By ShadowverseJC

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HEROES AREN'T JUST BORN. THEY'RE CHOSEN. Until now, Johnny Sparks' life was perfectly normal - that is, stuck... More

The Return
The Beginning
The Future
The Shadow
Higher Calling
A Meeting
Forgotten Memories
The Trap
Come and See
The Vision
The Job
Dream We Knew
Conflicting Destinies
Ancient Exile
That Which Is Necessary
Justice Prevails
The Past
Cliff Notes
Chosen Ones
The Answer
The Scheme
Into the Titan
The Mind
Nowhere to Hide
Enter Shadowverse
Calm Before the Rage
The Arrival
Fake Messiah
Ultimatum, Part I
Ultimatum, Part II
End of a Journey
Children of the Light
A New Path

A Walk

11 0 0
By ShadowverseJC

After Charlie, the President's driver, dropped Sonovan Lung off at a parking spot in downtown Washington D.C., the aged warrior thanked him. The African-American smiled and shook his hand.

Stepping out onto the sidewalk, Sonovan began to walk, measuring his strides, erecting his posture, and keeping his balance. As he passed by a wave of fellow humans, Sonovan felt somewhere else—a dream, possibly. How could this place be so different from how he remembered it?

During his stroll, he drew much attention. His large build, neatly-coiled black bun, shoulder-length bandana, and attractive robes received second, third, and even fourth looks. The proper name for the blue-gray robes he wore was Orskan, and they were given to him by a hero of old, named Orslon. He ruminated that he had yet to explain to the group who The Shadows were. That day would likely be today.

In response to the awkward glances of civilians, Sonovan seized the opportunity to reciprocate their interest.

His deep stares bore into the passing people—men, women, and children. Businessmen and women became distracted from their calls, and teenagers put down their phones altogether.

Sonovan marveled at them, but felt sadness overwhelm him. A momentous amount can be learned from the eyes, he knew. The modern-day man is absent of peace, he noted. They rush to and fro, but to where and for what purpose? Mankind seems to have forgotten the very first principle of meditation—peace of mind and spirit.

Titan had been correct. Entertainment had become quite the drug here.

He continued his stroll, still watching, listening, learning. The city was a grand place, like many he had visited, across many worlds. This was unsophisticated in comparison to some, but seemed to accomplish what humans intended.

Once he had seen enough, Sonovan walked all the way back, through several dirty alleys. Once he emerged from one, he found Charlie's SUV sitting mysteriously in another wide alleyway across the street.

"So, how was it, my friend?" Charlie asked as he scratched the stubble of hair on his jaw.

"Not as pleasant as I had thought, I am afraid," Sonovan said. "It has changed so much. Today's people seem to think entertainment is a right rather than a privilege. Thank you, though. My gratitude is with you for the trip."

Charlie nodded and replied, "Yeah, it's not for everyone."

Sonovan nodded and they pulled out of the alley, speeding off to the designated location.

* * *

Underneath a farm in Maryland, the government had set up a large underground bunker. About the size of three ice-hockey rinks, the purpose of the bunker was for safety in case of an attack. For now, the large facility's function was to shelter the new heroes for five days, or until whenever Titan arrived.

Alone, Sonovan meandered through the halls of the bunker, which were pale and depressing. The walls wore a miserable gray, and, of course, no natural light could permeate it. Thank goodness there were computers, televisions, radios, walkie-talkies, phones, along with a slew of guns and other weapons locked in a safe.

Making himself comfortable, Sonovan tested his knowledge of computers and marveled at how simply they operated. Compared to the planets he had visited, Earth was many steps behind. Nevertheless, since the last time he had called it home, Earth had advanced farther than he could have imagined.

* * *

Jane went outside and took a seat on the porch of the Sparks' home. His parents stayed inside, but Johnny followed her and sat on the bench across.

"You never told me, by the way, how you got your powers," he started, looking at her. The bangs flowed off her forehead as if she had arranged them that way. He caught himself in the thought, internally dissecting, like in a court room or scientific laboratory, why he had noticed such a minute feature.

Though she still appeared a tad tentative, she explained. "The night after my parents were killed, I stayed at my grandparent's house. When I woke up, it wasn't long until I discovered I had them."

"And you've had the telekinesis ever since?" Johnny asked.

"Yes," she said.

"I won't be surprised—"

"If Z gave them to me too?" she cut in. "Sure. He injected you with powers, so why not me? If he really is a time traveler, he knows what's going to happen. And if he's human, does that mean we prevail in the end?"

"Don't be so sure, Jane. I don't want to jinx anything. If we fail, no one survives. If we succeed, well, I don't know what happens. The point is, we have to focus on now. We're all both universes have—but that's enough." Just then, a blacked-out vehicle pulled up onto the side of the street. "And I don't think he's human," he finished.

In casual clothing, Ryan, Rose, and the brothers stepped out of the vehicle and it drove away. They walked up to the porch. "You know, I'm really beginning to like the treatment we're getting," Dustin chuckled. "It's like I'm a superstar or something."

"Yeah, I could get used to it," Ryan replied.

"And it's so nice and warm in there!" Rose exclaimed. "I hate the cold."

"Unironically," Ryan replied.

"You know, I am literally right here!" Sam objected.

Johnny looked to Jane and rolled his eyes.

"Z isn't who we think he is. He might help us every so often, and yeah he gave us powers, but each meeting is not a coincidence."

"So, what are you saying? Of course it's not a coincidence," Ryan replied.

"No, you misunderstand. I think he has to help us."

"What?" Sam replied.

"Remember when he said the guy we met when we got our powers 'was not Z'? That must mean there are two—or something like that."

"What are you getting at?" Rose replied.

"This is what I'm getting at. He's a t—"

"Time traveler," Rose interrupted, finishing his sentence.

"Uh, yeah," Johnny said.

"What? A time traveler?" Ryan replied. "And how did you come to that conclusion?"

"Remember what Sonovan said?" Johnny asked. "Titan has the technology to time travel. So, who is to say Z doesn't have the same?"

"Or maybe he stole it," Jane added.

"That explains why he already had that wormhole machine in the cave," Rose said.

"Right," Johnny said.

"OK, so we've hit at pretty much everything except a name," Sam said. "Who is this guy?"

"That part is the mystery," Johnny explained. "It's why his name is Z. He doesn't want anyone to know his true identity . . . if that wasn't obvious already."

"Of course. Typical. Always got to be mysterious or whatever," Dustin moaned.

Johnny's phone rang at that moment. "Hello?"

"Hello. This is the President. I am personally calling you to come to the White House at once. If you can, please teleport or do whatever it is you do. I do not desire to see media around wondering who the hell just entered the most protected house on the planet."

"Who is it?" Ryan asked. Johnny shushed him.

"Yes, sir. What is the purpose of the meeting?"

"I want to know how you intend to prevent this onslaught."

"No problem, sir. We'll be right there." He hung up and faced the group. By then, Robert and Irene had come out to see. "That was the President. We have to go."

"You are going to talk with the President?!" Robert exclaimed. "Holy crap!"

"Yeah, it's pretty cool."

* * *

During his wanders through his new surroundings, Sonovan met several guards. Out of courtesy, he asked their names, and they responded. In fact, Sonovan introduced himself to everyone, to their amusement. The way he was raised—his traditions—were evident.

Despite the murky life he had led as a young man, time had taught him patience, courtesy, and to cherish the little things—the things many would disregard.

A guard approached him and said the President expected him at the White House. At that moment, a portal opened between them, and the guard stepped back in fear. Dustin jumped out.

"Hey, Sonovan," Dustin said. "I'm here to pick you up. We got two more teleportations left on my suit for the next thirty hours, so after this, we won't be going many places. Sam has a few left, though."

"Let us depart," he replied. They both jumped into the portal together as the guards watched in incredulity.

"I think I had too much to drink yesterday," one said.

* * *

In the Oval Office, the President stood as the group exited the portal. Sunshine baked the room in golden hues.

"Here we are again, sir," Johnny said. "At your service."

"Yes, this is a delight. Now, I want to know how we can prevent this mass onslaught Titan has planned. You said the satellites are the key."

"They are, but I don't recommend destroying them all. Titan has for sure already planned ahead for such a thing."

"You see, Mr. President, Titan has a vast amount of intellect gained from millennia he has spent invading worlds across the Local Group, as you call it," Sonovan added.

"Wait, how old is he?" the President questioned.

"Not a soul knows," Sonovan answered. "Not even I."

"And, if I may ask, what is your name?" the President replied.

He stood tall. "I am Sonovan Lung."

The President raised an eyebrow. "Sonovan who? What are you? A samurai? A ninja?"

Sam facepalmed.

"Yes, in fact, I trained as a samurai long ago," Sonovan said, smiling.

The President's eyes widened and he coughed. "So, you are immortal?" Sonovan nodded. "Just when I thought fantasy would stay that way. Anyway, go on."

"I suggest this," Rose started. "In my time aboard his vessel, I noticed something interesting. The ship has no external shields—like, none. I guess all those science fiction books and movies are way ahead of reality. But, he can generate a huge amount of energy and block incoming fire. This can work to our advantage.

"If we fire a load of missiles at his ship, he will generate a gigantic shield around his vessel. This will weaken him somewhat, and make it easier to defeat him."

"Very intuitive, Rose," Sonovan replied, "I had not imagined that, but it makes sense."


"OK, so we pound on his ship and he'll deflect it. Then what?" the President replied.

"He has already built satellites for his plan," Rose said. "In case we prevail, it would not be logical to simply destroy all the technology and equipment that orbits Earth. It would be a huge waste of money, and, like I said, technology, that we have amassed over the past half-century."

"Yes, you are right," the President responded. "We just let him release his satellites? What happens then?"

"Leave the rest to us," Johnny replied.

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