DRARRY (bxb) (omegaverse)

By LexieHarkness

52.7K 1K 191

it was a start of a new school for one and only harry potter and he came from an all alpha family except ha... More

getting ready for tests
Draco's turn
Diagon alley
Diagon alley part 2
A great day at hogwarts
Harry has feelings?!?
Second year of hogwarts

Getting to hogwarts

5.6K 112 16
By LexieHarkness

A/n thanks for a 100 reads 😍😍


I walk with Hermione and Ron. And I see Hagrid- hagrid comes over to our house all the time. I gave hagrid a hug and walked back to my friends. They gave me a weird look "what?" "Who is that?" Asked Ron "that's hagrid, he works for Dumbledore." "Cool" Ron smiled. "Alright, first years this way." We followed hagrid in tell we come up to boats on the shore. " four in a boat." Hagrid said. me and Ron hoped in the front as Hermione and Neville in the back. There was a light in the front of us and once everyone was in there boats the boats started to move by themselves. I was shocked at the sudden movement. Once we crossed the lake there was a huge castle at the top we got out of our boats and walked up a lot of step. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh, so many steps." Ron gasped out. "Oh don't be a boob." Hermione said. I giggled and finished the last few steps. We walked through a garage looking place and came across little less steps we walked up the steps and came across an old lady with a green dress and a black witch hat. "Hello, first years my name is Professor McGonagall. You always address me as professor same all the rest of the teachers. You will be sorted into Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, gryffindor, Slytherin. I will be right back to get things ready she walked into big tall doors. The boy for the robe shop came up to me "you picked the wrong type of people to hang out with." He reached his hand out for me to shake. "Draco, Draco Malfoy." "Harry, Harry Potter I can tell which not hang out with myself thanks." I didn't shake his hand he got tapped on the shoulder by Professor McGonagall. He moved back to his spot by to bigger kids. "Right this way." We followed her into the big doors she walked into her self. There were four tables and people had there house colors. I saw a chair and behind it was Albus Dumbledore himself and some other teachers. I looked back to the and realized there was a hat on top of the chair and it moved, looked at me it looked like it was smiling. We get real close to the chair and the hat looked at us all. " very interesting, this will be fun." The hat said. I was shocked on how it can talk. "I will call your names and you will come up here and you will be sort into your houses." McGonagall said she unrolled her paper. "Neville longbottom" he pushed his way though and she lifted the hat. He sat down and she putt the hat on the top of his head. "GRYFFINDOR!!" The hat shouted. "Luna lovegood." She walked up and did the same thing. After about ten minutes of name calling "Harry Potter." I heard gasps and whisper behind me and I walked up to the seat and she put the hat on my head. "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin, not Slytherin." I kept saying over and over again "not Slytherin ay, why, Slytherin can lead you to a great future." "Very difficult very difficult." After 1 minute or 2 "GRYFFINDOR!!!!" He shouted The gryffindor table cheered then Hermione and Ron were next the both were in gryffindor too. I decided to leave and look around a bit before we head to our common rooms. I took a right then left the right again. I bumped into something soft but hard at the same time. I look up to see Draco Malfoy smirking down at me. "Look what we have here a poor little omega. You think I didn't know I can smell it all over you." I went wide eyed for a second. "And?, what does that have to do with anything?" "Your weak and little and your horny little bitch." "Says the man that is an alpha, I heard they rape omegas because there Vulnerable." "Well, well it's because you need to learn how to protect yourself." I rolled my eyes. "Don't think that are kind haven't tried that." I walked away but all the sudden I was push up against a wall. His breath was on my neck. "What are you going to do know little omega, what are you going to cry?, or scream," I didn't do anything I just stranded there and I acted like nothing was happening. "I also heard if you show emotion then they will do it more and more." He looked up and looked shocked that I wasn't crying and begging him to stop. "I would be watching your back POTTER!." He turn and walked away. I made my way back to the main hall and sat down with Ron and Hermione. Ron all the sudden  was smelling me. "Why do you smell like Malfoy?" "I ran into him when I went looking." "Oh" we turned to Hermione. She rolled her eyes. "What?" "Nothing" I started to have a nice conversation with Ron and then I all the sudden felt that Malfoy is sitting across from me on the Slytherins table. I felt his eyes on me the whole time I ate food and while I was talking to Ron and Hermione. "6s years you will lead first years to there dooms that is all and enjoy your time here at hogwarts." Dumbledore smiled and left. "Alright follow me!" We walked through the giant doors. We walked for like ten minutes. And the we came a crossed a fat lady in a painting then the painting moved I jumped it scared me a little bit. "Men up the stairs on the left, girls on the right." Then he walked out. I walked up the stair and saw a small door on the left I walked though the door and saw are stuff sitting there. I opened my trunk and got ready for bed I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walk back into the doom and went to bed.

This chapter is long because it just was but I had fun typing this chapter sorry it took me long I had to catch up on school work

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