P!NK MATTER // Zion Williamson

By SonggBirdd

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What do you think my brain is made for Is it just a container for the mind This great grey matter Sensei repl... More

Who's in P!NK MATTER ??
Orientation // Their Encounter
First Day // They Meet
From Group Chat To Kickback // Part One
To & From Canada // Talking Stage
Slam Dunk Champ // First Date
Seeing Some Old Friends // Stick Together
They're Tested (Fight) // Unexpected First Time
NIKE // The Injury
Talks About The Future // Just The Two Of Us
Biggest Lost // Shoulder To Cry On
Happy Family // Drifting Apart
Ultimate Decision // Big Secret
Ahead Of Time // Unveiling

From Group Chat To Kickback // Part Two

473 12 0
By SonggBirdd

Aalayaa, Tabatha, Jasmine, and Aryanna all walked into the guys' room as everyone begin talking amongst each other. Laughing and everything. Aalayaa was with them before going into the kitchen alone as she watched them. Zion looked back at her before joining her in the kitchen.

[Zion] - "Hey."

[Aalayaa] - "Hey."

[Zion] - "Why are you all alone? Aren't you having a good time?"

[Aalayaa] - "I am, I just wanna be to myself for a while. That's all."

[Zion] - "Do you want me to leave you alone?"

[Aalayaa] - "No, I kinda think it's about time for us to have some kind of conversation ourselves."

[Zion] - "Kinda? We should be way pass that. And we always have enough time to speak alone."

[Aalayaa] - "Yeah."

[Zion] - "I'm just giving you a hard time."

[Aalayaa] - "As always. You just love to mess with me."

[Zion] - "It's my specialty."

[Aalayaa] - "Hints the reason why you were giving me such a hard time in the beginning."

[Zion] - "Unlike you now. You're always rejecting me somehow. I don't know why you always put your guard up around me?"

[Aalayaa] - "I don't know."

[Zion] - "Babygirl I-"

He paused for a moment as they both stared at each other, but Aalayaa broke contact. Everybody soon entered the kitchen.

[Tabatha] - "Hey guys- Y'all alright?"

[Aalayaa] - "Yeah everything is fine."

[Rj] - "Good, we're about to go out and hang around campus. Y'all down?"

[Zion] - "It all depends."

[Rj] - "Zero?"

[Aalayaa] - "I'm gonna call it a night."

Aalayaa then hopped down from the counter as she went to her dorm. Everyone turned their attention back to Zion.

[Tabatha] - "What did you do?"

[Zion] - "We were just talking."

[Tabatha] - "She wouldn't be acting like that if you were just talking Zion, what happened?"

[Zion] - "Nothing! Nothing, you should know that I would never intend to make her act like this. Why is she so heavily guarded, and especially towards me? Huh, Tabatha?"

[Tabatha] - "Unlike Rj, I'm not gonna tell you that, she has to tell you."

[Zion] - "How can I make her? Help me at least."

[Cam] - "I got an idea. Rj, Tre and I pack some over night clothes, we'll all sleep over in Zero & Tabatha's dorm."

[Rj] - "Where are you going with thi-"

[Cam] - "Let me finish nigga, damn. We all go in there except for Zion and Zero, they will sleep over in you and Zion's dorm. All of this to help Zero and Zion, because believe or not I'm rooting for y'all niggas."

[Tabatha] - "I do as well, evening though I predict a lot of arguing."

[Zion] - "I can handle her, but thank you guys so much."

[Tre] - "We're all we got over here, gotta look out for each other."

[Tabatha] - "Now pack up and let's go. Zion go to get ready for bed. Hit up Aalayaa and just convince her somehow."

[Zion] - "Alright, have fun and don't do something I wouldn't do."

[Tabatha] - "We should be telling you that."

They laughed as they left out as Zion went to his room.


An Hour Later


Zion was laying in bed, hesitating to call Aalayaa. He just laid there looking at her number. 

[Zion] - "Fuck it, I ain't no punk."

He pressed the call button. It ringed for a minute before she picked up.


Zero🍍💚🍋_ Hello?

Zion🔵🏀😈_ Hey Aalayaa. What you doing tonight?

Zero🍍💚🍋_ I'm finna go to sleep.

Zion🔵🏀😈_ Alone?

Zero🍍💚🍋_ As I always do Zion.

Zion🔵🏀😈_ Why not just sleep with me tonight? Or at least in the same room. You can sleep on Rj's bed or mines and I can take his.

Zero🍍💚🍋_ Are you scared to sleep alone or something? 

Zion🔵🏀😈_ Ha - Ha. You're very funny.

Zero🍍💚🍋_ I try. I try.

Zion🔵🏀😈_ i TrY. I tRy.

Zero🍍💚🍋_ Real mature.

Zion🔵🏀😈_ Please Aalayaa?

Zero🍍💚🍋_ I'm already outside the door.


Zion got out of bed as he went and opened the door, Aalayaa quickly ran in as she sat her personal stuff down. Zion laughed.

[Zion] - "Damn, I guess you scared of sleeping along yourself."

[Aalayaa] - "No I-"

Aalayaa stopped mid-sentence because she didn't notice that Zion only have on socks and shorts. All she could do was stare and for him, he watched as it gave him such "satisfaction".

[Zion] - "Zero!"

[Aalayaa] - "Um- Uh- I came in so quickly only because it's cold."

[Zion] - "Yeah okay."

[Aalayaa] - "Man shut the fuck up and move."

Aalayaa then pushed Zion as she hopped in his bed. 

[Zion] - "Well I guess I'm sleeping on Rj's bed."

[Aalayaa] - "Yep."

Zion smirked before getting on Rj's bed. 

[Zion] - "Sooooo, how are you?"

[Aalayaa] - "Surprisingly good, college isn't bad. Especially when both of my degrees are two different languages."

[Zion] - "Yeah, I remember your brother Jabari telling me and the guys how you are majoring in French and minoring in Greek."

[Aalayaa] - "What!? You actually remember."

[Zion] - "Yeah, somehow I knew I was gonna run into you."

[Aalayaa] - "Yeah literally."

They laughed. Zion stared at Aalayaa as she looks to the ceiling. 

[Aalayaa] - "Why do you always do that?"

[Zion] - "Do what?"

[Aalayaa] - "Stare at me, the way that you do?"

[Zion] - "I like to admire you. Up close and from a far. Do I make you feel some kind of way?"

[Aalayaa] - "It make me feel as if I'm a piece art, a painting of some sort."

[Zion] - "Is that a good or a bad thing?"

[Aalayaa] - "I don't know."

[Zion] - "Okay."

Zion sat up.

[Zion] - "Can you explain to me, why did you just leave like that earlier?"

[Aalayaa] - "Like what?" 

[Zion] - "Like I said or did something wrong."

[Aalayaa] - "It's hard to even explain."

[Zion] - "Look Zero, I don't wanna pressure you at all. I just wanna know why you always have your guard up when I'm around?"

[Aalayaa] - "It's not you, I promise."

[Zion] - "How can I be so sure?"

[Aalayaa] - "Just trust me on this."

[Zion] - "How, when I don't have a full explanation?"

[Aalayaa] - "Maybe it's not meant to be said or heard."

[Zion] - "Zero-"

[Aalayaa] - "Zion just stop! Alright?"

[Zion] - "Make me stop. I'm going to keep it up until you tell me."

[Aalayaa] - "Then I think I should just leave."

Aalayaa got out of the bed but Zion beat her to her stuff as he held it in the air.

[Aalayaa] - "Real mature, now give me my stuff."

[Zion] - "If you want it, take it."

[Aalayaa] - "I'm not finna do this, I'll be back for it in the morning."

[Zion] - "That's not going to happen."

[Aalayaa] - "Why not?"

[Zion] - "Because you're not leaving."

[Aalayaa] - "Said who?"

[Zion] - "Said me."

Aalayaa walked to the door as she proceeds to open it but Zion quickly shuts it.

[Aalayaa] - "Zion!"

[Zion] - "Move me!"

[Aalayaa] - "Why must you always test me? Why do you wanna know so badly? You're gonna be like everyone else and turn away."

[Zion] - "Tell me or move me."

[Aalayaa] - "I guess I'll just move you."

Aalayaa begins to hit Zion. Punching him hard too. 

[Zion] - "Aalayaa!"


Rj, Cam, Tre, Tabatha, Jassminee, and Aryanna just made it back to freshmen dormitory, wondering how things going for Zion and Aalayaa.

[Tabatha] - "I hope everything is going good between them two."

[Cam] - "I know right. I haven't heard nothing from Zion."

[Tabatha] - "We are supposed to wait till morning."

[Rj] - "That's too long bae, I wanna know now."

They made there way onto the floor where mostly everyone is. Talking until they heard a commotion coming from Zion and Rj's room. 

[Tabatha] - "I hope they're not doing what I think they're doing."

[Cam] - "No way, I wouldn't depend on it." 

[Rj] - "Let's at least get confirmation."

[Zion] - "Aalayaa!"

[Tabatha] - "Babe unlock the door."


[Zion] - "Aalayaa!"

Zion grabbed Aalayaa's arms, she soon started to kick. Why did everything turn violently so fast? What is Aalayaa hiding? Shit hit the fan when they both hit the ground. Zion made his way to get on top of her. 

[Zion] - "Why are you acting like this!? Tell me!"

[Aalayaa] -"I Was Raped! There! Happy?"

[Zion] - "What?"

Tears begin to fall from Aalayaa's eyes. She moved Zion off of her as she ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

[Zion] - "Aalayaa."

[Aalayaa] - "Leave me alone! You got what you wanted!"

[Zion] - "I'm not leaving, why would I do that?"

The front door opened as everyone else went to see what's going on. At least Zion put a shirt on out of respect for Aalayaa.

[Tabatha] - "What's going on? We heard screaming."

[Zion] - "I think you guys should leave. This is between Aalayaa and I."

[Tabatha] - "Aalayaa? What's going on?"

Aalayaa collapsed on the bathroom floor as she cried.

[Cam] - "Zero. Come on best friend. Talk to us, we're here for you."

They heard a click on the door as Aalayaa walked back over to Zion's bed. Zion sat next to her, so did Rj and Tabatha. Cam, Tre, Jassmineee, and Aryanna sat on Rj's bed.

[Aalayaa] - "I actually wanted to ease my way into it. Not only because I had more than one occurrences but one happened recently over the summer."

[Cam] - "If you don't want to speak on it now we can wait."

[Aalayaa] - "I'm fine Cam, I can do this."

[Cam] - "Just take you time, okay?"

[Aalayaa] - "Um, I had many occurrences but only from two people. A close friend-family member of my dad's. Called him Uncle just because he was so close. I was eight when it started, that lasted until I had my first period, he was the one to say I'm preparing you to be a woman. The second time it was this group of guys, they were in Chicago for this basketball business meeting. I only met two, which was this guy name Nick and this other guy name Devin. Nick had an interest in me so we got close while he was there, then one night he invited me with the guys to this party and I went. Everything was going good we're drinking and having fun. Until I was feeling so dizzy and weak and I blacked out, to only waking up . . . and . . . and Devin was on top of me. Nick was nowhere to be found. Then when Devin was done with me, he just kicked me out somewhere in an alley. Luckily I had enough money to get an uber home but I had to get myself together before I got there. I just had to keep it to myself. That's until now."

Zion pull Aalayaa onto his chest as she went on. He wiped her tears away every time a tear slipped. He didn't wanna let her go.

[Tabatha] - "Aalayaa you had to at least told somebody before us."

[Aalayaa] - "I did but it just don't feel like it. Every time I told someone they instantly turned their backs on me."

[Rj] - "Why not tell your folks or Jabari?"

[Aalayaa] - "I-I-I don't know. I'm just so scared to tell them. Like ain't no telling what that will result in. Or if they'll just believe me."

[Cam] - "But we believe you Aalayaa. You at least gotta let Jabari know about this."

[Aalayaa] - "I don't wanna be alone when I do this."

They all sat there in silence until Zion spoke up.

[Zion] - "You're not gonna be alone."

[Aalayaa] - "What?"

[Zion] - "Do it tomorrow, he's coming anyways. Plus the guys and I will be leaving for Canada soon. So what do you say?"

[Aalayaa] - "Okay."

Zion tighten his grip on Aalayaa as the laid there. Tabatha turned her attention to Rj.

[Tabatha] - "You were leaving for Canada and didn't tell me?"

Everyone looked at them.

[Cam] - "Ooh somebody in trouble."

[Rj] - "Aye shut yo ass up Cam."

[Aalayaa] - "Nobody told me."

[Rj] - "We were gonna tell y'all."

[Aalayaa&Tabatha] - "When!?"

[Rj] - "Um Cam, do you wanna take that?"

[Cam] - "Zion the one who got a million followers."

[Zion] - "Don't start that shit man."

[Rj] - "And got a shoutout from Drake when me and Tre are the ones from Canada."

[Zion] - "On my gosh. But you just changed the subject on your girl?"

[Aalayaa] - "Ooooooooooh."

[Rj] - "Aye while you 'oOooOHh' ing me, ask Zion how did he get exposed? Twice!?"

[Aalayaa] - "Nigga you got exposed twice?"

[Zion] - "It was barely nothing. Why are you still changing the subject on Tabatha though?"

[Rj] - "I'm not changing the subject on her?"

[Tabatha] - "So let's go talk about this. Okay?"

Tabatha got up and went to the door, hugging Aalayaa before she left. 

[Tabatha] - "See you tomorrow girl."

[Aalayaa] - "Alright don't kill him."

[Tabatha] - "Oh I'm not."

[Rj] - "Alright y'all."

And they left. 

[Cam] - "I ain't gone lie, I wanna see this shit go down."

Cam got up and took Jassminee with him.

[Tre] - "Hey Aryanna, wanna go to my room or go see this fight?"

Aryanna sat there for a minute thinking. 

[Aryanna] - "I ain't lie I wanna see how that finna play out myself."

And with that Tre and Aryanna left, leaving Zion and Aalayaa by theirselves again. 

[Aalayaa] - "Zion you can let go now if you want, I'm fine."

[Zion] - "I know, but I don't wanna let you go."

[Aalayaa] - "Thank you."

[Zion] - "To be honest it's anything for you Aalayaa. Now let's go to sleep."

[Aalayaa] - "Let's? Boy you better take yo ass over to Rj's bed."

[Zion] - "Well damn-"

[Aalayaa] - "I'm just kidding. I told to stop acting like a little bitch."

[Zion] - "Man you lucky you're so soft and plushie."

They laid down as Zion puts the cover on both of them before pulling Aalayaa close. They laid there in silence. 

[Aalayaa] - "You're so warm." 

[Zion] - "I mean they don't call me a midnight gorilla for no reason."

Aalayaa laughed which made Zion smiled.

[Aalayaa] - "I'm not gonna lie, it would be nice to-"

[Zion] - "Go see Tabatha and Rj get into it?"

[Aalayaa] - "Yeah nigga let's go."

They both got out of bed going over to the dorm to watch the fight go down. Aalayaa was kinda relieved after everything and how they stuck by her side. Especially Zion. Who knew out of all that bickering and arguing there's something in the air there. 

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