Hollow gamer (Highschool dxd...

De SpudlordMaster

339K 4.6K 5.2K

Y/n L/n, typical delinquent with issues against anyone and anything, then he was killed.... Now, reincarnated... Mai multe

Harem Part 2
Game Start!
School yay....
It's the date
First confession
Blood sucker
Delinquent Warfare
Masked battles
Hollow training
Rating game!

Familiar forest

9.6K 221 187
De SpudlordMaster

Speech: "Hey what is up."

Shouting: "OW MY GOD DAM TOE!"

Thinking: 'She looks pretty cute.'

Skill being used or made: []

Inner Hollow Speech: "One, two, fuck you."

(Narrator POV)

Mittelt wouldn't lie when she said she enjoyed her new life, she could go to school and learn, which was nice, have more friends, and a working shower, which was more divine than any Angel. Quietly opening the bathroom door, the small, blonde loli didn't bother keep the smile off of her face, as she threw her school clothing onto the wrack.

Everything was going swimmingly in the five minutes she had been awake, though she was quite an early bird by nature, which annoyed Kalawarner, who was a night owl. It all came to a halt when she saw the figure gently snoring in the bathtub, the guy who had technically saved their lives, while also being the one who endangered them.

Y/n L/n, the guy who had endangered them and save them, was encrusted in blood, with the majority of it coming from his neck, and the guy who Mittelt had mixed feelings about, was currently passed out in the bathtub. His clothes were a completely missing, Mittelt was kind enough to throw a spare towel onto the teen's privates, so they weren't being exposed to the world, but that did little to stop the blush from growing on her face.

"Do I smell smoke?" Confusedly gawked Mittelt, eyeing Y/n a bit more carefully before realizing that Y/n was the smell, since the teen had blood, dirt, and ash all mixed together on his skin. "Think of this as a friendly favor." Childishly giggled Mittelt, simply turning on the bath and letting it fill, though she wasn't cruel enough to make it purely cold.

Amber eyes snapped open a second later, confusion and apprehension clear in his eyes, as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on, and where the sound of running water was coming from, only to see the tap running, and Mittelt, who was clad in a towel standing over him. The events of last night flashed to mind, his near death experience had definitely been an eye opener, though Y/n still didn't know how he actually got back.

*ping* You didn't collect the skill book! I picked it up and put it in your inventory!

'Thank you....sentient aspect of the Gamer.' Awkwardly thanked Y/n, only realizing that he was literally thanking a part of his power, which should be automatically collecting his drops for him, not making Y/n do it all the time. "Morning Mittelt, I'm going to have a bath.... first come first served." Lazily snorted Y/n, a small smirk on his face as he saw the annoyance on Mittelt's face, but that didn't stop Y/n from simply picking up his towel and throwing it onto the towel rack.

Mittelt lingered for a second before turning around and walking out of the room, a victorious smile on his face on his face, as Y/n leaned forward and turned the hot tap up higher, sighing in content as the room started steaming. Amber eyes rolled around in their socket, as Y/n, held out his right hand, a Skill book landing in his hands a second later.

'This is a rare skill book.' Surprisedly noted Y/n, so far besides the cramp in his neck, it had been a great start to the day, and Y/n didn't waste a second in accepting the chance to learn the skill book, watching as the book broke into shards of light, and flew into him.

[Precognition]: (Passive) Level 1/100: EXP: 0%

Description: Now knowing that things aren't always set in stone, the user now gets a sense of dread whenever something bad will happened. Note, this may give the user an intense case of paranoia and nervousness whenever you experience any sort of stomach cramp. Also, this skill can be felt with cramps in your stomach.

"Constant paranoia and nervousness, sounds like the normal teenage person's life." Loudly snorted Y/n, a cramp in his stomach appearing a second later due to [Precognition], making Y/n lurch forward, eyes wide in surprise. "What's happening?" Confusedly mumbled Y/n, shivering slightly as his bath got colder and colder with each passing second, making Y/n purse his lips as he realized how annoying this skill would quickly become.

Y/n's left eye started twitching violently as he realized what [Precognition] truly meant, it would warn him of every small disaster that may be happening, fro, stubbing his toe off of the table, or suddenly being forced to confront Kokabiel of all people later. Closing his eyes, Y/n simply pursed his lips and activated [Basic Element Control], using it in order to warm up the water, making the teen sigh in relief, as his aching muscles started relaxing.


People could be annoying, friends and family could also be annoying, but what Y/n found really annoying was the fact that his resting place throughout his lunch break was being swarmed by horny males and infatuated females. A low growl of annoyance escaped from Y/n's lips, as he eyed the source of all the commotion, the two Kings of their peerage, along with their Queen.

Both sets wore skimpy tennis outfits, Y/n didn't know how they could stand having all of that attention on themselves, but who was he to judge them and their obvious exhibitionist nature. Amber eyes traced the tennis ball as it was bounced once on the ground, quickly followed by a quicker second bounce, as Akeno was going to be the one who served it.

"Shall we start?" Curiously inquired Akeno, the proper lady like smile on her face as she saw Rias and Sona nod, her eyes quickly darting up to Y/n and winked at the teen, violently shifting her chest, and smiled as she saw Y/n's eyes drop to her large, shifting breasts.

"Let's." Calmly answered Tsubaki, her eyes narrowing as she readied her racket, catching the rusted hair of Y/n out of the corner of her eyes, sighing gently in order to calm her nerves.

Amber eyes tracked the ball as it flew between each side of the court, overall, Y/n wasn't overly impressed with the display in front of him, since it had yet to make Y/n actively try to follow the ball. Beneath Y/n the remaining OCR member gathered, unaware that the teen in question was quietly sitting above them, briefly sparing them a glance.

'I can level up Instant Dungeon Create in order for it to make a time dilation chamber, which will help, since I don't intending on attending school when the ORC members go off training.' Mentally planned Y/n, deciding that planning for the future would be a lot better than going with the flow, since Y/n realized how lucky he was, knowing the events that would happen in the future. 'Besides my Shikai Skills, I want to increase me reishi recovery even further. My level is higher than I anticipated for it to be, but I'm not complaining.' Idly noted Y/n, chewing on his lower lip, as he took a notebook out from his inventory, and began writing down his plan.

"Speaking of Y/n, where is he? I want to see how well he can use that sword of his." Giddily hummed Yumi, Y/n blinked as he put his notebook back into his inventory, grabbing onto the nearest branch before peering down, amber eyes filled with confusion as to what Yumi truly meant.

"I was hoping that school would be canceled today, but lo and behold, the school is opened." Exasperatedly sighed Y/n, hooking both of his legs over the branch he was leaning on, before allowing himself to fall backwards, allowing Y/n to look at the group of Devils in the eyes, albeit, they were upside down. "I honestly hope you're referring to my zanpakutō, pervert." Slyly hummed Y/n, seeing Koneko nod at him in respect at that statement, since just about everyone in ORC was some sort of closet pervert.

"Fight me after school tomorrow!" Boldly declared Yumi, a lot louder than she had to say it, in fact Y/n was confident that a lot of the students had heard that declaration of a fight, making Y/n purse his lips slightly at the inconsistency.

"Why? I gain nothing out of this." Confusedly huffed Y/n, he would much rather go back into the Vampire Dungeon once again, since that place was challenging, and it was a great place for him to actually practice his Shikai Skills. 

Koneko pursed her lips, as she knew Y/n wasn't like that as a person, he was more interested in gettin stronger, but if one was too look deeper into what he had said, they would most likely concluded that it was an innuendo. Mittelt and Raynare were making their way over towards the group, Raynare and Issea had a rocky relationship from one killing the other, but Koneko was actually getting along fine with Mittelt.

"I can make sure you get something out of it, if you win, but if I win, I get something." Sultry purred Yumi, the implications of that went completely over Y/n's head, as the teen mulled over what he would want when he won, and a lot didn't come to mind.

"Sure, get me a coffee when I win." Lazily answered Y/n, nodding towards himself slightly at his wise choice in answer, his stomach lurching as  [Precognition] tried telling him something, making Y/n unravel both of his legs.

Flipping as he fell, Y/n stumbled slightly as he tried regaining his balance, [Precognition] was getting even stronger isn't each passing second, and then Y/n realized what the skill was trying to warn him about. A magic infused tennis ball slammed into Y/n's forehead, making Y/n tense his entire body, as he fought back again the abrupt force of the tennis ball.


"You might want to improve your aim." Lowly growled Y/n, picking back up the tennis ball with a stiff smile on his face, as teen teen reeled back his right arm along with raising his left leg, stomping forward and flinging his right arm, eyeing the position Rias was in, before releasing the ball.

It was safe to say that a lot of people started leaving once they realized that Y/n was in a foul mood, the main reason he had stomped off in a huff was because his friends were stopping him, but that did little to the fact that Y/n was scary when he was angry. 


Y/n wasn't certain if he had slipped something or had accidentally taken something at one point, but his memory had been a blur after throwing the tennis ball back at Rias, after that it was a blur. Amber eyes were completely zoned out, as the teen had [Reishi Enhancement] active, deciding that since nothing important is happening, he may as well level up the skill for a bit.

"So tennis was a bust." Annoyedly grumbled Rias, an ugly bruise had formed on the center of her forehead, Y/n had packed a lot of force into the small tennis ball, enough force for it to actually cause damage and give Rias a bruise, and Y/n had yet to apologize. "Any other ideas?" Curiously hummed Rias, glaring at Y/n, while the teen remained completely oblivious to what was happening around him, unaware of the fact that he was literally in the center of attention.

"What about dodgeball?" Quietly quipped Issea, she sat on the couch with her back to Y/n, using the rusted hair delinquent as a backrest, all the while she was busy reading a book.

"Acceptable." Simultaneously answered both Rias and Sona, nodding at one another with a smile on their faces, happy that they had both come to an agreement so easily, though the rules would have to be ironed out at a later date. "Y/n, can I ask you a few questions." Calmly inquired Sona, watching as Y/n's amber eyes slowly zoned back in, before blinking rapidly, confusion in his eyes, only for realization to dawn in his eyes.

"Ask away." Lazily grunted Y/n, rubbing away at his eyes, as the temptation to go asleep was immense, yet the teen had a feeling that he would want to stay coherent for a while.

"In order for you to live here safely, we need a detail description of your powers, and what they can do. Since you are living in Devil's territory, it is mandatory, since you could go rouge." Calmly informed Sona, watching as Y/n's eyes hardened a split second later, the anger was clear in them, but it wasn't directed at anyone here.

"My weapon has two releases, Shikai and Bankai. My Shikai skills allows me to coat my Shikai in either fire or ice, by pumping my reishi into it. I can then do limited things, like freezing the area, or hurl flames at people. I don't have Bankai yet, but it will most likely be a more powerful form of my Shikai." Stiffly explained Y/n, materializing his zanpakutō in his left hand and showed it off, making it disappear a second later. "I'll be battling my Inner Hollow at a later date, if I defeat him then I can use his mask which will greatly increase my physical prowess. Then I have a few other skills, like manipulating elements, my reishi, and I can numb sections of the body with it." Hurriedly rushed Y/n, wanting to explain his powers as quickly as powerful, though he was well aware that he was brushing over more than a few details at this point, but Sona was bedazzled enough from how much Y/n had up his sleeves.

"And then there's the life draining skill, right?" Curiously added Sona, she was fairly certain that she had heard Rias say something about that at one point or another, and she even watched Y/n nod.

"Yeah, I can use it to heal myself as I fight and it drains the opponent's health. Though, if I kill something with it, I absorb some of their DNA, turning me partly into that species." Calmly scoffed Y/n, tempted to pull up his top so he could summon a wing, quickly deciding that it would be best to leave things be for now, since they hadn't asked for it.


No matter how many times Y/n had seen it in his dreams, Y/n couldn't help but stiffen and gasp slightly as he saw the coffins in front of him, above him the sky was a dull grey, everyone wore black, and in front of him stood his younger self. This nightmare tended to happen whenever he started trying to change himself, try to be someone a bit more approachable, a bit more dependable, a lot less like himself.


"3 months, that's a record." Annoyedly scoffed Y/n, his eyes hardening as watched the scene play out one more time, all the details still the exact same as the day it had happened, causing Y/n to roll his eyes at just how.... pathetic he was when he was 8. "Even fate has her favorites." Lowly growled Y/n, not feeling a thing as his younger self unknowingly ran through him, throwing himself at the two coffins.

"PLEASE COME BACK!" Sorrowfully screamed the 8 year old Y/n, tears and snot streaming down his face as he cried, as his younger self all but clawed at the mahogany coffins, trying to get into them, as they were lowered to the ground. "DON'T GO!" Pathetically wailed the 8 year old, Y/n's heart clenching as this was the part that always stuck at him, just from how utterly broken he looked.  

"Why now?" Curiously questioned Y/n, his reishi slowly building up around him, slowly engulfing the teen as it raged around him, destroying whatever it touched, covering Y/n completely.

A minute after Y/n's reishi started raging up, it began dying back down, amber eyes replaced with yellow, and tanned skin replaced with bone white, Y/n's Inner Hollow stood in his placed. The Hollow curiously looked at the scene, a pain racing through his heart, as he recalled the heartbreaking emoting that this memory enticed.

"Wimp." Annoyedly grumbled the Hollow, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up, making the Inner Hollow turn around, seeing a collection of pixels hovering behind him. "Who the hell are you?" Wearily questioned the Innener Hollow, white reishi gathering in his hands, preparing to attack at any given moment in time, as the collection of blue pixels floated towards him.

"Why is he a wimp? He is only 8 years old." Softly whispered the pixels, its voice sounded like a mixture of static mixed with a child's voice, making the Inner Hollow settle down slight.

"Death is death, it uncaring and it does not care if you're a king, god, or peasant, nobody escapes it in the end." Uncaringly scoffed the Inner Hollow, watching as the light dimmed in Y/n's eyes, the childish innocence that all children had fading away, being replaced with the daunting light of a person who has seen too much at a young age. "Nobody comes back to life, and I don't know why this joker believes it will happen. Just because it happened to him, doesn't mean his parents came back." Coldly mumbled the Hollow, the blue pixels zooming right up to his face, looking into his eyes, and judging him.

"You are but a joker yourself, Mr Mori. A Hollow that doesn't even know his own name, despite being told it already." Hauntingly chuckled the pixels, the Inner Hollow gulped slightly, as he felt something pang in his chest, if he had one, he would have said it was death. "You truly are clueless if you can't figure out this nightmare Y/n has, you'll figure out soon what this all means, after all, he is on 55% already." Eerily sang the voice, disappearing a second layer, leaving the Inner Hollow to himself, as the scene around him faded completely, leaving him standing in a void of darkness.

"Mori..... why does that sound so familiar?" Confusedly mumbled the Inner Hollow, watching as flowers started growing up around him, before he simply disappeared from the world.


Y/n's footsteps thumped down the stairs, black bags beneath the teen's eyes as it was roughly 3am, too early for any sane person to be awake at, though he had to be at the Gymnasium at 4, so it wasn't all bad. A lighter set of footsteps followed after Y/n, the teen not even being aware of the person walking behind him, though Y/n didn't really care.

Water gushed into the glass, being shut off a second before it threatened to spilled over, and Y/n didn't waste a second in downing it all, his posture loosening as the cold drink fell down his throat. Amber eyes caught Kuroka sitting at the table, their eyes meeting for a second, before Y/n sat down, resting his face on his clenched fists.

"Wanna talk about it? Your reishi started flaring out before you woke up." Concernedly asked Kuroka, her older sister instincts finally coming back to the surface, as she couldn't help but feel bad from seeing Y/n looking so distraught.

"I had.... I recalled a memory, the day of my parents funeral." Weakly mumbled Y/n, in an extremely rare display of weakness, Kuroka's eyes softened as she saw Y/n's state, the normal rude and sharp tongued teen who had his kind moments was replaced by someone.... so weak looking.

"You look horrible being all mushy like this, we can talk whenever you feel up to it." Gently huffed Kuroka, looking over at Y/n, who brightened up slightly at the statement, before she placed her left hand on top of Y/n's right. "It's odd seeing you acting so mushy and emotional, though I could get use to it." Amusedly chuckled Kuroka, soothingly rubbing her thumb across Y/n's right hand, doing her best to reassure the teen.

"Haha! You're the best Kuroka, I'll be back." Gruffly snorted Y/n, grabbing Kuroka's hand and squeezing it with as much appreciation as he could, offering Kuroka one last smile before he walked out of the room.

Kuroka meanwhile sat motionless at the chair, as Y/n's smile was burned into her mind, the way he looked so genuinely happy in her company made her heart squeeze, and Kuroka knew what that meant. 

"Oh crud.... I'm starting to like Y/n." Softly whispered Kuroka, sure she enjoyed flirting with Y/n, and teasing him with her every now and then, but that was just so she could get a rose out of him, with no romantic intentions involved on her end.


The gymnasium doors boomed open, tried amber eyes squinted slightly from the abrupt change in light, making Y/n groan in annoyance as he spited the reason why he was awake so late. Both teams halted momentarily in their warmups, all sending Y/n a brief glance before going back to their warmups, before Y/n started going to a vacant section of the gym.

'I could be sleeping, instead I'm off getting a familiar.' Thoughtfully noted Y/n, both sounded quite pleasant at the moment, going back to sleep and not having to deal with people, or have a familiar that would protect you. "Yes?" Questioningly yawned Y/n, [Sense] telling Y/n that someone was approaching him, before the teen started swinging his arms out.

"I didn't expect you to be taking part in this match." Idly commented Akeno, Y/n promptly avoided looking at the girl, since she wore the cliche P.E uniform, and Y/n did not want to be called a pervert.

"Looking around the Familiar's forest sounds beneficial, might even be able to get one if I'm lucky." Loudly snorted Y/n, slowly beginning to jog on the spot, raising his knees higher with each passing moment, as reflexive tears formed in his eyes. "It wasn't like I'd be sleeping much tonight anyway." Offhandedly commented Y/n, unaware that Akeno's curiosity was slowly peaking, as she could see the bags beneath Y/n's eyes.

"My, I wonder what sort of thoughts would keep you up all night." Sultry hummed Akeno, watching as Y/n came to a halt, his eyes landing on Rias, who was approaching them.

"Akeno, we're starting now." Calmly informed Rias, unlike Y/n's dead expression, Rias actually seemed relatively lively compared to the others, as she stared at Y/n. "I'm cashing in a favor, you're on my team, so please get ready." Bluntly stated Rias, Y/n just sucked in air through his teeth, before exhaling.

"Let's get this over and down with, unlike you lot, I need to sleep." Annoyedly grumbled Y/n, slowly edging his right foot forward, as he started stretching out his legs, parting them further and further away. "Where are they anyway?" Curiously scoffed Y/n, the doors booming open a second later, as Y/n did a full splits, his legs popping as they loosened.

"Sorry for being late." Emotionlessly apologized Sona, Saji's eyes landed on Y/n, shivering a bit as he saw Y/n's position, before sauntering up towards the teen, both Akeno and Rias quickly deciding to go back to their own corner of the gym. 'This will end poorly.' Mentally decided Sona, whilst she was happy that Saji wasn't a coward, he could use some work in terms of not overestimating himself. 

"Look who decided to show up, you gonna sit out so the real people can play?" Cockily chuckled Saji, Y/n's eyes narrowing slightly as he got up, looking slightly down at Saji, the difference in height had never been so highlighted before.

"Listen buddy, I'm in a foul mood, so leave now, and now I won't send you flying." Stiffly hummed Y/n, placing his right hand on Saji's left shoulder, grey reishi flickering across Y/n's hands.

"I'm placing a 20 on Y/n winning, an additional 10 that he goes through the door." Gently whispered Koneko, watching as everyone else just looked at her, making the girl shrug her shoulders in response.

"We already know the outcome, it's a fool's bet." Amusedly snorted Yumi, the words not even getting to leave her lips, before the sound of flesh smacking off of flesh echoed through the air, making every Devil simultaneously look towards the source.

"Predictable." Loudly scoffed Tsubaki, looking on as Saji went flying through the air with a twirl, flying out of the door that he had come through, making the Student Council grateful that the doors could open either way.

"Let's get this bloody game started!" Lividly roared Y/n, his eyes burning with utter sleep deprivation and the determination, as the teen stomped towards Rias's court.


"Rule number 1, no killing.... quite self explanatory." Awkwardly hummed Momo, deciding that it would be best to be the referee for this match, eyeing the 5 dodgeballs lined up at the halfway mark, before glancing at the delinquent. "Magic is permitted, or whatever else you can use." Loudly announced Momo, watching as Y/n crouched down, ready to start, and then Momo clapped her hands together.

In an instant Y/n disappeared from sight, all of the Knights present blinked at the speed Y/n had just shown off, 4 of the dodgeballs rolling towards various members on Rias's team, while Y/n stood on the line, with a dodgeball in his hands. There was a glow in Y/n's eyes, Saji the unfortunate man was on the end of that glow, and could just watch as Y/n's veins bulged as he cocked back his right arm.  

"Heh." Simply barked Y/n, activating [Reishi Enhancement] and flinging the ball forward with a flick of his wrist, watching in glee as Saji's eyes widened in absolute fear, only for the ball to curve away at the last second, in favor of slamming into Tsubaki's arm. "Heheh." Loudly snorted Y/n, using [Sense] to its absolute limit, so the teen could get a perfect picture of where everyone was, even where each dodgeball was.

"Tsubaki! Out!" Disappointedly shouted Momo, feeling somewhat guilty as she watched Tsubaki sulk off of the field, an ugly yellow bruise already forming on her arm, from where Y/n had hit her with the dodgeball.

"Hand me the next ball." Calmly informed Y/n, a glint in his eyes as he intended on ending this thing as quickly as possible, and there was only one thing that truly motivated him.



Y/n expected many things to happen when he had been transported by Rias's and Akeno's Magic Transporter circle, the main one being that he would end up with the rest of the ground, and not stranded in the underworld, in the middle of nowhere. Y/n's face was completely lax, not a hint of emotion was on his face, as he gazed down on the forest from his current position, upon the highest peak of a mountain, overlooking a forest, where Rias and group were.


"You know what? I'm not moving now, those guys can find me myself." Annoyedly grumbled Y/n, childishly sitting down with his arms crossed, and a pout on his face. 

[Precognition] and [Sense] both went off a second later, making Y/n blink as he could hear a screeching sound overhead, with it rapidly getting louder and louder, and Y/n hoped that it would just leave him alone. Whatever it was, it didn't like Y/n's desire to be alone, in favor of flying over his head, something sharp wrapping around Y/n's body, before the teen felt his body leave the ground.

"Today is not my day, yesterday wasn't my day, and my whole week hasn't been my week." Annoyedly grumbled Y/n, looking upwards at his captor, noting the fact that they were covered in aquatic scales, narrowing down the list of creatures it could be, though to be sure, Y/n used [Observe] on it.

Name: Tiamat

Age: ???

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Title: Chaos Karma Dragon/Dragon King

Level: ???

Hp: 18000/18000

Magic: 27400/27400

Strength: 284

Endurance: 300

Agility: 193

Intelligence: 274

Wisdom: 200

Luck: 10

"Not Derf standard, but I feel like this is still more than enough to hurt me." Annoyedly grumbled Y/n, poking the huge scaly hand that was currently wrapped around his stomach, Tiamat's huge claws digging into his side. 'This will get her attention.' Idly thought Y/n, placing his hand on Tiamat's claw as she continued flying through the air, before [Life Drain] activated.

It would be a long tedious process, Y/n knew that it could take hours till Tiamat even noticed anything, and Y/n was growing acutely aware of the claws slowly digging into his sides. Amber eyes spotted the trees beneath him, now well above the hundred foot mark in terms of height, making Y/n's [Sense] skill all but useless, since it was just himself, Tiamat, and whatever bug was unfortunate to be nearly.

"LET ME GO YOU USELESS GECKO!" Loudly snarled Y/n, his patience rapidly disappearing within a few seconds, summoning a ball of flame within his hand, thanks to [Basic Element Control] before throwing it. "LET ME GO!" Ferociously howled Y/n, immediately regretting his choice at saying those words a moment later, since Tiamat did let go, while he was still in the air.

[Basic Element Control] was becoming more or less instinctive at this point for Y/n, strong winds gathering in his hands and beneath his feet, as Y/n pumped his reishi into it, slowly halting his fall. The moment Y/n's feet touched the ground, he activated [Flash Step], not wanting to be in the area where a Dragon King was flying overhead.

"I am not getting paid enough for this." Exasperatedly yelled Y/n, skidding around each tree that was in the way, [Sense] warning the teen that someone, most likely Tiamat, was slowly closing in on him. "I'm not even getting paid at all." Curtly realized Y/n, leaning backwards and sliding beneath a tree branch, and barely a second later did he head it shatter into pieces. 

Water gathered in Y/n's hands, as Y/n focused both into two cylinders in both hands, focusing on elongating them and making them longer and looser, before Y/n spun on his feet. Two whips of water flew through the air, following Y/n's hands, as Y/n boosted his physical stats with [Reishi Enhancement], hoping that this would work.

The two whips of water easily cut through a few of the trees, and Y/n's eyes widened the moment he saw a small little rabbit with horns behind him, making the water in Y/n's hands harmlessly splash to the ground a second later. Blinking slowly, Y/n's amber eyes stared into the red eyes of horned rabbit, that honestly looked kind of cute, despite it having a pair of antlers that could rival a Buck, and was kinda small.

'[Observe]?' Confusedly thought Y/n, not entirely certain if this was actually the thing that had been chasing him, or Tiamat had actually stopped her chase, in favor of just playing with him from afar. "What can I do for you little guy?" Curiously hummed Y/n, looking around and relying on [Sense], and once everything was clear, Y/n crouched down and held his hand out.  

Name: None

Age: 1

Gender: Male

Species: Jackalope 

Title: Rabbits Foot/Chaos Chaos 

Level: 6

Hp: 200/200

Magic: 120/120

Strength: 6

Endurance: 10

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 3

Wisdom: 4

Luck: 666

'Chaos Chaos? 666 Luck?' Confusedly thought Y/n, honestly he had learned not to judge the stats of various creatures, but for a one year old Jackalope to have that much luck was kind of insane, even by his standards. "Have you lost your parents?" Apprehensively questioned Y/n, despite seeing the Jackalope's weak stats, Y/n felt that it was okay to be weary of the creature, who literally had the luck of the devil on his side.

"He hasn't." Deeply rumbled a voice behind him, Y/n's eyes widened as he activated [Flash Step], appearing in front of the Jackalope with his Zanpakutō already drawn, not aware of what exactly was facing hi,, other than it was outside his [Sense]. "Sword Brith? No.... it's not is it?" Slowly hummed the creature in front of Y/n, who's eyes were wide in fear as he stared down Tiamat, while she looked at him.


"It's not no, why did you chase me?" Loudly questioned Y/n, his mind racing a mile per minute as he tried figuring out what to do, since it was obvious that he definitely couldn't defeat Tiamat, but he run away from her with [Flash Step], if not that then [Instant Dungeon Creation].

"You smell like Derf, so I thought you were either a descendent of his, or his Host." Calmly informed Tiamat, watching as a sheepish grin grew on Y/n's face, as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck at that.

"Technically speaking, he is my Sacred Gear, but I'm currently not in possession of him, though our souls are linked..... I just haven't found him yet." Awkwardly explained Y/n, even now he could feel his link with his Inner Hollow, Opscuro, and even a weak, faded link with Derf. 'I know that Issei eventually turns his arm into a Dragon arm, I wonder if I will be able to do the same?' Curiously thought Y/n, maybe being 30% Dragon would be beneficial to him, since it would hopefully make it so his reishi would increase by 40 rather than 20.

"You're a weird human.... no, that term isn't quite right either, is it?" Interestedly hummed Tiamat, Y/n was still weary of the Dragon King in front of him, but Y/n did his best to conceal his surprise when something touched his leg. "The Jackalope seems to have taken an interest in you, he looks like he wants to be your familiar." Amusedly noted Tiamat, watching as Y/n dismissed his weapon, before crouching down in front of the Jackalope.

"Fine.... you wanna be my familiar?" Exasperatedly sighed Y/n, offering his right hand out to the Jackalope, who looked like he wouldn't really fit in with his personality, but with the Jackalope's high luck, Y/n had a feeling things would be interesting.

*ping* Jackalope is using Rabbit's foot!

Do you wish to make a contract?


"Yep, I'll makers a contract." Softly hummed Y/n, accepting the question, before stiffening as he felt his reishi pulse outwards, engulfing both the Tiamat and the Jackalope. "What?" Confusedly mumbled Y/n, his head pulsing slightly as he could feel both Tiamat and the Jackalope, both of who, were perfectly calm.

"Once alone, Born apart, We are a single heart. Bound by magic, light, and Sage, Live together through our Age. Bound by salt, flesh, and Fire, May we share the identical Desire. Brought together by the gods, Let us never be at odds. Sealed together, you and I. While one lives, another shan't die. So mote it be!" Calmly spoke Tiamat, Y/n didn't bother hiding the shock in his eyes, as he could feel his skin burning, looking down at the most intense part, which was his left hand. "There, you've made a contract with us, we are both your familiars." Softly informed Tiamat, tapping her snout against Y/n's forehead, as the Jackalope did the same, making Y/n's left hand shine.

An image of a Dragon appeared on the top of his left hand, while in his palm a side view of the Jackalope manifested, making Y/n's eyes widen at the fact that he now had two familiars. A skill popped up, Y/n hadn't honestly been expecting that at all, but since his life was already a mess, he knew better than to ask questions.

[Chaos Chaos]: (Active): Level MAX!!!

Description: The user temporarily gives everyone, including himself, -10 Luck, meaning anything could happen. Note, this skill has 100 meter radius.

"I think..... I'm gonna have to find my friends now, so I can get home, and sleep." Tiredly moaned Y/n, tempted on missing school tomorrow, just so he could sleep in, but knowing that Rias would have questions really made Y/n want to go school, just so she wouldn't enter his house.

That's a wrap people!!! Y/n has gotten a very powerful skill now, which could potentially backfire and do a lot of damage! Tiamat, the first proper powerhouse, for now anyway!

See ya next time!!!


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