Little Wolf

By ArtemisApollo15

551 1 0

When Sam's little sister returns from staying with their cousin, she is introduced to the life of wolves. Alt... More

New People

Welcome Home

208 0 0
By ArtemisApollo15

       A year and a half ago Winter left her brother to go live with her cousin. Now, she's come home.
         Winger Uley had found the plane ride to Port Angeles uneventful. She had the window seat but either read or slept the three hour flight. Once landed, she made her way off the plane and towards the entrance of the airport where her brother was waiting. The young girl was stiff from her ride so she was glad she only packed one suitcase and a backpack.
       Winter's eyes scanned the crowd entering and exiting the building looking for her older brother. Who had promised he would be holding up a sign with her name on it... there!
Winter Uley
       A grin broke out on the girl in questions face as she rushed towards him, "Sam!"
       His head snapped in the direction of her voice and he opened his arms. A few feet from him and she dropped the luggage, jumping into his arms. They laughed together before she breathed in his scent: a forest-y smell. Winter missed him.
       "Let me get a good look at you," Sam said once he put her down. He held her at arms length to further inspect her.
       The youngest Uley hadn't changed much over the past year and a half. She was still 5'4 with russet skin and forest green eyes like their mother. Her hair was a little longer; now reaching her waist in waves and curls. It was still the weird pitch black roots fading into pure white around her jaw. Something that she never once dyed. The girl was born with pure white hair but as she got older and her hair got longer the roots turned pitch black. Their mom used to say how she was blessed by the moon spirit which is why her hair is the way it is. The only real difference would be the cartilage piercing she got on her left ear. It's a small silver sterling hoop with a tiny silver feather hanging from it.
       "Seventeen years old. I can't believe it." Sam chuckled and shook his head before grabbing her bags. "Well, lets get you home then."
       Winter smirked. "Let's go."
       Sam drove a slightly rusted blue truck here. There were only two seats which were in the front so her stuff went in the back. It was a two hour drive to La Push; plenty of time to talk.
       "Where's the Jeep?" Winter questioned.
       "Jared is using it for his date with Kim."
       Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion, she remembered Jared from before she left. They were friends but she's never heard of Kim before. "Who's Kim?"
       "Jared's girlfriend. They started going out a couple months ago. She's super sweet and nice, you should get along great with her. You'll see. The guys wanted to come see you, Jared and Paul, you remember?" Winter did, they were her best friends. She nodded, a smile playing at her lips. "But not today. I told them they can't come over till tomorrow so you have time to settle in. There are a couple more guys you might know that I want you to meet. Anyway this is Paul's truck."
       Winter nodded as she processed everything Sam just said. "How's Emily?"
        His face lit up as soon as Emily's name left her lips. "She's great. An amazing cook as well. Y'all will get along great."
     "That's good. Will she mind me not wearing pants half the time I'm home?"
       Sam laughed. It was nice to hear him laugh again. "Definitely not. The guys and I walk around without shirts ninety percent of the time."
       "You're one to talk, pant less!"
It was quiet for about 30 seconds before the siblings burst out laughing. Realizing just how much they missed this.
"I missed this. I missed you. Sooooo much." Her voice was quiet and shaky.
Sam took a deep breath. "Me too, Snowflake. Me too."
Two hours later they pulled up to two story wooden house surrounded by forest. It was only 6 o'clock so it was still light outside. Sam parked and looked at his little sister. "You ready?"
Said sister took a deep breath, "As ready as I'll ever be."
The pair got her stuff out of the back. She had her backpack and Sam grabbed her suitcase. He walked in first and left it by the stairs so she copied his actions and dropped her bag there as well. Then, she followed him into the kitchen. A young woman stood there but she wasn't facing Winter.
"I'm back. And I brought Winter with me." Sam said placing a kiss on her head and wrapping her arms around her waist.
She giggled before turning around to face Winter. "Well I would hope so since you left to get her. It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Emily."
Emily smiles warmly and hugged her. "Um, yea. Hi, Emily it's nice to meet you too."
She pulled away and held Winter at arms length like her fiancé had done not to long ago to take in his little sisters appearance. Emily was extremely beautiful. Even with the scars running down the right side of her face, the woman radiated strength and beauty. She had dark brown eyes and straight black hair. Though she had russet skin like the siblings she was a little lighter than Sam but still a darker tone than Winter. She was about a inch taller than the sister as well and had a kind look and aura. The two girls knew they were going to get along well.
"You're absolutely beautiful. Sam, you chose well." Winter complemented and teased at the same time.
       Both of their faces went pink, though Emily's was more noticeable. Winter giggled before turning to head upstairs.
       "I'm gonna go unpack and change out of these sweats. Let me know when dinner is ready!" She called out, grabbing her bags and walking upstairs.
       "You're room is still in the same place and ok!" Sam shouted his response.
Winter Uley's room had always been the last room on the left, right above the porch. She often found herself sitting on the roof of the porch at night to think and gaze at the stars. The teen was grateful that no one had messed with her room besides dusting and sweeping. She threw her suitcase on the bed and began to unpack the few clothes she had brought along with other items. It wasn't much but enough to last her till she could get new clothes.
Soon she was done and flopped onto her bed with a sigh. "Winter! Dinner!" Sam's voice rang throughout the house.
"Coming!" Winter replied before hoping off the bed and jogging downstairs.
Emily placed a plate of chicken and white rice in front of Winter before getting her own plate. Sam wolfed down his food and then proceeded to get seconds and thirds and fourths. Leaving his sister to wonder if he was alright eating that much.
"Sam, you ok bro? I don't think I've ever seen you eat that much."
He and Emily laughed. "Fine, sis. My metabolism has sped up a lot since you left. Don't worry."
She eyed him warily. "Ok..."
Finally she finished her food and leaned back in her chair. "Emily, that is the best food I've ever had. You're an amazing cook."
"Aw! Thank you!" She smiled brightly at Winter and the girl returned it.
Afterwards, they decided to watch a movie. Really, Emily and Winter forced Sam to watch Mulan. It was quite enjoyable for the two to watch him resist up until Emily said please. Which Winter found extremely unfair since he said no to her. Jerk.
Once the movie had ended, they unanimously decided it was time for bed. "Neither of us will be here in the morning until around eleven." Sam informed his sister.
She nodded and continued to open her door. "Winter?"
"Welcome home... And goodnight."
Winter smiled at him. "Glad to be home. Goodnight, Sam."
After she changed and laid down, Winter thought about how her day went. Today was good. She decided she was glad she came home. And she hoped tomorrow would be just as good.
*******************************************Hey guys! So this is a new story I'm working on and hopefully I can get one out for each of the boys. Also if you read this when it was first published then you know this is went a little different. I realized that she would already know who most of the boys would be so I had to make some adjustments. Anyway let me know what you think and who's going to imprint on her in the comments.
Love y'all! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

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