By goodygoodi

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Summary: Kill Alex Rider, what will happen when Yassen choses another path for Alex, and what if it happens t... More


77 0 0
By goodygoodi

Category: Books » Alex Rider
Author: jaylene.olebar.3
Language: English, Rating: T
Genre: Crime/Friendship
Published: 12-11-15, Updated: 01-29-16
Word Count: 3,281

Summary: Kill Alex Rider, what will happen when Yassen choses another path for Alex, and what if it happens to save and destroy Alex, and Tom, for life?


Tom H- Alex R/Cub- Yassen G


Rated T

A/N: might contain lovable scenes and will be a slightly romance, not to much

Chapter 1: Perfect

I never knew I was going to have this job when I was younger….

I never knew I was going to be an assassin, but it was the best way, I had to get revenge and yes I would get that. Everyone on this world would. They would pay. But being the best I was I never let rage and other mundane emotions get to me. But when I saw Alex holding the casing of R2 for the computers I freaked. But I kept my emotions in check, I would not get angry.

"Give that to me boy." I said.

"Show me the way out." He whispered.

My left hand went up and I pointed, what I was not expecting was the Rider boy to throw it. All the other scientist's went in a frenzy to try get the tube. I caught it, and then there was gun fire.

"Intruder alert, intruder alert," the voice blared out and all the guards were alert around the premise.


Darrius Sayle yelled and pointed at me.

Sighing I walk forward. He was getting on my nerves and he wouldn't be alive long…..


It was a game of cat an' mouse.

Alex Rider was the mouse and we were the cat, but like a mouse they were hard to catch.

The alarms blared near the jelly fish….Portuguese Man of War.


My mind screamed that I find him and keep him from danger, I didn't know why, but he made me feel. Feel love sadness and grief, not hatred and revenge….

2 days later

Alex had escaped and had saved all the British school children, but he kind of screwed up a SCORPIA MISSION!

So I was sitting in the hotel, and I waited. Then I logged in.

A message sat there and it read: KILL ALEX RIDER

"Chert poberi" I curse lightly.


But orders are orders.
Grabbing my traveling, I walk into the lobby, and stand waiting as a lady with green hair orders for a room.

"Ahhh, hello, Mr. Tobias" I nod not talking handing over the key pass and see her hopes crash, not that I care. I don't date.

And when I do its deffently not women or girls.

============================== line break ======================================

I stood outside of the house that John had brought me to so many years before and sigh; this was it I would kill the last person on this earth I cared, no loved. Call me a pervert but I loved little Alex. It was a weird complicated relationship but at least it was.

The door opened and a lady with red hair walked out she looked like she was crying. That must've been Jacklyn Susan Starbright, the current guardian besides mi6 who were most likely trying to control Alex's life.

"I might never be your knight in shining armour

I might never be the one you take home to mother

And I might never be the one who brings you flowers

But I can be the one, be the one tonight"

I frown as I hear a perfect voice sing a verse of a song I don't recognize.

"When I first saw you

From across the room

I could tell that you were curious,

Oh, yeah

Girl, I hope you're sure

What you're looking for"

Another voice joined in and it had pitch percent as the other one

"'Cause I'm not good at making promises

But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms

And if you like having secret little rendezvous

If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do

Then baby, I'm perfect

Baby, I'm perfect for you

And if you like midnight driving with the windows down

And if you like going places we can't even pronounce

If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about

Then baby, you're perfect

Baby, you're perfect

So let's start right now"

Than a guitar joined in and both of them was singing.

"I might never be the hands you put your heart in

Or the arms that hold you any time you want them

But that don't mean that we can't live here in the moment

'Cause I can be the one you love from time to time"

Than the other person broke off at the end of the verse and the first one was singing.

When I first saw you

From across the room

I could tell that you were curious,

Oh, yeah

Girl, I hope you're sure

What you're looking for

'Cause I'm not good at making promises

It went on like that for the whole song, they would either sing together or one at a time, or just humming.

But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms

And if you like having secret little rendezvous

If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do

Then baby, I'm perfect

Baby, I'm perfect for you

And if you like midnight driving with the windows down

And if you like going places we can't even pronounce

If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about

Then baby, you're perfect

Baby, you're perfect

So let's start right now

And if you like cameras flashing every time we go out,

Oh, yeah

And if you're looking for someone to write your break-up songs about

Baby, I'm perfect

Baby, we're perfect

If you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms

And if you like having secret little rendezvous

If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do

Then baby, I'm perfect

Baby, I'm perfect for you

And if you like midnight driving with the windows down

And if you like going places we can't even pronounce

If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about

Then baby, you're perfect

Baby, you're perfect

So let's start right now

"Oh mi gosh ALEX! It so going to work! We can do the talent show!"

Once the sinning had stopped to males had laughed and I walked in.

There was Alex and a boy with black spikey hair that I instantly knew as Thomas Harris, one of Alex's best mates. His parents were getting a divorce and Tom was practically Alex's brother.

"Hello Mr. Rider" I sit on the couch and watch as the other boy jumps.

Tom unconsciously takes a step behind Alex.

"Hello, what can I do, for you?" his voice is cold and not as cheerful as before.

"I don't like to mix my work with my life at home."

His brown eyes are steady on mine and I smirk, he was so much like his father, uncle, mother, that Jack girl and Tom…. Alex was truly wonderful.

His dark blond hair and his wonderful healthy body….

I shake out of my lustful thoughts and smirk coldly.

"Well than you should never have picked up that phone Alex." I say softly.

His eyes are franticly searching for a way out and try not revealing this life to his friend.

"Alex should I call the police?" a slight shake of his head to say no and Tom nods.

"Tengo una oferta para ti, pequeño Alex. ¿Va a escuchar? Then I will dejo."

(I have an offer for you, Little Alex. Will you listen? Then I will leave.)

"Sí Yasser"

(Yes Yassen)

"Ven conmigo y vivirás y te vas a tener que trabajar para el MI6, o quedarse y voy a tener que matarte .

Usted , después de todo metido con una Misión scorpia , y tendrá que pagar el precio."

(Come with me and you will live and you won't have to work for MI6, or stay and I will have to kill you.

You after all messed with a SCORPIA Mission, and will have to pay the price.)

"Scorpia ? ¿Que es eso? ¿Qué voy a hacer contigo? Y será Tom llegar a venir? va a mantener Jack seguro?"

(SCORPIA? What is that? What will I do with you? And will Tom get to come? will it keep Jack safe?)

"Si usted quiere , y él puede venir , decir que sí, y viviréis ."

(If you want to, and he can come, say yes, and you shall live."

"Nosotros vendremos."

(We will come. )



A/N: tell me what you thought! Please? The song is by One Direction: Perfect

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 of KILL ALEX RIDER

A/N: I have re-edited this story and I have fixed my mistakes. I had this story in first p.o.v and I will stick with it!


I looked at Alex Rider and he looked sort of bored as well as lost, as if he didn't know how long we had been traveling. Tom was like an open book and his expression said that he was also bored and very tired.

"Dude I have to go use the restroom pull over man." Tom said awhile later, we were driving to the ferries, and I had a very tight schedule.

"Wait a few more minutes." I say and turn left and keep driving.

"Как вы думаете, я могу вытащить его? Как вы думаете, Том может, он на самом деле не убийца материал. плюс Тома многих морали ."

(DO you think I can pull it off? Do you think Tom can, he isn't really assassin material.

Plus Tom has too many morals.)

Alex asked me as we pulled up to the ticket booth and I handed over 3 and the guy told us which lane to go in to, lane 9, 2 cars behind, so we were third.

"Net, ya ne dumayu, chto on, no eto ne delayet nikakogo vreda nauchit' yego samostoyatel'no deffence . Plyus YUO khotel, chtoby priyti , i yesli on khochet , chtoby ... Nu davayte prosto skazhem, chto eto vybor g- Kharrisa , o tom, kak on khochet zhit' ."

(No I don't think he is but it doesn't do any harm to teach himself defense. Plus you wanted him to come along, and if he wants to...Well let's just say it is Mr. Harris's choice, on how he wants to live.)

I spoke calmly and I looked in the review mirror were the boy was practically dancing, in the need of the rest room.

"Speak English, just because I don't know how to speak more than this in French: Non, ce idiot qui ne peux pas parler français!

(No that idiot who can't speak French!)

I looked at the last living Rider and smiled briefly.

"Did you teach him that?"


"Mr. Harris you do know that wasn't nice to say?"

Line break-

The lineup for the washroom wasn't very long so once everyone was in I locked the doors so no one could get in or out, unless I touched it, something to do with my awesome technology! Now at that Tom rushed to relieve himself and Alex watched as I took hair dye out and open a bottle and put it over his head, and makeup, Mascara to be precise for his brows.

"Really?" he asks.

"Da, we are traveling as family, and we will have Tom's looks."


After doing the same thing to me and we all switch to have green eyes, than I tell them our cover.

"Alex you will be called: Zev. Tom you will be called: Lucas. I will be called Sebastian. We are father and son on vacation to France. Tom will be 10 because he is so short, Alex you will be your age and I will be mine."

Nodding we all head back to the car and slowly drive until we are in the lineup and are in seats on the boat.

A/N: this was sort of random but more action will come later on!

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 of KILL ALEX RIDER

I was standing on the ferry with Alex by my side and his mundane friend on the other; we were very tired and had to look at every situation twice, to make sure there was no danger. Once I was satisfied that I could detect no violence, or bad guys I sat down and lent against the wall.

"Ty v poryadke? Vy smotrite ochen' ustal , ya mogu Pomogites chem-nibud'?"

(Are you okay? You look pretty tired, can I help with anything?)

Alex asked me in Russian, with a sigh I shake my head and motion for the teens to follow me.

Once we are safe and on the car I tell them.

"My organization is demanding why I have gone against direct orders, and they want to know now." To confirm my words, I pull out a laptop and open it up and put it on skype.

"Cossack," Julia Rothman says and stares at me, her eyes flicker to Alex and then Tom.

"What are you doing and why is the Rider boy with you?"

"I have agreed to work for you guys and Cossack… he has agreed to mentor me, and we were waiting to come to you Mrs. Rothman." Alex says calmly and I stare at my boss when she turns to face me I nod.

"And the boy next to you?"

"I would like to learn as well and work for you."

Julia pauses and stares at the three of us.

"Very well Yassen, take them to my pent house and we will discuss the work issue. I knew you father Alexander, and I hope you will surpass him."

Than the leader of Scorpia clicked off and we sat in silence.

"Let's do a jam session." Tom said and Alex smiled and nodded.

"Jamie Campbell Bower, Better Man."

You come crying to me like I'm somebody else

And then you leave me alone to gather dust on the shelf… of love

Showed you all of my faults and gave you all I had

And then you threw it away and told me to be a man

But I was

Alex began the song and used the dashboard as a drum and did a steady beat.

You won't be waiting and I'll give the ghost of what we had

So leave me shaking alone

You said forever

Am I supposed to leave that and just let go

So now it's never from here

Tom began the second verse and was humming the guitar part.

And every little step I take and every single move I've ever made

And even though my heart still aches

Makes me a better man

And look at all the mess I've made and I still think of you in better days

And even though my heart still aches it makes me a better man

Alex and Tom made me sing and they helped with the lyrics.

You come crying at me like I'm somebody else

And then you, you leave me alone to gather dust on the shelf…. of love

I showed you all of my faults

A/N: Yes this is weird, I have written this all when I was 12 and am updating all of it on Wattpad because I am weird...


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