Call your girlfriend (Larry A...

By 90smalik

5.5K 240 59

In that moment, Harry thought his life was perfect, with his perfect friends and girlfriend. But all of this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (last chapter)

Chapter 3

635 36 4
By 90smalik

“I think I met someone.” Louis said, looking right through Liam’s face.

Mondays were one of the only days that the two of them could talk properly because Liam didn’t had his swimming practices or anything to keep him busy. Right now they were lunching on the cafeteria after a slow morning of long classes and confusing book interpretations.

“Really? Where?” Liam asked, confused and a little bit shocked. Liam was much more bigger than Louis, and here bigger means taller and heavier. He always looked at Louis like he was his little brother, and as a big brother he shouldn’t feel happy knowing that Louis was interested in some other guy.

“Yeah, but I’m not sure. I mean, I don’t even know if he is gay, but yesterday we went out skateboarding and the night ended in a very awkward away.” Louis said, bitting his apple vigorously.

“And by awkward you mean-?”

“I mean we almost kissed, but his phone started to ring and he left. I mean, okay I only met him like 2 days ago but he looks so… I don’t even know how to describe him, but there is something about him that makes me want to hug him and don’t let him go.” Louis confess, looking through one of the cafeteria’s window.

“2 days? Okay Lou, you need to keep calm and be careful. I mean, I don’t want to see you hurt or something. You barely know the guy, he could be a jerk or even worse, a creep.”

“He’s not! He’s so lovely and kind and I can’t stop thinking about him.” Louis complained, dropping his apple on his tray barely touched.

“So what are stopping you then? Why don’t you go there and hug him or whataver? I mean, if you’re saying you guys almost kissed yesterday it means that he’s interested as well?” Liam wondered, studying his friend expression.

Louis sighed, looking up to meet his friend’s gaze. He couldn’t forget how it felt to be wrapped against Hsrry’s chest, his smell all husky and strong, his hands wrapped on his waist, his intoxicating green eyes penetrating his blue ones.

“I don’t know. He’s older and probably won’t be interested in me, I guess. He’s on his second year and I’m only a freshman. He has more important things to do.”

“Don’t be such a pussy Louis. I really don’t want to see you hurt, but why don’t you give it a try? I mean, what’s the worst thing that could possibly happen?” Liam asks, taking a huge bite of his sandwich.

“I don’t know, probably my heart on a dump around the campus or something.” Louis sighed again, resting his face on his hand in a melancholy way.

“Oh stop already Lou! You’re like very young and charming. You should give it a try you know, and knows that if you get hurt or something I’ll be here to support you and cuddle you. YOLO!” Liam said, faking a girly cheerful way.

“Okay, don’t you ever say ‘yolo’ again, please.” Louis said, a tiny laugh escaping from his lips.

After they finish their meal Liam hugs him goodbye and goes to his next class. Louis, on the other side, has the next period free, so he goes to the campus grounds and sits under some random tree, taking a book from his backpack. Today he was reading ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ because he was supposed to write an essay about it.

He hadn’t  even read three pages or so when he saw someone waking towards him by his book. As he lifted his eyes, he could see Harry walking in his direction, his hair all messed up, his perfect tattoos shining with the sun, a backpack over one of his shoulders and a smile on his face.

“Hey.” He said, sitting on the ground in front of Louis.

“Hello, how are you doing today Mrs. Turkey Lurkey?” Louis asked, a playful smile on his face. He couldn’t help but call Harry funny names because it was, well, funny.

“Oh, stop it! I’m fine. Actually, I’m here to invite you to go with me to an art expo at the Digital Technology Office.” The chocolate haired boy said.

“Yeah?” Louis studied his face, catching a glimpse of hope on the boy’s eyes.

“Yeah, it’s going to be very interesting. They’re going to have this whole section dedicated to comic design and stuff and I thought you would like to see it.”

“I’d love to! I mean, I don’t know that much about comics and stuff, but I’ve saw some movies about super heroes so I hope I’ll recognize some of them in the paintings?” Louis said, smilling slightly.

“Oh, I can’t believe you just watch the movies! I think I should do something about this. So, are you in?” Harry asked, eyes widening in expectation.

“Yeah, I’m in. Oh wait, there’s some ink in your face.” Louis suddenly spotted a black spot on Harry’s cheek. He reached his hand and rubbed the spot, feeling the boy’s sharp jaw on his hand. Harry stared at him, his eyes still wide. Louis looked at him, almost dipping into the green of Harry’s eyes. They kept staring to each other for almost a minute, Louis hand still on Harry’s face, when he shook his head and removed his hand from his cheek, his own face turning red.

“Thanks.” That’s was all Harry said while still admiring Louis face. He stayed there for a while, looking at him. It was a little bit awkard, like the last time when they were almost kissing. And all of sudden the boy wrestled himself to a standing position. “So, I see you tomorrow? I’ll text you the schedule so we can meet and go to the exposition.”

“Perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Louis said, looking up to meet the boys’s eyes, again.

“Bye.” Harry waved to him, standing there a little bit and admiring Louis for a moment before turning his back to the blue-eyed boy and walking away.

Louis exhaled in relief, watching the other boy walk away. He felt his heart tight in his chest, realizing that he didn’t want the boy to leave. Feeling a little bit upset, he grabbed his book from the ground and tried to read from where he started, but failing since his thoughts were in the curly boy and his perfect dimpled smile.


The boys met in front of the Digital Technology Office on Tuesday night. As Harry approached he saw Louis already there, wearing his glasses and a navy-blue sweater, black jeans and his usual pair of black converses. Harry felt his heart race a little bit at the sight of the boy alone, looking down to his shoes and waiting for him, patiently.

“You look good.” Harry said when he was sure Louis could hear him. The other boy raised his head in Harry’s direction, smilling shyly.

“Thanks. I didn’t know what to wear since it’s an exposition and stuff but it looks like you were not so concerned about this.” Louis said, looking at Harry’s clothes. He was wearing a Pink Floyd tee shirt, a tight pair of black jeans and his brown ankle length boots.

“Oh, they don’t mind about what you wear. Some artists are kind of… sloppy. Well, let’s go then. I can’t wait to see everything.” He said, gesturing towards the door.

The two of them climbed the steps side by side, entering the exposition: it was crowded with people, big lights illuminating the corridors with lots of paintings of the most variable kinds, colors and shapes.

Harry should be admiring the paintings, he really should. But he couldn’t keep his eyes of Louis as the boy walked by the pictures and studied them carefully, sometimes making comments and asking for Harry’s opinion. Harry liked how he seemed to be genuily interested by the pictures, sometimes his eyes shining when he saw a particularly nice one.

“Look at this! It looks like they’re in some big party and at the same time looks like they’re all depressed and sad. I really like it.” He said, pointing to some random painting. Harry came from behind to observe the painting on Louis’ point of view, their bodies too close for comfort, Harry’s front almost touching Louis’ back.

“Yeah, but they look a little bit creepy, don’t they?” Harry asked, his breathe rustling on Louis’ neck. He could feel the boy shiver slightly, so he backed off a little bit, giving Louis some space.

Louis looked at him by his shoulder, missing the proximity almost instantly. His cheeks went red when he realized that Harry was staring at him, his eyes full of something that Louis couldn’t figure out for certain. He walked to the next painting, feeling Harry following him closely.

“We should head to the comic session, I’ve heard they have a lot of great jobs there. One friend of mine told me that they even have an sculpture of Storm from X-Men.” Harry said, his eyes sparkling with expectation.

“Oh, I know that one! Actually I really like those movies, she’s one of my favorite characters.” Louis said, following Harry through the corridors to the comic session.

It was one of the most beautiful things the two boys had ever seen: all the walls were covered with covers of comics: new comics and vintage comics, colorful comics and black & white comics, big comics and small comics. Harry’s eyes were now of the size of moons, and Louis almost laughed when he looked to the boy’s expression. They started walking through the walls, looking to the comics, Louis recognizing some of them from movies he’d watched.

“This is Deadpool, he’s very cool, probably you don’t know him but he’s one of my favorites. I should show you some comic books I have.” Harry said, still looking to the image of some red and black superhero. Louis followed him, sometimes agreeing with him because he simply didn’t know what to answer.

Twenty minutes later they were outside, walking to their dorms together. After looking to all the comics and talking about Louis’ habits of watching movies and not reading the comics, they stopped by to drink something before leaving. The exposition was great, and both of them had even taken a picture with the Storm’s statue.

“It’s funny how our first picture together it’s with some wax statue, but it’s cool because we didn’t had to fake our smiles or anything.” Louis said, still looking to the picture on his phone: they were each on one side of the statue, making funny faces to the camera. Harry looked to the picture with a huge smile on his face, the corner of his eyes crinkling.

“We should do this more, I had tons of fun! And I’m still willing to show you my comics and everything. I have to prepare yourself to read them when I become famous so you’ll read my comics too.” Harry said, patting him gently on the shoulder.

“I would love to see some of your sketches, you know? I bet they look amazing.” Louis said, looking at him with expectation.

Harry started to blush, looking to the ground and shoving his hands on his pockets, a shyly smile playing on his lips.

“Yeah, who knows? Maybe.” He simply said, ending the subject.

Louis sighed and kept on walking, with the boy following. In no time they were already at Louis’ dorm door, the place completely silent. Louis turned on his feet to face Harry, a smile on his face that could make the Cheshire cat jealous.

“Thanks for tonight, again. It feels nice to have someone to hang out with and talk and… you know, spend some time with.” Louis said, his blue eyes shining on the dark night.

Harry decided that the thing he loved the most about Louis was his eyes: they were so blue and deep, like pools full of the most limpid water, but then they would change and look like two crystals and then they would change again and look like sapphires shining at him. His own eyes widened as he kept staring into the boy’s eyes, almost forgetting to answer him.

“Y-Yeah, me too. We should do it more, you know? It’s nice to spend time with you.” He said, still unable to break his gaze.

“Same. Well, I should get going. Er…” Red spots flared on Louis’ cheeks as he approached Harry and hugged him, his arms wrapping around the boy’s middle. Harry was caught off-guard, his eyes widening as he felt Louis’ body so close to his own, his breathe on Harry’s chest. It was one of the best feelings in the world, having Louis’ body so close, feeling his heartbeat on his chest, the smell of apple shampoo and brand new books that was exhaling from him. He placed his hands in Louis’ waist, rubbing the place a little, squeezing it because he needed more contact. They kept like that for a while, both wrapped in each other, Louis’ face buried on Harry’s chest and Harryn’s face buried on Louis’ hair, and the stars being the only thing to witness such moment.

Slowly, Louis lifted his face from Harry’s chest, looking at him with something in his eyes that Harry couldn’t quite identify. They kept staring at each other for even more time, trying to say something but nothing would come off from their mouths.

“Harry…” Louis whispered but in one quickly movement Harry captured Louis’ lips with his own.

Harry had fantasied about Louis lips countless times, but none of his fantasies corresponded to reality: Louis’ lips were soft and warm and delicious. He held Louis by his waist tightly, while Louis wrapped his arms around Harry’s middle, almost begging for support. The kiss continued calm and soft, but after a while Harry was claiming for more, so he started to slip his own tongue inside Louis’ mouth, craving for more contact. The boy almost moaned when he felt Louis’ tongue on his, rubbing against each other slowly.

The fact was that Louis’ kiss was too different from Sarah’s ones. When Sarah kissed him, he never felt that something was missing, it always felt complete. But Louis kiss had something more, something special, something that simply wasn’t there when he kissed Sarah. In fact, his kiss was better.

The kiss ended faster than it started. Their noses were still touching when they opened their eyes and looked to each other’s eyes, looking for something: an answer, a reaction, a statement. Something.

But it looked like Louis was even more confused than Harry: his mouth formed a circle, pink colored his cheeks and his eyes were of the size of saucers. The boy eased his grip from Harry’s shirt and looked up to meet the curly-haired boy’s eyes. But as he did so, Harry started to laugh. He started to laugh really hard. His eyes were filling up with tears, but tears of joy. Louis looked even more confused that he was before, his eyebrows curling down.

“What are you laughing at?” Louis’ asked with genuine curiosity.

“Your face was funny. It looked like you had seen a ghost or something.” Harry kept laughing, still embracing Louis’ waist tightly.

“Oh, shut up! You’re such a twat! I wasn’t prepared for this you know, I wasn’t expecting this I-“

“Shh, shh.” Harry landed his index finger on Louis’ lips, silencing the boy right away. “I was laughing because you looked cute as hell too. It only made me want to kiss you more.”

Harry started to rub his thumb on Louis’ cheek, making the smaller boy close his eyes in relief. They stayed at this for a while, until he felt Harry’s breathe on his face again and when he realized they were kissing one more time, wet lips rubing against each other and mouths fitting as they were made for each other. As Harry felt Louis’ taste on his lips, he decided that in that moment nothing really mattered for him, only himself and the boy in his arms.


A/N : Hi so idk if anyone is intrested in this story really but I see I've got a few reads so ik that atleast someone is reading which I really apreciate I mean I'm happy with it for a starter hehe

thanks ily Xx

twitter : @ZaynftAnsel

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