Will You... Stay With Me Fore...

By MissCarlotta01

267 24 21

Trying out writing a fanfic! Caution: There is some swearing, but not a lot. Just a heads up! Join Dirk, Jak... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

DirkJake Date + Notice

16 1 0
By MissCarlotta01

Wrote this since I've been on a super long hiatus! Sorry about that!! I hope to get back to writing this story soon, but for now I hope this appeases the fanfiction gods >.< Enjoy!! ~Carlotta

Be Dirk Strider==>

It's already Valentine's Day, and personally, you're nervous. This is the first Valentine's Day you'll be spending with Jake, and that means it must be perfect. Jane and Roxy are already aware of your plan and said they would help, but ultimately the day is up to you.

You walk out of your room, barely casting a glance at your older brother as you walk towards the door of your apartment.

"Good luck today little bro!" He calls as you leave, and you shake your head at his words, silently smiling to yourself.

You walk over to Jake's house, ringing the doorbell and smiling at him as he appears in the entryway, looking only half awake.

"Dirk! Blimey, it's only 7 in the morning! I was barely awake by the time you knocked on my door. What's all the fuss about?" Jake asks, looking slightly annoyed with sparks of curiosity showing in his eyes. You hold back a laugh while he continues to glare at you, tufts of hair falling down in front of his face.

As always, your hair is gelled back into its natural spike, and you prefer to keep it that way. While Jake may call you lifeless, you think that it better displays your style this way. Not to mention, it's helpful when you're working with your robots. It keeps the hair out of your eyes, but still looks nice.

"Well, I was hoping you'd be awake by now so we could go on our date, but if you'd rather just stay at home and be grumpy that's ok too-" You trail off, letting the words sink in for a moment and smirking when the realization hits Jake in the face.

"OH!! You're right! I almost forgot today was the day of love! Why didn't you say so sooner?? Dirk I'll be down in just a moment, come on in!" Jake's demeanor changes immediately as he rushes to get ready on time. You laugh as you watch him sprint up the stairs, nearly tripping halfway up. A few moments later and he's back down in front of you, hair neatly combed back and in dressy casual clothing.

"Shall we?" You offer your arm, and together walk back to your apartment where your car is. You got your license recently specifically for today, and fully intend to use that privilege to the full extent. You see your brother watching you from the kitchen above and smile at him, while his face remains an image of pride. You know he's proud of you for finally asking out Jake, especially since you were an extremely quiet kid before you met him.

You get in the driver's seat of the car, Jake sliding in next to you soon after.

"So, where are we going mate?" The stars of curiosity have taken their place back in Jake's eyes, and you shrug.

"It's a surprise." You leave the conversation at that, fully intent on not letting your boyfriend know your plans for the day.

Soon enough, you arrive at a park, where Jane and Roxy wait for you.

"Dirk! Jake! Over hereeeee!!" Roxy screams, waving her arms frantically to get your attention. You step out of the car, laughing as she continues to wave.

"We can see you, Rox. You don't need to be that obnoxious," you laugh again as the others join you.

"I know, but it's more fun!" She smiles widely before taking Jake's hand in her right and Jane's in her left. "We ready to go? We got a loooootta stuff planned for you today Jake!"

Before your companions can protest, she speeds off further into the park, leaving you to jog behind them. She only stops when you've reached a clearing, which presents a picnic laid out on the grass.

"Roxy and I finished setting up right before you guys got here. We hope it fits your standards!" Jane says, before taking Roxy's hand in hers again. "We should probably head out, we have our own plans for today. Have fun guys!" They exit the clearing, leaving only you and Jake to enjoy the picnic in peace.

"Dirk, did you set this up?" Jake asks, and you continue to unpack the basket the girls brought.

"Jake, really? I thought that was quite obvious," you laugh and take his hand in yours.

"I don't know! You're the one who dragged me here at the crack of dawn but the girls were the ones who put everything together! Please try to make your signs more obvious!" Jake looks exasperated, which only makes you laugh even more.

"Alright, but at least let's enjoy this before the food gets cold." You take a scone, inviting Jake to eat as well and chat with you before you need to leave again.

After a breakfast of warm scones, assorted fruits, and toast with different jams, you pack up and head back towards your car.

"Where are we off to now, Dirk?" Jake asks, getting into the passenger seat again.

"Must I explain again? Today is a day full of surprises, Jake." You sigh, getting into the driver's seat once more.

The drive is silent, filled only with Jake's comments about the scenery or more guesses on where you're going. You soon pull into the parking lot of an ice rink, and excitement sparks in Jake's eyes.

"Ice skating? I never would have guessed!" He exclaims, nearly jumping out of the car before it even completely stopped. You let out a small smile at his joy, following him into the frosty building.

You pay for two day passes, moving on to rent your skates after. You lace yours with ease, while Jake still struggles to put his on completely. You end up helping him before he somehow screws it over further, and step out onto the ice.

Jake is not a natural skater. Not at all. Does that mean you don't like him anymore? Well, maybe. No, definitely not. You still love his smile and his laugh and the way he gets so curious about all of your inventions. It makes you happy, and nothing as small as ice skating could change that.

You help him so he doesn't fall, and he alternates between suffocating your hand and the wall. You don't mind, despite how painful he claims it could be.

After falling a few dozen times, he falls(lol) into the rhythm and manages to skate next to you. He holds onto your hand for dear life, but it's less restraining as before. You give up on small talk, since it is clear he is trying to concentrate on skating with far too much brain power to hold a solid conversation.

The hours seem to fly by, and soon it is time for dinner. You pile into the car again, heading off towards a fancy restaurant that would end today's adventures. Jake curls into your side in the car, and though you know it's not completely safe, you're too in love to care.

You arrive at the restaurant, pulling Jake out of the car to walk with you. He looks startled from the sudden movement, but doesn't protest as you lead him inside.

You're seated quickly, as you made reservations weeks ago, and soon catch on to the Valentine's theme by presenting Jake with flowers.

"Dirk! I love them!!" He says, holding the bouquet of orange and green flowers. You smile at him and he grins back, not once letting his smile falter.

"I'm glad. They weren't cheap, you know." You tease, making Jake smile even more.

You eat dinner while keeping up a light conversation, occasionally insulting each other here and there. You seem to be the youngest couple, but no one gives you a second glance. They all know you're here for the same reason they are; to celebrate love. So they leave you alone.

After finishing, you let Jake order dessert. He chooses a truffle cake, and you go with a bowl of fresh raspberries with a chocolate drizzle. He seems to be enjoying the night, and makes it clear when he kisses you lightly on the nose, leaning across the table to fully reach you.

"What was that for?" You ask, feeling a slight red tinge move across your pale skin.

"What? Am I not allowed to kiss the person I love? Good golly Dirk, what is with you?" He laughs, letting the moment relax.

"Well, this night isn't quite over yet. We still have one more event." You say, and Jake groans.

"Dirk we've been all over town today! I can't stand to go anywhere else!" He says, trying to sound exasperated but failing.

"One more place, I promise," you say, hoping he won't resist leaving too much. He sighs and nods, and you let out another smile. You request your check, and leave soon after.

Getting in the car, you drive off to your last location. Jake seems tired, and stays curled against you again. The drive is much shorter this time, but the time still seems to stand still every time you feel Jake move in discomfort.

You step out into the dark, letting Jake acknowledge where you are. He steps out beside you, looking at you questioningly when he recognizes the park again.

"Dirk, I thought we were going somewhere different?" He asks, trying not to let the disappointment show on his face.

"We are. Just wait." You take his hand gently, leading him down a path that climbs to the tallest hill in the park.

At the top, he looks down to see the entire city below. You can see his face light up even in the dark, and for a moment he's speechless.

"It's beautiful..." He says quietly, looking back on you with love twinkling in his eyes.

"Almost as beautiful as you," you say, taking his other hand in yours and humming a song Bro taught you when you were younger. Jake's head rests on your chest as you sway back and forth together. You feel at peace, and wish this moment could last forever.

You lean down, placing a gentle kiss on Jake's forehead. He surprises you by turning up, kissing you back. It's your first kiss with Jake, and you cherish every moment. You can taste the frosting of his dessert from earlier, and you don't want the kiss to end.

Eventually, Jake breaks away, letting the last of the moment fizzle off into the dark. You lean your forehead against his, before pulling him into a tight hug.

"I love you, Jake." You whisper.

"I love you, too, Dirk." He says back.

You wouldn't have spent this day any other way.

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