The Way You Look At Me (One D...

Oleh Harrys_Dimples1998

169K 3.5K 553

Harry Styles. Does that name ring a bell to any of you? Maybe a teen heart-throb? Or what about a certain mem... Lebih Banyak

Planning The Party
Partying and Flirting
Wait. What?
Nando's and Drama
What Happens Next?
Guilt and Confessions
Why Me?
Never Too Late
Truth & Time
5 Months In 2 days <3
Where Dreams Come True
2 Steps forward 1 Step back
What Were You Thinking?
My Heart Will Forever Be Yours
Forever And Always
Author's Note / After All

Drama And Tears

6.2K 132 7
Oleh Harrys_Dimples1998

~Harry's P.O.V~

This morning, I was woken up by Louis bouncing on my bed and the rest of the lads screaming in my ear.

I opened my eyes to be soon blinded by the sudden light exposed from my window.

I let out a loud groan as I squinted my eyes, trying to get my eyes used to the light.

Once my vision cleared, I looked at the boys waiting for them to explain why they woke me up so early.

"Well...?" I said while fixing my hair.

"We have a meeting, we have to be there in 30 minutes" Liam spoke.

"Ughhh" I groaned while lying back down on my bed.

"But, it's only 8:30am" I whined.

"I know, they just want us to be there quick" Louis announced.

"Did they tell us what it's gonna be about?" I muttered.

"Simon just said to hurry, they'll be good news and bad news for you" Niall added while giving me a small smile.

I scrunched my eyebrows together.

Why would there be bad news for me?

I thought for a moment, I haven't done anything bad lately that caused me to get in trouble.

Deciding to get this over with, I got out of bed and walked towards my bathroom to get ready.


"Hello boys" Simon greeted us once we entered his office.

"Hi" We all chorused as we took a seat around the big table.

"So, I want to talk to you lads about a few news that had been brought up" He said, scanning our faces for our full attention.

Once we all nodded informing him to go on, he began.

"So, we have good news, and bad news." He paused.

"The good news is, you boys have been invited to perform at the closing ceremony" He grinned.

"Wait, you mean, for the Olympics?" Liam asked while raising an eyebrow.

Simon nodded while we all erupted in cheers.

"When is it?" Niall asked once we all calmed down.

"This Friday" He smiled.

I couldn't stop smiling, my cheeks began to hurt as my lips stretched from ear to ear.

Performing at the Olympics is going to be the biggest thing that'll happen to us.

Looking back, we've only been a band for two years and to have the opportunity to perform at the closing ceremony means the world to us.

It just proves to us that dreams do come true.

"Wait, so if that's the good news, then what's the bad news?" Louis asked.

"Well, you guys all know that you'll be touring quite soon right?" He asked.


That totally slipped my mind.

"Yeah, but we won't start touring for three more months right?" Zayn asked.

"Well, no." Simon said simply.

"What. Why?" I asked, beginning to grow angry.

"Fans requested for more dates so management and I have discussed to start the tour two months earlier and add more days" He said bluntly.

"But that's not fair. We just ended the previous tour a week ago and now we barely have time to have a break" I screamed.

"Harry, calm down. I know this is all sudden for you boys, but this what your life is gonna be like from now on. You have to get used to the sudden changes of plan" He said while giving us a sympathetic smile.

"Well is that all for this meeting?" I said, not wanting to be here for more than a second.

"No, that's all" He said.

I let out a sigh of relief as I quickly stood up.

Before I could walk out the door, Simon had other plans.

"The rest of you boys an leave, except for Harry" He said.

I Slowly turned around as the boys walked passed me and gave me a small smile, I smiled back and slowly walked towards Simon.

"Harry can I have a word with you?" He asked while motioning me to take a seat.

I nodded my head and waited for him to go on.

"So, recently, the media have been snooping around and caught you with a girl" He paused.

My eyes widened as the palm of my hands began to sweat.

I nodded my head and motioned him to continue.

"Harry," He sighed.

"I just want to warn you. The media can be a bit cruel, they'll start up rumors to try and destroy your career" He paused.

"Whoever this girl is that you've been seeing, just make sure that she can handle the consequences that the media will throw at you guys. They'll do everything to try and start things up." He continued.

"I hope she can handle the constant rumors that'll go on and the hate she'll get with the fans, cause you know how they are" He slightly chuckled.

I frowned, knowing that everything Simon just told me has been true.

Beth will get tons of hate from our fans. There will be a lot of rumors going on between us if something goes wrong.

I've seen how depressed and down Liam and Louis have been through the past month while we were on tour.

Not being able to see Dani and Eleanor for weeks due to the fact that we were on the other side of the world.

How disappointed the guys were when they found out that Danielle and Eleanor have been receiving tons of hate and death-threats online.

How crushed they are to know that the girls cry whenever some fans give them rude comments

How paranoid they get whenever they see a new story about them on the newspaper or on twitter.

I don't want that to happen to Beth.

I don't want her to get hate.

I don't want her public life to be ruined cause of me.

I don't want to see her depressed every time she see's stories about us.

I don't want any of that happening to her.

"Harry?" Simon called, breaking me out of my thought.

"Listen, I know your pretty bummed out about the recent change of plans and the news, but if things were really meant to be between you and her, the both of you will work things out" He smiled.

I gave him a weak smile before exiting the office.

Once I reached the van, the boys kept throwing me questions.

"What he say?" Louis asked, being the gossip girl in the group.

"Nothing, just about Beth and I. That's all" I sighed.

"Wait, he found out about you two?" Niall asked.

I nodded.

"Apparently, paps have spotted us a few times and pictures of us are already going viral" I sighed.

"Awww, Sorry about that mate" Zayn said while patting my back and giving me a small smile.


"We have to tell her soon." Louis said once we got inside our flat.

"He's right Haz. It's better for her to find out from you, rather than from someone else" Liam added.

I sighed.

During the drive back, I logged on to twitter and was disgusted by what some of our so called 'fans' have been saying to Bethany.

They had no right to say that to her.

The fact that our fans are commenting rude and gruesome tweets about her is just disappointing.

They had no right to talk about someone like that, they don't even know her and their saying crap about her online.

"Fine" I finally gave in.

"I'll call her" Louis offered.

I flashed him a small smile and took a seat on the sofa.

It was already 10:00am so Beth should been up by now.

Louis had put his phone on speaker so we could all be able to hear the conversation.

After a few rings, she finally picked up.

"Hello?" She croaked.

I found myself smiling.

Just the sound of her voice sends butterflies on my stomach.

"Beth," Louis said, you could tell that he was a bit nervous.

"What Lou?" She asked, her voice beginning to worry as well.

"We have something to tell you..." He mumbled while biting his lower lip, something Louis always do when he's nervous.

"What do you mean by 'we' Lou?" She nervously giggled.

"I think it's best if we meet up instead" He suggested.

"Uhm, ok. Why not my place? Meet me in 30 minutes?" She chirped.

"Sure! Be there soon" He smiled before ending the call.

Once he hung up, we al shared nervous glances before getting ready.


The whole car ride on our way to Bethany's house, I couldn't stop thinking about what she'll say.

"We're here!" Liam announced, making me snap out of my thought.

I ran my hands through my curls and tried to look presentable.

Once we knocked on the door, we were greeted by Kate.


~Bethany's P.O.V~

Once I ended the strange call with Louis, I marched on over to Kate's room and inform her that the boys will be visiting.

I softly knocked on her door.

"Come in" I heard her say on the other side.

To my surprise, Kate was already up when I walked in.

It was unusual for her to be up this early, she'd usually sleep in the whole day.

"What's gone into you? Your up so early today" I chuckled as I walked up to her.

She was currently on her laptop, her face was scrunched up together, like she had seen something bad.

"Kate? What's wrong?" I asked, beginning to worry.

She broke her gaze from the screen and slowly raised her face so that she was looking at me.

Her face was full of sympathy and sadness.

"You okay?" I asked while furrowing my eyebrows together.

"Uhmmm, have you been on your twitter lately?" She asked while biting her lip.

"No, I haven't been on in a while. How come?" I questioned.

She didn't reply.

Instead, she turned her laptop around so that the screen was facing me.

Once I got a glimpse of the screen, my eyes immediately widened.

All over the timeline was pictures and pictures of Harry and me when we went to the fair.

I scrolled down and saw more, hundreds of them.

I saw some tweets that made me frown.

People were hating on me, everyone was hating me.

"Beth," Kate asked.

I looked away from the screen and looked up at Kate.

I didn't even notice myself crying until I felt a wet substance drip down my cheek and hit my lap.

I quickly wiped away the tears with my sleeve and prayed that Kate didn't see me crying.

It was already too late, once I wiped away the tears, Kate engulfed me into a comforting hug.

I stood there crying for about five minutes in Kate's shoulder as she tried to calm me down.

No matter what, it was no use.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Beth, don't listen to them alright?" She said once I pulled away.

I nodded my head weakly and forced a smile on my face.

"They boys are coming over, apparently they have something to say to us" I mumbled trying to change the subject.

Kate just nodded while giving me a sympathetic smile.

Once I left her room, I walked over to my bathroom and decided to take a hot shower to freshen up my mind.


After I showered, I headed over to my closet.

Since I wasn't in the mood for dressing up, I wore some denim shorts, a stone owl sweater, and grey vans. I had my hair up in a messy side braid and placed a fedora on top. I wore a pair of dream catcher feathered earrings and a braided leather bracelet. I didn't feel like putting any makeup on and just went down stairs.

Bethany's outfit--->

My eyes were still puffy from crying and a bit red, making me look stoned.


Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was surprised to find the guys already there.

"Hey Beth" Zayn chirped while getting up and welcoming me with a hug.

"Hey" I breathed, looking at the ground so Zayn wouldn't see my puffy red eyes.

"Come sit" He smiled while motioning me towards the sofa.

The only seat available was near Harry so I made my way over, still facing the floor.

"Hey" Harry whispered in my ear once I sat down.

His minty breathe tickling my neck as he spoke.

"Hi" I mumbled while playing with the hem of my jumper.

"You ok?" He asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

I quickly nodded while flashing him a s small smile.

I didn't need Harry to worry about me.

I didn't want him to be involved with the drama.

"So, what did you guys want to tell us?" Kate asked while started up a conversation.

I could see Harry tensing up a bit beside me.

"Well," Louis began.

"This morning, we had a meeting with management." Liam spoke.

"And they had good news for us." Niall smiled.

"They asked us to perform for the closing ceremony at the Olympics" Zayn cheered.

This time, I raised head up to face the boys and grinned.

"Seriously?" Kate gasped.

"Yeah, Isn't it great?" Louis cheered.

"It's amazing" I smiled.

"And since we're performing, we would like to invite you guys to come" Harry spoke while kissing my cheek making me beet red.

"But, there's other news we wanted to share with you" Liam frowned.

My smile quickly disappeared once I saw the rest of the boys frown.

"We're having another tour coming up" Niall mumbled.

"Isn't that suppose to be good news?" I nervously chuckled.

"Yeah, but it's in a month" Harry mumbled while scratching his neck.

I felt my stomach drop.

"What? But you guys just ended your recent tour" Kate shrieked.

"I know, but fans have been begging for more tour dates so management added more days of the tour" Liam frowned.

I could feel the tears coming up again.

"I'm sorry" Louis mumbled.

I looked up and met Harry's eyes.

He scrunched his eyebrows together while cupping my face.

"Beth, have you been crying?" He asked.

I quickly pulled Harry's hands away from my face and stared at the ground.

"Bethany, look at me. Why were you crying?" He begged, while lifting my chin up.

"No-nothing" I stuttered.

"She wa-" Kate began.

I quickly glared at her, begging her not to tell.

"Just forget about okay? It's not important" I said while putting up a fake smile.

"Are you sure?" Zayn asked with worry in his voice.

"Positive" I lied while biting my lip.



MY GOODNESS! I'm soooooo sorry for not being able to update this whole week. Please let me explain...

So basically, I've been really busy with school and work lately. I've been working every day for the past week cause I'm trying to save up money for travel club, cause we'll be going to Europe! Woop Woop!

So anyways, I'm sorry once again for not updating so frequently! :/

Hope you enjoyed it though! (P.S. I typed this up on Microsoft and it was up to 8 pages, I'm not sure how many this will have!)

You guys should check out a very good friend of mines fanfic(: it's a Niall fanfic! --->

And also follow her on twitter! ---> @NiaIIersWhore (P.S. the two 'II' are capital i's not 'LL')

Please keep voting and commenting, I love you!

Bye lovely's! Xx

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