Trinity Seven- Harem Story

By JPPoole

4.7K 63 54

This is my take on the anime Trinity Seven. I don't see any of these on Wattpad so I'm going to change that... More

Chapter 1- Administer and Third Selection
Chapter 2: Prison Lock and Grimoire Security

Chapter 3: Mage and Alchemist

1.2K 23 40
By JPPoole

Scene 1

[The entire school is having fun at the beach. Well, almost everyone. JP and Arin are in a shack working with the food]

JP: How did I get here again?

[Lilith walks over wearing a shirt over her swimsuit]

Lilith: This is Arin's punishment for trying to destroy the school. You decided to help her out. It's too late to back out now. She can't make food all by herself.

JP: Well, I did some damage as well. It only made sense.

Arin: We did it. We can't change anything now. What's done is done.

JP: I guess you're right.

Arin: So, it basically was a husband and wife collaboration?

JP: I guess you could call it that.

Lilith: All of that aside, Arin, you are forbidden from doing anymore experimentation that could possible destroy the school!

Arin: Sounds difficult.

JP: I'm a little confused. Why are we at the beach?

Lilith: I thought you might ask that. The headmaster had this trip planned for a long time. Since the school is uninhabitable, he thought this would be a good time.

JP: So where is he now?

Lilith: He's working over time to fix the school himself.

JP: Okay?

[Levi and Selina walk over]

Levi: He knows what he's doing. He might seem like a dope but he's actually one of the top five mages in the entire world. With you at the top of course.

JP: Okay. Does everyone have to be in a bikini right now?

Selina: Come on, JP. Don't say that you don't like us this way?

Levi: Yeah, JP. Does it excite you?

JP: Uh...

Levi: These swimsuits are designed to entice guys who like flat chested girls.

Selina: You take that back! Mine are just fine!

Levi: What? The small ones are the best! The guys love them! Right, JP?

JP: Uh...

Selina: Well, maybe these might change your mind!

[Selina removes Lilith's shirt revealing that she has a very large chest. Lilith turns red in embarrsement]

Selina: Well, JP?

JP: Uh...

Selina: I'm surprised she's in a bikini in the first place.

Levi: She's obviously trying to seduce JP to make him fall in with her.

JP: Uh...Can we stop talking about this?

Arin: My husband is faithful.

Levi: Come on, Arin. You need to learn to share. Lilith wants to join the harem. Who knows? Selina and I might join too!

JP: I don't know how to respond to that.

Lilith: You, guys, leave JP alone!

[JP shivers]

Lilith: What's wrong?

JP: I'm still shaken from almost dying.

Scene 2

[Flashback to the room and the Breakdown Phenomenon with JP, Lilith, Akio, Mira, and Arin. JP is struggling to control his magic and the ground is shaking]

Mira: Akio, finish him.

Akio: I like that you don't hesitate.

Lilith: You can't kill him, Akio! You won't be able to do anything!

Arin: I can't move. I'm paralyzed.

[Mira smirks]

Lilith: That isn't a good idea.

[Akio's leg glows]

Akio: This isn't personal. It's my job. Eradicating assholes from the world! It is a shame I must say.

[Akio goes to kick JP but she stopped by some type of impenetrable barrier]

Akio: What is going on? I can't kill him?

[JP's eyes glow and everything is shaking violently]

Lilith: He's that powerful? Akio can't even touch him!

[JP is about to cause everything to explode. There is a great flash of light. When the light dies down, they see that JP has disappeared]

Mira: What? Where did he go?

[The Breakdown Phenomenon gets even more out of control]

Akio: What do we do know, Mira? If my magic couldn't destroy him, then none of ours will either.

Mira: Uh...urk...I don't know what to do! He might be the only person strong enough to stop it but we don't know where he is!

Lilith: JP, where are you?

Scene 3

[JP opens his eyes and appears to be in a dream like world. He hears the sounds of the violin. He then sees a door. He opens it to find a girl's bedroom and a girl playing the violin. Once she finishes it, she sets it down]

Yui: Welcome, to my room. I'm Yui. Nice to meet you JP. You kind of like my big brother. You're a bit older than me, right?

JP: Yui, is it? Where am I? I know this isn't heaven.

Yui: You were about to explode with magic, so I pulled you in here at the last second.

[Yui opens a drawer underneath her bed. By magic, it shows what the outside world looks like]

Yui: The outside world is a big mess.

JP: Oh no!

Yui: At this rate the whole school will be destroyed!

JP: What can I do to fix it?

Yui: Straight to your protective nature. I like that.

Scene 4

[Back at the school, people are starting to vanish. Levi and Selina run around seeing this happen]

Selina: What's going on?

Levi: It appears that people with weaker magic are vanishing.

Selina: How are you so calm about this, Levi?

Levi: Oh no. I'm not calm. I just pretend to be.

Selina: You mean you're actually scared?

Levi: I am human.

[Back in the room, Lilith, Mira, Akio, and Arin are trying to hold their best against the Break Phenomenon]

Lilith: This is bad! What do we do?

Mira: We need him back here! His magic is the only thing strong enough to stop this! He's a legendary mage and only legendary magic can stop this.

Akio: We're in serious trouble.

Scene 5

[JP and Yui watch what's going on]

JP: I have to get back there!

Yui: Do you know what to do?

JP: I'm a legendary mage. I can do this. I'll just have to remember what to do.

Yui: I'm impressed. You're really a passionate guy, aren't you, JP?

JP: I just don't want anyone else getting hurt.

Yui: You're thema is control, right? So that might work.

JP: I think I know what I have to do. May you please send me back now?

Yui: Of course, but first...

JP: Huh?

[Yui kisses JP on his cheek. He blushes madly]

Yui: You're a really cute guy, JP! I'll see you around!

Scene 6

[Back in the room, all the girls are still trying their best but are failing. Their protective shield starts to break]

Lilith: It's closing in on us!

Akio: I know! I'm almost at my limit!

[There is giant flash of light and JP appears]

Lilith: JP?

JP: I can do this! I can fix this problem!

Akio: Huh? So, this is the boy you ordered me to kill, Mira? He's quite a looker don't you think?

Mira: We have bigger problems than that right now, Akio!

Akio: Come on, Mira. Don't get embarrassed. You do owe him an apology after all.

Mira: Urk. Fine. Mouth breather, if you get us out of this then you can take me on a date!

All girls: Huh?

Mira: What? That's the only way I know how to make this right!

Akio: An apology letter was bad because...?

JP: Girls, I would love to keep talking about this...okay not really...but we have a bigger problem now. I can do this. I just need to concentrate!

Astral Codex: You can do this, master. Only you can!

[JP closes his eyes and focuses]

JP: Connect to the Superbia Archive! Execute thema!

[JP is transformed into his Paladin armor. All the girls are caught staring. He looks like a knight. Even Mira caught herself staring and gets mad at herself for doing so]

Akio: Well, now that's a look. He really is a legend after all.

Lilith: How can you be so calm, Akio?

Akio: I don't know. Something about him makes me feel safe.

JP: Okay. I got this.

[JP closes his eyes. He snaps his fingers and suddenly the Breakdown Phenomenon stops. Everyone is shocked including JP]

JP: Huh?

[Everyone recomposes themselves]

JP: Okay. Mira, about that date...

Mira: Well...uh...

JP: You don't have to if you don't want to.

Mira: What? What? Uh...stay away from me, mouth breather!

[Mira walks out]

Akio: Haha! I've never seen her so emotional before! You really are something, JP!

[Akio walks after Mira]

Scene 7

[Back to the present. Selina is interviewing JP again]

JP: So, yeah. That's what happened.

Selina: Wow! You made your mage debut!

JP: Actually, I saved Lilith when we first met. I'm also a legendary mage and have been for a while.

Selina: Why are you treating this like it isn't a huge deal? You're super famous!

JP: I just don't see the reason to get all excited.

Lilith: Stop the interview! Can't you see JP doesn't want to make a deal about it?

Levi: Kind of like we're not supposed to make a big deal about these?

[Levi starts to grope Lilith's breasts]

Levi: Wow! These are really impressive!

JP: I'm leaving now!

[JP walks away. He and Selina are now standing near the water]

JP: You girls okay?

Selina: Yeah. We got a little carried away.

JP: I guess. You want me to show you?

Selina: Your Magus Mode? Yeah!

JP: Okay.

[JP closes his eyes]

JP: Connect to the Superbia Archive. Execute Thema!

[JP appearance transforms into his knight look. Selina is taken back. He looks just like a knight]

Selina: Wow.

Astral Codex: Looks like you've left her speechless.

Selina: You're the Grimiore from before!

Astral Codex: Yes and you are one of the girls who...

JP: Moving on!

Selina: Is that the only thing you remember of me? Well, it's time for me to test something out!

[Selina casts a spell which holds JP in his place and wraps around him like a snake]

Selina: My magic is amazing! I was able to bind someone as legendary as you! I'm the coolest.

JP: I'm impressed but do you really think that this will hold me?

Selina: Huh?

Astral Codex: Show her how it's done, master.

JP: Will do.

[JP snaps his fingers and the spell binding him disappears]

Selina: What? He broke it?

JP: Nice try, Selina.

[Selina stomps her foot into the ground in frustration but steps on a rock and falls over. JP catches her. Selina looks up at him and blushes. JP just smiles causing her to blush some more. Meanwhile, Mira and Akio are swimming together]

Akio: Did you know that Demon Lord Paladin would be so powerful?

Mira: No. I guess that's why he's a legend.

Akio: You seemed insistent on taking him on a date.

Mira: (Sighs) He told me I didn't have to.

Akio: Are you disappointed that you guys didn't go on a date?

Mira: Akio!

Scene 8

[Levi and Selina are walking the hallways]

Selina: When I was in his arms...

Levi: Sounds like you had a hard time controlling yourself.

Selina: Shut up. You would have too.

[Suddenly the two hear both JP and Lilith talking behind a closed door]

Lilith: I don't usually do this, but I want to.

JP: Lilith, you don't have to force yourself.

Lilith: I promise that everything will be okay. You can trust me.

JP: I don't know Lilith.

[Levi and Selina stand outside the door]

Selina: Whose room is this?

Levi: I think it's Miss Lilith's.

[Levi and Selina continue to listen]

JP: Fine. I give in. Let's get started.

Lilith: Okay. We'll start nice and slow.

Levi: They're going to do the Forbidden!

Selina: The Forbidden!

[Lilith opens the door because she could hear them from the inside]

Lilith: The Forbidden what exactly?

[Lilith hits both on the head]

Lilith: Anyway, JP, want to join us in the bath?

JP: No. I'm not a pervert.

Levi: There is a coed bath!

Selina: Please come with us.

JP: Fine.

[JP, Lilith, Arin, Levi, and Selina all walk to the paths]

Lilith: The reason that JP wants to be a mage is to remember who he really is and why he doesn't remember his past. He's also trying to save his lost cousin, Hijiri.

JP: So let me get a roll call. There is Lilith, the Ninja, Mira, Akio, there anyone else I'm missing?

Selina: There is a girl named Yui but she's a special type of mage.

JP: I've met Yui.

Selina: No way! Most people can only meet her in a dream world!

JP: Who is the last member?

Lilith: The last member disappeared a little while before you arrived. Her location is unknown.

JP: I have to work with who I have then.

[The girls enter the bath. JP is hesitant to go in]

JP: I change my mind. I don't want to be here.

Levi: Come on! It'll be fun!

JP: No! I'm not a pervert!

[In another section of the bath, Mira and Akio are bathing]

Mira: Leave him alone. If he doesn't want to be here then he doesn't have to.

Akio: Since when did you care about other people, Mira?

[Mira gets embarrassed and leaves the bath. Akio follows her]

Selina: So you're a legend. What makes you so legendary?

JP: I'm a Paladin Demon Lord. Being a Demon Lord or a Paladin by itself makes you powerful enough. I am both. I am the most powerful mage in existence.

Levi: Then why don't you remember anything?

[JP decides to keep his dream a secret]

JP: I do not know.

Levi: So you're super powerful! That thema must be amazing!

JP: The headmaster told that I've mastered all seven archives.

All Girls: What?

Selina: That's impossible! That would take an eternity!

Lilith: Well, JP is a legendary mage so it's quite possible.

JP: Let me try something.

[JP stands. The girls blush at the sight of his body]

JP: What's up?

Lilith: We didn't know that you were so toned!

JP: Well, I work out.

[JP closes his eyes]

JP: Connect to the Luxuria Archive. Execute Thema!

Levi: Luxuria? Lilith's archive?

[Suddenly a bright light appears. When the light dies down, there is a pistol in JP's hand]

Lilith: What?

Selina: Amazing!

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