The Salvatore Sister

By cmetzcheer

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Arabella Salvatore is the long, lost Salvatore sister to Damon and Stefan. Having been locked up for the bett... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Ten

2.6K 33 2
By cmetzcheer

Klaus looks angry when he comes back to the apartment. He must have run out of things to do in Mystic Falls before he breaks his curse. Glancing around, the man searches for something out of the ordinary of the apartment.

His eyes pause on Arabella for a moment, who is sleeping on the couch, before moving to Katherine. She stands over at the coffee maker and pours herself a cup. He narrows his eyes at her angrily. "What have you been up to?"

Katherine looks innocently down at her mug as she sets it onto the table. "Making coffee. Want some?"

With his vampire speed, the hybrid grips Katherine by the throat and lifts Katherine into the air. His action wakes up Arabella startlingly. "Tell me what you've been doing.'"

"Making coffee," Katherine chokes out. After a moment, Klaus releases the vampire and allows her to slowly walk away from him. He must have been wrong about the whole thing.

"Wait," he states. He knows full well that Arabella's attention is fully on the pair now, but he doesn't really care at the moment.

The vampire comes to a dead stop in front of him. "Take off your bracelet." He waits until her bracelet is in his hand before staring straight into her eyes. "Now, I want you to walk over to the window, and stand in the sunlight."

A terrified look appears on Katherine's face. She doesn't doubt that Klaus will force her to stand in the sun until she burns to death. "But I'll burn," she argues.

Smirking, Klaus stares her straight in the eyes. "You don't have a choice."

The smell of burning flesh wafts through the air of the apartment. For a moment, Arabella thinks that Katherine is going to blow their cover or that Klaus is going to roast her alive in the sun. Soon enough, though, he gives her the okay and watches her scramble into the corner.

"Hm, guess I was wrong," he mutters to himself as he takes another sip of his black coffee. He acts as though what he asked of her is normal.

Upon seeing the terrified look on the werewolf's face, Klaus raises his eyebrows. It's as though he is saying 'you wanted me to torture her'.

When Arabella left Katherine's demise to Klaus though, she wasn't sure what she had in mind. To do Klaus's bidding for eternity certainly wasn't it.

Only a few hours before he performs his ritual, Klaus barges into the room. "Where's Maddox?" He asks impatiently.

"I don't know," Katherine responds.

Arabella lifts an eyebrow at the hybrid as he turns on a computer with a live screen video of a werewolf beginning the early stages of her transformation. She forgot that tonight is the full moon and that Katherine may be dead by the end of it.

Moments after Klaus entered the room, Damon crashes into the room and fixes Klaus a glare. Her brother must be the stupidest vampire on the planet.

Klaus doesn't even look at who entered the room. He knows it's the stupid and arrogant Salvatore brother that will do anything to save the one he loves. "I wasn't aware you've been invited in," he says as a form of greeting.

"I've come here to tell you that you have to postpone the ritual," Damon replies.

Arabella and Katherine stand at the back of the room, the former staring at her brother with wide eyes. If only she could knock some sense into her brother.

Klaus watches his werewolf video, waiting for the perfect moment. "Didn't we already have this conversation?"

"That was before I saved your werewolf and vampire and killed your witch."

Immediately rising to his feet in anger, Arabella knows that this may be her brother's last moments. "Excuse me?" He growls, daring Damon to repeat what he just said.

Damon remains in his spot, unafraid as Klaus slowly approaches him. "You can kill me for it. I don't care. It was all me." 

"Arabella, Katarina. Give us a moment," Klaus orders.

Knowing that one of the best things for her brother is to leave, Arabella has no choice but to exit the room and worry about her brother's well being.

Only a few minutes later, Arabella releases a groan of pain. Katherine rushes to the other side of the room in fear. "Great," she mutters under her breath angrily.

Arabella's eyes glow a strong golden color before the world begins to darken. She is only vaguely aware of Katherine closing and locking the door to whatever room she is currently in. Soon, everything goes black.

To say that Arabella is disappointed that she is still trapped inside Alaric's apartment with Katherine is an understatement. She is beyond angry that she is still here and that she didn't accidentally bite Katherine as a wolf. Being trapped with her for two days, however, is really icing on the cake.

The door makes a click sound as someone opens it, revealing Stefan. He eyes Katherine and Arabella, surprised they haven't murdered each other yet. "Hello, Katherine," he states to the one who looks more angry.

She stands fixes a glare at Stefan. "Two days I have been waiting. I'm supposed to be free of Klaus's compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead."

Stefan grimaces at the memory. "Well, we had some complications."

Arabella stands from the couch frustratedly. "Complications? I've been stuck in this apartment with whiny Katherine right there and it's a wonder why I haven't ripped her head off yet."

"It doesn't really matter. I need to find him. It's really important to me."

Suddenly, Katherine slams Stefan into the wall on the side of the room. She places a finger to her lips as the door opens to reveal Klaus.

"Klaus, you're back," Katherine notes calmly. She grips tightly onto Stefan's jacket as she pulls him from their hiding spot. "Look who joined us for a visit."

It takes Arabella a moment to see that Elijah is with Klaus. She stares at the vampire in confusion. Wasn't he the one who really wanted to see Klaus dead? It must have been a ploy to gain all of their trust.

Klaus smirks in Stefan's direction. "You just keep popping up, don't you?" He questions rhetorically.

"I need your help." Stefan walks towards him as Elijah closes the door. "For my brother."

Arabella stares quizzically at Stefan. What is wrong with Damon? Did he do something stupid again? Why does he need Klaus's help for whatever Damon did? The questions keep piling up in her mind, but no answers stick out at her. "What's wrong with Damon?" She asks Stefan in a concerned voice.

Everyone ignores her, each having a different focus in mind. Leaving Arabella in the dark, for now, probably seems like the best idea.

Elijah stares at the room impatiently, almost as though he is expecting something. "You're going to have to wait a tick. I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention."

Klaus goes to grab something as Elijah walks towards Stefan. "You understand the importance, otherwise you wouldn't be here," he points out. The glare Stefan is giving him, fills Arabella in on whether Elijah betrayed them or not. "My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own."

Though she has only been with him for a few days, Arabella knows that you must choose your words carefully with Klaus. So, it isn't too surprising to her when Klaus drives the dagger with white oak ash straight into his heart. She can only imagine the hateful look that Elijah has on his face as he gets exactly what he wanted from Klaus.

Shoving Stefan into the wall after his heinous deed has been done, Klaus narrows his eyes at Stefan. "Now," he begins. "What am I going to do with you."

It only takes him a moment to figure out that he wants to torture Stefan with the closest tool possible inside of Alaric's apartment. When Arabella tries to step in, Katherine stops her with a hand on her arm. The warning look on the vampires face stops her from doing anything stupid.

Blood spills onto the floor from Stefan's body, the longer the knife remains in his chest. He releases a groan as Klaus most likely toys with it in his body.

"Please," Stefan begs. His voice sounds more like a moan due to the knife in his gut. "I'll do anything you ask of me."

If Stefan is offering to do anything, then there must be something seriously wrong with Damon. Damon would never willingly let Stefan offer himself up to anyone if he was able to put a stop to it. Nor would Stefan ever blindly make a deal with the hybrid unless there was something very wrong.

Klaus releases the desperate vampire and watches him drop to the floor. He walks to the fridge, where he grabs a blood bag. "You see, I don't think you in this current state are of any use to me." He pours some of the blood into a pristine, clear glass. Arabella wonders how easy it is to clean blood out of those. Does the glass ever go back to its original state? Will it ever be the same?

The hybrid crouches down beside Stefan with a smug smile on his face. "I used to hear stories about a vampire who was on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent." Arabella's blood runs cold at the way Klaus says magnificent. Something tells her that Stefan never wanted her to hear this story. The story of his immortal life.

"In 1917, he went into Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village." The way Klaus conveys this story, it almost seems as though he is proud. Proud that Stefan used to murder hundreds of innocent people with any remorse. "A true ripper." He takes a sip of his blood, knowing that he has captured everyone's attention in the room. "Sound familiar?"

The vampire's eyes never leaves the ground as Klaus tells him this story. He feels a deep and true shame rise up within him at the memories of all he had done when he was unable to control his urges. He can't even fathom look at the look of shock and horror on his little sister's face as Klaus reveals one the most regrettable moments of his entire life.

Arabella stares at the scene with wide eyes. Neither of her brothers told her what they were like in the early stages of their vampire lives. All she knows is the now and the decade before now. After this revelation, she thinks its best that they had left her in the dark.

"I haven't been that way in a very long time," Stefan responds calmly.

The smile falls from Klaus's face in disappointment. He stares straight into Stefan's eyes with a glower. Though Stefan may be a man of morals, Klaus understands that Stefan will drop all of them to get save the ones he loves. "Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That's the kind of talent that I could use when I leave this town."

"Katarina," Klaus calls. He extends his hand out for her to take. "Come here."

Katherine does as she is told, not knowing what she's about to get herself into. None of them are expecting Klaus to bite her on the wrist.

"No!" Katherine cries as she stares at the grotesque bite that now marks her wrist. Of all the ways to die, she never expected it to be through a werewolf bite by her enemy.

Klaus then shoves his wrist into her mouth and forces her to drink his blood. As the werewolf bite heals, Arabella realizes what exactly happened to her oldest brother. Damon Salvatore got bit by a werewolf.

The girl sinks to her knees at the revelation, her heart stopping dead in her chest. Tears rush down the sides of her cheeks as she looks towards Stefan. "He's dying, isn't he?" She asks. They make eye contact for a full three seconds. "He got bit by a werewolf."

Nodding his head, Stefan looks away from his terrified little sister and looks back towards Klaus. "You want your cure," Klaus begins. He nods his head towards Katherine's healed wound. "There it is."

"Your blood is the cure," Stefan murmurs angrily. Of course the one way to save his brother is to convince a psychotic hybrid to give up some of his blood.

"Gotta love Mother Nature." He grips Stefan on the shoulder like they're best friends. "Now, let's talk. You and I."

Arabella watches as the sit on some stools by the counter. Klaus puts some of his blood in a vial, ready to negotiate with Stefan.

Though she doesn't want Stefan to bargain any part of his life away, she also doesn't want Damon to die. Either way, she's about to lose one of her siblings. Whether that be for a decade, or eternity.

She may even lose Stefan to his bloodlust, thanks to Klaus. Watching as he swallows blood bag after miserable blood bag. Dozens of blood bags later, Arabella can tell that Stefan has finally snapped. The Stefan that is able to resist the bloodlust is gone.

Blood drips down his chin as he messily finishes yet another blood bag. Klaus already has another one waiting in his hand. He appears to enjoy breaking Stefan and remaking him into exactly who he wants him to be. The Ripper of Monterey.

"You seem to be enjoying it," Klaus states casually as he tosses Stefan another blood bag.

Stefan shakes his head and glares up at Klaus. Somehow, he managed to get onto the floor between drinking his dozens of blood bags. "No more. Not until you give me the cure."

The small falls from Klaus's face. "Not until we make a deal," he responds.

As soon as Stefan seals his fate, the hybrid walks over to Katherine. "Sweetheart," he calls as he picks up the cure. "Take this to Damon and come right back."

Relief floods through Katherine's body. "You want me to leave?" She asks.

Immediately rising to her feet in fear, Arabella shakes her head. "No!" She and Stefan exclaim at the same time.

"Yes," Klaus responds with a smile. "And if I were you—"

Katherine runs inhumanly out the door as Arabella races after her, getting cut short right at the entrance. "I'd hurry," Klaus finishes as Arabella growls.

"Katherine, I swear if that cure doesn't get to Damon, I'll kill you!" She shouts down the hallway. Her eyes glow gold in her frustrated anger. "You will have me to fear for the remainder of your pathetic life!"

Perching onto one of the many chairs made available to him, Klaus smirks. "Arabella, sweetheart," Klaus begins. Arabella turns to face him, trying to keep the glare off of her face. He can just as easily leave her here to rot as he can let her go. "Why don't you follow after her? Make sure she gets the cure to your brother?"

Arabella spares at glance at her older brother, who nods at her before she races after Katherine at inhumane speed.

By the time that she makes it to her house, Katherine is long gone and Damon is looking a little better. "Oh my God, Damon!" She exclaims as she races towards his side.

"What happened?" He asks her. There's a clarity in his eyes, which indicates that the cure worked.

"Where's Stefan!?" Elena cries. The doppelgänger's eyes are red and puffy because she was crying.

Tears form in her eyes as she looks between the two of them. "Stefan made a deal with Klaus for the cure. He's now Klaus's crony for the next decade." She gives Elena a sad look. "He's gone."

The words hang heavily in the air as the three people who care for Stefan most wrap their heads around the fact that they may never see him again.

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