The Outrageous

By goatwhore

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On 2060 june21st a huge asteroids hit earth causing a huge shockwave. In doing so any pregnant woman within t... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10 (Finale)

Chapter Three

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By goatwhore

                                  K9 wakes up as he sits up straight quickly on his bed as he looks around he feels himself and his not worrying his regular clothes. A white shirt and white shorts this place also seems to be like a wooden structure it seems as K9 realizes where is isobel. i probably forgot her at the desert k9 thought to himself as he got out of bed and head out. "Hey where you going" a man said to k9 as k9 left his resting room and finds a man on the sink cleaning. The room his in seems to be a kitchen room k9 barked as his response since his a humanoid dog and can't speak english. "If your looking for that girl she is in the other room, you know your lucky I found you at the right time cause" before the man could speak k9 had already went to the room he though isobel was.

                              K9 opens the door and sees that isobel is in the bed sleeping with a wet towel on her head "four friend over there had a blood shot wound on the chest" the man said. K9 looks at him then looks back at isobel "hope you didn't mind me doing surgery on her cause i already did" the old man said as k9 looked at him and back at isobel again. "Also my name is alejandro I'm a doctor in this area, you know the only thing I don't get is why your friend has a fever" alejandro said. "I treated her wounds but this seem unlike any fever I've seen but I think she might have been poisoned" alejandro said. When alejandro said that k9's eye widen as he tried to speak but it sounded like barks as he held alejandro by the shoulder. Even though alejandro couldn't understand what k9 is saying, he could understand what k9 was feeling.

                              "Look friend I'm sorry to hear about your friend but however. I can't treat it if I don't know what the poison is in her system" alejandro said.

                                  K9 barked and since his a dog person and can't speak I'm just gonna put a bark on each sentence.

                                     "Look I know what you must be going through but I can't help. But I know someone who does" alejandro said.

                                   Just then k9's spirit went up and his mood change "bark bark bark" k9 said to alejandro.

                                     "Alright, there is an old legend in my village about a pond that could heal any wounds. It is said that its hidden somewhere in mount Sinai where the goddess lanayru lives. If you could just give me a bottle of that spring water I could help your friend" alejandro said.

                             K9 face when he heard that let's just say felt disappointed but without any other option decided to believe in this silly folk tale.

                                "Okay great I'll take you to the starting point of the mountain where you well have to traverse on your own. I cannot go but I can give you some equipment to make it easier. So let's get started follow me" alejandro said.

                               So alejandro drove k9 to the starting point of the mountain past the gates and into the forest where they stop and are now at the maw of mount Sinai. "Well this is mount Sinai, I'm counting on you to deliver so see you when your done" alejandro said. K9 nodded as he went up and started the hike to find this pond as alejandro waves goodbye behind him. As k9 travels the forest of the mountain walking slowly and looking around until he saw a pathway up the mountain. Thus he started the hike passing by people not really paying much attention to him as he goes up while the others go down.

                             While passing through the mountain of Sinai of into the distance of the road behind the trees k9 heard something. "Help" a distance help could be heard off the path "help" k9 heard the plea. K9 stopped and ran through the trees where the sound was coming from and he ran to it u ti he could hear it more loudly. "Help" it was near and loud sinc he could hear it more clearly it sounded like a man's voice. He stopped "help" he could hear it's close by near him until "help" he looked up and saw that the man was caught it some trap. "Oh no just when my luck got turned down size, great a monster of mount Sinai is gonna come eat me" the man in the trap said.

                                  "God lanayru please help me out" the man blabber out saying some stuff about some god or deity. Off course k9 felt sorry for the man and tried to help him since his in a trap but however k9 face palm as the God went on and on about a God. Lanayru where could he had heard that name k9 thought but then he remembered what alejandro said about this mount. A goddess lives here and so k9 climbed up the tall tree to save and save the man as k9 made his way up. His now at the trunk of the tree where the trap seems to be strapped to and so he made his way to the trap. When k9 was close enough to the trapped he could hear the man say something but it was quiet but k9 could make out what the man is saying.

                               "Gotcha you" the man said and k9 stopped what he was doing and then an arrow shot him near the crouch area. It didn't hit him but it hit the tree bark and that's when k9 looked around him and saw a group of people. They were on the trees around him and down on the ground they had spears, bows and dressed weird. They seems to be tribesmen and k9 thought so since he read about them in a book back when he was twelve. Flashback to six years ago when k9 was twelve years back at the mansion in sir arnold's library. In the library k9 was touching books "so I see you like books k9" sir Arnold said to the lad as he appeared in front of them.

                                  Sir Arnold strange kneeled down to his knee eye sight level of k9 and he grabbed the book k9 was touching. "Let me see, oh primitive tribesmen of the world,this should be nice do you wanna read it" Arnold said holding the book out to k9. K9 just looked at the book since he didn't know how to read "oh I forgot you don't know how to read" Arnold said putting away the cigarette in his mouth. "Don't worry child I'll teach you even though you dog you still have some human in you, that should be enough" Arnold said walking towards a table. K9 stood there not doing anything and arnold looked back to see this too "well come on now even though you can't speak the least I could do is teach you to wrote out the word syou want to say" Arnold said. K9 smiled that day as he ran to Arnold "well then good boy now where should we start, ah this way" Arnold said.

                                Back to present time Where k9 was up in the tree and with the tribesmen. where after him " munya jekl ug chalhim" one of the tribesmen said and k9 didn't understand what the man spoke since he only knew english. K9 slightly turned his head to the confusing langauge barrier and situation k9 is at. Then one of the tribesmen realizes something about k9 "hegel money jeg ga, moka eg jun" the said as the others stay down and the weapons are not pointed at k9 anymore. That's when k9 felt it was okay to go down the tree but not before cutting the rope that held the trap the guy was in. The guy fell but he was okay non the less and k9 went down the tree.

                                 K9 went towards the only one that stood out since he was wearing huge hat made of feathers kind of like a top hat but in a weird way. "Gehrig doen jehu sun" the tribesmen said as k9 tilted his head and the others bowed down before him. As if this couldn't get anymore confusing the seem to bring out some sort of chair made of sticks and it seems that it had long pulls out of it. They wanted k9 to sit in it,it appears and so he did and the four men picked up the pulls and lifted it up and went brought him to what's seems to be there village. There village was inside this huge cave with a hole on top and there was lake on it and it was beautiful. The four men put down the chair like throne and placed it down and k9 stood up and got out the chair.

                                         "Jekl ope fehndo sickto" the tribesmen said and like last time k9 tilted his head out of confusion. "I believe the god does not know what you are saying" so then k9's finally felt relief as one of them knew english. "Oh my apologies my lord is this okay" the tribesmen said and k9 gave him a thumbs up with a smile. "Oh okay I see then, I am Gehrig leader of the opasulla tribe people and this is my son jeakell his the one you saved" gehrig said as jeakell said hi to k9. "Hello I'm jeakell prince of the opasulla and I'm sorry for tricking you my lord we did not mean you not harm" jeakell said bowing down to k9. K9 tried to speak but most of them are barks which the others tilted there head out of confusion.

                              "I'll just take that as an apology" jeakell said and k9 nodded his head and jeakell took that.

                              "Sorry my lord for the hostility earlier you thought you were an outsider since the last time we trusted one. It turns out they stole our statue here let me show you" gehrig said.

                                 So gehrig showed k9 to there temple of worship where the statue was and upon arriving k9 saw a pillar. It wasn't a big pillar but eye view and it seems that something was meant to be there assuming all the flowers and fruits near it. "That my lord was the goddess lanayru's pillar and where her statue stood and as you can see some outsider stole our possession" gehrig said. Gehrig turned to k9 "it seems that your wife lanayru send you here to help us dinraal and so well you help us find this thief" gehrig said. Then that's when the tribe people looked at k9 and since k9 couldn speak he had to get creative. Then just now he walked towards the pillar where the statue is supposed to be at.

                                 "What so he doing" gehrig said as the whole room gasped when k9 just walked towards the statue.

                                  "Is he angry that we did not do a good job at protecting his wife's statue. Oh no my the God have mercy on us" one of the tribesmen said.

                                  "Please show mercy put a slightly punish on us my lord. Forgive us" gehrig said as he went on his knees and put his hand on the floor like a worshipping thing.

                                So just then everyone started saying forgive us while they were seeing k9's back and it seems k9 wasn't paying much attention. Just then on the pile of which believe to be offerings he picked up a piece of charcoal and board. Then he wrote something on that piece of board and when he was done he turned around to show everyone what was written on that board. Gehrig looked up "wait everyone stopped what your doing, I think the lord is trying to say something through this message" gehrig said as everyone stopped to look at the etching. "What doe sit say jeakell" gehrig asked jeakell to trnalsate the piece of writing. "I'm not your God I just came to find the pond that heals any wounds" the sign said but jeakell didn't say anything he just looked at the writing.

                               "It says that he'll help, dinraal well help find the outsider that stole our sacred statue" jeakell said.

                                 "Oh thank the God dinraal all hail dinraal" gehrig said as they started worshipping even more.

                               They started chanting all hail the goddess dinraal and that's when k9 thought to himself that jeakell was the only one that knew english. K9 also believed that he wanted something and his trip is about to get a hell of a lot more weird. So after everyone stopped worshipping k9 they lead him to a room where he stayed. So then a jeakell came inside the room and to talk to k9 and closed the door behind him. "Look I know what it must seems like but hear me out" jeakell said as k9  sat there angry at why jeakell would lie to his people. "Look I know that" before jeakell could say any more k9 grabbed a nearby chalkboard which they had.

                               "Wait are you writing something" jeakell said as k9 nodded "okay what aare you writing" jeakell asked trying to look at what k9 is writing.

                                K9 showed him "why did you have to lie" k9 showed him and then removed the writing and wrote again.

                                 "Look I know what it seems like but I have a good reason, you know the statue of lanayru was stolen and I need your help" jeakell said.

                                 "I dont have time for that" k9 said as he erased and wrote something else. "I have a friend that sick and I heard there was a pond that could help" k9 said.

                                 "Oh okay I'm sorry but I really need you to help me and sorry about your friend. Look how about this you help me with retrieving the statue and I'll show you where the pond is" jeakell said.

                                        K9 looked at him "well what's your answer" jeakell said to him as k9 sighed.

                                       K9 wrote "yes" on the board as jeakell jumped up from the answer "oh yes thank you so much don't worry I'll tell you where the fountain is" jeakell said but before he could go out he turned around. "Also if you don't mind me asking what ie your name" jeakell asked. Then k9 turned the board and wrote two words and then showed it to jeakell "what does that say k9, okay also I'll just call you dinraal for now but okay k9, thank you for helping g me this mean so much I'll go tell father your ready" jeakell said. Jeakell closed the door behind him and left the room as k9 thought to himself "what have I gotten myself into" as he now has to go and find this statue. However let's focus on someone else someone like four arms and Lucy as they venture towards the road also with scissorhands as well. They also have the black cat accompanying them no doubt about it.

                                    "High way to jenna field, 50 miles ahead huh" Lucy said reading th sign on the road. They were hiking since they didn't have any vehicle's with them. "Are you sure  they took her in the some facility down south, I mean the road where taking goes straight to Kentucky pass the board" four arm said holding the map. "Oh I'm sure of it" the black cat said since he is clairvoyant demon "oh and I do mean down south but we have to take a detour first" the black cat said. Four arms was holding most of the baggage but Lucy and susie only had a backpack which they carried. The black cat join along side them as they walked in the hot heat along side the road as trucks past by them.

                                   Then the black cat stopped walking "hey pull your thumb out here scissorhands" the black cat said.

                                   Susie did what she was told and pulled her hand out and then just now a truck came towards them and then stopped by there side. The window opens to reveal a guy inside the truck "so y'all need a lift" the truck driver said with an accent. "Holy shit cat that clairvoyance might be of use" four arm said patting the black cat on the head. "Well I'm just headed to Kentucky if that's where your headed" the truck driver asked them. "Oh yes we are can we come in" Lucy asked the truck driver. "Sure thing I'm sal by the way,now hol on in" sal said as the four got inside the truck although four arms was in the back. Two of the girls were at the front with the cat "also I'm Lucy this is my sister susie nice to meet you too sal" Lucy said.

                                    "Oh well then nice to meet both of y'all fine ladies and now you wouldn't mind telling me who this feline friend of yours is" sal asked.

                             "Oh we havent decided on a name yet but my brother who is in the back his name is four arms" Lucy said.

                             "Okay then I'll just call this cat, cat and your brother with the weird name, guess I'll call him fred" sal said as they drove off.

                             "Fred never thought of four arms having name such as fred but I guess that could work" susie said.

                                "Yeah I don't think that would fit four arms and plus he doesn't really like nicknames that much" lucy said.

                                 So then while these three siblings and there pet are traveling with a man they just met let us see what the other siblings are up to. Starting off with candy and we all know what happened to her but you might be asking yourself where is she right now. Well your about to find up "wake up" a man said as candy retains your conciousness and sees a light in front of her. Then a man that looks to be a doctor covers up that light as he is seen examining her "the test subject seems to be regaining conscious"the man said. Candy fully wakes up and now realizes the situation she is in as she is strapped down on a dentist chair and is in hospital clothing. "Where am i" candy said as she tries to get out of the restraints.

                                    "Don't worry test subject 0013, everything is gonna be okay and don't worry. The stuff your body can help do with science" the scientist said.

                                  "Wait what are your doing to me" candy said as the scientist puts a mask on her and turns on the anesthesia machine. "Wait what are you doing, no no" candy said as she could do nothing but go to sleep as they now begin to experiment on her. On the outside of the room are two guards guarding the room and candy seems to be at some facility about to be experimented on. Meanwhile crispin whose seems to be alive is in the boss of the facility office talking to him. "So sir it seems that the extraction was not a success but it was a start I'd o believe" crispin said to the boss. The boss wasn't facing crispin so the boss turned his chair around to face crispin "and where is your brother basilio" the boss said.

                                 "Don't worry sir I'm sure basilio my brother is fine. After all we did take those regenerative pills that doctor struck gave us" crispin said.

                                 "Oh you mean the one from snca 0001 my first lab rat since this facility started. The boy who cannot die or should I say immortal. It took years to extract that pill and make it let's hope your brother should come back right now" the boss said.

                                So the boss was right and basilio did come back to them and still alive "sir Daniel ordinary reporting for duties sir" basilio said.

                               "So basilio how are you my dear, what happened" daniel oridinary asked.

                                 "The extraction of the nine siblings sir alfred strange was keeping were a fail" basilio said.

                           "And why is that basilio, tell me" daniel asked.

                                           "Well I died sir" basilio said back. "And" daniel ordinary asked as he wait for a response from one of his soldiers. "I came back to life" basilio said and when he said that, Daniel's ears twitch. "Oh yes oh yes the pills works yeah" daniel screamed out of excitement as basilio and crispin stayed professional. They just stood there with there arms behind there back "also what do you mean the extraction was a success well at least your brother delievered" daniel said. Basilio just put his head down in shame when he heard Daniel ordinary said that.

                                              "Now that the extraction was a success and my pills worked it seems to be a good day for me. So which is why I leave you two crispin and basilio to hunt down rest of those eight children and bring them to this facility for experiments. Did you two get that" daniel said.

                                        The two brothers all said yes sir to Daniel ordinary when Daniel heard what they had said he smiled.

                                "Okay good cause my Christy it's her third year birthday tomorrow so I expect no hick ups alright. I've been waiting eighteen years for this to happen. I swear that damn alfred if he hadn't have gotten does children society would have been better. Like we did with one now you two out my office and get back to work, your dismiss" daniel said.

                                   So the two brothers got out of ordinary's office but not before basilio said something to him first. "Also about alfred sir, his dead I killed him" basilio said as he got out the office and get back to work. "Yes yes more good news, must be my lucky day" daniel yelled out his office. Back to cole we left off with him when he was standing in front of the burned down restuarant as the officer arrived. The cop cars stopped and the cops come out the car and since cole was standing there they had to confront him. "Hello sir do you mind telling us what happened" the cop asked cole.

                           "No I just got here so im as clueless as you two people are" cole told them.

                           "Okay then we need to ask you a few question before you go just to make sure" the cop said.

                            "No I'm sorry I can't I need to look for my siblings there missing so I gotta go see you" cole said.

                               Cole runs away "hey" the cop said as cole runs away from him. "Oh shit 10-80 10-80" the cop said to his radio as he began to chase down cole suspecting him as Now criminal or probably the one who's started the officer. However kyle and pyromancy seems to be doing just fine as they run around the forest and pyromancy seems to not be hot. Since he just started getting sick as his skin is pale, temperature is high and blue goo coming out his eyes. Kyle tries to help him but couldn't do anything but that's until they finally saw a hospital in the distance. Pyromancy smiled and decided to go towards the hospital meanwhile the others are having there own issues.

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