
Snakes, Sharks...and Needles.
Present Time
Tour Meetings
Lying and Lulu's
Early Grave
Necessities of Life
The Way You Love Me
Rude Awakwning
Daddy's Girl
Should Have Let Me Hit Her
Escapes and Emergencies
It's Him
Meet Hunter
My Kinda Crazy
Mini Stars
Aunt Flo
Peace Offerings
Road Stretch
Pace Cars and Punishments
We're In Kansas
Rule Run Around
Kimbers In Kasas City
Spa Day
Read Me My Rights


3.5K 69 17
By MrsUrie-Stumph

It was finally break out day. She was grateful to the hospital and it's staff, but BG was driving her up a wall. The man was overprotective and a handful on a good day. Three days in a hospital with no outlet for his energy and having to leave every time he needed a cigarette had made him near unbearable.

"Brantley Keith, if you ask me to check my sugar one more time..." she sighed knowing it was a mixture of fear and frustration that had him so on edge. A lack of nicotine and sex made for a very scary Brantley. Mama and Kolby had gone home that morning knowing she was safe. She had already kept BG from killing Ben today. That boy really should know better than to open his mouth with Big Daddy was full out and overboard.

It was fake pain and PJ that kept Ben from a broken nose. Ben owed her dearly for that one. He had given her a 10 minute lecture about being more careful now after he had made sure she was ok. She realized she needed to change tactics, if Big Daddy was out then he needed a baby girl to take care of. "Big Daddy?" She said softly. The change was immediate.

His posture softened and he quickly walked up to her. "What is it baby? Are you ok? Are hungry? Thirsty?" She smiled sweetly. "Do you think you could get me one of those sugar-free ice creams from the cafeteria?" She asked quietly. "Ice cream? Girl, it is 10 in the morning. You aren't going to have ice cream." He said irritated. She looked down with a sad look. "Oh, ok BG."

She could see his internal battle as she watched him through her eyelashes. "Shit." He said quietly. "Chocolate or vanilla?" He asked standing to get his spoiled princess her ice cream. Her shocked happy look seemed to still work she thought when she saw his chest puff out and him smile. "Oh, chocolate would be amazing, Big Daddy. Thank you!" She smiled and made sure it made it to her eyes. An easy task when she was thinking about ice cream.

He was walked out of the room and not 30 seconds later Caroline walked into the room. "I thought he'd never leave." She said sitting down her bag and getting in the bed. "Hey, Caro. Did you bring my clothes?" She asked not phased in the least. "Ya, I even pulled some of your new heels. Honey, it's looking beautiful in that showcase. Remember that sharing is caring and I'm a size 8." She said laying back and picking up the tv remote.

"So how'd you ditch, Luke?" Lila asked as they channel surfed. "Radio interview. I'm currently on the bus according to my phone tracker." She said settling in the CMT station. "What about you? How'd you get a full blown BD out of here?" Lila sighed. "That man. I love him to death but if he doesn't have sex and a few cigarettes soon I'm not accountable for what I'll do. Do you know that man lectured me on safety?" Caroline laughed. "That's like Luke giving lessons in grace."

"Good news is I'm getting ice cream." Lila said watching as the next video came on. It was that new song from Chase Rice. "Girl, turn that up." Lila said. "That is one yummy man." She said bitting her lip. "I think it's the abs." Caroline have her input. "I think it's time for Mrs. Bryan to leave." Said a pissed off voice from the door.

Both women closed their eyes, they were right and truly screwed, and not the fun kind. "Lila Jane isn't up to visitors right now. I'll be sure to let Luke know we appreciate you coming though." Damn, the man was good. He threatened and got his point across without raising his voice. Caroline kissed her cheek, "Good Luck." She whispered. "You too." She told her friend before she slipped out the door which seemed much smaller with her husband there.

He moved slightly so Caro could get by before kicking the door shut. "They were out of ice cream." He started. Oh shit, this was not good. "Well thanks for trying, BD." She said trying not to move fast or get herself in deeper. He walked towards her pulling the plug on the tv as he walked. Oh, fuck fuck fuck. Was her thoughts. "Yummy? Huh?" He asked rhetorically. She knew any sane person would probably be scared in this situation, which is probably why she was so turned on right now.

"I signed the papers. Get dressed in the clothes your accomplice brought you and we're gonna leave. And I don't want to hear a word from you do I make myself clear?" She simply nodded. Her eyes were glued to the veins throbbing in his arms. "Now." He said making her jump into motion.

She was dressed and ready in record time. She really should let Caroline dress her more often.

With her meters tucked into the pockets she was ready to go. She quietly raised her hand. BD smirked, "Yes, Lila Jane?" He asked, well more growled. "Did you bring the truck?" She asked quietly hoping he said yes and gave her a bit of hope that he wasn't completely feral. His smirk made her stomach drop, she couldn't say she didn't love the adrenaline.

"No." He said walking around the bed to stand in front of her. "I thought we might take Hoss back to the bus." Her small whimper seemed to please him. She loved riding, don't get her wrong. But to ride when she was this turned on would be hell on wheels. The sadistic ass in front of her knew that too. "You know, I'm glad I did." He rubbed in. "It was so you could get some fresh air, but now that I know you're so much better and able to be lookin at other guys you can get your punishment for putting me through hell."

She didn't dare mention she had no control over it, he knew. Even knowing this half of her husband it still made her heart race. He would die before he hurt her and he always came through. But how long she would have to suffer for...well only Big Daddy knew.

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