Long Ear Hybrid || Jungkook x...


315K 11.1K 9.6K

"Noona?" "What slut?" "What does sex mean? Can I sex?" "Look it up, we got the Internet for that, it's fuckin... More



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You're still on the floor with jungkook on top of you buTt naked in the dark.

"This isn't right man. This is considered sexual harassment." You said disgusted.

"ToUcH mE nOonA." Jungkook sAid lowlY while rubbing your sides with his hands. "MMMM this isn't the only thing I'm gonna ruB."

"Oh woW. This is something that I thought I would never experience. Reverse pedophilia. Teleiophilia! " You stated.

Yoongi was just listening in on the conversation. "This is nice and I would really wanna see what is actually happening, but I'll just save you anyway because my thicc bitch wants to meet you." Yoongi sAid while walking over to where the noise is, but that only resulted into Jungkook making a bunny snarl and growl.

"Fucking excuse me dried up cum stain? Did you just growl at me? No more leg for you hOUGh." Somehow smaccs the bacc Of junGkooks hEad. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before growling at me bitCh." Right then Yoongi snatches you away from Jungkook.

Jungkook was rubbing his head and whimpering. "Jungkook is Sorry hyung..."

"You only respect me for my legs. Gold digger who? I only know limb digger."

You honestly had no words. You were basically molested. So you're both traumatized and annoyed.

Jungkook frowns and puts his clothes back on. "This isn't fair at all. Not one bit."

"You don't deserve this ass. Its premium like my pornhub account. Bitches wish they could relate."

Yoongi turns on the lights and unlocks the door. "That's nice to know Y/N. But I think Jungkook is depressed."

You look over at Jungkook and shrug.

"Sounds like a personal problem."

Jungkook sniffles and wipes his tears away with his hands. "All I wanted was just some friction of your body. I wasn't wanting much from you Noona."

"Be a male stripper and rub your ass and dick against a pole then. I mIghT actUalLy aPprEciAte you mOre."

"OoF- thAt's harsh Y/N..." Yoongi sAid.

"I know."

You were now sitting in a café with Yoongi.

"I don't want to meet this actual hoe." You groan and sulk in your chair.

"Suck it up or I'll make you suck mY dick."

"I would honestly suck your dick." You look to the side and see a boy standing there with wide eyes.

Yoongi also looks over And gaSP. "Thicc bitch! It isn't what it sounds like!"

The boy smirks and puts a hand on his hip. "It's exactly what it sounds like. I'm totally up for a threesome."



"By the way, my name is Park Jimin."

"Sup park." You greeted.

Yoongi looks at you like you're dumb. "His first name is Jimin, ReRe."

You scoff. "Then maybe he should have said Jimin Park. Fucking extra bitches These dayS."

"YOU SAY IT THE EXA- you know what. I officially don't associate with you anymore. GET oUt OF mY vIsiOn."

"Rood." You stand up and leave. "All these men getting feisty." You walk to a bar and just barge right in and sits down while making eye contact with the bartender. "Oh wOw-"

"Hey NOOnA! I missed yoU bitch!"

I'm done with liFe and whAt I have creAtEd

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