Everything Will Be Just Fine...

By clara_wr1tes

335K 6.4K 537

COMPLETED / PAUL LAHOTE FANFICTION Alexandra had never thought anything bad would happen to her. When it did... More

1. Slow down !
2. It Looks Like You're High On Sugar
3. They Ate Pizza To Celebrate
4. You Are Officially My New Friend
5. What Does NF Stand For ?
6. The Sharks Will Eat You
7. We're Not Five Anymore !
8. So Not Nice To See You
9. A Reasonable Reason
10. Sit Down
11. Want To Make A Bet?
12. You Said You'd Grow Old With Me
13. Haven't You Heard The Wolves ?
14. The Fairy Can Come And Heal You
15. Don't Be Sad
16. Your Head Kind Of Looks Like An Egg
17. Things Are Going Back To Normal
18. Going Back To School
19. We Are Leaving
20. He Joined Sam's Gang
21. You Jerk !
22. You Don't Understand What Is Happening
23. I Care
24. She's Hurt Because Of You !
25. What The Heck Is Going On?
26. Lot Of Explanations To Do
27. I Want It To Stop
28. I Thought You Were My Friend
29. I Hate This
30. I Feel At Home
31. Messing With My Head
32. You'll Have To Reach High Expectations
33. Tell You The Truth
34. I Don't Follow Her Advice
35. What Tumor ?
36. She Fell Into A Coma
37. Gillian Is Here
38. Princess
39. Dobby Is A Free Elf !
41. It's Like In My Nightmares
42. I'm Having A Single Date
43. I Don't Want You Here
44. I Love You
45. I Don't Know Where She Is
46. They Took William With Them
47. They really Did Set This House On Fire
48. So Damn Grateful
49. I'll Fight With You
50. Bad Choice
Bonus Chapter

40. Is He Thinking Of Hitting Me ?

4.2K 83 3
By clara_wr1tes

"I have to tell you something. See, about a month and a half ago, after you told me about the legend, I went into the woods. And there, I had some weird visions about Mom and Dad : it wasn't anything from my memory, but more there's. Could it be my power ?" I say to the mirror.

"Sure. Go ahead and tell him that." Kate mutters from my bed and I sigh.

"What else can I say to him ? He was freaking out last night when Paul told him that Victoria had approached me. I have to tell him, it's eating my conscience !" I admit and put my face in my pillow.

"Ask Paul. After all, he is taking you to that party the vampires are giving, no ? Ask him on the way there and you'll see what he says."

"I can't." I talk in my pillow. "He'll think I'm crazy and dishonest. Both are true, but still..."

Kate takes my pillow and I let out a small scream of surprise. "Please, he's totally whipped. I say, you tell him about the two thingies you are hiding from him and then, you wait for his reaction. Judge him : if he is supportive, he's perfect, if not, kick his ass."

I giggle before looking at my friend. "I'll tell him about the first one, the weirdest."

She shakes her head. "You are going to regret it."


"You look beautiful, tonight." Paul says when I step out of the house.

I raise my eyebrows. "So, every other night, I'm ugly ?"

"No, no, no ! Not at all, it's just that..." he gushes and I laugh.

"Chill, Paul. It was a joke. Thanks." I blush slightly and follow him as we walk to his car.

Kate made me wear a black skirt which stops above my knees and a white blouse. I hesitated for the top because it showed more skin than I usually let anyone see. I checked if some of my scars were visible, ones that I got from the car accident, but it was fine. I refused to wear high heels, I preferred my Converses.

We don't say anything in the car and I play with my hands nervously. It looks so much like a date. I decide to tell him about my visions, like Katherine advised me to.

"I had strange visions in my head about a month and a half ago." I blurt out.

"What ?" he laughs, taking a turn and entering a small road in the woods.

"When you told me that I was your, um, imprint, I was in the woods, right ?" I tell him and he nods. "Well, before you came, I had memories that belonged, I presume, to my parents. It was strange and I wanted to tell Billy, but you came. After, everything just kind of fell off and I didn't get to tell my uncle about this. I wanted to ask you how I should tell him." I explain and look at him.

His hands are tight on the steering wheel and he stares in front of us. "We will ask the Cullen's tonight, along with the other things." he tells me, without looking once at me.

I don't say anything. I wish he could reassure me.


"I'll go inside and search for any of them." I tell Paul and leave before he can stop me.

When I enter the house, I blink multiple times to readjust my eyesight : there are lights everywhere, the house is full of teenagers, music is so loud that I momentarily go deaf and I can't see any Cullen.

I frown deeply and began searching for them. Some boys whistle at me, I ignore them and continue my search. Suddenly, a hand grabs my arm and makes me turn around. I face a boy with blond hair and brown eyes who has a smirk plastered on his face. He keeps his hand on my arm, which is rude considering the fact that I don't know who the heck he is.

"Hello, beautiful. Can I get you a drink ?" he asks me, winking at me.

I fake a gag and smile sweetly. "Hi." I then pull my arm from his grasp. "It would've been a pleasure, but since I've never seen you before, I will have to decline. Bye !" I say as fast as I can before walking away.

"Whoa, wait ! What's your name ?" he says, following me.

He can't get a hint, I think, rolling my eyes. "Stop with the flirting act. I am so not in the mood to deal with this shit." I tell him. "Plus, you're not my type : I don't like guys who harass girls at a party."

"Excuse me ?" he shouts, visibly angry. "You were asking for it, with the way you dressed !"

I face him, fire in my eyes. "Are you saying that because of the way I dress, you think I want to deal with your shit ? Men need to evolve, otherwise we're doomed." I mutter the last sentence to myself.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you can't talk to me like that !" he says while raising his hand.

Is he thinking of hitting me ? "Try hitting me once, and you won't be able to have children. Ever." I threaten and he chuckles.

"I'm not scared of a girl, you're weak and..." he starts talking until he looks behind me and gulps. "I have to go." he says and runs away.

"Hey, shorty !" Emmet says from behind me.

I turn around and squeal when I see my favorite Cullen. I jump in his arms. "I missed you !" I scream, hugging him. "Ouch." I mumble.

"Come on, I was charged to bring you to the others. We have to talk about serious stuff, now." he jokes and I follow him.


After we survived from the dreadful crowd, he takes me to a big room where all the pack, Bella and the Cullen's already are sitting in.

When he sees me, Paul stands up and takes me in his arms protectively and growls at Emmet. I slap his arm and shush him.

"Let's start." Carlisle says. "Victoria and Gillian are the two vampires who were seen by Alexandra and Bella. Alexandra saw both, so we have to protect her the most. The first time, Gillian talked to her at the hospital, a public place. The second time, Victoria talked with her in the pack's territory. That means that our defenses a pretty weak.

"Bella didn't see any of them since the beginning, but an unknown vampire was smelled in her room and he also stole one of her shirt. We clearly believe they took her scent so that their army of vampire can attack her, by following her scent."

"The army is consisted of newborns, which means they are more powerful and ruled by their instincts. We can't defeat a whole army of them, which is why we are asking for your help." Jasper tells the pack and Sam nods.

"We will help."

"Fantastic !" Esme says.

I smile at her and she smiles back, her smile motherly. I feel a pang in my heart : she looks like Mom.

"They should attack in a week. I saw it in my visions." Alice adds and I freeze.

Visions ?

"What do you mean by visions ?" I ask her.

She waves at me before explaining. "I see visions of the future whether they relate to imminent danger, my family or vampires."

I nod and Paul kisses the top of my head absentmindedly.


"Alice ? Could I talk to you, please ?" I ask her when everyone leaves the room.

Paul wanted to stay with me, but I brushed him off. He would've just distracted me.

"Of course !"

"I had visions, too, but of the past. My parent's past." I tell her and she frowns.

"You're a human, no ? Why would you have visions ?" she says and I sigh.

"That's precisely the problem. There is this legend, where it says that one woman from a shapeshifter family, will have special powers, but that she will die after her 17th birthday without her imprint's protection." I explain and she listens closely. "Billy thought I was this girl, because I had cancer and that it started worsening after my 17th birthday and..."

She cuts me off. "You had cancer ?"

"Yes. But it's better now, especially since I've discovered that I'm Paul's imprint, although..."

"You're Paul's imprint ? That's why you guys acted like a couple two minutes ago, when he kissed your forehead." she gushes and I blush madly.

"We are not a couple ! We are friends, who are learning how to know each other, before anything changes." I explains and she giggles.

"You are so smitten !" she sing-songs and I slap my forehead.

"Not the point. What I mean is, could there be a way for you to 'see' what's going on with me ?"

She thinks about it. "Whenever I try to 'see' Bella when she's with Jacob, it's quite difficult because of what he is. Since you're always with Paul, it'll be as difficult, if not more. But I can try !" she tells me cheerfully.

"Thank you so much !" I say, happy of the outcome.

"Don't tell anyone except Paul and your closest friends about this. I know that when I was human, they locked me in an asylum because they thought I was crazy." she tells me.

On that note, I shudder and thank her again.

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O7/04/19 : #34 in sadness

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