A Leader's Heart(Fem! Reader...

By kumaaana

93.8K 1.6K 1.9K

(Re-written + better version of this fic is called Kaichou's Heart which can be found on my profile, I'd rath... More

Intro ig, please read though if you're starting this fic
Um... Hi Megami
Maid Café:3.
Where is Osana?
The Angel in Disguise
Busted Huh?
Speak of the Devil
Don't Cross The Princess
One Shots Start After Here Hoes
💓Soulmate Au💕 That Time of Day
What Time?
Your Beautiful Eyes
In the Dark, There is Only Light
I'm back, Tired and Bored( please read for the sake of my remaining sanity)
(Updated: 19th January 2024) Her Heart is Soft Regardless of What You Think

This Is(n't) Over(!?!??)

2K 43 17
By kumaaana

Y/n's pov.

Why do I have a pounding headache? I looks around tiredly, I tried getting up to see that I was chained to the wall. The cold ground made me shiver from my contact with it, feeling cold I tried to hid in my shirt. But I wasn't even wearing a shirt or my skirt, my uniform was no where to be seen as I was only in my toren bra and spandex. I felt exposed and vulnerable, but I decided to find a way to get out or get help. The area I was in looked like a storage unit but four(4) times bigger, there was a chair in the middle. To the left there was an entire wall of gardening tool, engineering tools, saws, jigsaws, a grass cutter, a variety of kitchen knives, and a few more things that should be kept away from children and could harm people. To the right there was a door with filing cabinets besides it, there was also a key hanging from a magnetic hook that was connected to the cabinet. And in front of me the longest side of the room; was more boxes, a camera stand, chains, rope, and paint. I looked to my sides of the wall I was code to, there was a few boxes a square foot away with something poking out of one of them. I recognize that symbol, it's the schools emblem.

Well the old one but still,

I guess I was on school grounds, but where? I've only seen one storage area and it was the shed for the gardening club, plus this area was much bigger than that. This place was roughly bigger then the girl's changing area with the showers. I tried to think was there anything in the school that's this big, I think on the other side. Where all the extra school shit is at, like chair and books. I tried to stand, my feet were weak but I managed to stand up right with the wall that had my hands cuffed to a high up hook behind my shoulder plates. I walked forward to see how Long the handcuffs were. I took only one step and I felt my wrist being tugged back, I heard noises and shoes. The door opened to do a familiar face, her facial expression was blank like an old-fashioned doll. Her eyes equally empty and emotionless, she held a belt and a knife already coved in dried blood. My eyes trailed to my stomach to see it was partly covered by a S/c fabric, blood seeping through but longed dried. She was closer than before when I looked up, she stared. I was about to ask why but she interrupted "You're in my way, only I can be closed to my Senpai" I shivered at the way she spoke, next thing I knew she threw me to the ground my head hitting the hook my hand was cuffed to. I felt hard leather against my face "Do you like Senpai?" I didn't speak, I wasn't giving her satisfaction. I looked up, and stared disappointingly "He liked you, did you know that?" She leaned down "Why do you use past tense? What do you mean liked?" She caught the bait, I looked up. I'm gonna have to use my act I had, with my old friend who was a psychopath like her but without the urge to kill now. I giggled "He used to like you, judging by now everyone figured out you're the killer. It's a matter of time that he hates your guts now~" I playfully spoke, she was getting confused. She slapped my face with the belt, then lifted my chin with the blunt side of the knife.

'laugh away the pain... ' I reminded myself.

Laughing like a kid who was being entertained by an adult, I smirked at her "How does it feel having no chance, it makes you mad doesn't it? That you'll never get his love. But do you have a chance?" She was mad, and I felt the knife pressing against my skin. I started laughing out loud "HE'LL NEVER LOVE YOU, YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE YOU IDIOT. He found out what you are, you sicko. KILLING ME WON'T WIN HIM OVER" she dragged the knife down my body then back up stopping on my chest, she punctured my skin and dragged the knife down in-between my breasts. It hurted alot, but what could I do except taunt her till she makes a mistake, loses his guard, then give her an offer or have her make alot of noise. I felt something shake on my thigh, she was threatening me with meaningless words. I felt the object, it was my phone. I smiled relief, they could track me, I didn't take out the battery from my device. Aishi was muttering to herself angerly "Well there is one way~" she looked at me in anger, and kicked the middle of my stomach "Speak you worthless shit" I chuckled as the memories of my past bullies flashed before my very eyes "You could let me go, and I'll say that you saved me from the killer but they ran off~" she cut my chest again horizontally, she walked over to the wall on the left where the gardening supplies were at. She grabbed the chainsaw and immediately turned it on, she slowly walked over. I gulped but still smiled crazily, she was making enough noises to be a give away. She was slipping up and is gonna get caught "You think I'm stupid, Senpai will love me no matter what! with you dead" I chuckled, I felt like I was gonna puke. My breathing hitched, my body wasn't in a bad condition "No, I don't think you're stupid," I gave her a confident smile "I think you're crazy too" she gave me a blank look, the chainsaw was creating so much noise but I was able to hear it. The wheels. I grinned "You only have a little bit of time, Ayano" I jumped she threw the chainsaw behind her, a jingling caught my ears. It directed my attention towards her hip, where a few keys hang. She walked over then stopped within a kicking distance, I didn't dare lift my leg. The killer suddenly kicked my stomach, I coughed while leaning forward. I felt liquid come out my lips, I looked down to see blood. My wound opened up, and was bleeding too "AYANO AISHI COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP" she froze, she slapped my face again. Aishi took her keys and unlock the handcuffs, but immediately held I knife to my throat "Don't do anything" I nodded, she cuffed my hands again and lead me towards the door. Then I remembered that I was barely in clothes, and that my bra was cut in the middle. She pushed the door open, the light blinding me forcing me to look down. "AISHI LET THE GIRL GO, AND COME PEACEFULLY" this did not help, she pressed the knife down on my neck but enough to not cut yet.

'Please, someone distract her' I prayed, so I could make my move.

And someone did, that someone was the tall idiot. Taro stepped forward he had a vest, he got the microphone and spoke into it "Aishi, you have someone whom a lot of us care about. If you were to hurt her, everyone would hate you, even me" the blade inched away as she muttered "Senpai hates me..." She was about to snap, so I worked quickly. I ducked away from her hold, and kicked her to the ground. But she pulled me with her, the yandere got her knife that feel besides her. My eyes widen, I knew what was gonna happen and I couldn't do anything about it because of the restraints. I tried getting up but she kicked me down "AISHI PUT THE KNIFE DOWN" she raised her knife and moved it down, but someone tackled her. I stayed on the ground as I stared at my hero whom has Ayano under her, Megami held Ayano's hands behind her back as she slowly got up with her. A police officer ran over and cuffed her hands, I felt someone cover me with a black fabric. I looked down and recognized it belongs to Taro, he was apologizing for some reason. What did he do? I shook his shoulder "Hey why are you apologizing" he hugged me "Ayano hurted you because of me, she killed all those girls because of me. This is my fault" I hugged him back, he stared crying softly "Hey I'm alive, she going to jail. It's over please stop crying, you're sister doesn't want you to cry at all remember. "Hey L/n, get up I need to bandaged you and clean your cuts" I looked up to see Annie/Joanne, she was standing their. She had a but load of cuts on her face and had a visible bandages on her arm "why are you hurt, San Jun" she sighed "Although it is my job to protect you, she had forced the gang of thugs to go hurt the students and I couldn't keep up with a flying psychopath" she helped me up, and asked Taro to go get clothes from my house. She took something out of her hair, and took off the handcuffs "Man to think you did it huh? You got her to slip up, it was funny seeing Ms Saikou so mad after hearing the chainsaw. The look on her face made me kinda feel sorry for Ayano" I looked at her questioningly "Why was Megami mad?" She laughed as she sat me down on a car, she took out a bandage roll from her pocket "She was worried for her little future girlfriend" I felt my face redden, she just laughed even more. By a miracle she finished quickly, but the girl told me to stay here. I obeyed and sat here, she left me alone obviously walking towards the killer who sat in the car. I looked around hoping that Megami would be here, to be with me and comfort me. She was no where to be found, but I did spot Akane. She was giving a camera to someone and a notepad, the firey red head noticed my stare and jogged over. Akane looked around as I did earlier "I thought Megami was with you, she was pretty pissed when she found out you got stabbed. Are you okay?" I nodded, getting off the police car. I held my stomach, I cursed groaning "Oh, C'mere" she picked me up while I protested "No I'm gonna get you pain killers, and you're coming with" I squirmed around but I would suddenly stop because of the wound, I spotted Saikou talking to the media. My eyes didn't dare leave her form, she just looked so graceful and perfect. Her eyes met mine as my face became hot, my stomach was full to the brim of butterflies. She walked over, Akane was giggling at my reaction "I can easily mistake you as a tomato" I glared up at her "Not my fault, I can't like control my freaking feelings it just she's so-freaking-beautiful-and-graceful and I'm-freaking-out, I feel like I'm gonna faint" she rolled her eyes at me, now Megami was already next to us walking to our destination "May I ask why Y/n is being carried?" Akane wore a knowing look then looked at both of us, my face just keeps become red today huh. "She needs pain killers, plus she's so light," she spun around with me in her arms like a child "she's a baby" I managed to kick her hip "put me down already Akane-san" she shook her head and gave me the stupid smirk that looked like a grin, then to my surprise she sighed and lowered me down. I stood up trying to keep balance "See I could wa-" I fell backwards, I felt two arms wrap around my waist as they Help me keep steady "Yeah most definitely you can walk like a sober being" I looked to where Akane was to reply with a snarky remark but she was covering her mouth, I looked to see silver eyes. Shining like stars belonging to someone with equal brightness and captivating beauty, Saikou let me go much to my displeasure. And to my balance, I fell again. "I think it's safe to assume that she can't walk right now" Saikou's arm wrapped around me and hoisted me up into her arms, I hid in the crock of her neck. "I'll care her, since you've already carried her" I didn't know what happened but I heard the red head snickering. I felt so embarrassed by the fact that she was holding me, she was so warm...


The realization hit me like a mother freaking truck, I squirmed in her arms. Why must it be like this. I saw Taro along with my mom both looking like they ran here, well Yamada did. Mom jogged over with Taro following after her, she suddenly stopped in front of Megan I and started to kiss my face "Oh my god my baby girl is okay, if you do something like this again I'm going to die" I groaned in embarrassment, the girl I like-like was witnessing me and my mom right now. My mom finally stopped setting kisses on my face, she looked at me "Oh are you two dating?" I covered my face with my hands hoping to hide the blush now forming, I heard Megami cough and then speak "Ich werde mich gerne mit ihr verabreden, wenn ich könnte" mom just stared in surprise, before laughing "If you're worried about my permission then go for it, I know it's mutual" I saw the look of confusion on Taro's face, my face had the same expression. What just happened?


Megami's pov.

I noticed a woman and Yamada running over to me and Y/nn, Yamada looked out of breath as if he ran a marathon while the woman looked like she had barely wasted any energy. The woman had quite familiar traits and features belonging to Y/n, is she her mother?

She stopped right in front of us and started kissing Y/n all over her face like a worried mother, which I assume she is at the moment. L/n groaned in annoyance clearly embarrassed by her mother's action, I personally found it adorable. The much older women pulled away from her daughter, she looked up at me then down at her daughter whom was in my arms "oh are you two dating?" I felt my cheeks warm up slightly in regards to her comment, I cleared my throat and shook my head, though I muttered as calmly as possible "Ich werde mich gerne mit ihr verabreden, wenn ich könnte(I'll gladly date her, if I could)" Y/n's mom had a surprised expression as if she didn't expect me to answer, suddenly she started laughing "If you're worried about my permission then go for it, I know it's mutual" I nodded slightly smiling, I looked around for the ambulance service. None. Taro gave a bag to Y/n "These are your clothes for obvious reasons you're mom picked everything out." I lowered down, so Y/n would get out of my arms. I have no doubt that she was uncomfortable and her well being is my top priority, she almost lost her balance. Luckily I had my arm out to keep her from falling "I think my lower body fell asleep" she muttered jokingly, she grabbed my onto my arm so she wouldn't fall. She was acting ridiculously cute after such a scary experience, her mother pointed to a few tents. I lead L/n to the area while supporting her.

The shorter girl was slightly able to move around by herself, so I let Y/n into the empty tent to change by herself. Another reason so I wouldn't have to be so shy and embarrassed by being close to her, while she changes. I couldn't help but be relaxed, ever since the Kōban chief explained what they were going to do next I knew everyone here is going to be sent to capital punishment for three charges for murder and one charges for kidnapping, this surely is going to be a better rest of the year. The council could relax and have more time for rest and there school work, the students can come to school feeling safe again, the teachers could teach their students without worrying. I heard a noise and turned to see Y/n in black leggings a white t-shirts and a panda based sweater, she walked nervously. "L/n are you okay? Can I help you?" She nodded slowly, she stepped closer to me "Why were you so worried about me?" I was shocked. Why was she asking? It's obvious that anyone with a conscious will do the same, so why would she ask this. Unless she... Found out? I felt my body stiffen as I tried to reply "Well... You were hurt and in the hands of the killer, it would be pretty irresponsible if I weren't worried" I lectured myself for how I explained that like a grade school student, she looks up at me with a confused look "Okay. Let me rephrase that," my mouth because dry all of a sudden, why was I so... Nervous. This wasn't me at all "Why were you worried and mad when you heard the noise from outside the storage facility?" Yeah. I was sure that no one saw that, did Akane notice or was it that thirteen(13) year old. "I was mad that one of my peers was going to get hurt or even worse" Y/n raised an eyebrow, she had this air of confidence that if I remember correctly was only when she knew the answer or she was going to win. "Is that all I am. A peer" she was smiling like a small child but her eyes held a mischievous fire, I see what she's trying to accomplish. I leaned down to her height and looked into her her calming e/c eyes "Is that what you think? What is it that you want me to say?" Her cheeks brighten up as her warm breath was slowing down "I-i was um... Wondering if you're definition of peer I'd the same as mine." She stuttered out "Oh my how many times have I made you stutter general's daughter?" "How many times have I caught you staring Ms. Saikou?" "Why must you refer to me by my last name?" "Maybe cause I don't like it" "If you wanted my last name, I would gladly give you it just by asking a question" her ears became a tint of pink as she continued talking "What do you mean by that Megami Saikou?" "I think Y/n Saikou has a nice ring to it don't you?" She opened her mouth but no sound came out, I'm quite confident that won this round of many others. "I hate to interrupt whatever the fuck this is but um everyone needs to leave and..." I turned to see the future high schooler standing there turning red she had a clipboard in her hands, she cover her face with said item "I didn't realize you guys were having a moment I'm sorry um I'll get you guys Later." Y/n jumped forward and grabbed San Jun's hand, I stepped forward to help ease the younger girl "It wasn't what you're thinking we were just talking" she nodded slowly "O-okay I'm let's go, I honestly have to go right away..." Her eyes widened "OH SHIT I HAVE THE MATH CAT, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" she stopped yelling in English but in the process dropped everything and ran off quickly, I looked at Y/nn for an explanation "Math computer adaptive test, is something the 8th graders take to determine their high school class placement" I nodded understandingly as we had the same thing except for the name, we walked together in silence in the awkwardness. She grabbed my hand, so I held onto her hand. We held hands as we walked to the council.

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