Jealousy [A Bellarke fic]

By Wren_Winchester

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This is a high school fanfiction that follows the 100 characters Clarke Griffin and John Murphy through the h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 2

454 15 22
By Wren_Winchester

Author's note

So I want to thank you all for reading the first chapter and for the feedback you gave me. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!

Clarke POV

I can't believe I have to sit through this entire hour, next to Bellamy. He has been such a jerk lately, I know he still cares for Octavia for sure, but he is still hurting her by being with Echo. He is hurting me. I have had a crush on him since forever, and it is just so irritating. He was my best friend, but I don't know how to even approach him without getting or giving the cold shoulder.

"Hey, Princess." Oh, Crap, he is actually talking to me, and we didn't bump into each other.

"Um, hey, Bellamy, what's up?"

"I know we haven't talked since, umm, I got together with Echo, but I am sorry for everything that happened."

"Yeah, it's okay, I forgive you, it's forgotten."

"Good, and I would also like to thank you letting O stay at your house, I'm glad she still has you," then he said something undiscernible, but it sounded like "even if I don't." But I couldn't be sure. "I want to start getting closer with the old group. Do you think they would be willing?"

"I can't do this right now, Bellamy, I need to focus on this Mythology lesson because I need this credit to finish off my histories so I can do more medical sciences next year. I just can't do this today, or like, ever." Why won't he shut up!!!

"Oh...Okay. If you need help studying for mythology, I can--"

"No, Bellamy."

A few minutes later the bell rang and I was packing up immediately, I needed to get out of there. As I reached my locker to get the rest of my stuff I saw that Monroe and Harper were already there, waiting for me.

"Hey, guys."

"CLARKE! It's about time you got here. Harper has to be home by 3:30," Monroe said.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to text you. I'm just going to walk home, think about old times when we would all walk together. Remember when times were good. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"'Okay. Are you okay? You have been acting weird all day."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a rough day and need some time to myself to think and relax before I go home to my mom being pushy and checking every ten seconds how my grades are and irritating me. Hey, where is Fox?"

"She decided to ride the bus because her brother had to stay late and she didn't want to be home with just her dad, she actually let's us know these things. Stay safe on your way home," Harper said, she is such the mom friend.

"Oh, okay, and I will. Love you girls, bye," I said as I finished packing my stuff and left. Now it's time to go talk to John in the parking lot. That is going to suck. I don't know what to expect and I have to tell him why I was running from the cafeteria. This is gonna be fun.

As I walked out the door, I saw John and sped up because the sooner I get there the sooner this is over.

"Hey, Princess," He said, pushing himself up off the car, that I'm assuming is his, so he is standing up right.

"Hey, John. So, why did you suddenly stop in the middle of the hall?"

"Wow, straight to the point, um, okay.. well, I saw Raven kissing my older brother's best friend-"


"Yeah, how did you know?"

"She introduced me to him during lunch, he's her new boyfriend. Well not necessarily new, but I just met him so new enough."

"Oh. That explains it," he sighs.

"What do you mean?"

"Just that, well, she has never really been one to go around kissing random guys, and never older guys."

"Yeah, his age kind of through me for a loop, too, because well, she's the ever diligent Raven, focused on school, saying guys are stupid, and low and behold, here she is dating a college dude, who she barely knows."

"Wait, she doesn't even know him that well?"

"Not that I know of. I mean, I have been pretty antisocial lately, but it kind of just happened out of nowhere as far as I know, though I think she was sneaking around the past couple weeks."

"That's not the Raven I remember."

"It's not the Raven from the beginning of the school year, either. She had a crush on this guy with brown hair and brown eyes that she had tutored for a little while, and I know that he was in High School earlier this year, but something happened and she got over him pretty quickly."

"That is strange. I don't know, girls have always been confusing. Anyway, why were you running through the hallway?"

"Well, that's a looong story. So I was sitting with the friend group during lunch. You know, Monty, Jasper, Harper, Octavia, Monroe, and Raven. I had zoned out because I had looked over the cafeteria and saw the "BeSt CoUpLe" in the school, and umm, well, I have had a crush on Bellamy for years, and I hate seeing them together it makes me sick. So I picked at my lunch and as they were getting more lovey dovey I had to get out of there."

"Oh, that makes sense. There is one thing I didn't tell you that affected the way I stopped in the middle of the hallway."

"Really? What was that?"

"Well, ummm, I have a--"

"Clarke!" Crap. that's Octavia. Why isn't she with Bellamy. She needs new clothes or people are gonna start questioning why she's rotating the same pairs of clothes when everyone knows she has two closets full.

"Why aren't you with Bellamy?" I said as I walked over to her. I couldn't let her hear what John and I were talking about.

"Chill, I've been looking everywhere for you. I ran into Harper and Zoe and they said you said you were going to walk and I thought I should come with you. Wait, is that John Murphy?"

"Yes, it is. But that doesn't matter. I thought you were going to your house today to get some new outfits?"

"Well, I was, but then Bellamy and I got into a big fight, so I figured I would just borrow a pair of yours and see if I can drop by this weekend sometime, if Harp will drive me or something."

"Okay, wait here. I have to go finish talking with John."

"Okay.... what are you guys talking about?"

"Just stuff, I ran into him today after lunch, on my way to the bathroom and we had the next class together, we got yelled at for talking though, so we are just finishing our conversation. I'll wrap it up and be done in five minutes tops, okay?"

"Okay. You'll have to tell me about it later."

"Will do. I promise."

"Okay, off you go then, I would like some time for homework so we can get to your house at a decent time."

"Okay, okay, I'm going, geez," I said as I started walking back over to John.

"Sorry about that, John. I thought she was going to her house first. But she and Bell got into a big fight, so she is just coming straight over to my house."

"No problem, what was the fight about?"

"Oh, I don't know specifics, but probably the usual. Probably something or another about Echo. What was it you were saying before she interrupted us?"

"Oh, well, um I was just saying that I have had a crush on Raven for a while, and I didn't think she would be one to go out with Zeke Shaw."

"What's wrong with Miles?"

"Nothing is wrong per say, but he just isn't Raven's typical guy. He is not super mechanical, and he wants to go into the air force to be a pilot."

"Oh, hmm I mean that doesn't seem like something Raven would be into, especially since she liked Finn Collins for a while, but I don't know because that whole thing with Finn hurt her, she may be going for someone she thinks has goals and values. Someone who thinks ahead, rather than in the moment."

"Okay, well, you should get going. Octavia looks pretty impatient."

"Yeah," I say as I look back. "That's O for you. I would like to talk to you more later do you mind putting your number in my phone so we can text later," I say hopefully because who in their right mind would say yes to that after fifteen minutes of talking after not being friends for five years?

"Sure, will you put yours in mine?" No one except John Murphy, apparently.

"Uh, yeah sure, I'll leave the name open so you can save it as whatever."

"Thanks, Princess. I will do the same."

"Okay, thanks, bye John," I say as I kiss him on the cheek.

"U-uh-huh, bye." He says, kinda dumbfounded.

As I walked back over to Octavia I was super happy and excited. I finally had someone who I could talk to about my crush on Bellamy, and he understood it. It was nice. Once I reached Octavia she was on the phone with someone so we nodded and walked next to each other in basically silence except for her talking. I was so lost in my thoughts after the conversation with John I didn't mind that much.

When we approached my house Octavia was still on the phone so she just went up to my room as I talked with my mom.

Murphy POV

After my little talk with Clarke, I just sat in my car for a while. I can't believe I just told Clarke, someone I haven't talked to in years, how I feel about Raven. I haven't even told my best friend Miller that! I just don't know what she wanted to talk about either. Like, maybe she wants to talk more about this later, or she might just miss me being in the friend group, I suppose. She didn't want me to leave the group in the first place, so I mean, both are possible, but I think her missing me back in the group is less likely.

I should put her name in my phone now, before I forget. So I type in "Princess" because when we were younger we were best friends and she almost always had princess birthday parties, so it just kind of stuck. I missed her friendship. I hope she did just miss me, I don't know how much talking about the whole thing with Raven I can do. It hurts me to see her with someone else. I am just going to text and ask Clarke when I get home. So I start driving home, just as I start turning out of the school lot, I see Sterling Grey walking out of the school, he must have gotten in trouble again. I don't see any other cars besides the teachers' and I know he lives near me, so I decide to offer to drive him home.

I back up and pull up next to him and I say, "Hey, Sterling, do you need a ride home?"

"Uhh, yeah, sure, that would be great, Murphy, thanks."

"No problem, man, I just know you live near me and that is a pretty far walk. So, why did you have to stay back this time?

"Oh, umm, well..." He looked like he was thinking up a lie, but I wasn't going to push him. "I had a test I had to take in Earth Science because I was gone last week."

"Oh, it didn't take you that long."

"Yeah, It was a quick one for me. I mean they usually are, but I was a little distracted."

"That's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. We are almost home now anyway. Which house is yours again?"

"The first one on Mount Weather Drive. Thanks again Murphy. I just needed to get home quickly because well, I didn't want my sister home alone very long."

"Don't worry about it, I live just a few roads up on Arkadia Boulevard. I've got to get home now but see you around."

"Yeah, see you around, Murph."

I continue up county road 100 to Arkadia Boulevard, and I am finally home, so I decide to text the princess and ask her what she is doing.

Hey Princess, what are you up to?

Not much, just waiting for Octavia to finish what ever she is up to. Why?

Just curious.

So, what did you want to talk more about?

Honestly I just figure that you understand how much it hurts for me to see Bellamy and Echo because of Zeke and Raven.

Oh, was that all?

Well, enough for us to start being friends again. Which is kind of why I really gave you my phone number. Is that okay?

Yeah, that is fine princess. I text relieved because I didn't want us just to be friends because of our mutual pining for people who are in relationships.

Great! So, apparently Octavia wants to go to the mall tomorrow because its Saturday. Want to meet us there? She kind of thinks we like each other like as more than friends. And if you do decide to come, maybe we can brainstorm about ways to get our crushes to notice us.

Octavia thinks we like each other?????????

Yeah, big time.


I was kind of shocked, but anyway, you gonna come to the mall with us tomorrow?

If I don't have to watch my annoying brat of a sister, yeah sure.

You could come even if you do have to watch her. You could just bring her with.

That's true, but there wouldn't be much time to talk.

How much does she like shopping? because Octavia will take her to a few stores if I ask for a few minutes for you and I to talk.

She LOVES it and I mean absolutely ADORES it.

Great! She and Octavia will get along great, see you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

Well, now we have a plan to get a plan.

Clarke POV

Well, that went better than expected.

"I can't believe it."

"What, O?"

"That my best friend likes John Murphy, the misfit. I always kind of thought you were into Bellamy," she stated kind of obviously.

"Well, Bellamy is with Echo and being a jerk, so even if I had had a crush on Bellamy, I would be over it by now," if only that were true.

"Well, what about John?"

"I do not--"I started, but then I stopped an idea had just formed in my mind. I have to check with him, but it could work.

Author's note

Thank you for sticking with me on the second chapter of my fanfic. If you have any feedback feel free to give it, just don't cause a fight with anyone please. Please let me know if you find spelling errors so I can correct them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I would like to let you know for these first few chapters I will probably be posting every four to five days, but don't hold me to that because there is no guarantee. But after the 26th I have school starting and I'm doing a few college classes so I don't know how often I'll be able to post, but I do write ahead so if something happens I can just quickly post. Anyway thank you again for reading this! I can't believe I have 13 reads already!

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