Oh, Hell No! (Teacher/Student)

By pridefulx

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Stephan McDonald, a petite, red haired, shy, 17 year old teenage boy with a laid-back attitude, has had enoug... More

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❤ Chapter One ~Moving is a Female-Dog~ ❤


707 37 18
By pridefulx

Oh, Hell No!


❤❤❤ Stephan McDonald, a petite, red haired, shy, 17 year old teenage boy with a laid-back attitude, has had enough. He was just a normal wolf, waiting for the day he would find his mate, but, little did Stephan know that it was his new gym teacher. Stephanie Fox had not wanted this, no she had not wanted this at all! Mating a 17 year old nerdy boy was inappropriate and despicable. For five years, she had waited gradually, for the ‘One’ to free her from her dreary life. And now after she had come back home after getting fired for the fifth time, she had found him, but too bad he wasn’t what she had imagined him for various ages  to be. ❤❤❤

❤ Prologue-

I can't believe him! I honestly can't believe he would do such- such- a- an atrocious thing! Yes it's atrocious! Taking my future career away guess wasn't enough for him.


Argh! I'm going to kill him! That's it! He's going to die tonight. Say bye to your life darling because Trey Hamilton did not deserve to live until tomorrow. He is a sick bastard who thinks that (as if) I would sleep with him!

He had made sure my life was living hell from the first moment I had come into this senseless pre-school. Ok, so yeah I dated him and then broke it off two weeks ago, but this was so not worth firing me. He had wanted the S word (if you know what I mean?) from me and I had no intention of giving him that.

Can't a guy for once respect a girl’s intention?

No, not really.

Why? Because there all sick bastards. Times like this I just want to find my mate. You know? The 'one'. Maybe he would totally beat up Trey for me, I dreamily thought. I sighed.

At 21 years old I had yet to find my mate. It's not really that bad (yes it is) I guess. Being single is kind fun, you know? If you’re actually a whore? But truthfully I'm not. I have proudly saved my V-card from many hormonal Humans who have yet to 'get it on' with me. I have saved it for my mate, the 'one'.

Sometimes I have wondered if I even had a mate, I mean take Jess for example, she had found her mate at the age of 17 whilst I being the loner I am have still not found mine yet. The Way Jess looks at Rick and the way he looks at her, there eyes filled with love and passion for each other sometimes gets me pretty desperate.

And I mean 'Really Desperate'.

So when one of my friends finds there mate whilst I am still in search for mine, I just feel like driving around in my little bug and yelling in every city I pass 'WHERE ARE YOU MY MATE?!' but yeah unfortunately I can't since that doesn’t commonly happen to unlucky people like me.

Recluses.... Frantic... Unemployed.... Wretched.... Stupid....

"Stephanie Fox! If you don't stop with your miserable thoughts I will honest to god grab your head and shove it down the toilet!" yeah that's what I call a 'friend'. Please note the sarcasm people.

Rotating my head toward her, I stretched out and clutched the bags she held. 

"Who said I was thinking miserable thoughts?" I muttered whilst gulping down the orange juice.

Rolling her eyes, Jess gripped the container of orange juice from my mouth and responded in her weird accent she had learned from her new African American friend.

"Girl I know what colors you pee during your mood-swings so don't be saying I don't know what you are thinking... Ya dig?" I gawked. That's all I could do. I gaped and stared. Well what else could you do when your white girl best friend be talking as if she from the hood!

Mentally I smacked myself. Seriously? 'Be talking?' I need to stay away from that chick, I told myself.

Fairly I didn't know whether to be frightened that she knew the color of pee (which is yellow for all those people wondering) or the circumstance she knew what I had been thinking.

"Don't be giving me that look baby girl!" Jess's next remark retorted me back into authenticity.

Rolling my eyes, I friskily shoved her and finally found my voice, “aren’t you suppose to be getting it in with Mr. Ricky?" I asked her arrogantly, my face towing into a grin when I seen her eyes grow widespread and then blacken at the Nickname I had given her treasurable mate.

I was pretty astonished she was essentially not with him currently, since for the last four years they had been stuck to each other like superglue.

Reliably and I'm totally severe right now, he even trails behind her to the bathroom. But I don't think she minds.... I shuddered; I don't even want to know why. 

“Shut up! Stop calling him that! And he's at home taking care of Aaron. Did you honestly see them together? They look so adorable. And the way Rick takes care of him? I just want to bellow sometimes! Oh and sometimes I do... And the Rick just sits by me and caresses me-" I inaudibly congested her voice out and started marveling if I'll ever have the coincidental to find a mate as sweet as Rick.  

'If' I'll even have a mate. I yearned that he would be as striking as Rick. Even though Rick was like a brother to me, I have to be truthful and confess that he is pretty handsome. As a werewolf, most male wolfs become toned with muscles from there first shift. So they become pretty fine. And from all the wolfs I have met in my past, they were all attractive.

I sighed if only one of them was mine. 'Mine' I wish I had a 'mine', the word sounded so nice if only it had a individual to it.

"Steph! Why do you keep zoning out? Am I honestly that uninteresting?" Jess howled at me whilst snapping her fingers into my face.

Dumbfounded, I had jumped, startling myself. Placing a hand to my ribcage, I glowered at Jess who was smirking delightfully.

"Whoops? I'm remorseful Steph it’s just that you kind of zoned out of a sec... Nonetheless I didn't just come here to tell you to stop thinking miserable thoughts, I have updates for you missy! Big updates! Well it's good and bad, which one you want to hear first?" she examined her eyes widespread with enthusiasm.

Shrugging, I supposed “Bad news," healthier to get the bad news done first, I briskly thought. Her eyes twisted into grief when I had alleged this.

"I won't be seeing you in a very long time," she inaudibly said. I looked at her in misperception. She was traveling again? Last time Jess had toured, she had come back after six months, whilst I was in misery all unaccompanied. It was rather gloomy that I barley had any friends, excluding Jess.

"Uh... Don't mind if I ask...Why is that?" I asked naively. At this her grin returned. And they say I'm the bi-polar, I internally rolled my eyes.

"Well then you have to know the good news to answer your question," she smiled. Leave it to Jess to say stuff like this. I groaned significantly knowing I had to say this.

"Ok... So what is the good news?" I very tolerantly questioned her. She giggled. She honestly just giggled.

"Jess..." I warned her threw narrowed eyes. "Spit it out!"

She giggled again! I swear to divinity if she giggles one more time I will decently toss her out of

my kitchen window! (Which was pretty close) gratefully she shut up before straightening herself out and regarded me with a conventional face.

"You’re going back to the Moonlight pack," 

 Little did Jess know that she had demolished my life with that sentence. 



Hey guys! New story lol but this one I'm actually just writing in my spare time! I just wanted to write something I knew I'll enjoy and I think I'm going to really enjoy writing this book. It's going to be teacher/Student relationship and a Werewolf/Mate relationship so be ready for lots of drama hehe



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