Ruby Rose x Pirate Male Reader

By Smokin-Mask

54.8K 883 172

After Summer disappears from a botched mission, Ruby grew up with a man who she could no longer consider a fa... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL

Chapter XXIV

480 13 0
By Smokin-Mask

Ruby's POV:

"How many times now Ruby?" I groaned in annoyance before muttering, "twenty-seven now." I could feel her frustration radiating off her as she asked once again, "How many times?" I finally sighed as I stopped to turn to her answering while looking down, "Twenty-seven time snow Miss Calavera." She looked down at me before sighing herself as she lead the way back to the mansion on the hillside. Rather than go the way I came in from we took the secret back door which lead into the cave where she kept a variety of things ranging from books, and valuables to weapons, and armor. "There's enemies out there that aren't going to fight fair Ruby. You need to learn that they'll attack you from anywhere at any given time." I rolled my eyes as I walked behind her before asking the same question I've asked many times before. "What person attacks another from a tree like some monkey?" She didn't look back at me as we walked through the cave to the doorway leading into the hallway where her armory was. "I've told you this many times before Ruby. Out here in the Caribbean there's many different tribes, lost civilizations, and no shortage of people looking to kill people like you, and I. You need to prepare to fight at any given time." Putting my weapons where I took them from I looked around while she changed into something lighter. As she was nearly finished I came across a book which brought back some the memories of living with Tai upon reading the cover. Pyrates of the Caribbean. "Coming Ruby?" Calavera asked while I flipped through the pages thinking over everything which lead to me staying here until I served my end of the bargain I made with her. "Ruby?" She called out as she walked around looking for me between the rooms. "In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor; in this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour look or two at choking. No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto." —Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts. Those words still sat on my mind the longer I thought about it until I jumped when Maria put her hand on my shoulder startling me. "What's wrong?" She asked with more concern in her voice. Looking down at the book in my hand she gently took it from me asking, "What has you on edge Ruby?" Looking at the book I answered, "I took my copy of that book when (Y/n) got me off of Patch. I lost all my belongings that I managed to keep when that stupid order took him away from that asshole of a man he trusted as a brother." Handing it back she said, "I'm sorry for your lost, but I'm sure he'd tell you the same. You need to move on, and besides. We don't know what has become of him. He still may be alive, and well." I took the book before putting it back saying, "I sure hope so. No one deserves a fate like slavery. Death would be more fitting than a life of servitude in shackles, and chains." The atmosphere felt awkward as we stood there until someone called for Calavera from above catching us by surprise. "Let's head up shall we?" I nodded in agreement, and followed her up. As we got to the main room where a desk was set up along with a few large shelves she stopped, and turned to look back at me. "Take the day off Ruby. We can continue tomorrow." I nodded and began to walk out as a few men walked in carrying some charts, and boxes. As I walked through town I had a few occasional stares, but I paid no mind to them as I walked towards the coks where several ships were anchored, or moored. As I turned down the main road dividing the town I could see the man whose company I enjoyed since the day he arrived here. I didn't bother using my semblance to run down the run since last time I did that I nearly killed him via heart attack which may have directly angered him. "Hey Robert!" I said waving to him as I got close enough for him to notice. Raising his hand holding mug he replied, "Why hello there Ruby. What brings ya down here?" I sat on a chair next to his in front of the bar here on the main dock leading out into the bay. "I got the day off for now." He nodded off to me before looking back out into the bay at his ship. "What's bothering you?" I asked out of curiosity. He took a drink from his large mug before swallowing the contents to answer my question. "I have nothing against the lady up there training you Miss Rose, but I feel this secrecy isn't suited for me. I much prefer to sail out there, and do what I rather do now than sitting here doing nothing." Looking at his ship I could already tell what he was thinking. "You want to sail as a pirate once again don't you?" He looked at me nodding with a cheeky grin as he took another another drink. "I know that feeling myself, but I agreed to stay here in return she would help me find a friend that was taken away from me." I heard him begin to hum a shanty before asking, "Has she gotten any information to where he could be?" I looked down which soon caught the older man's attention which soon had his body turned in my direction. "A face like says a lot of things Miss Rose. She hasn't found much has she?" I shook my head no while rubbing my right arm before looking up at him. "All we know is the ship he was taken on was found, and sold at Nassau. She says she sent someone there to investigate it further, but she hasn't told me a thing for nearly a year now. I'm afraid to bring it back up with her since last time she was furious with me." I looked at him as he stared down me in shock, yet something felt off about him. As if he had a thought that might get me in more trouble, and I'd know a lot about having ideas like that. "Tell ye what Miss Rose. I'll try to convince her to allow me to sail out of here with you as company to learn the ropes of being part of her little guild here, and maybe try to find some information regarding your friend out there. In return for your combat expertise that you've learn you'll help me get back into piracy. What do ye say?" He finished with his hand extended. Thinking it over just for a small moment I took it with eagerness answering, "You got yourself a bargain!" As we let each other go he took his mug, and finished off his drink as the sun began to set over the mountains that shield us from everyone sailing around the Caribbean. "I best get going now. You know how she is when someone's late to one of her meetings up there." I gave a nervous chuckle as I replied to his comment. "Yeah...I saw how angry she can get first hand." Robert may be old, but the man had some energy in him to make anyone look upon him with envy as he began to walk off the dock to Calavera's large home up there. "Don't let her get to you Ruby. She may be scary at times, but she's a respectful woman nonetheless. Don't let her get in to your head."

~Northwest of Santa Oda~
(Y/N)'s POV:

"Here's your ship. Now what?" Looking back at his quartermaster Mister Gates (Y/N) replied, "I'm heading over to see what the bloody hell happened to scare off Hornigold." The sea was beginning to show signs of a oncoming storm as the wind began to pick up raising the waves to rock the ships. "Quite a dangerous task if you ask me." Mary commented as she stood next to the railing to which the young captain walked over only to climb over the side. "Stay if you want. I'm heading over with, or without you." He said climbing to the lifeboat rolling around in the raging sea below. Mary along with several of (Y/N)'S crew climbed over reluctantly joining him as they rowed over to see what happened on board. Now far off the reef where the brig laid as the waves crashed over the side adding water down below the arrived only for (Y/N) to jumped off onto the ship without second thought of what dangers awaited on board. "Why is she just sitting here like this?" One of the men climbing on board to join their captain asked. Without looking back at the man (Y/N) answered, "No clue, but keep a sharp eye. Something isn't right here." Mary climbed up joining him as he walked over to the port side of the ship where a piece of colored cloth was tangled with the wood fluttering in the growing gale. "Just some sailcloth (Y/N)." Mary stated walking over to him as he cut a piece off the tattered sail before turning around to show her a picture of a dragon's head blowing fire. Having a slight shocked expression Mary gazed on it before asking, "How'd-what did this?" Curious to her near silent question he asked, "Pardon?" She looked at him quickly changing her expression she said, "What does this have to do with anything?" Folding the piece up (Y/N) stuffed it into his pocket before walking to a hatch where a staircase lead to the lower gun deck begin to fill with water from the raging sea above. "You four wait here. We may need to leave quicker than expected if this weather doesn't let up." After telling them their order he went below with Mary in tow as they went down where the hull was filling up with sea water. "Thatch said they saw bodies, yet there's-" "Here's your evidence Mary." (Y/N) interrupted pointing to a floating body down in the cargo hold where the water was mear inches from spilling into the main gun deck. Both him, and Mary gawked at the body that looked as if the life was sucked out of him leaving only a husk of a former person laying in the water floating around. As Mary stood there staring down with horror showing in her expression (Y/N) turned away, and headed towards the captain's cabin in the stern where the doors were ajar beckoning someone to enter. As he entered a wave crashed against the shattered window spilling more water onto the sinking ship. "Something doesn't feel right." He muttered to himself before walking around the dead body laying next to the deck still gripping their sword. As he stood there behind the desk he looked around to see what Hornigold had already went through. A small chest was sitting under the desk hidden by a piece of sail cloth which was floating next to it as (Y/N) looked down at it with curiosity. "What have we got here?" He asked himself as he bent down picking it up. As he looked around for something to unlock the small box Mary walked in before freezing on the spot where the body laid near the door. "Don't mind him he's feeling a bit down." (Y/N) said with a cheeky smirk growing on his face. "What monster did this to them?!" She asked directing the question towards (Y/N). Not paying attention he moved the charts, papers, and empty bottle around until he gaze fell on the dead man's sword where a key was attacked via string. "Hand me that man's sword will you?" Mary looked at him questionably before looking down at the dead man's sword. "What do you need it for?" Rolling his eyes he marched around hand grabbed the corpse's arm before pulling the sword from his grasp. Ripping the key off he laid the sword back down on the desk before walking back around to unlock the chest. "What's in there?" Looking back at her while keeping his head directed down he answered, "I'm about to find out. Watch the door will you?" "There's nothing here but the dead sailors who last stayed on board this ship." She pleaded. "That's what scares me now watch the door." She reluctantly agreed as she occasionally looked back at him as he opened the chest. "What's in there?" Not answering her question (Y/N) pulled out some more papers, but these were different from the rest. Baring a unbroken wax seal he put it down and opened it without damaging the paper itself before unfolding it to read what was on it. Mary grew more, and more irritated the longer he stared down at the paper while not answering her question. "Hey! You going to answer me-" "They're documents regarding to a secret shipping lane somewhere around here." He quickly answered before folding it back up. The sound of the men above talking had them look up as their voices began to point something out in the distance. "I think it's time to leave." (Y/N) as the sound of the ship groaning while water began to rush around their feet soon had them looking down. Taking the sail cloth out of his pocket he put it in the chest before shutting it, and locking it back while Mary tried to grab the chest for him. "I'll take it let's just get out of h-" Quickly taking it before she could touch it (Y/N) wasted no time walking back towards the stairs as the water began to rise little by little until their ankles were now completely submerged. "We need to jump ship captain she's going under, and there's another ship coming for us!" Mary, and (Y/N) both looked at him confused as to who the third ship was. Not bothering to question at the moment they both ran back up to the deck where the crew was climbing over the side towards the life boat tied to the sinking ship. As Mary stared off the bow nearing the sea's waves (Y/N) passed the chest to one of his crew mates while taking the key for himself ordered the sailor to not let anyone take it other than him, or Gates back on board the Walrus. "(Y/N) come see this!" Mary yelled not bothering to look back. Looking over to her he quickly joined her side to look over the bow himself to see what she sounded by fog with dark clouds hovering above a galleon sailing with a flag never seen before ominously sailed towards them with no signs of panic from the storm above, and no life on deck as if it was sailed by no one. "I think it'll be best if we get off this ship now Mary." "Aye!" She quickly answered not wasting any time jumping into the lifeboat with (Y/N) behind her. As they rowed with all their strength they made their way towards the Walrus as the ship began to sail towards them after catching a glimpse of the unknown galleon sailing towards them. "Take the line!" One of the sailors shouted throwing a rope over the side towards those on the boat sitting idly in the water. Several took to the rope while the rest climbed via he steps on the side of the ship where (Y/N) followed the man taking his chest. Mary watched them take of with the chest as she climbed the rope wondering what was in there that was so important to the man. "What about the l-" "We must leave now, or it'll be our doom captain!" Balaam interrupted Gates angering the quartermaster. "I told you for the last time the o-" "Gates get us out of here now! That's not a friendly ship, and I don't want sit here to find out who, or what the hell they are!" "What of the longboat?" "Leave it!" (Y/N) shouted as he urged the crew to move faster.

????'s POV:

"They're making a run for it Mistress." The lady, and I watched from the poop deck as the two ships began to sail away from us, and the sinking ship we left as bait to lure sailors into a trap for us to take. "Catch the larger ship. The smaller one is too fast to catch." I nodded to her orders before signalling the crew via telepathy to unleash every sail we got. With the wind always behind our back, and being a ferocious gale this frigate wasn't going to escape as easy as they believe they would. "Best dress warm Mistress it's going to get cold quite soon." I said as the wind began to pick up with the dark gale above extending past our ship over towards our intended prey. Soon as the storm above reached them the waves began to churn roll around the ship sending the waves crashing as high as the deck we stood on as I steered the ship through the now raging seas as we chased our prey making a run for the light of day. 

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