Por onedirectionfan35

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what if Harry Potter was the son of Tom Riddle and Luicus Malfoy and he was to be mate to Severus Snape and... Más

A/ N
A/N and CHAPTER 27


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Por onedirectionfan35

Minverva McGonagall POV

I was working late in my office when Dixie pop in

Dixie : headmistress I saw Dumbledore hanging around the forbidden Forest or dumble  f*** as I like to call him he was trying to watch the school from a far and I have a feeling that he. Was trying to see if he could get Hermione because she was what's a submissive but he didn't know that she wants her inheritance and is now bonded I think he was thinking the same thing about Draco but it pisses him off to Draco  or turned out to be a dominant and he hates that Harrison is bodend to and that Molly lost the control and everything she had over Arthur before she was arrested. I also think I'm that he is trying to find a way to get  Molly  out of Azkaban because he what to do everything he can for him and her greyback to get there. Way but it good everybody knows the truth about him now

Minverva: that's for telling me this and it a good thing and I find it funny how you called Dumbledore dumble f***and stuff

Dixie : you think that funny I'm not the only elf that as names for Dumbledore as well names like dumble shit and dumble dick and there a few others that I have not heard yet

Minverva: wow do we want to hear the other names so who are the other that helping you keep a eye

Dixie : pinky and Trixie

Minverva: oaky you 3 keep letting me know and sisrus will be out looking for him now so I hope that everything is going okay now that my grandkids are all bodend and in good hands and everything

Dixie: oaky see you later

I laughed when she popped out and  I have a feeling that her and the others are going to try and cause so trouble for Dumbledore I don't know if they did already


Harrison POV

The next morning when me and Severus was getting ready for the day I was happy. That my siblings are bodend and I am to because we know that Dumbledore can't try anything with us in a way like that now

So myself and Severus are going to be meeting the rest of my family and friends in the great Hall and it a good thing

Because we all get to be happy it going. Where having a few classes that my parents are teaching and but then again my husband is one of my teachers so ya life is great and everything

Harrison: hay baby you ready for us to be heading to see everyone else

Severus: yes

Harrison; it so werid that I'm going to be having my.dad frist class this morning and papa right after that then I got you and Grandma after that so I have a lot of family to make sure I'm find

Severus: yes and forgetting you have two classes this afternoon of me again because you're also in advanced potions

Harrison: ya I almost forgotten that me and Hermione had that

Severus: ya so we're pretty much going to be safe and all of your classes because you have someone very closely bad for you and the other professors are going to keep a close eye too cuz they heard about Dumbledore being around

Harrison: ya and I heard that sisrus has been putting a lot of arbors around 2 and make sure there's no problems and stuff like that so he don't try to get anywhere near us he's definitely going to be very protective because he finally got his family back just like I got mine back time for Dumbledore to be brought down I guess I know I keep repeating that over and over and other people say it too is just me really feel like it's time that he said he gets his demise is coming his way

With that we head out and as we where walking. To great hall and i thought that  could see greyback hiding in the as well forbidden Forest as well .so he and Dumbledore are both checking It out we need to see what there looking for and  everything and it a good thing that Dixie and Pinky and Trixie are all keeping a eye out and. When I thought about that. I thought I saw greyback fall down in quick sand and how did that happen

When I thought about that I saw that Trixie came out form behind a 🌲🌲🌲🌲 and I saw her laughing so hard wait till greyback finds out he was fool by a house elf  and that's funny because he will not live it down

Severus: oaky what are you thinking

Harrison: I swear I saw greyback in the 🌲🌲🌲🌲and that Trixie made him fall in quick sand and that something that he will not live down and it kind of funny

Severus: Dixie did say that her and the others want to cause trouble and prombles for Dumbledore and greyback is with him and Molly so you know there going to be doing everything

When we got to great Hall I went and told sisrus what was going on because he one of the abers of staying close to the school and that's a good thing

And it's a good thing that Arthur for still working in the ministry so he can figure out everything that we need.cuz if he can find out stuff that might help us go after Dumbledore in the raising and see if there's anyone that's trying to work on the inside and album we might be able to get to the bottom of this for sure

so we were able to eat our breakfast and everything then it was time to go about our normal school day and everything but I think what happened this morning but I think in dumbledore's plans

🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 Dumbledore POV

When I went to see what was keeping grayback I found him trying not to move which is a good thing because he was quick sand

Dumbledore: baby how did you get in there

Greyback: that damn house elf Trixie she tricked me I think there's a couple other helping her but I don't know where they're always causing mischief when they know something is awry

Dumbledore:I think we better back off for a little bit and regroup like heaven trying to figure this out because if the house elves are watching we don't know what they're going to do next

With that we left but I'll get what I want and still need to try and get my baby out of Azkaban because we are missing Molly so bad

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