Cold ~Carlos DeVil~ EDITED

By lorenxguacamole

69.9K 1.1K 626

Amelia, daughter of Jack Frost and Elsa Winters, had a relatively normal life along with her best friends up... More

Cameron Boyce
ºChapter 2º
ºChapter 3º
ºChapter 4 º
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~chapter 9~

ºChapter 1º

9.2K 121 93
By lorenxguacamole

Meeting the VK's

Amelia's P.O.V

I was currently sitting on a couch, playing some Somebody To You by The Vamps and singing softly while Ben, who was humming the song, stood still as Lumiere took his measurements for our coronation.

"How is it possible you guys are going to be crowned the next month?" King Adam, Ben's dad, asked entering the room "You're just some babies!"

"They are turning sixteen, dear" Queen Belle said walking next to him.

"Hey, pops"

"Sup, Beast" I said and then looked at Belle. "Good morning."

"Sixteen? Is far to be young to be crowned as King and Queen. I didn't make a good decision 'til I was at least forty two." The King confessed.

Queen Belle scoffed and turned around to glare at his husband. "Uhm. You decided to marry me at twenty eight." She reminded him.

"It was either you or a teapot." King joked looking at us making Ben, the soon-to-be-king and me the soon-to-be-Queen chuckle. "Kidding." He said after realizing what her face looked like.

"Mom, dad." Ben said and tried to walk forward but was stopped by Lumiere. "We've chosen my first official proclamation." He said from his place as I paused the music, stoop up and walked next to him.

"Ben and I have decided that the children on the Isle of the lost are given a chance... to live here in Auradon." I said.

Everybody in the room was shocked by my words. "Every time we look at the island we feel like they've been abandoned." I said walking towards the window pointing at the Isle.

"The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" Ben's father asked.

"We'd start with a few, at first, only the ones who need our help the most." Ben said with a small smile.

Queen Belle just nodded at us but kept quiet.

"We've already chosen them. I chose 4 and Ben chose other 4." I said gesturing the both of us.

"Have you?" The King asked taking a step forward. Belle placed a hand on his shoulder and looked back to us.

"I gave you a second chance" She remembered him. "Who are their parents?"

"Cruella De Vil" Ben said first.

"Jafar" I continue.

"Hans" Ben said making me close my eyes tightly, just by hearing his name makes me want to punch him in the face. He almost killed my mother and left my aunt froze to death, literally.

"Evil Queen" I continued, trying to ignore the fact that the one who tries to kill my family will be here.

"Queen of hearts"

"Mother Gothel"

"Queen Narissa"

"And Maleficient" we both speak simultaneously .

"Maleficient!?" Beast talks "she is the worst villain in the land! Besides Hans tried to kill your family!

"Dad, just hear me out here."

"I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

"Dad, their children are innocent!"

"Don't you think they deserve a shot to a normal life?" I said loudly glaring at the king.

"I suppose their children are innocent." He said before walking towards the door.

"Well done." Queen said to Ben. "Your mother would be proud of you." She said to me.

When they walked out Ben glances at his ring with a beast on it and I look at my necklace and bracelet with a snowflake on it.


"I'm so excited." Ariana said to Mila and I.

"Cal your tits. They're normal people." Mila said chuckling.

A few seconds later, we notice the limousine get closer and closer to where we were standing.

Audrey, Ben, Rhett, Mila, Ariana and I stood behind FGM waiting for them to come as well as Doug, the band and the cheering team.

The door opened and three boys rolled out of the limo, fighting for something while four girls and another boy stared at all the show Auradon prepared for them.

"You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?!" The boy with white hair and black roots yelled.

"Cause you want it!" The guy with long brown hairanswered

"Give it to me" The red haired boy demanded.

I assumed they were Cruella, Jafar and Hans children, Carlos, Jay and Harvey.

"Guys, Guys, Guys!" The girl with purple short hair said getting their attention.

"we have an audience" A girl with long red hair finished for the first one.

'Definitely Mal and Maddie' I thought to myself.

"Just..." Jay started.

"Cleaning up" Hans' son said chuckling and helping Carlos up.

"Leave it like you found it" FGM said in a sing-song voice "and by that I mean just leave it."

Jafar's son threw everything back into the limousine and looked back at us.

"Hello foxy." The just named walked over to me "The name's Jay" making me chuckle.

"Okay." Rhett, my cousin, said placing his arm in front of me making me take a step back as I mumble to Mila and Ariana 'everyday'. "Her name is not Foxy." He cleared up making me and my two best friends roll our eyes.

"Welcome to Auradon prep" FGM talked. "I'm Fairy Godmother. Headmistress"

"The Fairy Godmother?" Mal asked surprised. "as in Bibidi Bobidi Boo?"

"Bibidi Bobidi, you know it"

"Yeah! I've always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere" The guy who wasn't involved in the fight said. I figured this was Queen Narissa's son.

"With that sparkling wand and that warm smile... and that sparkling wand." Mother Gothel's daughter added.

"That was a long time ago and as I always say 'don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future'" FGM said making some weirds movements with her hands almost poking my eye.

"It's so good to finally meet you all." I said walking forward and taking Rhett's arm out of my way.

"I'm Ben-" He started to introduce himself.

"Prince Benjamin, soon-to-be-king!" Audrey chips in.

"You had me at prince" Evie talks. "My mom's a Queen which makes me a princess." She bows.

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here." Audrey said moving her head from side to side with a fake smile on her face. "And neither do you."

"Actually, Audrey, she does. Besides, soon, I can give her a royal status if I want and if Ben agrees." I said smiling at Evie.

"If Evie is given back her royal status then I think so should we, Prince Harvey of the Southern Isles." He said bowing

"Princess Madison of Wonderland." She said bowing.

"Prince Newt from Andalasia" he bowed.

"Of course, if Ben is okay with it, you can all have your royal status back." I confirmed smiling. "Anyways, I'm Amelia"

"Princess Amelia for you, the soon-to-be-Queen!" Audrey chirped in... again.

"Just Amelia." I said smiling back.

"And this is Audrey" Ben said gesturing her.

"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?"

"I am Mila Ze-" my best friend started to say.

"Goddess Mila Zeus." Audrey again.

"Rhett." My cousin said smiling a little.

"Ariana." My other best friend said.

"Ben, Audrey, Amelia, Rhett, Ariana and Mila" FGM said gesturing us "are gonna show you all around. And I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00, and as you may knew I have a little thing about curfews." Then she left.

Doug and the other ones started to leave so the we could talk with them.

"It is so, so, so, so good to finally meet you all." Ben walked over to Jay who punched him on the chest. The rest of us follow towards Jay but he simply smirked at us. The Beast boy approached to Mal and shaked her hand. Both looking at each other's eyes.

"This is a momentous occasion" he moved onto Carlos while we just followed. "and one that I hope will go down in history. Is that chocolate?" he asks the De Vil boy. I took out a handkerchief and cleaned him as we smiled at each other. He is cute. " they day our two people began to heal."

"Or the day that you showed nine people where the bathrooms are." Mal and Harvey said at the same time.

"A little bit over the top?"

"More than a little bit"

"Well, so much for my first impression" Ben said making him and Mal chuckle.

"Hey, you're Maleficient's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff." Audrey said making me and Mal roll our eyes. "Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping..."

"Beauty. Yeah, I've heard the name. You know and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to that stupid christening."

"Water under the bridge."


They both shared and awkward and fake laugh.

"Okay, so, how about a tour?" I asked clasping my hands together.

"Auradon prep. Originally built over 300 years ago converted to a high school by my father when he was named king." Ben said.

We walked next to the king's statue. Ben clapped twice and the statue shaped into the beast, which made Carlos shriek and jump to Jay's arms.

"It's okay Carlos." I said chuckling.

"My father wanted his statue to morf from Beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." Ben said making Carlos get off of Jay.

"Does he shed much?" Mal joked.

"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch"  Ben joked as he starts walking away leaving an scared Carlos and I.

Th DeVil boy clapped twice but nothing happens, I giggle a little "it only works for royalty." I said clapping and the statue morfed back.

"Come on, they're leaving us behind" I said grabbing his hand as we blush a little making me let his hand go and smile at him awkwardly. "Sorry, I do that all the time to everyone."

"I don't mind." The DeVil boy said without thinking making me giggle.


"So, you guys have a lot of magic here on Auradon, like wands and things like that?" Mal asked.

"Yeah, it exists, of course" I answered.

"But it's pretty much retired, most of us here are ordinary mortals, except for Amelia, Mila, Rhett and Ariana" Ben said pointing at each one of us.

"What do they do?" Newt asked.

"I'm Hercules and Megara's daughter. I'm incredibly strong, like my father and I can also do this." She said making a lightning appear in her hand which she made disappear.

When she's done, Ariana walked forward and started singing. (Song above)

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold...

Before they could be spelled, she closed the locket she had making her spell fade.

"Wow." Jay mumbled.

"Anyone has a bruise or something?" My blonde cousin asks.

"I do!" I said rolling up my sleeve. "Last weekend, Ava was playing around and cut me with a knife." I show them my small cut.

"Thanks" Rhett said wrapping his long hands around my wound.

"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine" his hair started glowing a bright golden color.

"Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine...

What once was mine"

He took his hands off my arm and I showed them my now fresh skin "I have the same powers as my mother. And yes, as much as I hate it, my hair grows really long. It's genetic."

I started to remove my gloves until
placed her hand over mine. "It's okay." I whispered. I took them off and I make Olaf, my mother's and aunt's snowman, appear right in front of them. "Hey, Amelia." He greeted cheerfully. "jeez, who are these homeless kids?"

"They're not homeless, Olaf, they now live here in Auradon." I said making the small cloud above him so he doesn't melt.

"Well, ordinary mortals who happen to be kings and queens."

"It's true" Audrey again "our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." She grabbed Ben's arm and wrap it around her.

"Doug!" Ben says sounding... relieved? "Come down"

Ben and I walk towards Doug.

"This is Doug, we both are going to show you the rest of the dorms" I say

"We'll see you later, okay?" Ben talked to everyone but more to Mal "and if there is anything you need, feel free to-"

"Ask Doug" Audrey finishes the sentence.

"Or us" I say glaring at Audrey.

Ariana, Mila, Rhett, Audrey, Ben and I said our goodbyes and walked towards our dorm rooms.

"What do you think of them?" I asked my two best friends when we were far from the VKs

"I liked them." Ariana said as Mila nodded her head.

"Great." I replied, smiling at them.

I know, I know, I got excited with the VKs but 🤷🏻‍♀️
Btw I did a LOT of research for this chapter and I'm gonna tell you some things of my research.
*Hans' surname is Westergaard and so is Harvey's
*Queen of Heart's name is Mary Elizabeth Heart so her daughter's name is Madison
*i know 'Zeus' is not the surname but I felt like I needed one so that's gonna be Mila's surname

Leaving that behind. Yes, I ship jelsa. Yes, I believe that Rapunzel and Elsa are family.

:)) i just realized two mistakes on this chapter so, I'm really sorry if you keep getting updates of this chapter lol.

Another A/N: I'm editing this book because it's so cringey and bad written so:))

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