Nightmare Child (first book i...


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"I have no idea what I'm going to do; but I have to do something....." Luna De'Ath (pronounced "dee-ath",) is... More

Nightmare Child (first book in the holiday children series)

81 2 5

A/N- This book is not scary. Well, depends on who you are. This book will have no cussing or inapropreate things in it. It is rated a teeny bit higher than G but not quite PG. This book is deticated to my birthday: Halloween.

Chapter 1

Luna De'Ath sat on an empty swing-set in an empty playground stareing at her feet. A light breeze blew the sand and fallen leaves around them. Her white-blond hair blew around her face. Her 13 year old appearence made her look beautiful yet dangerous. Her eyes where white and her face was very pale. The sun was setting and she should have been heading home; but first, she had to talk to a friend.

Luna closed her eyes and spoke. " Tasha Ventia please, come out. I need to speak with you." Nothing happened. Luna sighed. "Maybe Tasha's not here today. Though I don't know what else she would be doing" thought Luna. Just then she heard a giggle coming from a near-by tree. Luna looked up and smiled a bit. "Tasha, I know your there." Luna heard a voice. "No I'm not, I'm someone named uh, Hewbert!" Luna chuckled. "Herbert?"


"Who on earth would name their kid Hewbert?" Luna asked between short little laughs. "I have no idea actually...." said the voice. "Tasha come on out," called Luna. Luna heard a sigh. It wasn't sad, it was the sigh of a young girl who was giving up. Then, from behind the tree, came a girl. Well, more of a ghost.

Luna was born on Halloween. Because of this, she had been given strange talents, such as being able to use telekinesis, being able to see parts of the present and future, being able to read peoples mind, and being able to see and talk to the dead. 

Tasha came out from behind the tree and flew over to Luna. "Hidy ho Luna! What's up?" Luna smiled. "You are." This was a thing Tasha and Luna did when they saw each other. Tasha cracked up into a fit of giggles. She always did, besides, she was only 8. That's right. Tasha had died in a car crash with her mom and dad, along with her little brother David. The tought of this made Luna frown and she remembered why she wanted to talk to Tasha in the first place.

"Tasha, you know that ghost named Danny right? The one with the curly red hair and green eyes?" asked Luna. Tasha thought for a moment and said "his hair isn't just curly, its an afro and his name is Daniel, not Danny." Luna sighed. "Well, someone saw me talking to him. Well, they saw me talking to thin air. It was Boston, the guy who calls me the name. You know, Nightmare Child. He started making fun of me and told everyone I was a phsyco-path.....again."

Tasha kept floating over-top of Luna and listened to all she had to say. When Luna had finished Tasha's brow furrowed in thought. "Well what do you want me to do?"

Luna smiled.

"The unusual." 

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