I'm Friends With the Monsters...

By StormFireGirl

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I thought I only made a simple purchase. An item for my collection of antiques. But I was sadly mistaken. Bec... More

I'm Friends With the Monsters (AOE)
Prolouge: Do or Die
Chapter 1: Choose Your Side
Chapter 2: The Final Masquerade
Chapter 3: Judgement Day
Chapter 4: The Monster In the Shop
Chapter 5: Oppression's Gun Changes
Chapter 6: Stargazing With Prime
Chapter 7: Unwanted Memories
Chapter 8: Dancing With the Monsters
Chapter 9: Operation KSI!
Chapter 10: Iridescent
Chapter 12: My Battle Cry
Chapter 13: Get Up
Chapter 14: Remember Me
Epilogue: Leave Earth Alone

Chapter 11: Warriors

6.6K 243 102
By StormFireGirl

You know how when you're about to die, your life flashes before your eyes?

Something like that happened to me.

I was standing in the middle of that street, right there, staring at my mother. Her lips were moving, but no sound came out. In fact, no sound at all came out! Everything seemed to be sluggish and slow as well.

"What's... what's going on?"

"Gabriela." A soft voice echoed. I whirled around and met a glowing face!


"Easy, hush. I shall not harm you, child." The figure patted my cheek gently.

".... What... what are you?"

"Consider me something of a friend. A very dear one."

All of a sudden, my leg began to throb. "Owwwwwh! It hurts!" I whined.

"I'm terribly sorry about that." She said. "And for burning your hands."

"My... wait." What had burnt my hands before? Nothing, no one except-


"AllSpark." The girl finished with a smile.

"... You're the AllSpark?"

"In a way. I am all that is left. This final piece of my once great power has been shattered to near extinction. But you were chosen to bring me back, to ensure my survival." She took my hands. "Gabby, you are not only the Keeper of the AllSpark... you are the Allspark."

"... C-come again?" I stammered in disbelief.

"Indeed, your power will be many times less than what mine used to be, but to ensure my survival, I had to adapt to your unique, flesh body. I will protect you, as you protected me. There is only one thing I ask of you."

"And... and that is?"

"Survive. I will heal your injuries, but you must help my race survive... and protect them from the ones who stole me."

"I-I don't get it. T-that last part I mean."

"Someday, you will." She placed her hands on my shoulders. "I believe in you, Gabby. You will become both a friend and an enemy of these 'monsters', as you once called them. Your family will forever be endangered by you... it's your choice to let me stay, or fade away into oblivion."

I swallowed hard. Risk my family, or risk the AllSpark?

".... You said you believed in me. Why?"

She smiled and took my hand, and before I knew it, I was being shown a whole other battle in another city...

"What is this?"

"This was the first battle on earth, many years ago. It was dubbed as, 'the Battle of Mission City', when the Autobots first arrived. Over my possesion. I chose one before you, a young boy named Sam Witwicky to be my savior. He proved himself that, even though he was deeply flawed, he held the heart of a true hero. My light that day though... I was sacrificed to keep Megatron at bay. Only two pieces of me remained." She waved her hand and I could see two shards.

"One was kept under government protection, and the other was found by Sam. I uploaded myself into his brain to protect myself, but it was only temeporary, since pieces of me still existed. And I used myself yet again to help in the Battle in Egypt. Afterwards, all I had left was that compass. That was when the Battle of Chicago occured, and I could do nothing. But... I sensed you that day. Alone, scared, hurt, but not beaten. Not broken just yet. You could have easily died that night, but you refused to die, on your mother's wish. You still refuse to give in, and that is why I trust in you. Your will makes you strong, if not outwardly, then inwardly."

I was gaping in shock. So... I'd been chosen? That night?

"Indeed." She said, as if reading my thoughts. "Narrating yourself in the third person. Unique." She noted, smiling.

Aw man!

"Do not worry." She held my hand. "I understand."

Exactly what I needed to hear. "... So my choice is, choose you and live, or reject you and die."

"Indeed. I shall not hold it against you if you choose the latter."

My eyes closed. Do, or die. No escape. This was it. My time. Stand strong, stay with this, no matter the risk nor the cost.

"I choose... you. I'm keeping you. You're going to stay alive awhile longer."

She smiled. "You have made a wise choice. Do not doubt yourself." With that said, she hugged me! "You shall be a strong warrior, Gabby."

I hugged her back, and I felt her melt and fuse into me! I trembled as we became one. I was the AllSpark... I wasn't about to quit on the Autobots. Now, or ever.


I swear, I could hear voices.

".... lot of cages..."

"Creepy critters in here..."

"I don't wanna know what's in the big cage."

"What's this?"

"Hound don't do it!"

"Awh, it don't look very dangerous in there!" A pause. "Oh that's just ffff... that's straight ugliness." Another pause. "GAH! I'M HIT! I'M DOWN! IT'S MELTING- IT BURNS!"

It was about then I realized it wasn't a dream. "heh... he-..." I croaked, trying to call out. Everything felt cold and numb. Optimus seemed to be out of it as well. "op... mus... w-way... up!" I was trying to say, 'Optimus wake up' but it wasn't going that well.

He groaned though, and his eyes flickered open. Thank god! "Gabby-" He was cut off by a familiar voice saying,

"Take this bitch." And a gun sounding. Yup, our good friend Hound was here-

Hole schizzle. HOUND!

"Hound!" Optimus called out, and I tried to as well, but my mouth and my head were basically separated at the moment.

"HE'S ALIVE!" Hound bellowed, and I felt relief wash over me. We were going to be saved!!!! "Optimus, sound off!"

"In here, quick! Use caution Gabby is badly injured!" Optimus called out.

"Hold up, we're coming for ya!"

"The arms of this net ship detatch, we can break free! It's a seperate ship, hurry!" As Optimus explained, the Autobots tore the doors off.

"Where's the cockpit, right or left?!"


"I'm on it boss." Hound took off and Drift walked up.


"I have her." Drift scooped me up and placed me beside his foot, freeing Optimus.

"We have no time!" Optimus told him.

"Sensei..." Drift said, scooping me up and placing me into Optimus' hand. "Her vital signs are weak. She will not be alive much longer if we do not get her warm."

"Drift, turn away." He ordered, and the mech complied.

Optimus opened his chestplates and I could see the glow of his spark as he slid me inside. The warmth from it began to thaw my stiff, cold form. It also brought the pain back from my broken leg. "ow, ow, ow!" I gasped, grabbing onto a cable to steady myself as he raced with the others to the ship.


I guess it was around then I blacked out, because when I woke up, I felt actually... better. "O-Optimus?" I called out. I felt him tilt and I slid out and fell into his hands gently.

"Gabby, how do you feel?" He asked softly. 

"I uhm... my leg feels better. I'm warm... does that count?"

The other Autobots chuckled. "Good 't see ya alive 'an kicking." Hound said.

"Thanks." Speaking of 'alive and kicking', "Optimus, back there. Before we got captured, was that- that robot really Megatron?"

A deathly silence washed over our ship. Everyone wanted to hear the truth. "I will explain as soon as we rejoin your family." He told me quietly.

Should I tell him what happened?... Nah. Not yet.


It was about an hour, and a good-sized crash landing (I told them to be careful), but we made it. Bumblebee pulled up and Uncle Cade, Tessa, and Shane leapt out!

"UNCLE CADE!!! SHANE!!! TESSA!" I shouted, limping over as fast as I could.

"GABBY!" All three yelled. Uncle Cade hugged me first, kissing my face everywhere he could. No words were really said, but I knew he cried a little. Tessa was sobbing a bit, but managed to compose herself after a minute. Shane sniffled and ruffled my hair.

"Glad to see you made it, Gabs."

"thanks Shaney." I said, smiling softly.

"Might as well tell Bumblebee the good news! We've got a ship now." Crosshairs said, sitting up from his 'chillax' position. "We're leaving."

Hold, on. WHAT?!

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "W-why?!"

Optimus, oh man, he was not happy. I wouldn't blame him at all.

"You humans, after all we have done, you don't know what you've brought upon yourselves." Hearing those words made me feel sicker and sicker by the minute.

"What?! What is it now? What are you talking about?!" Uncle Cade ask-shouted, staring at him with disbelief. "I'm doing stuff out of my league here!"

"Uncle Cade-"

"You don't see who's controlling who." Optimus answered him.


"Within that man-made prototype, I sensed the presence of Megatron."

I let out a loud gasp. "I knew it...!"

"What, the Decepticon that started the Chicago War?"

"mhm." I mumbled, the name making me on the verge of puking.

"How do ya think that KSI built those bots in the first place, hm?" Brains asked from his perch above us. "They had a whole mess 'a dead Decepticon heads, and they were download'n their minds!"

"Hold on... what?!"

"Exactly what I said! 'An I was in charge of autopsy duty. No union, no benefits, no nuth'n. They hooked me up to Megatron, 'an that mind wasn't as dead as they thought! He fed 'em the science 'an specs, all so they could build him a brand new body. Then, he infected it with his evil, nasty chromosones. And that red, beady-eyed- whoo! Got all my lovely locks on, and I can smell him right now! Total inside custome job."

Brains slid down and landed on the ground. "KSI might've named the body a snappy name like Galvatron, but that's just Megatron reincarnated!"

Yeah... I'm gonna puke.

"You knew this and you didn't warn them?" Tessa asked.

"Little girl, you can go to a pretty dark place when you're on death row." Brains told me and her, his voice serious for a minute. "He's been playing KSI all this time. All so that he could manipulate them into go'n after the Seed."

"The what?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Wait, the 'Seed'?" Shane asked.

"Those nasty soldiers chasing us." Tessa recalled. "I saw them board the ship and took something called the Seed."

"Sixty million years ago, give-or-take an eon," Hound began.

"Thousands of planets were cyberformed with Seeds. They turned your organic life into our elemental metals. Our Creators destroyed your world, to make us." Optimus finished.

I felt... completely stunned.

"That's what Galvatron wants to happen again! He wants to detonate the Seed in the biggest city, and kill millions!" Brains wrapped up. "He's gonna show the world, 'baby I'm back'." I gulped. Not. Good.

"The blast wave will reduce the city to molten metal. He'll have enough to build a massive army, and annilhate your species forever."

So not good!

"Ya dumb, greedy bastards just bought extinction to yourself. Not my problem though!" Brains said as he hobbled off. "I'm free at last!"

We'd just... bought ourselves... extinction. Oh man.

"We gotta get the Seed before Galvatron does." Uncle Cade declared.


While we prepared to bunker down for the night before the big day in the morning, I snuck away to talk to the Autobots.

"You guys are seriously abandoning us?!" I exclaimed when I limped over.

Everyone let out a collective sigh. "Look, kid. You're one of the few good ones of your species left... let's face it. We're not wanted here." Hound told me, shining up his gun.

"If you just proved yourselves that you're not monsters, maybe-"

"Gabby, quit it." Crosshairs growled. "We're leaving right after we save your sorry hides again from your stupid mistakes."

"Yeah, I'll admit, my race has made some stupid mistakes... but we're learning, aren't we? I don't know how many times we need to rely on you guys, but I know you're my heroes. All of you! I read about you, I believed in you... just wish I could help... help you guys out."

"Aw, kid you're breaking my spark." Hound sighed. "Ya got those big blue optics and it's kill'n me."

"Sorry." I apologized. "At least... take me with you!"

"That's going too far." Drift said, walking up. "We are warriors, yes. But Gabby you nearly perished aboard Lockdown's ship."

"It's like I told Prime! I don't care! I want to be one of you guys! Death I'll risk!"

"Stubborn femme." Crosshairs muttered.

"Give her a break." Bumblebee came to my defense. "She's trying."

"What is going on over here?" Optimus walked up. "Gabby-"

"I wanna come with you!" I exclaimed. "I wanna help get the Seed and I wanna come with you guys when you leave!"

"... Gabby." He said softly, kneeling down. "I cannot allow you to come with us."

"Why?!" My eyes teared up. "Why do ya gotta go? It's not fair! I hate humanity! I need you guys still!... I need you..." My voice cracked and I cried. Right in front of everyone.

Optimus scooped me up and held me close. Bee beeped and patted my head gently. "You are a warrior Gabby." Optimus told me gently. "The Keeper of the Allspark-"

"No." I stopped crying, looking up. "I am the AllSpark."

"What?!" Hound exclaimed.

"Blasphemy!" Drift snorted.

"It's true! It happened w-when I was blacked out." And I told them the story, the conversation, my choice.

Every Autobot was silent when they heard me speak. ".... You indeed are a warrior. Gabby, we cannot take you with us, but you will be our greatest assest in this battle."

"And... why's that...?" I asked softly.

"Because. You can lead us to the Seed."

Well... can't argue there!

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