Fates Intertwined (Karmagisa)

By Crystal_Nymph

69.2K 2.5K 2.4K

"W-well, my name's Shiota Nagisa but you can call me by my first name as well." "That was bad of you, Karma-k... More

I'm tagged, I guess?
Birthday oneshot


2K 87 119
By Crystal_Nymph

Heyo! This chapter contains bonding moments (not like that, you perverts!) And some heartbreaks, maybe, idk. I'mma just write whatever the hell comes in my mind.

P.S: I'm back to school that's why my updates are not frequent.

Third person POV


The blue head rose his head in confusion, Karma beside him looking at the spectacled girl curiously. "What is it, Okuda-san?"

Manami simply turned pink at his question as if he had said something scandalous, her fingers toying with her long skirt and her whole body fidgeting. She looked nervous for some odd reason.

"Um..I was hoping that we could talk?" Her eyes gestured to the lax red head sitting on his desk suggestively.

He caught the meaning behind her subtle message. It wasn't very subtle and Karma definitely got it too, but he nodded nonetheless.

"Uh..sure." Nagisa turned towards Karma who was watching them two as if trying to connect something with his mind. "You alright with that, Karma?"

The red head's eyes flashed with an unrecognizable emotion before he raised his head, a smirk summoned naturally on his face before saying, "Sure."

Manami led him to the empty store room, looking here and there in the hallway before closing the door slightly. There were boxes and packages lying around in the storeroom so they didn't have much choice but to stand in front of each other directly.

"So.." He broke the silence, "What's the matter?"

The spectacled girl remained silent for a couple of seconds. Her eyes darted across the room, looking anywhere but at him before she started fidgeting and she finally spoke, "P-promise that you won't laugh or tell anyone about it."

Nagisa's eyebrows furrowed in confusion but agreed to her terms anyway, "Alright."

"Um...well.." Manami played with the sleeves of her shirt with a blush that started forming on her face, "I..I kinda have a crush on Karma-kun."

Nagisa stilled at her confession, his mind going blank for a second as he tried to process her statement. She liked Karma as in crushing on him? Well, he wasn't surprised for one since her body language defied her oblivious pretense after all but he'd never expect her to tell him.

Her admittance was followed by silence and Manami, oblivious to his inner turmoil, carried on, "Um..Karma is very close to you so I was hoping that you could help me."

If I knew how to, Nagisa thought somewhat bitterly but not at Okuda, I would've asked him out ages ago and I'd be one of the most happiest person on earth right now.

She bit her bottom lip, her lavender eyes gazing at the blue head in an almost pleading manner, "P-please." She took his hands in her own, ignoring the way that he jolted at her touch.

Nagisa was torn between choosing a decision, one of the most difficult decision that he had ever encountered that is.

He wanted to yell, scream, tell her that he liked Karma before her. It was frustrating though since his throat felt like they were closing in on themselves. It..it didn't feel fair! But deep down, Nagisa knew that it was something that he had feared ever since she entered their group.

And anyway, both of them knew who had a better chance to get together with him. He couldn't just let his selfishness destroy the opportunity both of them had to become a couple. Couple. The word pained him more than it should've but he decided it was the best course of action to apply in a state like this one.

Afterall, it was Karma's happiness that mattered in here. Something which Nagisa could not give him even if he wanted to.

Ignoring the growing ache in his chest that wrapped itself around his heart like wild posisonous ivy vines, he smiled at her supportively, "Oh, you could've told me earlier, Manami-san! I'll help you get together with him."

The way her face brightened up at his answer, her lavender eyes sparkling with hope was enough to let him decide that his decision was the right one.

"Thank you so much, Nagisa-kun!"

Her previous anxiousness was gone, replaced with sheer delight and hope that Nagisa didn't have the heart to tell about his infatuation with Karma. A hidden pained smile formed on his face but Okuda needn't know that.

It was okay. He could bury his feelings for him, after all it's just a little infatuation that'll fade after a short time. If he'd give up the crush that he'd held onto for several years, the two friends he ever had would be happy.

"Haha, you don't have to thank me." He waved his hands dismissively, "I am your and Karma's friend. It's my job to make sure both of you are happy, isn't it?"

Manami didn't say anything verbally, giggling jubilantly, unaware of the blue head's inner struggle who chuckled after her, in the most genuine way he could muster.

It was going to be okay.


"What did you two talk about?" Karma questioned after the two had entered the classroom, they still had a couple of minutes left before recess would finish.

"Oh, um...It was just an omega thing she wanted to ask." Nagisa knitted a lie, flawlessly as if it was natural and Okuda nodded after him.

The red head narrowed his eyes at the approaching figures before shrugging, "Oh, and here I was thinking that she was going to confess about something to you."

Nagisa almost choked on air at the accuracy of his prediction.

"Well, um...let's talk about the homework that Kensaku-sensei gave us about catalyst." Okuda diverted the topic, taking out her notebook.

Nagisa groaned, "I completely forgot that it's science period after this."

"Meh, I'll just skip the whole class." Karma said, a small smirk on his face.

"And you'll still probably score 90 or above even after that, won't you?" It was an enviable talent that Karma had that he didn't possess. More the reasons to relinquish his infatuation.

"Of course~"


Turns out, Karma was right. He did end up acing the test while Nagisa, well his didn't turn out as expected, something that'll probably be on his head after he reaches home.

"How is it even humanly possible that you got such high marks without even trying?" Nagisa asked, peering over to see the bright red hundred marked on Karma's paper.

He turned over to his own which was marked with a forty-two, comical tears streaming down his face at the injustice. He who had crammed all night long only got forty-two while Karma, who didn't even study, got full marks without an effort. How is that even fair?!

"Ehe, I guess it's just that Karma's more talented than me." He sighed, resigning to cruel fate, mentally preparing himself for the onslaught of scolding he would get at...home.

Karma sported an indifferent look, his lips pursed as if he was going to tell him something before shaking it off and training his eyes on the other's hair. "You decided to tie your hair?"

His normally untied hair had been tied into a low ponytail, low enough to cover his nape properly as modesty, his undeveloped scent glands, however, out open.

"Ahaha..yeah." He chuckled nervously, scratching at his cheek, "I couldn't really study with all the hair blocking my vision so I just decided to tie it up."

Karma's mercury eyes traveled along the new hairstyle before he remarked, "It suits you."

The blue head turned the lightest shade of pink at the indirect compliment, turning away, feigning a cough and hiding the slowly blooming blush on his face. His inner omega was positively preening at the compliment.

"Well, anyway, I am gonna skip the next class so want anything from the vending machine?" Nagisa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at his randomness, his blush starting to fade. Karma didn't talk in such a disgruntled way and skipping and vending machine didn't articulate properly but..

"A can of vanilla milk, if there is one."

"Okay, bye, kitten."

"Bye- wait, what? Kitten?"


It slipped out of his mouth so casually that he himself was surprised at what he'd ended up saying. But it was worth it since the blue head was left flabbergasted and with a pretty blush adorned on his face like jewelry which was a sight to behold.

Originally, his mind came up with the nickname because of how much vanilla milk he drank, even though it was a bit hypocritical of him to call him a kitten for drinking milk. It just ended up being blurted out by his mouth but that was fine too.

Karma couldn't help but tease Nagisa with the same name, wanting to induce the same kind of reaction from him. It was kinda disappointing how fast Nagisa got used to the nickname, only huffing slightly out of exasperation at his tease.

He had recently gotten a phone from his so-called parents but who was he to reject gifts when given to him, also it was sent as a package gift so they couldn't really know if he was even using it or not.

His new favorite hobby was clicking photos of Nagisa anytime he did anything relatively embarrassing or humiliating. Initially, he started it as a means to blackmail his friend or anyone who was unlucky enough to do something stupid in front of him.

But now, he kept it as both blackmail material and to look at the blue head's face when he was angry or feeling out of it since the photo always calmed him down, like the actual person did.

And it would usually leave him smiling like an idiot, a love-sick idiot, because of how his heart would swell up when he looked at Nagisa's image. The next thing he noticed was that Nagisa's hips were more wider than before, how it would move when he walked. His gait was captivating, no matter how ridiculous it sound.

"-absolutely terrible!"

He blinked, snapping out of his reverie to see Okuda pat Nagisa's back sympathetically, the other probably complaining about their science syllabus, judging by the way he spoke.

"Don't worry, Nagisa-kun. I'll help you study for the upcoming exam." She consoled, her lavender eyes switching towards Karma, "And maybe Karma-kun will help us too."

That was new. Neither Nagisa nor Okuda, both the only person he talked to, ever needed any tutoring from him so his name popping up with helping people out study for an exam was quite surprising.

"Eh..me and teaching you guys? Don't you think Manami-san can tutor you alone, Nagisa-kun?" Karma asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion because he missed most parts of the conversation apparently.

Okuda shook her head, her gaze fixated on him unwaveringly as she said, "I don't understand some of the Physics's equations so I was hoping that you'd help both of us."

Karma shrugged passively, "I don't know. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a good teacher so I'd say you guys should find someone else to study with you."

He was making a sensible choice since they were in a library after all, they could just ask someone intelligent enough to tutor them a bit and if they start being an asshole, he could send the guy to the hospital, no big deal.

Nagisa visibly deflated at the rejection, letting out a miserable sigh, planting his face at the science book on the table. It made Karma rethink his initial decision for a bit.

"Well, I might as well bring another book for Physics to cram the formulas." Nagisa murmered, rising up and heading towards another bookshelf.

He probably wouldn't be able to reach the top shelf, judging by his height, even tiptoeing would help to a certain extent which was also definitely not enough. Karma stood up, heading towards the blue head to help him with his height.

What he didn't expect was Nagisa to bump into another student, which caused him to be alert and look out at the person who was apparently not much shaken by the collision to make sure that Nagisa wouldn't be shouted at for crashing into him.

"Ah, I'm so sorry about that!" Nagisa apologized quickly, opening his eyes which had closed at the collision.

His eyes widened at the person in front of him in surprise. No way, he thought, purple eyes meeting his with the kind of coldness that he had definitely seen before, isn't he the...


Qotc: Best girl of assclass? Mine's Karma in a pink frilly apron and Nagisa when going to Okinawa, just kidding, lol. Best girl Hinano, Tōka and Rio ftw!

I'm sure you already know who the mystery random colliding guy is, so I'll just leave it to your imagination until the next update.

Don't forget to vote or comment <3~!

Words: 2169 words

Bye~! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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