War of Love {Sequel to Family...

Από JennyBeau21

69.4K 3.4K 1.5K

After giving up the love of his life, David Morris had closed of the idea of ever falling in love again, that... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

2.1K 104 31
Από JennyBeau21

A couple days later, it was early Friday afternoon and David, Monique and Steve sat in David's private jet heading over to Los Angeles.

As Steve spoke to her about the terms of the meeting across the seat from her, Michelle turned to glance around the jet for the millionth time till she stepped foot inside. It was probably the nicest thing she had ever been in. Seconds later, she narrowed her head to gape at David who sat near the back as he made an important phone call whilst jotting something down on a piece of paper. He instantly looked up to meet her gaze, and she quickly turned her attention back to Steve.

A while later, David hung up his phone before turning to look over at Monique as she did everything to avoid his obvious gaze. As you can guess, things was still very much awkward between them and they continued to avoid each other, but it was going to be fairly difficult pretending that nothing happened between them for the next couple days.

"Monique are you okay, you seem a little out of place since we got on the jet?" Steve questioned eagerly, putting down his document files to the side to check on her as David watched on.

"Yeah thanks for asking, but I get a little plane sick that's all. I'll be fine" she reassured, nodding her head at him, before turning to glance back at David, who slowly got up and made his way to sit in the booth beside them.

"Is this your first time going to Los Angeles?" Steve asked briefly.

Monique picked up the orange juice beside her to take a sip of it before shaking her head. "No, my dad took my sister and I there on vacation when we were kids" she answered, peering down the window as she started to feel dizzy by the second.

They sat in silence for a while watching some Television, till Monique felt a warm putrid feeling began to rapidly rise up in her throat. In a swift motion, she quickly covered her mouth and shot up to run over to the bathroom. David looked back at Steve before getting up to head over to the bathroom worriedly. As he pushed the door open to see Monique throwing up in the toilet from flight sickness, he took of his blazer and tossed it to the side and then rolled his sleeves up before bending down to attend to her.

"Its okay, let it out" he whispered holding her hair up so it wouldn't get that way, before grabbing a towel from the side to wipe her mouth with it once she was done throwing up. Monique glanced down inside the toilet before covering her face embarrassingly, and David quickly closed the seat and flushed it before helping her of the floor.

"I'm so embarrassed" she sighed under her breath as David lead her out the bathroom before sitting her down on the sofa near the back.

"Its nothing to be embarrassed about, everybody vomits once in a while" he uttered, grabbing a bottle of water from the table and handing it over to her. "Here drink this, lay down after to rest up and we'll land in a couple more hours" he stated reassuringly. He stared down at her for several seconds, before turning around to head back to Steve.

Monique watched as he sat back down before clutching onto the bottle of water he had given her as she tried to recollect what had just happened in her head. She looked back at him as he spoke to Steve about something, before looking away to slowly lay her head down on the sofa. Sometimes she forgot how kind of a person David was regardless of their situation right then. How was she going to get through these past couple days with her heart feeling like it was going to explode whenever she looked at him. 

A couple hours later, they had arrived at the hotel.

Monique turned her head to look around at the expensive looking hotel at downtown Los Angeles as David and Steve sorted out their rooms. Just earlier she was sat in an expensive private jet now she was stood in the most expensive and classiest hotel in Los Angeles. Moments later she turned her head back around to see David handing her her room key.

"We're at the top floor" he uttered briefly. "Are you feeling better?" he asked referring back to earlier on when she had vomited on the plane.

"Yes, thank you" she muttered quietly, taking the key of him. David opened his mouth to say one more thing, but before he could he was quickly cut off by the sound of someone calling his name.


Monique narrowed her head to see a woman who looked to be about David's age walking in their direction. She had short brown hair, and was extremely glamorous and beautiful. David placed his luggage down on the ground to give her a hug as she made her way over to him as Monique stood watching awkwardly.

"Oh David its so nice to see you again" the woman grinned widely, before turning her attention to Steve. "You're looking well, Steve" she chuckled, going to give him a hug.

"You too, Mellie, its been a while" said Steve as he returned the hug.

She pulled away to smile up at David, before flicking her eyes over to Monique. "Who's this?" she asked.

"Mellie, this is my secretary; Monique. Monique, this is Mellie. Her and her husband Ted were my close friends in College" he introduced the two.

"That's right, David and I were at the top of our class in Stanford business, but I could never get past him no matter how hard I tried, everybody knew that he was going to be a great businessman" she laughed, placing her hand on his chest and grinning up at him. "Anyways I'm terribly sorry where are my manners, its nice to meet you Monique, you're very lucky to work for a man as kind and generous as this man right here" she said before holding out her hand for Monique to shake. She was so poised and sophisticated

Monique stared down at her perfectly pedicured looking hand before taking a step towards her and shaking it. "Its nice to meet you too".

Mellie nodded her head at her before turning her attention back to David. "I haven't seen you in almost four years, what are you doing back in LA? and why didn't you call to tell me you were coming?" she asked linking her arms with his. Her strong flirting was almost unbearable to watch at how obvious it was, but David didn't seem to notice. It wasn't the first time Monique had seen women flaunt all over David, after all he was an extremely attractive man.

"Well we're opening up a new company building right here in LA so we're here for a few days to get the construction and some other important things sorted out" Steve answered.

"Oh that's wonderful!" Mellie uttered turning her head to face Steve. "If you need any help with anything while you're back in Oakland then Ted and I will be happy to help with anything".

"Thank you, Mellie" said David nodding his head at her.

"That reminds me, I heard about the divorce with Kim a while back, thankfully I'm glad you finally got out of that marriage because I never did like her" she groaned, causing him to chuckle lightly. "But how are the kids? Jay and Steph? I should come down to Oakland soon to visit them".

"They're well, thankfully" David replied.

For the next several minutes, Monique listened as David, Mellie and Steve chatted about the company as she carried on looking around the lobby awkwardly.

"I have to go now but why don't the three of you come over to the mansion for dinner tonight? Ted will be coming home from his business meeting in a couple hours and I'm sure he'd love to see you again, David and you too Steve" she stated, before turning to smile at Monique.

"That sounds lovely, Mellie, we'll be there" said Steve.

"Alright then, I'll see you all tonight" she said giving Steve a quick hug before going to throw her arms around David and place a kiss on his cheek. After pulling away, she turned to smile over at Monique once more before saying her last goodbyes and turning to walk off.

"She still has a very strong personality, she hasn't changed a bit" Steve laughed, picking up his luggage to walk off.

David looked back at Monique who picked up her luggage, before walking past him to follow Steve from behind without making eye-contact with him. He sighed a small sigh under his breath before following after them with his eyes not leaving Monique.

Minutes later, they arrived at the top floor and shockingly; Monique's room was right across David's whilst Steve's was down the hall.

"The first stage of the meeting is an hour so lets all unpack first and settle down, its been a long flight for some" Steve teased at Monique, before turning around to head inside his room.

Realising that they were now alone, Monique shut her eyes and took a deep breath before going to walk over to the door. She brought out her key to open her room door before speaking up. "You and Mellie seemed over-friendly" she muttered with her back turned to him. "Could you not tell that she was flirting with you?"

"You're being petty... and jealous"  David spoke, placing his luggage down to slip his hands into his pocket.

"Oh I'm the petty and jealous one?" she hissed, quickly turning around to face him.

"Yes you're acting stubborn, Monique. Mellie and I have been friends for years, plus she's married, did you not hear-

"Like that's ever stopped anybody, David... just whatever, lets just get today over with" she uttered sternly, before opening the door to her room. Once she stepped inside, she quickly threw the luggage down on the bed and clenched up her fists annoyed, whilst pacing back and fourth.  Realising that she might have overreacted a little, she stopped and opened up the door to apologise, but David was nowhere to be seen and she figured that he had probably gone inside her room. Sighing to herself once again she headed back inside her room, before going to sit on her bed. This was going to be a long couple of days and she wasn't prepared for it what so ever.

Later on in the day, David, Monique and Steve arrived over at Mellie and her husband's house for dinner.

David stepped out the car and strolled of in-front towards the front door as Monique strolled off behind him with her arms crossed and Steve couldn't help but raise his eye. Except from the incident at the plane, it was almost as if they were mad at each other and had been ignoring each other all day. The only time he saw them speak was at the meeting, but even he could sense there was some tension between them then.

As they got to the front door, David lifted his hand up to ring the doorbell, but before he could the door was quickly opened who held a wide smile on her face. "I'm so happy you all came" she said opening her arms up to give David another hug and kiss on the cheek as Monique discretely rolled her eyes away. "Ted is waiting inside, come on in" she smiled looking back at Steve and Monique before taking David's hand and leading him in.

As they stepped inside, Monique gawked at their classy and exquisite looking living room astonishingly, before narrowing her eyes to a man who she figured to be Mellie's husband walking down the flight of stairs. His eyes lit up as he spotted David and Steve and without hesitation, he quickly made his way to give the both of them a hug.

"Its so nice to see you again David, and you too Steve its been almost four years, I heard about the divorce with Kim by the way, I'm terribly sorry" he stated, before turning his attention to Monique. "Who's this?" he asked.

"This is David's secretary, honey" Mellie answered, before looking up at David to see him staring down at her. 

"Well its nice to meet you darling" he uttered politely, before taking her hand and gently kissing it.

"You too" she smiled, before glancing up at David.

"Well dinner is ready in the dining room so why don't we go eat, I'm sure you all must be hungry" Mellie announced, clasping her hands before turning to walk into the dining room as everyone followed. Ted sat at the front of the table, David and Mellie sat to his right, whilst Monique and Steve sat to his left. It started of silent for the next couple minutes, but the conversation quickly picked up with talk of mostly David and Ted's business company and their time in College.

"So Monique tell us about yourself, how long have you been working for David?" Mellie asked, switching the conversation to her.

Monique quickly finished chewing her food before looking up a little awkwardly. "Well not that long, since early September last year so about four months now" she replied briefly.

"That's great and how old are you? you seem so young?" Mellie questioned, resting her chin on her palm as she gazed across the table at her.

"I'm only 24" she answered, before glancing over at David who looked back at her.

"Well you seem very mature than kids your age" Ted laughed, taking a sip of his wine as Monique's face began to slowly drop. That's right, compared to how young she was to them they were bound to see her as nothing more than a kid, and if they were to ever know what was going on between her and David it would certainly leave them shocked as ever as to how he could possibly get involved with a 'kid'.

Wanting to step out of the room to clear her head for a brief while, Monique cleared her throat before speaking up. "Excuse me but can I use your bathroom, please?" she asked politely.

"Of course, just go up the stairs and turn right and you can use any of the ones down the hall" Mellie stated and Monique nodded her head, before getting up to leave the dining room.

David watched as she walked off, before lowering his head slightly. He waited a couple minutes to excuse himself from the table before walking out the dining room and heading up the flight of stairs. He turned right and quickly pushed open the first bathroom down the hall to see Monique stood beside the sink. She quickly shot her head up at him strangely as to what he was doing here. 

Not knowing what came over him at that sudden moment, David slowly closed the bathroom door from behind him, before walking over to Monique. In a swift motion, he quickly cupped her cheeks, before lowering his lips to meet hers. Monique's eyes widened as he began to kiss her, before  shoving him away by the chest. She breathed in and out and stared up at him for several seconds bewildered, before swinging her arms around him and pulling him back into the kiss.

It was rough, passionate, intense and electric, pretty much everything you could want and desire in a kiss. The room seemed to spin around them as they clutched desperately onto each other never wanting the moment to end. David picked her up to sit her down beside the sink before forcing her legs open and nestling his hips between them as they both continued to make out like crazy. After a couple minutes the urgency in the kiss started to become more unbearable. They wanted each other, they wanted every fibre of their being and so much more. Monique ran her hands through David's hair as he slowly bit down on her bottom lip, causing her to moan. She quickly travelled her hands down to unbuckle his belt, but stopped as she realised what they were about to do.

"They'll wonder why we've been gone for so long" she muttered through the kiss before pulling away and quickly catching her breath.

David took a small step back and sighed. "You're right" he whispered,whilst breathing in and out. He rearranged his shirt and fixed his hair, before turning to look back at her.

Monique hoped of from beside the sink as she pulled her dress down and straightened her hair. "T-This was a mistake, w-we shouldn't have... not again" she stammered, barely able to speak from all the kissing.

David lowered his head slightly and paused for a brief moment before looking back up with an expression on his face that she couldn't quite recognised. "I'll tell them you got lost and I showed you the way" he muttered, and with that he turned to walk out the door. As he closed the door from behind, Monique sighed to herself before pressing her back against the wall. She closed her eyes and gently grasped her lips remembering the feel of his lips on hers and how good it felt. It was very difficult to stay away from him than she had imagined.

A couple minutes later, Monique headed down the stairs and strolled back inside the dining table before taking her seat beside Steve. She looked up at David as he looked back at her before looking elsewhere a split second later.

"David told us you got lost Monique, I'm terribly sorry about that I should've been more specific, our mansion is pretty easy to get lost in after all" Mellie smiled across the table from her.

"Its no worries" Monique replied shaking her head at her, before placing her head on her chest to stop her heart from beating. That night felt like the longest night of her life.

End of Chapter 20.

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