Sun Raha Hai Na Tu

By AnonymousMe91

275K 12.1K 1.8K

#184 in ROMANCE(13-12-17) #206 in ROMANCE(12-12-17) The story of anger, hurt, betrayal, vengeance , unrequite... More

1. Illusions
2. Confusions
3. Miserable
4. Torn
5. The Last Straw
6. The Past
7. Everything lost
8. Sun Raha Hai Na Tu..
9. In the Hell
10. Catastrophe
11. Heart(less)
12. Unexpected turn of events
13. The change of heart(s)
14. Pain and heart wrenching union
15. The final verdict
16. The composure
17. His decision
18. Her decision
19. The melancholy
20. The love with a pinch of hate?
21. The defiance
22. The cracks
23. The cracks II
24. The scars
24 B. The scars II
25. The struggle - I
25 B. The struggle - II
Interlude: Part 1

26. The wall(s) around heart(s) - I

15.1K 596 206
By AnonymousMe91

The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone tears them down ~ Unknown

"What is it?" Arnav exclaimed coming at a safer distance from his room.

What Arham said next bowled his mind and Arnav growled.


"Why not? If you'd forgive her then maybe you'd be able to think rationally on how to deal with this situation."

"She is still walking around on her feet while my sister is in coma. She lost her baby as well. And you are asking me to forget everything and forgive her?"

Arham looked at him with a piercing stare which made Arnav feel as if he was looking through his soul. He was, actually. His next words proved him that.

"Arnav, you are not him. You aren't a monster. He was." Arham said grabbing him through his shoulders.

"He didn't have a heart. You do, man!" Arham emphasized. "Once this is over, all this would haunt you forever. Spare her please." He pressed his shoulders.

Arnav pursed his lips before shrugging him off.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Arnav suddenly started fumbling.

"You do know it very well. I am talking about,"

"Don't." Arnav cut him sharply. "Don't take that filth's name in here."

"Okay I won't." Arham exhaled. "You asked me to help Khushi. That explains a lot."

"Explains what?" Arnav snapped.

"That you care for her." Arham said knowingly.

"If I had had cared for her then I'd have left her at the altar to save her from what she is going through right now. That I can assure you!" He said in vengeance.

"Come on, Arnav. I am a psychiatrist not your employee or an outsider that I'd get intimidated by your heavy, tough declarations. I can decode even a stranger's lie and you, you are my friend. So don't try to fool me." Arham said firmly.

Arnav looked at him speechless.

"If you want me to keep helping her then you have to agree to my conditions. You'd not talk about her paying you money for using anything in this mansion."

"She told you?" Arnav growled.

"I have eyes and ears, Raizada!" Arham retorted narrowing his eyes. "She isn't a paying guest but your wife. At least for that sake withhold that torture off her or else she would become insane with the fear to even touch a thing here."

Arnav swallowed past a lump.

"If I showed her mercy I'd be degrading my sister." Arnav whispered and for that moment he looked so torn that Arham stepped to him and cupped the sides of his neck.

"That's one way of putting it. If you'd show mercy on her it would make her confuse of your changing attitude every now and then. That would give you more time to extract out your revenge." Arham knew how to make the other party listen. If not directly he would relieve that poor girl off the worries by pretending to help Arnav in his vendetta.

"I mean it's your choice. What's the point of getting revenge from the woman who'd have no emotions left?"

Arnav went into a deep thinking. Arham inwardly sighed for getting to him. Now he knows how to bring some peace in Khushi's torturous life.

He just wanted Arnav to not go to extreme lengths that when he wakes up from his overpowering rage and flames of revenge and hate he couldn't even redeem himself.

If that happened then only life of regrets and shame would become the fate of Arnav Singh Raizada,

And being his friend he would try his best that it doesn't reach to that point!

He hopped out of the car and ran to the other side to hold the door open for her. A wide smile broke out on his lips because as soon as he opened the door she turned her face to the other side sitting with her arms folded against her chest indicating that she was upset.

"I never knew you fancied me carrying you around that much that you'd act this stubborn to force me to do so over and over again." He deliberately provoked her.

Her head shot to him in vengeance.

"Dare you lay even a finger on me or I'd beat you up!"

He sighed.

"Okay. I won't. Will you come out now?" He said softly.

Much to his surprise she listened and came out of the car while Arnav stepped aside to let her walk out.

"What the?" He blurted out because as soon as she took a few steps forward she made a dash to the other car leaving him startled but in time he caught her and whirled her around with his arms tightening around her. She protested.

"I need to go to my office. Let go of me!" She shoved at him but he was also one of a kind.

She saw him nodding at the guards who nodded back at him and before she knew it the gates were closed. Then locked. She looked at him furiously.

"What do you think of yourself?" She fumed.

"Your husband!" Answer was as always ready from his side.

She pursed her lips to reign in her anger while continuously struggling in his hold. She gasped as he picked her up and carried her inside before closing the front door with his foot.

In the living room he placed her in one of the couches before crouching down to her level before her stunning her. With his hands on either sides of her he has made her chances of escape zilch.

"What the hell do you want, Arnav?" She asked exasperated.

"Eat something and take some rest." He replied calmly.

She huffed.

"I could've eaten in my office as well." She reasoned dropping her face in between her palms when he refused to budge.

"I can't let you be alone at this time." He whispered.

"I can take care of myself. You don't need to worry about me." She raised her head to him now somewhat calm.

"The hell I do." He snapped. "You are all I am left with. I can't let anything happen to you." He pleaded.

"Wrong. You have your sister. If something happened to me then just go to her!" She snapped back.

His heart pinched. Eyes prickled.

"Sorry." He croaked lowering his head. "Really very sorry."

Khushi closed her eyes turning her head to the other side. Her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"I have made sure you don't have to face her again. Please stop worrying that she would snatch me from you." He said softly that made her shot her eyes at him before they narrowed.

"What did you say?" She asked vehemently.


"I am neither afraid nor worried of that woman. Did you get that?" She spat.

"Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I am sorry it came out like that. I didn't mean it." He quickly apologized and closed the matter seeing her reacting so strong at it. That relaxed her in a few moments which made him exhale inwardly.

"If you are done then let me go. I really need to work Arnav." She said earnestly knowing how much stubborn he himself was.

In reply he grabbed her hands in both of his and touched his forehead to their joined hands before shaking his head.

"No, please." He pleaded. "Not today, at least." His grips tightened on her hands while Khushi has gone rigid the moment he gripped her wrists and dropped his head on their entwined hands.

"Let me make a few more strict security arrangements for you today. There is already so much hype regarding this case and media is just looking for a chance to get the hold of you to get information or any news. Upon that you've beaten up Sunit Kapoor in front of eveyrone. There is too much risk outside, Khushi. Please listen to me. Have some mercy on me!" He begged at the end tugging at her heartstrings.

She clenched her teeth and slipped her hand out of his hold causing him to raise his misty eyes at her. She had her eyes averted showing her defiance.

"I will get all of your case files at home for you. What say?" He tried again.

"You can't make decisions for me anymore." She said firmly. "The more you'd delay it the more late would I be back to KM but I will go for sure."

"Why are you so stubborn?" He hissed glaring at her thumping his hands on either sides of her on the couch.

She didn't answer. He gritted his teeth.

"Fine. Okay." He said out loud. "If you are stubborn then so am I. You aren't stepping out of KM today at all."

"Oh really? Then hear me out Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. If you tried to cage me again in your so called home then tomorrow when I'd go to office I won't return back at all. Instead I'd go back to my parents. How does that sound? Will that be okay with you?" She asked solemnly. Warning clear in her eyes.

His face lost all colors. He swallowed hard. The corner of his eyes misted up. His shoulders slumped.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked defeated. "It's just a day off I am asking you to take. You could work from home alright but still in order to hurt me you are being obstinate because you know I'd go sick with worry the whole time you'd be out." His tone depicted so much helplessness that Khushi almost reached out to console him. Almost.

His eyes widened as it struck him.

"You are embarrassed." He said now getting everything. "You had let your guards down there outside the court defending me. You know I had witnessed it. Now you are afraid you have given me too much power which in your opinion I could use to hurt you. That's why you are doing this. Aren't you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." She abruptly stood up that he had to move back swallowing.

"History won't repeat itself, Arnav. I won't let it. So don't you dare try to dominate me this time." She said and stormed upstairs to think of ways to get out of the tight security of this mansion. She would go out at any cost. Today only!

Sitting at the carpet on his knees he dropped his head on the couch thinking how to get through her.

"She sure knows how to give happiness one moment and snatch it all in the other." He murmured brokenly.

She has learnt from the best hasn't she?

His insides churned while his own conscience mocked him. After a few minutes his head snapped up as an idea struck him.

He pulled out his phone and scrolled down the contact list stopping at a number and quickly dialed it.

"I need a favor from you. Please help me." He pleaded as soon as the call was picked up.

After talking on phone he exhaled a resigned sigh before he raised himself up to sit on the couch. Making a few more calls he waited with restlessness only building up even though he has done prior measures to ensure her safety.

Shashi, Garima and Madhumati looked at each other seeing the news flashing in every news channel. More than the case now it was Khushi beating Sunit's video that created the hype. It was showing in headlines every other minute. From Sunit's accusation to Khushi about Arnav, to Khushi's retaliation, to Arnav entry and him taking away Khushi with her in his arms.

Though neither Arnav nor Khushi confirmed the news of their weddding it was clear as glass. Unexpectedly their wedding has been made public but on a bad note. With Sunit's accusation at Arnav it has turned a bit ugly. If it's not cleared then it is bound to tarnish Arnav's image and eventually, Khushi's.

"What will happen now?" Garima asked once Shashi switched off the television.

"I don't care if news channels are speculating things about Arnav and his time in jail which reason hasn't been out till now. The thing that is worrying me is my Khushi's reaction to it all. It could jeopardize not only this case but also her career and mind and heart as well. Including her relationship with Arnav." Shashi said concerned.

"Isn't it a good thing that she defended Arnav in front of everyone?" Madhumati questioned. "Doesn't that mean she has started accepting him?"

Shashi sighed.

"You don't understand Jiji." He said frowning.

"Now that it is made all public people would ask questions especially the media won't let Khushi get away with it. They would try to dig up the whole REAL story behind it all and I am afraid if it all came out it would remind Khushi of all she has lost then maybe, maybe instead of moving on my daughter would be dragged back to where she started on at the first place." Shashi finished letting out a breath.

"For this hype to subside the only one solution for Khushi is to withdraw from Niti's case which I am afraid Khushi won't agree to." Garima said anxiously.

"She shouldn't back off and she won't. I know." Shashi retorted.

"If not then this battle would soon get too personal and heavy between her and the opponent. For helping someone she would put herself at risk." Madhumati said worriedly.

"That's how she is. Isn't she?" Shashi said softly.

"Why don't we call her and ask how is she doing?" Garima suggested.

Shashi shook his head in negative.

"Not now." He said.

"I am still not sure whether or not we did right by letting her marry Arnav again." Madhumati let out her doubt.

"That was necessary." Shashi said knowingly as if he has thought it deeply. "If she hadn't gotten another chance to be with him she would have never known what she truly wants."

"Isn't it all getting painful for her every passing day? Ever since she married him again there is one or the other problem they get in and the past, it is still there between them keeping them from moving on." Garima voiced her thoughts.

"We can't change the past but the present and future, we can make it better. Not only her but also he has to understand that. And to some extent Arnav do believe in that but it would take time for Khushi to get that notion."

"Let me call her. I need to know how is she doing after all that fiasco." Garima said earnestly.

"Later, Garima. Right now I don't want to intrude between them. Maybe this incident may bridge the gap between them."

"But," Garima was about to say something but stopped as Shashi's phone rang. Picking up he listened to the other side which made him frown. He sighed aghast. Garima asked through her eyes 'what's the matter?' He shook his head.

"Okay. I will talk to her. Don't worry." Cutting the call he turned to his worried wife and sister.

"It happened which I dreaded. Khushi has shut Arnav out completely and in midst this chaotic media scandal wants to go to office alone declining all of Arnav's logical reasoning."

"Call her. I will scold her well." Garima said anxiously.

"This girl. In times like this I pity Arnav." Madhumati said. Few minutes ago it was her only who was having doubts with Khushi marrying Arnav and now she was the one siding with him.

"No need for you both to worry. I will handle her." He said and standing up headed towards his room dialing her number on speed-dial.

Dressed in her formal wear she came downstairs where Arnav was sitting leaning against the couch with his head thrown back, eyes closed. For a moment she stopped seeing the worry lines on his forehead before averting her eyes.

"If not for yourself then for me bitiya, listen to what Arnav is saying!"

She has received Babu ji's call and despite his various reasoning and even a good scolding she didn't give up on her resolve.

She knew her father must have informed Arnav about that too. These days they have been close more than they ever were. Despite being pissed at the realization she didn't react on it. At least, at present she didn't. Any other day she would have accused Arnav of stealing her precious relations but not today. There was already too much on her mind and she didn't know which of her emotions should she know right now.

Niti came to the living room wheeling her chair and called out to Khushi as she turned to leave that made Arnav straighten up.

"Where are you going?" She asked from behind.

Letting out a sigh Khushi turned to her and her gaze landed on Arnav who was looking defeated at her but didn't say anything seeing her all ready to go despite his various pleads.

"To office. Need to prepare for the next hearing." Khushi said passing Niti a smile. Niti frowned.

"But isn't it dangerous for you to step out today? Media has been surrounding the mansion ever since we came back from the court. How do you think would you manage to get past them?"

"I will use the back door." Her confidence didn't waver.

"Okay. That's logical but how would you deal with the attention you'd definitely get once you reached the court if you managed to get out of here unnoticed? What is the guarantee that no one from the press won't be there outside your office?" Niti reasoned concerned. That made Khush snap.

"It's not that I would be facing media for the first time. Why is everyone making a big deal out of it? It's not that I am going to a war or something either that I'd get killed,"

"KHUSHI!" Arnav bellowed interrupting her. Niti jerked at her place while Khushi's head shot to him as he stood spitting fire at her.

"Don't talk nonsense!" He gritted. "Can't you see? We are worried for you. We just want to protect you!"

"I don't need anyone's protection!" She snapped back before she looked at Niti who was looking down clearly hurt the way she mocked her genuine concern. Swallowing Khushi reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder after getting hold of her rage somewhat. She shouldn't have taken out someone else's anger on her.

"I am sorry, Niti. I am feeling too overwhelmed with what happened today. I-"

"And you want to engross yourself in work so that you don't think about it." Nitika interjected.

"It's not that. I just want to be prepared for what's coming." Khushi said softly.

"Won't you tell him that you did go to meet him once when he was in jail?" Niti said out of blue shocking not only Arnav but Khushi as well who stilled at her place.

"Niti?" Khushi staggered back.

Niti raised her misty eyes to her.

"I know Mr. Raizada is your 'first' husband and also your first love who has made you lose not only your belief in love but also your wish to become a mother ever."

"Mrs. Kapoor!" Arnav said sternly to stop it right there because he could see Khushi's dumbstruck state.

"Worry not, Mr. Raizada I don't mean to intrude. I just want her to know that I have caught up your lie the moment you told me the truth about Khushi's past in that shelter home where you came to explain her situation and encouraged me to file a case against my husband."

Khushi blinked back the tears looking away when Niti turned her gaze to her.

"I don't mean to put you in a tight spot, Khushi. If this case means so much to you, you have to promise me that you will handle it sensibly. If not then I am sorry I'd have to withdraw it and go back to Sunit."

Khushi's head whipped to her in shock while Arnav let out a sigh of relief as he knew Niti would get through her. He sat back on the couch solemnly.

"Niti," Khushi croaked hurt. Arnav closed his eyes in pain. He almost opened his mouth to intervene but didn't. For her sake and her safety which was topmost important for him he has to let Niti continue to rub her wounds.

"It isn't my business to tell you what to do but since Sunit is my husband unfortunately and he has made a mess of not only our relation but also has made a huge scandal by blurting out about your personal life so it's only fair I help you come out of it unscathed."

"You are nowhere responsible for what happened." Khushi snapped defiantely.

"Even if I am not still it all started because of me only." She reasoned. Khushi huffed.

"When would you stop blaming yourself for that scum. He clearly doesn't deserve that kindness."

"It was me only who trusted him when he said he loves me. So tell me how could I not blame myself?"

"I can't believe you are siding with him."

"I am not siding with him, Khushi. I am just stating the truth. Don't tell me you never blamed yourself for trusting Mr. Raizada when he put you through a worst nightmare during your first marriage?"

Arnav froze for a moment dreading Khushi's reaction before he stood up and rushed to her as she stood rigid at her place gazing at Niti with a stern face. She shrugged his hand when he reached over to comfort her and gave him a piercing glare asking him to stay out of it. He balled his hands into fist and looked at Niti before shaking his head pleading through his eyes not to push her much.

"It is you who has made me this strong to voice out my opinion and I want it to stay that way. You have made me stand up for myself and I don't want to back off now. And I won't. But if you put yourself at stake because of me then I won't tolerate that either. That's all I want you to understand."

"I got it." Khushi said quietly. Tension was so palpable in the air that it was so suffocating to breath in there anymore. She swallowed thickly.

"Thank you." Nitika said clearly relieved. Arnav's expressions relaxed a bit as well as mouthed a 'thank you' to Niti as well.

Khushi's face contorted in pain for a moment which Nitika caught.

"Believe me Khushi if Sunit has been even 1% of what Mr. Raizada has been then I'd have myself withdrawn from the case. He didn't even care when his lawyer was pointing fingers at my character." She croaked at the end. Forgetting her own pain Khushi crouched down to her level and gripped her hands to support her.

"Sunit isn't man enough to bear 7 years imprisonment for me. He would rather belittle me in front of everyone instead of owning up to what he has done." Niti sobbed. Khushi threw her arms around her.

Arnav felt his eyes prickle. In all these days Niti has been here he has started looking out for her like his own sister. She was like his--He shook his head as a chill ran down his spine thinking about her. The girl he has locked up in his memory years ago. The girl because of whom-- he couldn't think further as he suddenly felt out of breath and sweat beads formed on his forehead.

"Lunch is ready."Anila informed coming from the kitchen and stopped short seeing the tense atmosphere. Niti Mam crying while Khushi hugging her. Arnav Baba just standing besides the ladies with his jaws and hands clenched.

Arnav nodded curtly to which Anila went back to the kitchen.

"Okay. Fine. I am not going anywhere. Relax." Khushi added cheerfulness in her voice rubbing her back to distract her.

Niti pulled back sniffling. Khushi wiped her tears and stiffened when she felt Arnav sitting besides her and now they both were kneeling in front of Niti's wheelchair.

Niti looked at him surprised.

"I was thinking about something lately." Arnav said addressing Nitika.

Niti stopped crying at once and looked at him in question. Khushi couldn't help but look at him too because there was something in his voice which startled her.

"What?" Niti asked curiously. He reached over and cupped the side of her cheek much to her bewilderment.

"How about you stop calling me Mr. Raizada from now on and start to address me either Bhaiyya or Bhai?"

Niti's eyes widened. While Khushi felt her heart fluttering seeing the tender look on his face while talking to Nitika. It was the same look he has had on his face when he mentioned about his Di to her for the first time over that bridge from where he has jumped off years later on her marriage day.

Blinking back the tears Niti grabbed his wrist from both of her hands on the verge of breaking down again.

"There is something no one else knows." Niti couldn't hold back anymore as Arnav proposition tore open her old wounds.

"I had an elder brother once. He was my only family apart from my son after my first husband died." She choked. Khushi gasped because she never mentioned it to her. Niti has told her she was brought up in an orphanage and had no one to rely on all her life.

"Where is he now?" Arnav asked cautiously. Khushi held her breath because she could sense something dreading.

"The first time when Sunit beat me black and blue Bhaiyya found out. He was so furious that he has had a huge brawl with Sunit in front of me and beat him black and blue. Bhaiyya took me back with him along with my son. Sunit followed us. He-" She hiccuped dropping her head on Arnav's hand. Khushi gripped Arnav's biceps subconsciously scared of what might would she reveal next.

"He shot him in front of me and my son." She sobbed out shaking with tremors. Earth shifted beneath the couple's feet. They gasped out loud.

"Then he took me back home threatening me that if I didn't relent Rahul would have same fate like my brother."

Arnav pulled Khushi closer with his other hand at the mention of 'Rahul' because he knew what it would do to her. He wasn't wrong. Khushi leaned to his side clutching his blazer with tremors shooting through her.

"Why you didn't tell it in the court today itself? You were the eye witness and so is your -- son." Arnav questioned because he knew Khushi was too overwhelmed to utter a word.

"Rahul was just 5 years old then. He had him sent to the boarding school and used him as a scapegoat to keep my mouth sealed. I didn't even know in which boarding school he was. In the last 4 years I have seen him only thrice that too under his strict watch. This was the only matter of concern for me. I could endure anything for my boy and I did. When Khushi asked me to file a case against Sunit I wanted it more than anything else but thinking of my son's safety made me relentless. Then you came out of blue introducing yourself as Khushi's husband," She breathed.

"I figured it out the minute it was you only when you told me it was her first husband who was bad to her. That lie was written on your face including the amount of guilt and restlessness and the longing. Those emotions I never saw on Sunit's face. He was never genuinely guilty for killing my brother and putting me through hell for the last 5 years. You told me what she went through and how she came out strong. That gave me hope. And I agreed. The first thing I asked from Khushi before she was to submit my case was to find my son and send him far away from Sunit's reach and she has had."

Arnav looked down at his wife resting her head on his shoulder with her eyes looking at the floor. She herself took it in her hands to find a 'RAHUL' and get him to safety without his help. How much difficult it must have been for her.

"Now I get to talk to my son everyday. Not only talk but also I video chat with him two times a day." Niti croaked reaching over to caress Khushi's face. "And it's all because of her. Whatever I do I could never repay her for what she has done for me. She gave me a whole new life."

Khushi shrugged her hand and dug herself in Arnav's embrace. It was another one of episode Arnav knew because of mention of Rahul. Niti looked at her concerned and apologetically at Arnav.

"I took it too far didn't I?" She said guiltily.

Arnav swallowed looking down at Khushi before raising his eyes to her.

"Do you know what name she selected for the child she never had the chance to give birth to?" Arnav asked burying his fingers in her hairs, softly caressing her tresses.

"No. She never mentioned it. What was it?" Niti whispered looking at Khushi anxiously. She seemed to be in an oblivion.

"Guess." Arnav croaked with corner of his eyes misting up.

"I don't-" She stopped whilst her eyes widened as it dawned on her. Her reaction made sense now.

"Oh my god!" She placed her palm over her mouth. "I am so sorry. I didn't know and I kept mentioning about him to her all the time." She reached over to Khushi and called out to her but she shrugged her off and shooting up stormed upstairs. Arnav didn't go after her.

"Khushi." Niti called out and moved her wheel chair to follow her.

"Let her be." Arnav gripped the armrest of her chair to stop her. She looked at him torn and guilty.

"It's okay. You didn't know." He patted her hand. She sniffled.

"She needs time to absorb it all. She is too overwhelmed right now because not only is she missing her child but also her buried feelings for me are coming forth with full force with every passing second." He choked at the end.

"When you loved her this much how could you strip her off of all the happiness she ever desired with you?" She seriously wanted to know.

"I don't know. I really don't know." He said brokenly. "I kept putting blames on others. Firstly on Khushi and Shyam and then on Di later on. Even though it was me all along who did everything to her no one else. No one else!" He hissed out. "Your husband is right. I am no better than him." He laughed dryly with his head lowered.

"NO!" Niti strongly interjected. "You are nothing like him so don't beat yourself up to it. You are way better. Maybe that's why you got your second chance. My husband don't have the guts to accept his mistakes let alone bear the punishment for it while you, not only did you accept it all but paid back for everything you did. Not only in jail but also out of it. Still you are paying for it and aren't complaining. So tell me how are you like him?"

She placed her hand on his. He raised his head and saw he didn't believe in anything she said.

She sighed.

"If I hadn't been weak due to my wounds then I myself would have beaten him up instead of Khushi." She said with a light smile. He let out a wounded smile at her attempt to cheer him up.

"I know you won't believe what I just said so easily because you have too much baggage on your shoulder right now but one day, you will--" She stopped. "Bhai," She breathed out with misty eyes.

Arnav's head shot up to her and before she knew it he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and patted the back of her head.

"Thank you for saying such comforting words. Even though they aren't true but they did make me feel better. A little bit." He croaked.

"Be ready." He pulled back and said.

"For what?" She wiped her tears feeling light like never before after sharing it all and having found a brother too. It's been so long she lost her elder brother at the hands of a monster.

"To explain everything in more precise detail to your lawyer once she would turn back to her professional mode." He said fondly. His eyes brightening up at the mention of Khushi.

"She is such a tease sometimes isn't she, Bhai?" She said mischievously.

"Ah-huh!" He stood up rubbing his pants. "Not sometimes. Often." He made a mock pity face.

"Aww poor you!" She smirked.

"Exactly." He said. "She would rather defend me in front of everyone than show her feelings to me in private. What a pity!" He sighed.

"Don't worry. Now your sister is here. I will surely help you pacify her." She winked.

"You will?" he raised an eyebrow in mock suspicion.

She bobbed her head with a smile. He smiled back and ruffled her hairs before dragging her wheel chair to the dining hall.

"You start eating while I will go get her."

"No. We will eat together."

"Okay then. Wait for us little sister."

"I am not little. I am 29." She whined.

"Still you are younger than me." He twitched his mouth smugly.

She made a face huffing.

Chuckling shortly he turned to the direction of the stairs before heaving a sigh. His features hardened as he climbed up to fight another battle with his wife to make ways for their future.

Months ago the woman who was in bridal dress who has been crying on ASR's apparent suicide was none other than renowned lawyer Khushi Gupta. Now a Raizada. Yes you heard it right. ASR is back with his first wife again. Looks like they have forgotten the past and has decided to move on. But the profession the famous lawyer Khushi Kumari Gupta has chosen might won't let her.

He halted outside their room as he heard the news she happened to be watching. With exaggerated slowness he opened the door and walked in without making a sound and found her looking at the screen with a poker face. The brokenness which he was expecting to see in her was nowhere in her stance. She was back to being 'normal'.

All he could do was sigh and took long strides to occupy the seat right besides her. She neither reacted nor acknowledged him. He opted to silence as well not knowing how to deal with the situation at hand. She has become quite unpredictable over the years just like he once was.

He followed her suit and directed his attention to the screen where the channel was showing the whole scene of Khushi beating Sunit along with clear audio.


"However he is. He isn't like you at all. DON'T YOU DARE COMPARE MY ARNAV WITH YOU because you are a scumbag not him, you bastard. Whatever he did he owned it. He took all the punishments but you.. you are anything but guilty after abusing your wife!"

His breath hitched in his throat. Though he has been an eye-witness of it all but still seeing it again raised goosebumps on his body. He never, ever has expected that she would defend him like this in front of the whole world. Also the way she addressed him as 'My Arnav' and 'My Husband' formed knots in his stomach.

Sunit's words of accusation were flashed in headlines through which the press was trying to decode what was right and what wasn't. Who was speaking the truth and who wasn't. All in all. Not only Sunit and Niti's but also Arnav and Khushi's reputation was at stake.

Is it really true that the famous lawyer Khushi Kumari Gupta chose this profession because she wanted to gather her broken pieces together by helping the women like her who has been abused? Or is it that it's all Sunit's Kapoor conspiracy to weaken his opponent?

The way Khushi Kumari Gupta nee Raizada has reacted to Sunit Kapoor's accusation and the way ASR and KKG behaved with each other in front of the press it seems Sunit was at wrong but as we look deep into the matters and Arnav Singh Raizada's past it tells a whole different story!

Does Arnav Singh Raizada really has a shady character? Is that why he has been jailed for seven years?

But coming to think of it. If he was really wrong then he should've taken helps from the ministers and his acquaintances when he was sentenced to jail but no, he didn't. Why? Because of his wife, some said. Or because of some other reason which no one else know till date. Looks like this case will surely open a pandora box of not only Sunit and Niti Kapoor's life but also of Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Kumari Gupta's life which had been under wraps for years and years!

He took the remote from her hand and changed the channel as he saw her stiffen. Too bad, the next channel was debating on the same topic.

Does Khushi Kumari Gupta really have a hypocrite nature? If what Sunit Kapoor said was right then we would have to give it to her for acting so brilliantly to help others for years while hiding her true self. She-

Arnav's face has turned red by now. He threw the remote across the room after switching off the television in sheer rage. Till the news channels were questioning his image he stayed silent but as soon as they started speaking ill of her his blood boiled.

"I am gonna sue them. How dare they spew nonsense?" He growled before taking his cellphone to call Aman to stop this pathetic scandal going on the news when he felt a hand on his startling as well as numbing him.

"Forget it." She said solemnly.

His nostrils flared as he gripped her hand over his and turned her face to his cupping her chin.

"Forget it? I can't, Khushi. They are just speculating without knowing the truth and you are asking me to stay silent while they question your character? No way!" He shook his head.

"It's not like I am facing it for the first time." She snapped. "Years ago it was more torturous than this. Only difference is that, here whole world is suspicious of my character while in the past only you were. You were the love of my life." She breathed out. His heart crushed. His eyes brimmed.

"Nothing could be that hurtful than the betrayal from the person you have loved with all of you. If I survived that I am pretty sure I can withstand anything."

He swallowed thickly blinking back the tears. Cupping his cheeks he tilted her face up close to his.

"You should know how much I regret everything I have done to you. These all may seem only mere words to you but I mean it with all of my heart." He choked touching his forehead with hers closing his eyes. He heard her sniffle.

"I have been unfair to you once. Never again, Khushi. Never again. Neither would I let myself hurt you nor anyone else. I would handle this matter my way. I would show them their place. I'd clear your name. I'd tell the whole truth to everyone -"

"NO!" She pulled back abruptly looking horrified. "No!" She shook her head. "No way in hell you're going to publicize my personal life. I won't have it." She said defiantly.

"But then how would I clear your name?" He cupped her shoulders looking pleadingly at her.

"I don't care what everyone think of me."

"I do!" He snapped cupping the sides of her neck. She removed his hands rigidly.

"I don't care about that either. You're not going to react or say anything about this matter. I'd ignore it all as well and would just concentrate on my case only!"

"All this mess could make your case weak too. Have you thought about that?" He retorted hoping she would at least try to consider his suggestion.

"I know how to win the case even if that bastard make various scandals like this one!" She was looking too calm but this only rubbed on Arnav as he stood up pulling her along. She protested but he flushed her closer and said looking into her stony yet beautiful hazel eyes.

"I know that. I know you are capable of anything. I know you can fight any obstacle but have you ever thought how much unemotional it would make you? It HAS made you. You are losing yourself in this madness. Have you any idea how much it is unbearable for me?"

She averted her eyes. He gulped whilst his face contorted in pain seeing that she who used to love herself years ago has now no regard for herself. She have dedicated her life for social work and she seemed to be willing to do anything to do so.

"You may not love yourself anymore but I do. And I won't let anyone badmouth about you." He stated sternly.

"If anything about our past leaked into the media then I'd divorce you!" She spat making him speechless.

Shoving him aside she turned to leave. He gripped her wrist stopping her at her track. Folding her arm at her stomach he pulled her back to his front. She breathed out stiffly standing in his embrace.

"Why do you always threaten to leave me?" He said quietly turning his head to bury his nose in her hairs.

"As if someone could threaten the great ASR." She mocked.

"Yet you very easily exploit my weakness to get your way." He spun her around to face him. She swallowed whilst her eyes met his chocolate brown ones full of emotions.

"I am not like you." She protested.

"You have a weird way of showing that." He retorted.

"I don't want to argue with you. Let go!" She glared.

He swiftly turned her around so that she was back to stand with him behind her. She held her breath as she felt him leaning closer. Closer. Closest.

"All this happened because Sunit provoked you and you reacted which you shouldn't have." He whispered in her ear from behind. She took a sharp intake of breath.

"Kya zaroorat thi itna hyper hone ki? Jo wo keh raha tha maire baare mai tha. Kya farak padhta hai? (What was the need to get so hyper? Whatever he was saying he was saying about me. It doesn't matter)" He murmured.

"Par humein farak padhta hai! (But it does matter to me!)" She yelled turning sharply to him stumping not only him but herself too.

Swallowing she looked here and there before meeting his eyes which were twinkling hearing her reply. She quickly composed herself to do the damage control.

"Koi bhi jhoot bole humse bardasht nahi hota aur wo insaan jhoot pe jhoot bol raha tha. (I can't stand lies and that man was continuously spewing the same!)" She hissed.

"Sach tha wo Khushi. Mai- (That was the truth Khushi. I-)"

"You were!" She cut him sharply whilst her eyes filled up. His heart clawed.

"You were." She croaked. His heart constricted some more as she added."That was long ago. And he was saying you're still an abus-" She trailed off wiping her eyes.

"Hey. I don't care what the world thinks of me Khushi. It's your opinion that matters the most to me."

"Really?" She mumbled against his chest causing his heart to clench hard.

"Absolutely!" He replied firmly, ruffling her hairs.

He was surprised at her sudden change of mood. Just a while ago she didn't want to even admit it and now she openly did. He sure have to go through a lot more to fully know this new Khushi. Seeing her struggling with her own emotions he quickly changed the topic. He couldn't bear to see her weak. At all.

"Niti is waiting for us to have lunch together." He informed. That seemed to have pulled her out of the trance. She moved back startled at her lack of composure when it comes to this man.

"Then we shouldn't keep her waiting." She said stiffly. "I want to have a word with her, too." She said in a professional mode.

His lips quirked up into a smile.

"That I expected quite right." He said fondly looking at her.

"Huh?" She frowned.

"Nothing." He shook his head. "Let's go."

She nodded and before he could grab her hand she stepped back and walked ahead of him. Heaving a sigh he followed her.

By the time they finished eating Khushi had extracted out all the information from Niti regarding her brother. Arnav could only gape every now and then the way she manipulated even a minute detail out of her. Be it the date of the murder to the exact time or location and also the place where her brother worked. His friends. His enemies. Everyone. Everything.

In all this Khushi didn't even let Niti think much of the past but her questions were so fluent and to the point that not once Niti shed a single tear the way she did earlier while telling the truth. Arnav looked smug with pride at the end of it all. This genius and empathetic woman was his wife and he couldn't be more prouder.

The lunch ended on a light note as Khushi noticed Arnav gawking at her while bringing the spoon up to his mouth and then back to the bowl from which he was eating. Which by now was empty. Amused Khushi saw that he didn't notice it at all and continued bringing spoon back and forth from the bowl to his mouth causing a smile to form on her lips. Seeing which Niti followed her line of vision and chuckled.

Khushi shook her head and reached over to pick the empty bowl and filling it up placed it back in front of him. Arnav has come back to his senses the moment she picked the bowl and was now looking sheepishly in between her and the soup in the bowl. Scratching the back of his neck he smiled nervously at Khushi who smiled back at him much to his delight.

Niti saw this exchange with a smile on her face as well. This moment seemed to have dissolved at least some tension if not all between the couple.

But when has it ever happened that Arnav and Khushi have their happiness without any hurdles. Rehan came running in the dining hall with a horror stricken face.

"Arnav baba," He said urgently breaking their trance. The trio looked at him and the smile wiped off their faces seeing his condition.

"What's wrong?" Arnav asked seriously.

"There is a police outside the mansion and they are saying that they are here to arrest Khushi Madam in a defemation case."

"WHAT?" Arnav shoot up from the chair while Niti has turned pale as white.

It was only Khushi who didn't show any reaction.

"Guards has kept them at the gates but they couldn't hold them for long. They have the arrest warrant."

"Arrest warrant, my ass!" Arnav muttered clenching his hands. "I'd see how'd anyone dare touch my wife let alone take her to prison!" He growled.

"Send them in!" It was Khushi who said that causing Arnav, Niti and Rehan to look at her in disbelief.

"Did you even hear what he said? They are here to arrest you and you are asking to let them in? Never!"

"I am a lawyer myself Arnav. I know what an arrest warrant means and if I defied it would result in more serious problems. So I am asking you to let them in!" She gritted out looking up at him defiantly.

"Settle them in the lawns. I will be out in a bit." Arnav ordered trying to calm his nerves. Rehan left nodding. But when Khushi stood up to follow Rehan out Arnav took long strides to block her way.

"Where do you think you are going?" He stood like a wall before her.

"Where do you think I am going?" She countered huffing.

"Go to your room!" He ordered leaning closer to her. For a moment a flash of fear passed through her eyes before it was gone replaced by defiance.

"I dare you force me!" She matched him glare to glare. He grunted.

"I can't deal with you right now, Mrs. Raizada so sorry in advance!" He leaned to peck her head before grabbing her elbow dragged her protesting form along with him and shoved her inside the closest room before locking it from outside.

Niti watched it all dumbstruck whilst Khushi kept banging the door shouting at Arnav to let her out or she would sue him. He touched his head to the door releasing a sigh closing his eyes before he turned his back to the door when his phone pinged with a message. He opened it and muttered a profanity reading the content.

'ASR, Sunit's lawyer has filed an FIR against Khushi mam and the police is on the way to arrest her.'

"You are too slow, Aman. They are already here. Now listen and do as I say." He barked calling Aman before walking out to the lawn where three officers and one lady constable were waiting.

Niti breathed harshly in his wake knowing very well who was behind it all. It's time she take some serious actions or Sunit would ruin the lives of her saviors.

So she wheeled her chair back to her room turning deaf ears to Khushi's shouts to let her out before it all quietened down to a defeaning silence. Not only inside but also out there in the lawns.

Was it the silence before the storm?

Trembling with shock she waited in the room while he went out to talk with Arham. If Arham hadn't walked in she was sure she would have had another nightmarish memory attached to her marriage with the man she gave her heart to.

A squeal left her as the door burst open and he walked in looking extremely on the edge. He saw her reaction and her eyes dilated in fear he recalled Arham's advice and relaxed his features.

"Earlier I wasn't in a very good mood.You got in the way so I couldn't control it. Did I hurt you?" He asked coming to stand an arm length away from her. She raised her wet lashes to him and shook her head even though she was hurt not only physically but emotionally, too.

She sucked in breath when he caught her hand and inspected it turning it around before trailing his eyes up to her upper arms where his fingers has left the marks. Not only that he noticed the torn saree too which she has been wearing.

"You haven't changed this saree yet? Can't you see it's torn?" He asked casually as if he didn't scare her off enough to use anything in this, HIS mansion.

Khushi looked at him painfully before averting her eyes. Her one gaze was enough to unsettle him. Tightening his jaws he bent and carried her up much to her horror.

"I am sorry I didn't respond. I am so sorry. I didn't know what to say. Please?" She started pleading when she noticed him taking her to the bed. Soon enough she was sobbing burying her face in her palms while he stopped at his tracks with her crying in his arms.

"Please don't do this. Please don't." She cried. A plethora of emotions hit him in waves taking him completely off guard. He stood rigidly until he gathered himself. Upon that her sobs were only adding up to his torture.

"If you didn't stop crying then it would surely happen what you are dreading." His one sentence said in extreme calmness and it worked wonders on her. She swallowed down all her tears and removed her hands from her face to reveal her tear-stricken face.

Calm descended on him too surprisingly when she stopped crying unsettling him some more. Shaking his head to ward off his wayward thoughts he put her down to sit on the bed.

Khushi was by now shaking badly but when he turned and walked to the walk-in closet she inhaled and exhaled sharply to bring her breathing back to normal but too bad he was back before she could even relax. More so he sat besides her and at once peeled the strips of her blouse off her shoulders until her arms were exposed.

Her face turned horror struck. She barely managed to keep herself from bursting out crying which though Arnav saw but ignored it deliberately and reached for something in the drawer.

Khushi was feeling too scared to notice anything else but imagine the hurt which would follow so she stayed too still that he at one moment felt a little worried because she seemed to be holding her breath for too long that her face turned blue.

"Breath!" He ordered sternly. She gasped harder in response while he who was applying ointment on her upper arms stopped right there as her breaths came out in spurts.

"Look." He gestured through his eyes. Scared she obeyed and found him rubbing something on her skin.

"I am applying medicine on your arms. And here," He picked the saree he brought from the closet himself and placed it on her lap. "Change into it."

"I don't have it in me neither strength nor any money to pay you back for using it." She choked looking away in angst.

His Adam's apple bobbed.

"You don't have to pay me. You can use anything in this mansion without paying me back. Okay?" He said softly that Khushi couldn't help but look at him confused.

"What are you playing at?" She asked feeling like her chest would burst out with the pain and hurt gathered there with no clear answer from him.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

In answer he adjusted the strips back on her shoulders and standing up turned his back to her. She grabbed his wrist firmly.

"You have to answer me, Arnav ji. Why? What is it that I have ever done to you? Why are you so angry at me? Why didn't you show this side of yours to me when the last six months we were dating? Why did you marry me when you detest me this much that you are torturing me like this? Why didn't you tell me you are a monster in disguise of a prince charming?" She cried out walking around him to come face to face with him. He balled his hands into fists but didn't say anything. He looked away.

"Arnav ji," She stretched his name hiccuping. Cupping his cheeks she turned his face to her. "Don't look away. It hurts."

He scoffed in reply.

"You really are a good actress. I have to give you that."

"When did I act?" She bellowed on the verge of losing her sanity. "I was always honest with you." She shook him hard. He pried her hands off him and shoved her aside. She fell on the bed with a cry. Burying her face into the mattress she wailed out loud while he stood with his back to her with his eyes closed.

When he couldn't take it anymore he opted to leave.

"Do you want me to hate you? Do you want me to think ill of you?" She asked from behind.

He whirled around to face her and saw her straightening up to sit on the bed looking like a broken doll. He almost reached out to console her. Almost.

"Call me monster, heartless or tyrant or whatever the hell you want to. I don't give a damn of what you think of me at all Khushi Kumari Gupta."

"Khushi Singh Raizada it is , Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada!" She snapped standing up. "And I promise you I will find out why you are being like this soon." She challenged.

He saw amazed how him being a little bit soft with her gave her strength to stand back on her feet. All strong. All confident. All 'Khushi' like. Arham was right. He has to keep her sane to extract out his revenge and he will.

"Good luck with that." He smirked devilishly and walked out leaving a frustrated and equally heartbroken Khushi behind.

In the middle of the corridor Arnav ran into Arham who was coming from the front. Seeing the secretive smile on Arnav's lips he raised his eyebrow. Smile disappeared and darkness fell across his demeanor along with hardness that even a composed man like Arham felt chills running down her spine.

"I know how to get my revenge and keep her sane too until I don't." Arnav said darkly.

"How may I ask?"

"She wants to know the reason why I married her." Arnav looked Arham in the eye. "She would find that out but only on the day I'd want her to."

The darkness emanating from Arnav scared Arham.

"Why not now?" Arham asked cautiously. "Maybe she has her own side of the story to tell you."

"We have discussed it already Arham. Use your practice to keep Khushi sane. You don't have the ability to make me back out of my revenge so don't even try." Arnav said angrily and stormed off while Arham could only let out a resigned sigh in his wake.

"I have to use my practice to bring you back to sanity as well, Raizada!" He whispered to himself.

Could he?

Is the big question mark!

Inside the room all locked up Khushi was boiling in rage. Her throat turned hoarse with all the bellows. When she couldn't yell anymore she turned and sat angrily on the bed clutching the either sides cursing a certain person in her mind before her eyes widened as she heard the beep of her cellphone.

She pulled it out of her jeans pocket urgently and saw a message from an unknown number. Frowning she opened it.

Your beloved husband has got to spend his time in jail . Now its your turn!

She gritted her teeth. She didn't need any confirmation from whom this text was. Sunit Kapoor was surely trying to rub all of her wounds because not only did she made his wife file the divorce case against him but also took away his trump card, Niti's son out of his reach so that he couldn't blackmail Niti anymore. If that wasn't enough she stood headstrong against him and had beaten him before the media. He must have been going insane with the humiliation he must have felt for being beaten up by a woman. No wonder he would retaliate.

She ignored the message and walked to the glass windows outlooking the lawn folding her arms under her breasts. Her eyes fixated on Arnav talking to constables seriously. His aura screamed of danger and threat. Even from a far she could feel the intensity of his stance. He looked the same tyrant who once has been her whole world and destroyed the same 'world' with him in it mercilessly for his sister.

She pitied those police officers because this time it was her he wanted to save and protect. She wondered to what lengths he would go now to achieve the same? She shuddered as some past events flashed through her mind causing chills to run down her spine.

She shook her head and turned to lean against the glass windows closing her eyes.

"I don't care what the world thinks of me Khushi. It's your opinion that matters the most to me."

Her eyes snapped open whilst she breathed out.

"Call me monster, heartless or tyrant or whatever the hell you want to. I don't give a damn of what you think of me at all Khushi Kumari Gupta."

She scoffed. Its downright shocking and disturbing that the same man who didn't give a damn to her at one time was now dedicating all of him to her only. Try as she might she couldn't trust him fully whenever he confesses or does something for her. Almost a month has passed since she has started living with him and though his confession and sweet talks do get to her sometimes but as the reality struck her she withdraws. She knew she had to otherwise he would become her doom. All over again.

In the past when he was trying to woo her he used to do sweet and unbelievable things for her as well. She doesn't know how this all is anything different now. Where is the guarantee that he wouldn't turn her down this time?

She also know that in the past he had a reason to act that way. He thought her to be a liar, cunning and deceitful woman and he stooped to that level himself to punish her. And now, now what was it he was trying to prove by being all over-protective of her?

Does he really love her or it is another one of his schemes to rip her off her everything?

"Dimagh se kam lo Khushi. Tumhare pass bacha hi kya hai jo mai tumse cheenun ga? (Use your brains Khushi. What are you left with anyways that I'd snatch it from you?)" He has growled.

It jerked her out of her dilemma. Her heart clenched so hard in her chest that she almost cried. Eyes brimmed with tears she slid against the glass to sit on the floor with her knees to her chest, arms around them with her chin on her folded hands.

Only she knew how she survived that blow from him days ago when he cut her with his words mercilessly. He hasn't changed a bit. He has just learnt to hide his sharp tongue from her. She let out a wounded laugh.

"When I am left with nothing then why is he with me?" She murmured to herself.

"I..I love you Khu..Khushi." he choked with his red eyes full of unshed tears before his eyes closed and his head fell on her shoulder limply as he lost consciousness.

"You thought I love you.Haha.What a joke.Want to know the truth.Then Listen i never loved you.I never will.I love someone else.She is my life!"


"Stand up for yourself bitiya. He doesn't love you. He just used you."

"Because.. Because.. I love you. And please this time I am sure. More sure than anything in my life. Believe me!"

Threading her fingers in her hairs she threw her head in between her knees and screamed hard as her head buzzed hanging between past and present. Love and hate. Trust and distrust.

"What am I doing?" She cried out to herself raising her head. "Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I living with him when it is only making me suffer more? Is avenging myself more important than my own sanity?" She sobbed out.

"Why am I torturing myself?" Her body racked with sobs. She stood up abruptly and her eyes fell on his confident stance as he stood up out there and shook hands with officers before they walked out.

"Look at him." She gritted her teeth seeing him standing on his feet all defiantly without an aura of brokenness in his demeanor while she, she was still burning in the same hell he ignited in her years ago.

With her palms she wiped her cheeks as she thought of a way to disrupt his peace. She would wipe that confident aura and make him as helpless as she was feeling right now. Composing herself she waited for him because she knew he would come directly to her after sending police off. He has to carry the charade of being a loving husband, right.

If some outsiders say something against her she couldn't stand it and here she was herself doubting him. Not only that she has made ways to 'damage' his apparantly calm exterior as well.

She heard the door unlocking before it creaked open. She turned and saw him almost barging in to rush to her.

"I handled it for the time being." He breathed coming over to cup her cheeks. "And I am really very sorry for acting recklessly earlier. I-I was just worried sick for you. I couldn't let them take you to jail. You don't --" He paused and swallowed as shadows passed across his face of a never ending suffering of imprisonment and wait in the hell of his own making. "--you don't know how prisoners live there." He whispered at the end.

"And you do." She stated coldly.

"You know that I do." He murmured touching his head with hers. "I'd never let you go through that. Never." He rasped.

"You are really being so considerate of me for a while now." She pulled back and looked him in the eye. He felt goosebumps erupting on his skin even though she passed him a warm smile.

Then why his heart was feeling cold all of a sudden?

She moved closer. His breath hitched. She caressed his cheek from the back of her hand before wrapping her arms around his neck to lock them at his nape.

"You are doing so much for me." She mumbled eyeing his lips. He swallowed thickly. His hands on her cheeks trembled.

"It's only fair that I repay you back for your kindness." She tugged at his nape jerking him closer with her lips almost touching his. He forgot to draw in breath. He shut his eyes tight as she leaned touching her cheek with his before whispering in his ear.

"I have a present for you."

"Huh?" He replied in a daze. She pulled back to look in his eyes bringing him somewhat back to his senses. He blinked to gather his wits.

"Khushi?" He croaked.

"I said I have a gift for you. Come I will show you." She chirped and grabbing his wrist dragged him out to the stairs up to their room before leaving his hand only when they were in the middle of it.

He frowned seeing her enthusiasm. She left his hand and walked in the closet. After a few moments she came out with her one hand folded at her back. Coming to stand in front of him just a step away she smiled. He felt his head buzzing.

"Hold out your hand for me will you?" She asked softly.

His hand shook as he held it out upturned. She unfolded her hand and placed the thing she has had in her hand over his palm. He glanced at it once before looking up at her confused although his heart broke into pieces as his mind told him the reason very clearly.

"What is it?" He feigned innocence even though he saw what it was.

"Since I am living in such a big house and not only eating but also using almost everything here so it won't look nice if I don't pay you." She kept her head turned while saying all that. He clenched his hand around the cheque tightening his jaws.

"Look at me and say that again, Khushi." He gritted.

She snapped her eyes at him at the warning in his tone.

"I am not afraid of you." She spat veiling all the other emotions except for contempt.

"I know you aren't!" He retorted crumpling the cheque in his palm. "Then why dammit?" He yanked her closer. "To hurt me?" His gaze full of hurt pierced into hers. She looked away. He cupped her chin and forced her to look back at him. She protested.

"Back then I couldn't pay you. Now I can. And I should!" She put on a strong front and broke him there and then.

"You are settling scores one by one aren't you?" He said too brokenly that she felt her knees turning jelly. If he hadn't been holding her she would have fallen down. She stopped moving and kept standing in his hold without answering him which cut him even more.

"You are not a paying guest. You are my wife!" He exclaimed tightening his hold around her.

"Don't make a big deal about it, Arnav. It's just that I don't like owning anyone anything and ever since I have come to live with you, you have done so much for me. It's the least I could do for you."

"You think I brought you here to live with me for money?" He asked hoarsely.

"I don't see any other reason." She replied icily.

"You are a fool then!" He bellowed glaring at her.

"Suits me!" She glared back fiercely.

"What about the thousands and millions of time I told you I love you?" He cried out nuzzling his nose with hers. Jolts of electricity ran down her spine. She wriggled with more force as her heart galloped violently in her chest.

Not getting any answer from her destroyed him more and he pushed her away and tore the cheque into pieces in front of her eyes before throwing the pieces in air. She gulped blinking back the tears. His eyes weren't dry either.

"If you want to repay me back so badly then how about giving me a chance to love you to heal you?" He asked through clenched teeth.

Here he thought they were making progress while all this time she was staying here thinking herself as a guest?

A hand clawed at his heart.

"The cheque you just tore," She stopped as she saw his face turning red with both hurt and anger. "--was just a rough estimate of the money you spent on me. If you have spent more in this month for me then let me know I'll sign another one." She continued as if he didn't say anything. As if she didn't see him shattered at all. It's just that she has become master at hiding her feelings. All thanks to him.

As he stood stock still on his place looking at her with a plethora of emotions showing on his face with his eyes full of unshed tears she made a run to the door to leave or else before him she would have broken down.

"Stop!" His raspy tone glued around her feet and she found herself unable to take another step. She stopped with her back to him and held her chest with her hand right above her heart which suddenly felt like was being stabbed with prickling needles.

He turned and saw her back facing him. He swiped a hand across his eyes and taking long strides walked around her to come face to face with her. She dropped her hand to her side and turned when he snaked his arms around her waist to pull her closer. She crashed to his chest pressed from head to toe.

"I can't take this 'rent' because this house is in your name not mine. So technically I should pay you for staying at your place." He paused to draw in a sharp breath. She rasped.

Leaning in he touched his nose to her head biting back the sobs.

"Tell me what the rent is and I will pay you. You have the liberty to take every decision in your home and if you don't want me to be around this mansion begging for your love, just.. just.. say so and I'll never step a foot in here ever again." He choked breathing on her face while Khushi had her own stuck in her throat.

Trembling with emotions he whimpered before brushing his lips to her forehead sniffling and then he was gone leaving a stunned Khushi behind rooted to her spot.

As soon as she heard the bang of the door her legs gave away and she fell on the ground along with her shattered self. Looks like her own plan backfired on her and in order to take away his peace she has disrupted her own, too.

Her plan was bang on and it hit the bull's eye but while planning to hurt him she forgot one most important thing here. This was the only man she has loved all her life. How could she stay ignorant to the pain she would inflict on him? But if she still did so in order to make him suffer it would hurt her tenfolds more. And it did. Absolutely!

On one side it was Arham's attempts to make things bearable for Khushi if not easier and on the other side nature played a role too to protect Khushi from Arnav's monstrosity for the time being. Despite the stress she had her monthly cycle on her due date only because of which Arnav has to keep his distance.

Still she spent those days in terror waiting for the volcano to erupt every passing second. He has become so detached to her that she couldn't even recognize him anymore. Although he has changed her sleeping arrangement. He allowed her to stay in his room but she wasn't allowed to use the bed. She made her own bed on the floor at nights.

He would go to office really early in the morning and come home very late. She couldn't find any opportunity to confront him nor did he let her. She wanted to know everything that he has buried in himself which made him behave this way with her but he wasn't giving her any chance to unravel him at all.

In those days Arham took it on him to spend at least an hour with her making the excuse of the kitchen work when she spent her time cooking for Arnav three times a day but he never even touched a thing she laid her hands on destroying her some more. He was using her own emotions against her and he was succeeding quite well in breaking her piece by piece.

She regarded Arham as a chef and would talk only when she would need to otherwise she kept her distance as she has got to know about Arnav's temperament well. She didn't want to add to her problems by being friendly with any of the staff or she would pay for it.

Arham though would himself find reasons to keep her mind off the torture she was going through when Arnv wasn't around. Being ignored and despised by the man you love isn't pretty to bear and Khushi has been bearing that up since the day she married.

She did falter sometimes upon her strong front she put up when she is in front of the staff but still she managed not to give anyone any hint of her shattered self. If Arham wasn't a pro in reading people's emotions on their faces he was sure he would've got caught in her act as well.

"Cooking. So back to your daily hobby huh?"

Khushi jumped at her place hearing the voice and turned to find Arham standing a few feets away leaning against the refrigerator.

She just nodded at him blankly and turned back to her work.

"You shouldn't be doing such chores. Instead you should just order us servants to do your work while you'd just relax and take it easy. What's the point of making so many dishes for the man who doesn't even touch them? At the end you only distribute it all to the staff here."

She whirled around and looked at him shocked.

"W-Who him?"

He chuckled dryly in answer.

"Everyone else here thinks you are just another one of the staff working here but I know better." He said knowingly.

Khushi started trembling.

"I didn't tell you did I? Please don't tell him that you know." She pleaded folding her hands breathing harshly. She looked ready to panic.

"No you didn't tell me. And I won't tell anyone anything." He said softly before she could go hysteric.

"You need to take it easy!" There was something in his tone and stance that Khushi instantly calmed down and inhaled and exhaled before she stood before him all calm. While he waited patiently for her to do so.

"How did you-" She twisted her hands while asking that but he cut her in the middle.

"You don't need to know. Like you I have some secrets too." He said mysteriously.

"What do you want? Why are you keeping an eye on me?" She asked scared. "Is it because of you he is mad at me?" She choked with her eyes full of unshed tears.

"Well," He suddenly smiled cheerfully. "I love to make friends and looking at you I think you are seriously in a need of one. So," He pushed himself off the fridge and walked to face her before extending his hand forward.

"Will you do me the honor to be your friend?"

"NO!" Her answer was quick and certain. She shook her head terrified."No, no, no. Never!"

"I don't even know why he is so angry at me. I don't want to make friends behind his back to give him more reasons to be mad at me."

"He is being an asshole to you and you are being so considerate of him? Grow a spine, Khushi. Don't be blinded by love so much."

"I am not blinded." She snapped. "I am hurt. And wounded!" She croaked blinking back the tears.

He looked away seeing her on the verge of breaking down. Thankfully all the other staff weren't around or else,

"I have been living in a dream world till the moment I was sitting in his room as his bride before he pushed me back to reality on our wedding night." She cried out. She needed to release her pent up emotions and she grasped at the very first opportunity she got.

Despite being a collective person Arham felt like someone put his whole body on fire as he didn't need her to say the torment she must have gone through.

"Since then I am living in a hell, mister." She spat glaring at him. "I don't know why the man I love has become this beast and not knowing," She stopped abruptly, breathed and sniffled. "Not knowing the reason is making it worse. I need a closure. I need him to say it directly that he never loved me. But he won't. He won't give me that salvation either." She sobbed out.

"He is hanging me between the thread of love and hate and by now, for days both of these emotions has been knotting too much in here," She pointed to her throat. "Like a noose they are enveloping me in every passing moment and I don't know till when could I breathe like this." She exhaled in and out sharply.

Arham listened it all patiently with a poker face while she bawled her eyes out leaning against the counter with her head lowered.

"See, I told you. You need a friend." He spoke after several moments which made her shot her head up and she saw him giving her an encouraging smile. For some strange reason she felt oddly comforted when he didn't make any comment nor did show anything like pity for her.

Instead he extended his hand back at her to which she gazed at for a few second sniffling before swiping a hand over her wet cheeks and then placed her hand in his before shaking it twice. Arham smiled wide.

"There. It wasn't that difficult was it?" He said letting her hand go before turning to fill a glass of water and held it out for her. She took it silently and drank it all. He took the glass back and placed it on the counter behind.

"How about we both solve this puzzle together?" He said in a comforting tone.

"You will help me?" She asked surprised.

"Why not?" He narrowed his eyes. "What are friends for anyway?"

"But what if he found out?" Her eyes dilated in fear.

"He is hiding a secret from you. Now, you will have a secret of your own. If he found out then it would even you both out. Won't it?"

"No. I can't take your help. It can get you in trouble. You could lose your job." She said concerned.

Arham sighed looking at her innocent face contorted in worry.

If only Arnav would see her now. He has become her friend just a few minutes ago and she was worrying for him. How much devotion she must have had for Arnav whom she loves dearly? He could not imagine.

"We just sealed our promise to be friends with a hand shake didn't we? Now even if you refuse I'd got rights to meddle in your business to make sure you are happy and .. safe."

She looked at him painfully in response.

"He once made a vow to keep me happy, too. I guess he meant otherwise." She scoffed.

Arham sighed.

"I tell you what." He said secretively. "Leave that jerk and marry me. I'd definitely keep my promises!" He winked and said it in such a way that Khushi couldn't help but chuckle despite being sad.

"That jerk is my husband and your boss, Mister Chef." She played along.

"It's not mister chef but master chef now-a-days. I think." He said scratching the back of his head.

She laughed in response and that was the moment Arham froze there and then seeing that how the laughter changed her into a whole different person. More beautiful than ever.

Seeing him lost she waved her hand in front of his face. He jerked back to present and staggered back turning to a side with a hand on his forehead.

What was he thinking?


"What's wrong?" Khushi noticed his changed demeanor.

"Uh-nothing." He smiled nervously.

"Are you okay?" She asked seeing him sweating.

"Y-Yeah. Yes, I guess." He frowned while saying this but avoided her gaze. "I am just hungry." He shrugged composing himself dabbing his handkerchief on his face.

"Oh!" Khushi smiled. Arham turned his eyes to look at her the same moment and swallowed.

What the heck man!

Get a grip!

She is your friend's wife!

Not only friend but a possessive monster!

He shook his head to get rid of the forbidden thoughts.

"Here!" He came back to present this time as she held out a bowl in front of his face. "A token of our friendship from me!" She said smiling.

Smiling back he took it and she waited. He looked at her in question to which she asked him to tell her how does it taste?

He nodded and took a bite. He couldn't help but moan in pleasure as the desert she made tasted delicious. It somewhat took his mind off the other thoughts and brought him back to sanity.

"It's delicious, Khushi." He said totally surprised. She laughed seeing the funny face he made while talking with his mouth full. Although she distributed her hand made food to everyone when Arnav didn't eat but he never got the chance to eat it until today.

"Thank you." She said as the smile slowly waned from her face. He turned serious too.

"And not just for compliment but also for making me smile and laugh. I almost forgot how to." She croaked.

"Well," He added cheerfulness in his tone. "Now that I am here I will make sure you smile and laugh more often." He said the last two words seriously. She smiled sadly.

"Thanks in advance then?" She said to which he chuckled.

"Can I have more?" He asked finishing the bowl quickly.

"Sure!" She took the bowl and turned to refill it while Arham went into thinking mode.

If Arnav wasn't ready to find out the whole truth, he himself will so that he could end this girl's misery who doesn't just look innocent but also was pure at heart. Of that he was dead sure!

And before he would leave he would prove it to Arnav too!

"For now this matter is resolved but only temporarily. We need to take serious actions or you yourself know how cunning Sunit Kapoor is."

Aman was explaining while he was rolling the paper weight on the table sitting behind the desk in his study with his gaze fixed at the photo frame on his right.

"Cunning?" Arnav scoffed before directing his gaze to Aman sitting across him. Placing his elbows on the desk Arnav leaned forward.

"Answer one question for me honestly Aman."

"Sure, ASR." Aman's reply was quick.

"What is the difference between Sunit Kapoor and me?" He asked hoarsely with his eyes prickling. Aman stared at him dumbstruck.

"ASR?" Aman said. Arnav wasn't done yet.

"Do I deserve being with Khushi after everything I had done in the past? Does it give me a clean slate just because I spent seven years in jail? Or just because I am guilty and in love should I be forgiven?"

Aman looked away. He had to because for the first time he was seeing ASR like this right in front of him.

"You look tired ASR. I should get going so you could rest." Aman said with empathy.

"You too don't have an answer do you?" Arnav said silently looking at nothing in particular.

"If you want me to share my point of view then I'd say you have suffered enough. You both have. It's not about whether you deserve Mam or not. It's about what she deserves. And she doesn't deserve being deserted by you again and again."

Arnav's head shot up to him in disbelief.

"Who said I am going to desert her?" Arnav exclaimed punching his fist on the desk.

"Being deserted doesn't just means 'leaving' someone. There are many other ways you could desert her."

"How so may I ask?" Arnav gritted clearly offended at what Aman was implimenting here.

"Now you love her unconditionally. And if it came to the point that you had to give up on her for her sake you'd do that for sure. That's one kind of deserting your loved one."

Arnav swallowed thickly.

"If being with me is hurting her more then what's the point of keeping her bound to me?" Arnav said defeated leaning back on the chair.

Aman sighed.

"I know what you are thinking, ASR but this time let it be her decision whether of being with you or leaving you. Just like past if you asked her to leave this time you'd be shattering her beyond repair. Because," Aman paused.

Arnav frowned as he left it in the middle.

"Because what?"

"It's not my place to say this." Aman shifted in his seat.

"Just say it Aman!"



"Because she is still in love with you!" He blurted out.

Arnav closed his eyes in pain blinking back the tears.

"Even you could see that. Her parents, media, the world all could see it. They know what she feels for me. EVERYONE DOES BUT .. but her." He growled before whispering at the end helplessly.

"Are you okay?" Aman asked concerned.

"Leave." Arnav waved his hand. Nodding Aman left while Arnav stood up from the chair and paced in his study.

"Since I am living in such a big house and not only eating but also using almost everything here so it won't look nice if I don't pay you."

His pace quickened. He balled his hands into fists before coming to stand in front of glass windows outlooking the city. The sun was slowly setting down slowly but steadily taking away the light.

"The cheque you tore was just a rough estimate of the money you spent on me. If you have spent more in this month for me then let me know I'll sign another one."

"Don't make a big deal about it, Arnav. It's just that I don't like owning anyone anything."

He put his fist to his mouth in sheer angst whilst his vision blurred with unshed tears as certain past memories made a blasting comeback.

"For as long as you're here you'd pay for everything you'd use in this mansion. Let's start from paying for the clothes you are wearing."

"Do you know how much that saree costs which you have so casually draped around yourself?"

"20,000 Rupees." He said breathing on her face chilling her.

"Now even if you served me the whole day you'd not be able to pay even half of it."

Screams brew up inside of him which try as might he couldn't control. A howling scream left him as he punched the glass in vengeance with his face turning red.

"If that question of 'why' left your little mouth again then you'd have one lac to pay me to earn my time to sit with you and explain without me doing what I so intend to do right now."

"You will sleep in the kitchen from now on. Get a pillow and a blanket and get out of my sight."

"You will pay the rent to stay there too. Also for using that pillow and blanket as well."

Rasping for breaths he touched his head to the glass with the knuckles of his right hand swollen and bruised but the pain that shoot through him physically wasn't enough to numb the emotional one.

Gasping he pushed himself back feeling suffocated all of a sudden and ran out of the study only to stop short as he saw her coming downstairs lost in her thoughts. He didn't know what came over him that he found himself running to her and blocking her way startling her.

More so his condition made her more dumbstruck. Bloodshot misty eyes, red face, nerves at his neck and temples standing out and as she trailed her gaze down she gasped seeing his hand injured.

"Wh-" The rest of the words died in her throat as he threw his arms around her and embraced her tight.

"Don't move, please." He choked when she protested against him. "I need it. I need it, badly." He pleaded burying his nose in her hairs hiding her form in his cocoon.

Try as might she couldn't push him after that as she know it was her who has particularly took it on her to torture him and now when she succeeded she just wanted to comfort him. Her eyes brimmed at her own conflicted emotions.

"Your hand," Khushi said with her hands at her side while he stood with his one arm around her waist and another buried in her hairs entangling his fingers in the soft tresses.

"It's fine." He croaked. "It's nothing. I am okay." He bit back a sob trying and failing miserably to compose himself.

"Chote?" They heard and sprang apart shocked seeing Anjali standing at the door with a teary smile on her face.

"Di!" He exclaimed looking scared in between her and Khushi. "What are you doing here?" He asked urgently while Khushi turned to leave when he grabbed her wrist.

"I didn't call her I swear." He whispered just for her ears.

"Doesn't matter." She said with a poker face twisting her hand in his hold while Arnav shook his head.

Anjali watched the exchange with furrowed brows.

"Don't worry." Anjali said out loud bringing the couple's attention to her. "I just came to say goodbye to my brother." She addressed Khushi.

"Hmm," Khushi said freeing her hand from Arnav's grip. "I will leave you two to it." She turned and found her way blocked by him.

"Arnav?" She gritted.

"Who said she can't say goodbye with you by my side?" Arnav grasped her hand and gestured to Anjali through his hand to follow him. Anjali looked on hurt that neither he hugged or greeted her properly. His whole focus was directed on making sure Khushi wasn't mad at him.

He took the couch pulling Khushi along with him while Anjali sat on the single one across them deeply hurt yet she didn't say anything. She couldn't.

Arnav was continously struggling to calm Khushi sitting besides him but she seemed to be not in a mood to be where his sister was so he tried one last and only available option to stop her protests at once. He left her hand and wounded an arm around her waist pulling her by his side stilling her right there and then. Anjali pretended she didn't see it.

"More than the goodbye I want to pass on Dhruv's message to you." Anjali started expectantly.

Arnav gulped noticing Khushi's reaction from the corner of his eyes. Khushi raised her eyebrow at Anjali.

"He was very happy when you spent whole day with him the other day. He couldn't stop talking about you. He wanted to call or come meet you again but I stopped him. I knew you won't like it." Anjali said while Arnav has gone rigid at his place.

"Why won't he like it?" Khushi spoke much to Arnav's disbelief and Anjali's, too. "Dhruv is Arnav's nephew. The boy has all the rights in the world to spend time with his Mama."

Not only Arnav but also Anjali looked at her shocked for a moment because by her stance it seemed she meant every word she said. She wasn't throwing a tantrum nor was she being sarcastic.

"I know what's it like to have a niece or nephew. Pari, my niece is a breath of fresh air in my otherwise dull life. I wouldn't let go of any chance to spend with her."

Arnav swallowed before releasing a relieved sigh.

"I know what you and Arnav are thinking right now. Yes," She sighed. "I don't like you, Anjali. Why? I don't know the clear answer either." She paused. "Even though you hadn't been the one to destroy my life directly but let's just be honest here. You were the major triggering factor. Maybe that's the reason or maybe, just maybe I am jealous of you being a mother while I could never be." Khushi was too blunt that the brother-sister duo gaped at her.

"Khushi," Arnav said but she cut him still looking at Anjali.

"Today I got to know that Arnav has bought this mansion on my name. He also said that I could invite or throw anyone out as and when I please including him." Khushi said casually.

Anjali's eyes widened.

"So, this is the first and the last time I am tolerating your presence in my home uninvited. If you want to meet Arnav or if Arnav wants to meet either you or your son you could do so anywhere outside not here." Khushi said with such authority that Anjali felt her throat drying up.

"You have changed." Anjali stated softly without feeling offended. Despite her rudeness Anjali couldn't help but feel the pain hidden under her strong persona. Strangely she could relate to her.

Khushi scoffed.

"You are definitely not the first one to tell me that." Khushi commented with a smirk. Arnav all the while had his breaths stuck up in his throat.

"Di, leave." He said firmly all of a sudden causing the ladies to look at her. "You wanted to say goodbye. Here, bye and good luck with your life." He stood up with an arm around Khushi.

"Chote?" She choked standing up too. "Don't be like this. Please?" She burst out sobbing seeing him averting his eyes.

"I don't deserve the treatment you dished out to me when all I ever wanted was your happiness. Your safety. Even when I asked the doctor to sedate you I didn't had any intention to keep you away from Khushi but just to keep you safe. Alive." She cried out. "You do know what's its like to loose a sibling still you,"

Khushi felt Arnav stiffening by her side with his hand snaked around her waist.

"I didn't want to lose you like we lost--" Anjali burst out only to be sharply cut by him.

"Enough Di. You made your point and I heard that." He looked at her angrily.

"Come out of your shield now and accept that you did the same to Khushi what that bastard did to our sister in the name of love." Anjali wasn't stopping while Khushi gasped at the revelation.

"ENOUGH. I SAID ENOUGH!" Arnav bellowed causing Khushi to jerk at her place to which he pursed his lips.

"You have another sister?" Khushi's question froze Arnav for a moment as he breathed hard.

"Arnav?" She asked firmly.

"Yeah." He swallowed thickly. "We were three siblings once before it was just Di and I"

"Is she saying the truth? What happened to her?" Khushi shoot another question while Arnav started perspiring and for the first time since their marriage he withdrew from Khushi and without answering stormed upstairs clearly upset while Anjali turned around sobbing herself.



"Don't talk like that to my wife. And how dare youpropose marriage to an already married woman?" Arnav gave him a rough push.

"You stay out of it. It's between me and her!" He growled.

Arnav was pushed back with the same force.


"My earnings in jail." He whispered seeing her eyeing the crumpled notes in the box confused.

His heart welled up as he saw her reaction.


This is a very important chapter of SRHNT. It's next half would be even more important with certain revelations which would clear many things.

Only 1 Question,

--> Will Arnav and Khushi's relation survive or not? Or should it?

Waiting eagerly for your feedback. Kindly don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT :)


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