Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

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{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



3.4K 65 3
By rachel_dulay

"Hey guys welcome to my home" I smile as I allow the camera man to step in. I was filming my house for a new show coming up on HGTV. I shut the door behind the camera man.

"Again welcome to the always loud Lane household"I chuckle "A little back story of this house"I say and lean on the table right in front of the door "Joel and I had wanted to build our own house slash dream house when we got married I think just because this is the place we're always gonna stay, I mean the two of us hardly moved houses as kids so we wanted our kids to grow up in one home as well. But yea we designed this whole thing and let me tell you, it was tough"I straighten up "but anyways, follow me" I beckon.

"We are gonna go through the formal living room, which is mostly used for meetings with The Lane Foundation or my meetings with Bloch Canada"I tell them and continue to walk through "so really this is hardly ever used and has no purpose, it's really hard to have this room clean because the kids are just Chaotic and rough house a lot" I smile as I talk them to the dinning room.

"Here is where we eat when we have guests over for dinner, like our families or the team and their wives or girlfriends and all that jazz"

"Walking out to here is like I guess a hidden pantry where I store all the junk food and like plastic bowls and plates and such, this is really for the kids because the family room is right here" I stretch out my arms, "this is the busiest place in the whole house besides the basement, we've got toys everywhere. Clearly"I move my hand around and chuckle "we spend a lot of time in here, wether it's playing with the kids, homework or watching the game. It's almost never empty unless we're sleeping"

"Fun fact on this mantel we've got on of Joel's first NHL goals, my first pair of ballet shoes and first pictures of all of the kids" I say as I point them out.

I continue to show them through the kitchen and eating area, I even show them outside in our backyard, with loads of hockey gear sprawled our everywhere, even two nets set up. I then take them downstairs into the basement which was more like another bachelor pad I guess you could say, Joel and some of the boys like to hang out down there, the twins even play mini sticks. I show them all the jersey's Joel has had since he was in the juniors, I show them the small gym, the play room and then I head back upstairs.

After the house tour was over and everyone had left, I had gotten a call from Bennett and Simon's school, telling me that Bennett had been sent to the nurses office. I was headed out the front door within seconds, calling Joel from the car "hello?" I hear him yawn as I back out of our driveway, making sure I have Bennett's health card just in case.

"I know I woke you up but the boys school called and said Bennett had been sent to the nurses office"

"What? What else did they say?" He asks, obviously more awake by the sudden info.

"That was all, I'm heading there now"

"Okay well call me back if he needs to go to the hospital"

"Okay, you should try to get some sleep"

"You think I'm going to sleep after all that?" I roll my eyes.

"I don't want you to be tired"

"I'll be fine, I'm not worried about how poorly I'll play tonight, I'm worried about my son Chlo"

"Okay okay, I'll call you back soon"

"Okay, I love you" I nod slowly and grip the steering wheel tighter.

"I love you too" and with that we hung up. I pulled up to the boys school ten minutes later and immediately rushed to the offices.

The nurse had led me into one of the rooms in their office and there laid Bennett, coughing and wheezing "oh Benny"I sigh as he slowly sits up. I kneel down beside him and touch his forehead.

"Have you taken your medicine?" I ask, and he shakes his head. The nurse and I talk and it was best for Bennett that we go to the hospital for a better check up. I had gotten Bennett into the car, he was very sleepy. As I pulled out of their school I called Joel.

"Hey" I say, I keep my eye between the roads and Bennett laying down on the back seat coughing. "I'm taking him to the hospital"I tell Joel with a sigh.

"Okay well, keep me updated and I'll check in between periods"

"Okay sounds good"I nod. "Now go out there and play"

"Will do"he chuckles "I love you"

"I love you too"I smile sadly.

Joel was a free agent at the end of this season. And the two of us had a feeling that this was it for Toronto. As sad and bad as that sounds our intuition was growing everyday and I knew Joel was trying to soak up every game with the Leafs.

He didn't wanna tell the kids until things were very certain, we didn't wanna scare them with that information so we kept it to ourselves. Even if Joel does move to another team, Toronto will be our home of course. And the two of us were just trying to soak up all we could.
"Well medication does not seem to be working, but we have another one Bennett could try. We'll give him that and we'll start on oxygen therapy and vest therapy"the doctor then goes on to explain what those two are and hands me things but all I could think of was how bad my heart was hurting for the small boy who laid his head in my lap, asleep.

I had carried Bennett out of the hospital, he was asleep. I even ended up carrying him inside the house. Tears threatening to come out as I laid him in his bed and kissed his forehead.

The tears became real as I shut the door, leaving him to sleep in peace. I covered my mouth with my hand as stumbled away from the bedroom and my back hit the wall.

He didn't deserve this, he really didn't.

I slid down the wall, covering my sobs.

The only person I needed and wanted wasn't even in the same country as me and that was probably the hardest part of the day.
I hear a yell from the front door and I hear feet running, soon Audrey comes running in with Simon, I catch the two in my arms as Samantha walks up to me, holding a tired Mabel. She gives me a sad smile as I stand up and the kids run off. We hug and I sigh. She rubs my back.

"It's okay"she coes. We pull away soon after and I quickly wipe a tear away. "It's okay"she gives me a smile, I nod and chuckle.

"Uh thanks for picking them up"

"You don't have to thank me, you do know that right?" I nod "how about I help out with dinner while you just hang out with kids"

"You really don't have too"

"Trust me, it'll be fine. Especially since you've just got a ton of hello fresh"I laugh and shake my head.
"Okay we've just landed"I inform Joel as Kalani and I waited for our luggage's, I look over at the girls standing not to far from me.

The four of us were in New York, Kalani and I were scheduled to do different photo shoot's, I was also here for some business things with the foundation. I had left the therapy job with Jane, who always seems to keep things in check while I'm away.

"Girls"I call.

"Okay well i just finished practice and I'm about to pick up Bennett from his session because Lucie had to go to work"

"Okay" And before I could continue he cut me off.

"And I'll drop him right back at school, take a nap, wake up early, pick them up from school. Pick up his meds again and head to the arena. Don't worry, mom and dad are coming tonight so they'll sit with them"

"Seems like you've got it under control"I chuckle as Kalani retrieves our bags and puts them on the luggage thing. I beckon Mabel to hold my hand and Audrey stays close to us, skipping a bit ahead.

"You ran it by me how many times"I laugh.

"Okay but we've really gotta go, I'll call you after the game"

"Alright, love you"

"Love you too"I smile and end the call.

sydneyesiason trying to hide the fact that Mabel and Audrey were doing crazy dances and attracting an audience.
tagged chloelane kalanileblanc

"So, when is Aunty Syd gonna get some kids of her own?" I joke as we walked through Times Square. I was holding Mabel in my arms, she was practically falling asleep, Audrey was swinging between Sydney and Kalani.

"Ask me again soon"I laugh and nod.

"So how come it's only a girls trip? What about the boys?"

"The boys didn't wanna miss hockey"I roll my eyes and her and Kalani laugh. As we strolled through Time Square and back to our hotel, I had gotten a notification on my phone on twitter from the leafs, tagging me in a post. As we stopped at the cross walk I looked at it. It was a video of the boys by the glass, Joel's parents were standing behind the boys smiling. The camera panned over to Joel as he skated over to the boys, you watch as the three make silly faces at each other and my husband soon waved at him and his parents before he skates away.

The camera still shows the boys smiling, pressed up against the glass as they smile around.

"He's a good dad"Sydney nudges me as we begin to walk across the street. I nod "come along now, have to get back to watch your man on the screen"I roll my eyes at Sydney and she winks at me.

📍New York, New York
kalanileblanc doing something fun :)
tagged chloelane

samanthalane pretty girls!!!
sydneyesiason can't believe I got to watch the behind the scenes!!!!
alexandriaa_matthews ahh!!! I can't wait for this photo shoot!
joellane best friends

📍Somewhere underneath Manhattan, New York
chloelane And behind the scenes my girls were copying their mommy and aunty K😂
tagged kalanileblanc

stephlachancee twirly gals
liamken dizzy motion
luciefisher best friends!!!
cassidylane ouuu cute

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