Mending Fences

By LavenderBlue04

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Goodbye Goodbye is such a small word A word that has many meanings So much depth and despair Goodbye can m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

417 19 8
By LavenderBlue04

Natsuki's POV:

   "It was really nice of Nikole and Kayte to watch the kids for us while we get their stuff." I tried for like the millionth time to get my wife to talk to me.
   "Yup." She murmured shortly, packing Benny's books into a box carefully.  I bit my lip, sighing in frustration as I glared at the back of her head. This woman was driving me up the wall...we've only had the kids for like five days and already it's making my wife into an irritable mom. I moodily threw Denny's cars into the box full of various toys.  The silence was killing me, so I picked up the box of toys and dropped it on top of the clothes box with a loud thud, that actually made Yuri jump.

   "Natsuki!" She bristled but I was already making my way towards Rosie's room. I had to disassemble the crib and pack it away before the movers got here in an hour and a half.
  "What do you care ..." I grumbled starting away bitterly.

However I kind of detoured at the sight of Monika and Sayori's bedroom. I slowly pushed the door open. Seeing all of their untouched stuff the unsuspecting person might assume they were just away for the day. Their clothes are overflowing from the hamper, Monika's phone is plugged in on her sidetable...I drop onto the bed closing my eyes as memories overcome me.

  "I hate him!" Sayori sobbed her hands shaking as she looked up at me intently. "Why would MC do this to me? Why would Monika?" She drops to the bed with a sad sob, burying her face in the pillow.
   "I'm so sorry Sayo, Monika was drunk... you guys were fighting ....MC was drunk...don't worry, I'm here for you..."

  "I don't care that they're drunk! Monika's pregnant with MC's baby!" She exclaimed kicking over her empty hamper as she shook with anger. I hugged her from the side.
   "I know it hurts, he's an asshole for doing this to you and Annie." I whisper trying to soothe her. 

I shake away the memory as I look at the picture of the happy couple with a newborn Naomi that rests on Monika's dresser next to a picture of the twins. Who would've thought so much sadness would work itself out.

  "I thought you were going to put away the crib?" Yuri questioned dryly and I jumped slightly as my wife loomed in the doorway completely emotionless.
   "Whatever Yuri,  you just go put away clothes and shit and be the brooding edgy bitch you've always been!" I growl turning away from her, willing her to leave.
   "Oh real mature Natsuki!" Yuri exclaimed bitterly.

  "Hey stop that." I frown... I stand from the bed looking at Yuri.

  "Sayori?" I whisper and Yuri's expression is confused as she starts after the sound.
   "You two are unbelievable, stop fighting over something so silly." I start down the stairs after Yuri and round the corner and gasph.

  "No way..." Yuri whispers.

To be Continued...
Sorry it's so short, I'm babysitting and had this idea and wanted to get it all typed out before I forgot.

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