So HigH!! :; SKI MASK THE SLU...

By XXXstokeleyyyy

24.2K 762 375

Just keep reading it will make senseπŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈβœŒπŸ½ More

6.18.18 were sadly almost thereπŸ˜₯πŸ˜”
15. πŸ˜”πŸ’”


982 41 0
By XXXstokeleyyyy

*6 days till' Jah's trip

Jayla POV:

It was Wednesday and i was in math class. It wasn't even close to the end of the day and i was ready to go. 30 minutes later  the bell rung letting us know it was time for lunch. Me and my friend Ciara walked in the lunch room and got our lunch. Me and ciara only hung out with each other we never really hung out with other people because all the girls were either thots or messy.

We sat down and ate our lunch. Just as we were eating this girl named Kyra came up to us, she was messy and she gave head to almost every boy in our school. "my friend said he like you, and he wanted to see what that mouf do?" she said looking back at the table she was sitting at filled with all her messy as friends and some boys. We looked at the table and the guy who supposedly said that waved at us. I looked at ciara and could tell she was unconfortable. She was the quiet type and Kira and er friends always messed with her. "so what dat mouf do?" she said clapping her hands.

"talk a whole bunch of shit!" i said standing up throwing my trash away.

"Actually he was asking her, so chill out sis" she says pointing to ciara. I could tell Ciara was uncomfortable.  "Actually i could give two fucks. You can go back over there and tell your friend that my friends not interested," I demanded walking over to ciara grabbing her hand lightly pulling her to get up. " bitch please stop the attitude cuz i wasn't even talking to you!" she yelled walking up to me

"Bitch who the fuck you think you talking to your better shove a dick down your throat for you say something you regret" i yell letting go ciara hand. 

She pushes me then after that something in me snaps and a blank out. Later i wake up and im in the nurses office laying down on a matt.

"oh good your up, the principal needs you in his office." She says handing me a ice pack to put on my head

Ciara POV:

after Kira pushed Jayla, Jayla grabbed Kira's hair and started to punch her in her face. Kira tried to fight back but it was no use, Jayla grabbed Kira's head and banged it against the lunch table multiple times. KIra friends ran over and tried to break it up. The principal ran in and broke it up.  Just then Jayla passes out and and then Mr. Fyln the science teacher picks her up an takes her to the nurses office. "you! come here!" the princiipal yells at me while pointing. I go with him. I tell him what happened and what Kira did. Just then Jayla walks in and sits next to me. The principal calls there parents and tell them to come pick them up. Kira only got suspended for 3 days because her mom and the principal got something going on and everybody knows it.  Jayla got suspended for two weeks and the rest of this week. I felt bad.


Jayla POV:

I wait outside for stokeley just then Kira's mom pulls up. Kira runs out the door to her moms car. She notices me and a demonish look comes across her face. She looks me up a down and starts smiling. " mhm. bitch." she say chuckling i start running towards her reaching for her neck when somebody grabs my waist to stop me. They pull me away as i watch Kira get into her moms car.  I turn around and it was stokeley. We get in the car and it was a quit ride to his house.  We get in the house and i try to run upstairs to my room.

Stokeley grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. "why do you always run up there?" stoke ask annoyed "I dont know. I just want to be alone." i say trying to get out of his grip. It just gets tighter. "you shouldn't be alone." he says letting go of my arm smiling. I could feel my face getting hot. He looks into my eyes which sends a chill down my spine. 

"well... i gotta go take a shower.." i say breaking the silence.

"ight. Ma, dont take long. I'm bout to order a pizza." he says pulling out his phone

"ok." i said closing my door.


Sorry i havent updated. Ive been on spring break. but remember to vote on this chapter and my past ones. and follow my page please. 

PLease excuse the mastkes i was trying to rush and update. but yeah.


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