Steven and Nora Universe

By SardsSU

18.2K 174 74

A Steven Universe AU where Rose Quartz gave birth to twins, Steven and Nora, who each shares one half of thei... More

Steven and Nora Universe Nicknames
We Are The Crystal Gems Extended Theme Song
Laser Light Cannon
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Gem Glow
Cat Fingers
Quick Update
The Lion


449 6 0
By SardsSU

A/N: Finally published an episode. It took me a while to work out or start out this episode. Hope you enjoy!
It was later in the morning. Nora had already gone out near the boardwalk as Steven was still getting ready for the day. Steven was already in his shirt and underwear and was looking for his pants. He looks through his laundry.

Steven- *looks through laundry* Where are you? *clicks tongue* You're a mess, Steven. I have to meet up with Nora outside.

Pearl walks into the kitchen counter looking for something as she holds a bubble containing seven gem shards as she talks to herself.

Pearl- I know I had eight....hey Steven. Have you or Nora seen a gem shard anywhere? It's very important.

St- No, and I don't think Nora has. But have you seen my pants? They're also very important.

P- I'm serious, Steven.

Pearl starts to explain what the shards were used for and why it's important to contain the shards. Steven starts to think as Pearl explains.

St- They weren't in the kitchen either...under the bunk bed! No wait, I looked under there too. And then Pearl walked in...*gasps* Pearl! Oh jeez, she's really explaining something. I can't just start listening now, I'd be lost!...Just like my pants....

Steven starts to listen at the end of Pearl's explanation.

P- ....could become a monster. That's why it's very, very important it's kept away from any kind of garment. *Steven's pants run near them by itself* So, if you see it, bring it to me, right away. I'm going to check in town. *exits the beach house*

St- For my pants? ^speaks to self* Well, I guess I'll keep looking in here.

Steven notices his pants standing on its own nearby.

St- *points to his pants* That's unusual! *chases after pants* Come on, we used to be friends! We used to go everywhere together! *jumps onto pants* Gotcha now, pants! *puts pants on* I wear the pants in this relationship! *pants wriggles* What's gotten into you? Hmm?

Steven takes out a gem shard out of his pocket, his pants ceases back to normal.

St- It's a...thingy? Is this Pearl's shard thingy?

The gem shard glow, forcing a bit of Steven's shirt to come closer to it, but Steven holds the shard away from him. He goes to grab a sock that was on the couch and puts the shard in it.

St- Ha, now who's smart?

The sock repeatedly smacks Steven in the face. Steven tells it to stop, which it did.

St- Oh...thanks! I gotta get you to Pearl.

Steven puts the sock in his cheeseburger backpack and run outside to meet with Nora, who was waiting by the mailbox on the beach.

St- Hey Nora, I'm ready now!

The two start walking to the boardwalk.

Nora- Hey Steven. You found your pants?

St- Yeah, how'd you know?

N- Pearl came over on her way to town. She said you were missing your pants. Also she said she was looking for a gem shard thingy and she did explain why it was important, which I barely listened to.

St- Oh well I actually found it in my pants.

N- How does a gem sha-

A scream was heard in the distance at the boardwalk. Steven and Nora quickly run over to see their friend Peedee, who is in a fry costume, screaming and panicking as a flock of seagulls try to eat the fries off of the costume head.

Peedee- Aah! Help me! Get them off of me! *takes costume head off, swings them at the birds* I'm not fries!

The seagulls had fled. Peedee breathes heavily as Steven and Nora had made it, the two sighing and heavenly breathing as well.

Mr. Fryman opens a side door of the fry shack.

Mr. Fryman- Gah, where's your face Frybo? Being part of the Fryman family means you gotta sell fries...and be my son, which you are. So, you're already halfway there. Keep at it, Frybo!

Peedee clenches his fist as his father begins to close the door.

Peedee- I'm Pee... *door closes* ...dee.

N- Hey Peedee! How are things going?

Peedee- Not that great. Honestly, when I told my dad I wanted to be part of the Fryman family business, I didn't think it would mean being stuck in a sweaty old costume. Things used to be different, you guys, there was nothing to worry about back then except making myself dizzy on the old seahorse ride in Funland. I wish there was a way for this costume to do its job without me in it.

St- Oh! Maybe it can!

N- Huh?

A moment later, Steven is now wearing the Frybo costume as he has stars in appearing his eyes. Then he is suddenly attacked seagulls as he runs around frantically.

St- Aah! Help me!

N- Steven!

Nora chases after her brother to scare the seagulls away as Peedee just stands still, shaking. A minute later, Steven is out of the costume that lays on the ground in a decrepit state as the seagulls peck at it.

St- Oh wait! I have another idea!

Steven grabs the gem shard from the sock in his bag.

N- Steven, is that the missing gem shard Pearl was looking for?

St- Uh...yeah. Why?

N- Oh it's nothing. I was just a little curious.

Steven shrugs it off as he shooed the seagulls away put the gem shard into the costume. The costume automatically repairs and fixes itself and starts to roll around.

Peedee- Woah...

Frybo starts to roll away

St- Stop!

Frybo stops. Peedee and Nora are impressed.

N- So it does whatever you tell it to do?

St- Yeah!

Peedee- Unbelievable! Get up!

Frybo positions itself upwards.

N- Do a little dance!

Frybo form legs made of fries and dances as the three appear disgusted. Then Mr. Fryman opens the shop door and witnesses the scene, not knowing Peedee is not in the costume. Peedee quickly hides behind Steven and Nora.

Mr. Fryman- *opens door* Woah-oh, all right! It's about ti- I mean, good job, buddy! That's what I'm talking about, Frybo, ha ha. Keep it up!

Frybo stops dancing as Mr. Fryman shuts the door. Peedee excitingly stands back up.

Peedee- Free. I'm free! *speaks to Frybo* You've got the job, Frybo, let's shake on it!

Peedee extends his hand out to shake Frybo's hand. Frybo picks him up and literally shakes him as he gets nauseated. He puts a hand on him to stop.

Peedee- Ok, no more shaking. Put me down. *Frybo drops Peedee* Just, go make people eat fries.

Frybo runs off as Peedee rejoices.

Peedee- *laughs* Let's go be kids!

Peedee grabs both Steven and Nora's hands and runs off to the arcade. When they got to the arcade, Peedee and Steven hop onto the arcade rides, Peedee on the seahorse and Steven on the jellyfish. Nora is watching them close to the jellyfish, wearing Steven's backpack. As the ride operates, Peedee gets less interested on the ride.

Peedee- This seahorse used to make me so happy. Now it's just giving me whiplash. *ride stops* I feel like there's just no point of it, you know what I mean?

Steven is shaking from the ride.

N- Steven is just feeling tingly.

St- *shaking* Ye-e-a-ah. Tinnnggly.

Peedee- *sighs* You two will understand when you guys have a job.

St- *jellyfish ride ends* We do have a job!

N- Yeah! We protect humanity from magic and monsters and stuff!

Peedee- I mean a real job, that you get paid for.

N- Well, we're paid in the smiles across the town's faces.

Peedee- I don't see anyone smiling. Usually you'd pick up a job to buy a house, or raise kids, or to...impress your dad. You work away your life, and what does it get you?

St- Smiles on faces?

Peedee- No! You get cash. Cash that can't buy back what the job takes...not if you rode every seahorse in the world. *sighs*

St- Woah...

N- Wanna ride the jellyfish? I'd like a turn on the se-

A distant scream is heard from Mr. Fryman.

Peedee- That came from the fry shop!

Steven and Peedee jump off the rides and the three run to the scene where the teenagers are running outside, getting away from the scene but a large fry grab on to two, dragging them back inside. Peedee starts panicking.

Peedee- We didn't tell him to do that, did we tell him to do that?!

A table smashes through the window as the three duck.

N- Steven, Pearl said that things can be deadly if a gem shard is in contact with any garment!

St- Well I didn't know!

Frybo stands inside the fry shop with red and blue veins on him holding several captured people, those pleading Frybo to not stuff their mouths with any more fries, but he doesn't obey.

St- Frybo, stop!

Frybo turns towards the three, making them flinch. Then they duck when Frybo threw Lars out the window.

Lars- *spits out fries* I don't even like fries! *runs off*

Peedee- Why isn't he listening?!

St & N- I don't know!

Mr. Fryman emerges from the back of the shop.

Mr. Fryman- Peedee where's all this coming from? *Frybo grabs him* Ah, I get it, I pushed you too hard. I thought you wanted to be as good a Fryman as you could be, you're a tough kid for putting up with it as long as you did! The truth is, you're a valued member of Fryman Brothers Incorporated and all its affiliates!

Frybo forces fries into Mr. Fryman's mouth.

Peedee- *breaks into tears* Dad!

Peedee lunge towards the window but gets tackled back on the ground by Nora.

St- No, he'll mash your potatoes! I'm gonna do our job!

Steven proudly poses and Nora gave him a determined nod, but she sees that Frybo was about to chuck Mr. Fryman out the window.

N- Look out!

Mr. Fryman lands on top of the three, immobilizing them and knocking Mr. Fryman unconscious. Frybo comes out the shop window as Pearl enters the scene.

P- Steven! Nora! Did you guys put my missing shard in that fry costume?

St- Yes!

P- Didn't you two hear what I said about the living armor and infantries of many, many deaths?

St & N- No! • Yes!

Pearl sighs as she summons her spear and spears Frybo, which hits him in the eye, ketchup and mustard bursting out of him, drenching Pearl, who is now unable to see. Pearl drops the bubble of shards, the bubble breaking, freeing the shards. Meanwhile, Peedee was able to roll his father off of him and the twins.

St & N- Pearl!

Steven and Nora rush over to Pearl.

P- Ugh, the ketchup! It's everywhere, I can't see!

St- *notices shards* I'm gonna need to use these shards! *runs off*

P- Wah? Steven? Nora?

Pearl reached her arms out to find something that will help guide her. Nora grab hold onto Pearl"s hands.

N- Don't worry Pearl, I got you. Looks like Steven is going to help defeat Frybo.

Peedee- *tears up* Dad!

Frybo emerges from the door of the fry shop with Pearl's spear still in its eye and approaches Peedee and Mr. Fryman. Peedee grabs a broken piece of a table leg and swings it at him as he confronts it. Meanwhile, Mr. Fryman regains consciousness.

Peedee- *swings at Frybo* Go away!

Mr. Fryman- Peedee?

Peedee- You are awful! I hate you. I've always hated you!

Mr. Fryman- Wait, you've always hated Frybo?

Frybo yanks the plank out of Peedee's hand, disarming him and pushing him back into his father's arms. Peedee was cowering in fear in Mr. Fryman's arms as Frybo was approaching. Then, Steven's pants with a gem shard in its pocket kicks Frybo.

Frymans & N- Steven!

P- What's going on?

Steven had taken off his clothes and is only wearing his underwear. He had placed a gem shard in his sock, shoes, shirt, pants, and jacket, which all stand beside him. Steven has a fry in his mouth.

St- Your move, Frybo.

Steven eats the fry. Frybo screams and charges towards Steven.

St- Attack!

All of Steven's garments attack Frybo at their best but wasn't able to overcome it. Then Frybo smacks Steven to the ground.

St- I didn't want to do this, but you've left no choice. Underwear, go!

Steven's underwear flies off onto Frybo, knocking him down. Then, a naked Steven run to Frybo and rips the gem shard out of Frybo's mouth, which was filled with cheese.

P- *tries to find Steven* Steven, are you alright? Nora?

St- I'm okay. As soon as I bared my butt, I knew he'd crack.

N- Good job, Steven! I'm okay too. Come on Pearl, let's finish cleaning you up. *leads Pearl inside the fry shop*

It is now the evening. The moon was rising as all of Steven's garments were carrying the Fry o suit to a makeshift raft for a send off to sea as a naked Steven, Nora, and others looked on.

Mr. Fryman- You were great, Frybo. The kids today just didn't understand. Now they never will.

P- Weren't people scared of it before he attacked them?

Steven and Nora shushes Pearl.

Mr. Fryman- It's time to send him off.

Mr. Fryman takes out a lighter and lights Frybo on fire. Pearl, using her spear, pushes it out to sea.

Mr. Fryman- *sighs* As greasy in death as he was in life.

Peedee- Dad? Uhm...I'll, are you going to get another costume?

Mr. Fryman- I don't need another Frybo. I got *puts arm around Peedee* the fry man.

Steven poses and smiles as he stands naked.

St- Guys, I think our work here is done.

Pearl frowns as Nora covers her eyes.

N- Steven, can you put your clothes back on? I had already seen you naked enough today.

A/N: Again, I have finally written and finished an episode! I should be able to try to get more episodes in the rest of this Summer. I start school in a little over a month from now so hopefully I can get more in, even after the start of the school year.

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