We, the Dreamers: A RWBY x Wa...

By After_Hours_Writer

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In the furthest depths of the void, a new solar system was discovered. A system of planets, unknown to any fo... More

Chapter One: I Mean You no Harm
Chapter Three: The Ride There
Chapter Four: Meeting the Ice Queen
Chapter Five: Initiation Preparation
Chapter Six: Partners
Chapter Seven: Stress
Chapter Eight: New Roommates
Chapter Nine: The First Day
Chapter Ten: Sparring
Chapter Eleven: Lesson Learned
Chapter Twelve: Conspiracy
Chapter Thirteen: Revelation
Chapter Fourteen: Jaunedice
Chapter Fifteen: Jealousy
Chapter Sixteen: Forever Falls
Author's Note: Quite A Dilemma
Chapter Seventeen: Rememberence
Chapter Eighteen: Tending Wounds
Chapter Nineteen: The Stray
Chapter Twenty: Chaos
Chapter Twenty-One: The Beach
Chapter Twenty-Two: Board Games & Investigation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Quality Time
Chapter Twenty-Four: Distress Call
Chapter Twenty-Five: Intimacy
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Orokin's Ball
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tiny Kubrow
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Hunt
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Search and Destroy
Chapter Thirty: Vytal Festival
Chapter Thirty-One: A "Gift" From the Void
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Gruesome Finale
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Dreamer's Greatest Nightmare
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Inevitable
Volume II Preview: Defy our Destiny
Volume II / Chapter One: Natah
Volume II / Chapter Two: Prison Break
Volume II / Chapter Three: Coming Home
Volume II / Chapter Four: Reclamation of Vale
Volume II / Chapter Five: War on the Grineer
Volume II / Chapter Six: Patch
Volume II / Chapter Seven: Formalities
Volume II / Chapter Eight: Stolen Army
Volume II / Chapter Nine: Hostage
Volume II / Chapter Ten: Love United
Volume II / Chapter Eleven: The Calm Before The Storm
Volume II / Chapter Twelve: The Storm After The Calm

Chapter Two: An Invitation

9.1K 118 356
By After_Hours_Writer

Fifteen Minutes Later...
Vale Police Station...
3rd Person POV

In a small dark room, comprised of only a small light, a wooden table, and a few chairs, the Tenno stood as both he and the young girl were being berated by the Huntress across the table from them.

Glynda: I hope that you two realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly. You not only murdered ssveral men, but you've put yourselves, and others, in great danger.

Tenno: We did?

Ruby: The murders were all him!

The young girl pointed at the Tenno beside her.

Tenno: Hmm?

Ruby: And besides, they started it!

The Tenno responded with a soft timid tone of voice

Tenno: I umm... I apologize for-.

Glynda: If it were up to me, you two would be sent home with a pat on the back...

The young girl began to smile.

Glynda: ...and a slap on the wrist.

The Huntress then proceeded to slap her riding crop against the table, causing the young girl to yelp and the Tenno to flinch back.

Ruby: Eeek!

Tenno: Ah!

Sighing to herself, the Huntress continued.

Glynda: But... there is someone here who would like to meet you two.

Ruby: Hmm?

Tenno: Like to meet us?

The Huntress moved over, allowing the man in question to approach the table. It was there in the light that they noticed his white hair and green outfit. Holding a mug in one hand and a plate of cookies in the other, the man spoke to the young girl with a soothing tone of voice.

Ozpin: Ruby Rose...

Tenno: Huh. Cute name. I should name my next Kubrow pup that.

The man leaned himself towards the young girl.

Ozpin: You have silver eyes.

Ruby: Uhh, thank you?

The man pulled back as a small tablet was placed in the middle of the table, showing a recording of the young girl fighting.

Ozpin: So!

Tenno: When did they record this?

Ozpin: Where did you learn to do this?

Tenno: I'd like to know as well.

Ruby: S-Signal Academy.

Tenno: ?

Ozpin: They teach you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?

Ruby: Well... one teacher in particular.

Ozpin: I see...

Placing the plate of cookies down onto the table, the man waited as she hesitantly grabs one and take a bite. Seeing no rebuttal, she continued eating, finishing the cookie and taking another.

Ozpin: It's just that I've only seen one scythe wielder of that caliber. A dusty, old crow.

She responded with her mouth full.

Ruby: Therts mi ercle!

Realizing what she had done, she swallowed the food in her mouth and repeated herself.

Ruby: Sorry. That's my uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now I'm all like,-.

She proceeded to imitate various karate poses, the likes of which would offend an expert.

Ruby: Hooowaah! Whitaaaah!

The Tenno, shaking his head in disbelief at the young girl, began to think to himself once more.

It's sad that I now know more about her than even myself.

Ozpin: So I've noticed. And what is an adorable little girl such as yourself doing in a school designed to train warriors?

That finally caught the Tenno's attention.

Tenno: Huh?

Tenno: Warriors?

Ruby: Well... I want to be a Huntress.

Ozpin: You want to slay monsters?

Tenno: Monsters?

Ruby: Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon!

As the young girl went all out with her plan with a high amount of enthusiasm, the Tenno paid no attention to her as he continued thinking.

Tenno: Warriors and monsters? How advanced of a civilization is this place? It's so much different than I could ever imagine.

Ruby: ...my parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it! Hehe...

Tenno: How has no army found such a place? Regardless of their advancement, an invasion by either Grineer or Corpus forces could spell trouble for them.

Ruby: ...but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know!

Tenno: But that's why I'm here.

The two across the table studied the young girl as the Tenno tilted his head in confusion about it.

Tenno: What?

Ozpin: Do you know who I am?

Ruby: You're Professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster at Beacon.

The man's smile grew a bit.

Ozpin: Hello.

Ruby: Nice to meet you.

Ozpin: You want to come to my school?

Ruby: More than anything.

Tenno: I... umm.... what just happened?

Confused, the Tenno looked around as the Huntress rolled her eyes in irritation at the man's invitation.

Ozpin: Well... okay.

The young girl's eyes widened in excitement, smiling as the man continued on.

Ozpin: You'll join the other students at the town square tomorrow morning. There you'll be taken to the school grounds.

Ruby: I....

Ozpin: Pack everything that you need. And please, do not be late.

Ruby: I won't!

Standing up, the young girl rushed out of the room, leaving everyone behind. Noticing a lone cookie on the plate, the Tenno grabbed it and inspected it thoroughly, rotating it around as chocolate got on the Warframe's hand.

Tenno: What's this?

Feeling the chocolate chip melting on his hand, a figment of the Tenno's earliest memories came back to him.

Margulis: Hey! Guess who brought cookies?

Children of the Zariman Ten Zero: YAY!

Zariman Ten Zero Child: My favorite!

Zariman Ten Zero Child: Awesome!

Margulis: But before I give them to you, what do you say?

Zariman Ten Zero Children: Please!?

Margulis: *chuckling* All right, kids. Make sure you share with everyone.... everyone......everyone......every.....eve....

Ozpin: Have you never had a chocolate chip cookie?

The Tenno turned his head towards the man, confused as he as interrupted.

Tenno: Huh!? What?

Feeling something poking his side, he turned to see the young girl once more looking up at him.

Ruby: I never did hear your name... if you don't mind me asking.

Tenno: Oh! Right.

Taking a step back, the Tenno bowed at a 90 degree angle before responding.

Tenno: My name is Ryoma Nagare. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Ruby Rose.

Blushing a bit from the sudden bow, the young girl scratched the back of her head and nervously smiled the embarrassment away.

Ruby: Oh! Hehe. Well, it's... uhh.... it's an honor to meet you, Ry-you-mah.

Ryoma: Ryoma.

Ruby: Ryoma, yeah... Well!

She began to march away from him.

Ruby: Hope I see you again sometime!

Ryoma: Same here.

As she left, the Tenno looked back to see the two's expressions not changing a single bit.

Ryoma: Yes?

Ozpin: Ryoma Nagare... an interesting name.

Ryoma: It's what my fellow Tenno call me.

Ozpin: Tenno?

Glynda: Never heard of it.

Ozpin: So you must be from another world. If I'm correct, I'm gonna guess that you were the golden light that flew across our sky?

Ryoma: My landing craft, yes. I was not aware of such an advanced civilization present on this planet.

Ozpin: Believe me when I say that this is not the most advanced place on Remnant.

Ryoma: It's not?

Tenno: Then where would that be?

Glynda: That would be in Atlas, but you wouldn't be able to get away with that stunt you pulled there.

Ryoma: I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Ozpin: Is there a reason you've came to Remnant? An invasion, or negotiations perhaps?

Ryoma: None of that.

The two displayed confusion as the Tenno continued.

Ryoma: I was sent from the solar system as a scout, a researcher to study this planet before we took any action on it.

The Tenno looked around.

Ryoma: But judging from what I've seen and hear, it seems that further study is required. The incident that occurred prior to this discussion was entirely self defense. Again, I apologize.

Ozpin: Right... there is no need to apologize for defending yourself. In fact, you've may have saved a lot more lives than you'd think.

Ryoma: Huh?

Ozpin: As for your reason for being here, we may be able to assist.

Ryoma: Really?

Ryoma: Crap! I shouldn't have... said... that...

Ozpin: Of course.

As he said that, the Warframe in front of them went limp, falling on both knees as a small puff of blue dust exploded from its chest and floated beside it. Taking the shape of the human child, the blue dust began to dissipate, showing a young boy in a trenchcoat and a scarf, around 15 years of age, taking its place.

Ozpin: Well then...

Ozpin: This is unexpected, but interesting nonetheless.

Ryoma: As a representative of the Tenno, I must insist that we mean you and your planet no harm.

Ozpin: I believe it.

Ozpin: This makes the negotiations that much easier.

Ozpin: If we are to assist you in your research, then we ask that you assist in ours.

Ryoma: Im sorry, but my assistance will depend on your definition of "research".

Ozpin: It's not technically research, per se, but.... Well... it's like this: We've taken notice of your style of combat, though it wasn't much. If you're interested, we would like to see more of it in the form of hunting the monsters of Grimm and sparring with our students at Beacon.

Ryoma: Whew! I thought he meant Alad V "research".

Ozpin: Though we would ask that you do not kill our students with that infected blade of yours.

Glancing at the katana, the Tenno responds.

Ryoma: The virus contained on the Nikana can be removed from my Orbiter with ease. I'm also assuming that you are offering an invitation to your academy, much like Miss Ruby Rose.

Ozpin: As a student, yes. It would be there that you can gather knowledge of Remnant and hone your fighting skills simultaneously. A win-win situation for both of us, should you accept.

Without a second thought, he accepted.

Ryoma: I accept.

Ozpin: Like I told Miss Rose, out at the town square tomorrow morning.

Closing his eyes, the Tenno began the process of transference, a process in which the Tenno places his consciousness and power into the vessel that is his Warframe, Rhino Prime. As he did so, the Warframe stood up from its knees back on its two feet. Turning to leave, the man continued.

Ozpin: Please, do not be late.

Ryoma: I won't.

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