Life in Search ✔️

By Honey_Money_

2.8M 133K 80.6K

Book 1.5 in the "Life in-" series Ashton McClain is lost. After two years of spiraling out of control he has... More

Master Reading List
1 ~ Lost
2 ~ Feisty
4 ~ Fine
5 ~ Boo
6 ~ Weak
7 ~ Bored
8 ~ Changed
9 ~ Annoyed
10 ~ Jealous
11 ~ Hothead
12 ~ Space
13 ~ Friends
14 ~ Pretty
15 ~ Reading
16 ~ Blessed
17 ~ Nerve
18 ~ Listen
19 ~ Date
20 ~ Flirt
21 ~ Smoothie
22 ~ Party
23 ~ Beautiful
24 ~ Friends
25 ~ Fighting
26 ~ Present
27 ~ Wrong
28 ~ Love
29 ~ Selfish
30 ~ Miserable
31 ~ Secret
32 ~ Dream
33 ~ Trap
34 ~ Tamales
35 ~ Win
36 ~ Lover Boy
37 ~ Thanks
38 ~ Leave
39 ~ Shame
40 ~ Gay
4 1 ~ Alabama
42 ~ Bliss
43 ~ Hooky
44 ~ Potter
45 ~ Finally
46 ~ Dating
47 ~ Kiss
48 ~ Monster
49 ~ Gift
50 ~ Free
51 ~ Oh
52 ~ Hospital
53 ~ Waiting
54 ~ All of it
55 ~ Happy
56 ~ You
57 ~ Children
58 ~ Weird
59 ~ Light
Epilogue ~ Ashlett
Sequels and Spinoffs
Bonus ~ Birthday
Bonus ~ Hufflepuff
Bonus ~ Cuddles
Bonus ~ Always

3 ~ Interesting

67.9K 2.9K 2.6K
By Honey_Money_

I'm still mildly in shock as I walk into the gym.

God, if I had known she would've been that difficult I wouldn't have waisted the time on the thought. Although, I hate to admit it but despite the bad attitude she's really good looking.

"McClain, you're here!" A voice shouts, knocking me from my thoughts.

I turn to find the coach from Friday jogging towards me, a wide smile on his face. Right, I forgot about him. Football.

"Hello, Coach." I extend my hand, slightly grossed out by how sweaty his is.

"Football here is pretty simple. Our athletes are limited but the ones we have are decent. Practice is every day after school till six. Friday's are always game day and the weekends are yours." He rambles as a helmet, pads, and practice jersey is placed in my hands.

He continues about expectations, the same ones I've already heard a thousand times today. No acting out in school, good grades, being respectful– the usual. At this point the words should just be tattooed inside my eyelids, not like it really matters.

I want to go along with whatever he says but a small, nagging part of me feels the need to be honest. "Coach." I say but he leads me towards the locker room. "Coach."

He stops mid-sentence, "Yes, Son?"

It's difficult to not cringe at that word but I clear my throat. "I don't possess the cleanest track record when it comes to being on a team."

"What do you mean?"

Shame tinges my cheeks, "I fought a lot. The first time I got kicked off was for fighting a kid on the opposing team. It was my fifth one of the season and we were in game four. The second time was thirty minutes after I was let back on, the team captain pissed me off."

He's silent for a moment and I'm expecting him to take all the things back, but he grips my shoulders. "Where was that?"

"In Atlanta, sir."

"Well, last I checked you aren't in Atlanta anymore. Tempers are good as long as they're kept in check." He adds, slapping my shoulders before continuing on his way.

I stand there, completely taken back by his actions. He's the first person in this building to be genuinely nice to me, even if it's just because he wants me on the team. At least it's something.

Following him into the locker room, I brace for a terrible smell but it's surprisingly not bad. After showing me a locker, a fat book is slapped into my arms, "What's this?" I ask his retreating figure.

"A playbook, learn it." He says and before I can protest, he clears his throat. "Here's one of our star players now, show him our top three plays."

A kid takes his place in the doorway, skinny and long limbed. His skin is tan, almost darker than Dads, a Nike headband holding back brown hair that would probably fall into his eyes.

He takes me in, a goofy grin on his face as he walks up to me. "What's up, man, my name's Sage."

It takes me a second to shake his hand as I take in his height. Holy hell, he's a giant. The guy's a solid three inches taller than me, making him 6'7 at the smallest, "Ashton."

To distract myself from his terrifying height I focus on his flamingo embroidered shirt. "Nice to meet you, I take it you're the new QB?" He asks, opening a locker.

"Yeah, anything I should be prepared for?"

He rummages through his belongings, pulling out a plastic bag. What's he doing with his lunch in second period? "We're not a bad team, state is an actual possibility, so I hope you're ready."

I'm not but before I can lie the door opens, another kid walking in. He has a similar look to Sage and if it wasn't for the fact the new guys only around six feet, I would assume they're twins. A freshman maybe.

He takes the bag from Sage's waiting hand, "Let this be our secret, I'm already in trouble for forgetting my math homework."

Sage laughs, "I won't, just get back to the middle school halls before we both get in trouble."

My eyes bulge out of my head as he leaves, "That kid's in middle school?"

"Yeah, that's my younger brother, Silver."

What the hell do his parents feed them and what can I do to ensure Ronnie doesn't get any bigger than she needs to be?

Nodding my head like they aren't freakishly tall, coming from someone who's 6'4, I continue. "What are the plays I should learn first?"

He flips the book open and I sit there awkwardly, unsure of what to say to such an odd person. The kid seems cool but I'm not sure what to think of him. The thought of being his friend crosses my mind, but I don't really have the best luck with those, he probably has tons already.

Stopping on a page he shows it to me, "Play one, dower. We try to use if when we're in need of a shock factor, very important."

Scrunching my brows, I reread the name, "Um, do you mean power?"

He turns a dark shade of crimson, "Yeah, um I- sorry." Sage tries to explain, focusing on the ground. "I'm dyslexic so shit gets messed up sometimes. We usually use the numbers; I only said the name in attempt to be fancy and clearly it didn't work."

Oh, now I feel like an ass. I shouldn't have said anything, clasping his shoulder I smile. "Don't sweat it, man, besides I think the shirt does more than enough talking for you."

The grin appears again, a thankful look on his face as the embarrassment washes away. We go through some of the other plays before heading back to the gym and by this time I've decided that he's definitely an oddball.

Sage has the power to be a complete badass, not including that fact he's huge, there's a certain air around him. Like, what he has to say is important so no matter what I should listen. But he jokes about everything, a smile never leaving his face.

It almost makes me wish happiness is contagious.

Another guy with sandy blonde hair runs up, "Sage, who's this?"

I tense up as the stranger stares at me, "James, this is Ashton."

He extends his hand, "Our saving grace."

Why does everyone say that? I'm not even good at football. "I wouldn't go that far."

James snorts, pulling out his phone to answer a text. Catching a glimpse of his screensaver, "Who's the babe?"

He stops, looking to double check before answering. "My girlfriend, Avery."

"She's hot." The words a regret the second they leave my mouth. It's not a lie, blonde hair and blue eyes, a nice body to go with it. But why would I say that to a complete stranger?

I don't need to be punched again today, I'm still sore from the last one.

Sage and James share a short laugh, "Thanks." He offers bluntly.

Well, I fucked that one up. Sage throws his arm over his shoulder, "You should know that your girl has branched out today, wearing a whole white top."

James stops typing, "Really? Is it just an off day or is she like, still scary looking?"

Are there more scary girls here because Stella and Scarlett were more than enough for me, I'm slightly afraid to go back to Lang. "Isn't she you're girlfriend?"

James winces but Sage cuts him off, "No, his girlfriend is a complete-"

"Watch it, Dude, let's not be rude."

He rolls his eyes, "I have every right to say whatever I want about her, but I'll be polite this one time. James is obsessed with a very scary little Asian girl named-"

"Stella." I finish, my head spinning as I keep up with the details.

Sage doesn't like James' girlfriend. James doesn't like his own girlfriend. James likes scary Stella. That means they both might know Scarlett, I wanna know what her problem is. I'm usually very charming with the ladies.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" James asks, eyeing me up.

I throw my hands in the air, "We met earlier today, don't kill me. But perhaps you could answer my question on her friends."

The bell rings, distracting us from our conversation as they change, and I head to class. Spanish III is easy to find, the Mexican flag hanging outside the door a dead giveaway. I sneak a picture, sending it to dad, he would love to see that.

The glimmer of happiness fades as my eyes land on a grumpy Scarlett copying notes from the board.

Great, just the person I wanted to see.


Fourth period doesn't seem too bad. The teacher offered me a piece of candy, didn't force me to stand in front of the class and I've managed to get a whole table to myself for class.

So, I thought. What I didn't notice was the figure hunched over with her head on the table. Setting my books down I sigh, we've already had two classes together.

"I thought I got rid of you."

"Don't worry, Sweetheart, I came back." I taunt, eager to get a rise out of her. Spanish was boring, silent notes almost put me to sleep. Kicking her chair every few second kept me awake.

She rubs her temples, the fight draining faster than I expected. "Oh, joy."

Without thinking I lean over, smelling lavender as I lower my voice, "You okay?"

Failing to push herself back up she winces, "Just peachy."

I'm no doctor but I think I'm gonna call bull shit, "Are you sure? Because you look like you're gonna hurl."

A flare of annoyance appears as she narrows her eyes. "I'm sure I'd feel a lot better if you left me alone."

The pieces all fall into place, she has a migraine. Mom gets them all the time, it's a miracle Scarlett's even able to be in a classroom without dying. All the lights and sounds make mom cry. Feeling guilty for my pestering I pull out a piece of gum. "It's mint flavored if that helps."

She smiles, something I wasn't sure she was capable of doing as she cautiously accepts it. "Thanks, you're still an ass though."

A soft chuckle escapes, "Fine by me as long as I get to be hot too."

Rolling her eyes, she grins, "Take that up with Stella, not me."

I'll get her to admit it one day, no one can live in denial forever.

The teacher puts on a video, giving me a nice break from paying attention to the world. Scarlett lays her head down and I'm about to do the same when the door opens, a blonde kid walking up to the teacher.

He and Scarlett share a silent conversation that results with him walking back to us, it's the kid from Friday. Holy shit, does that mean he's her boyfriend? The kid seems younger, a sophomore maybe. The wire glasses matched with his height make him seem mature.

An Ironman ice pack gets set on the table before he rushes from the room, obviously uncomfortable around upper classmen. Dating someone younger is definitely an odd choice, especially if they're still into superheroes, but everyone has a type.

"Who was that?" I whisper, curious to know if I'm right or not. She ignores me. "Is that your boyfriend?"

They said I love you and it would explain why she wasn't interested in my advances. Although I'm certainly better looking than that kid. It would make sense.

She gives me what I'm beginning to think is a look She reserves specifically for me, "What, no. That's my younger brother, he's 12." She speaks slowly, making me feel stupid.

"Oh." I mutter, embarrassed for being wrong.

What's up with siblings looking older than they should? Maybe I just need my eyes tested but now I don't feel bad about flirting, she's single.

The video plays and she lay back down, after what feels like forever I lean back over. "Are you going to the game Friday night?"

If anything is going to be impressive it'll be football, who doesn't find an athlete hot? She doesn't respond and I'm about to poke her when I hear her soft breathing. She's asleep.

Pulling my phone out I go onto Snapchat, checking what everyone from back homes sent me. It's nothing but streaks pictures, no one's really talked to me since the fight. Clicking on the camera I lean over, zooming in on Scarlett's sleeping face and my bored expression.

Clearly, I'm good company, I send it out. The video proof that I've started over, almost begging for someone to respond.


Class ended two minutes ago but Scarlett hasn't woken up. Part of me wants to just leave but she's clearly had a bad day already, no one wants to miss lunch.

"Scarlett." I say, shaking her.


"Scarlett." I try a little louder, using more force to shake her shoulder.

She doesn't even budge, for a second I'm unsure if I hear her breathing. Oh my god, what if she's dead? I took a video of a dead person. In a panic I grab her arm, letting it drop to the table with a loud thud.

It's takes me three tries, "I'm up." She yawns, pulling her head up. "Were you trying to dislocate my arm?"

"No, I thought you were dead." I offer sincerely, picking her arm up again to prove a point.

She yanks her arms back, glaring at me. "Well, I'm not."

"Thank God, because I thought you were gonna sleep through lunch." I admit, trying to redeem myself for this morning's attitude. We were both having a bad morning, although I'd still like to know what pissed her off.

Without another word she gets up, heading towards what I assume is the cafe. I follow, taking the seat next to her. Partly because I don't know where I'm going and because I don't have anyone to sit with. Maybe I can find James or Sage, they seemed pretty cool.

Taking her lack of a fight as an invitation to stay I pull out my chips, thankful for the happiness it offers my day. There's no pain Doritos can't fix.

Ella and Stella walk over, and I wave, wondering if James might sit here already. My thoughts are interrupted by Scarlett, "Get rid of him."

What did I do? She still can't be mad from earlier.

They both laugh. "No can-do, Scar, the cute boy stays." Stella winks at me.

I send her an easy grin, knowing she'll blush. It's too easy, but then I remember James has a thing for her.

Let's not ruin one of the only potential friends I have.

"Then at least get rid of his chips." She demands, pointing to the only thing making me smile right now.

Cautiously I pull the bag to my chest. "What did my chips do to you?"

"Nothing, but the person eating them won't stop chomping. Now put the chips up before I throw them away."

The reminder of how hard she hits has me shoving them back in my bag. "Alright, they're gone."

"What's gone?" Sage asks, sitting between Scarlett and Ella. He slides a coke to Scarlett, "Sterling texted me."

Who's Sterling and why have I met so many people with color names?

"My chips." I offer glumly, still slightly disappointed they're gone. "What's up, Sage?"

At least I can talk to him, the flirting from Stella and Scarlett's frowns are starting to confuse me. I just want to eat in peace.

"Nothing much, how do you know my sister?" He asks, giving me a high five.

Please don't tell me he means Scarlett.

Sure enough the more I look at them the more I see it. They share the same skin color and nose.


"You two are related? I thought the blonde kid with glasses was your brother." I ask, just to make sure.

I already know Sage has a brother but now I'm getting confused.

She ignores me, facing Sage. "He's stalking me." Sweetheart, you wish. "His name is Sterling and he is one of my brothers." She tells me.

"How many of you are there?" I ask in astonishment.

They share a look, "Five."

"Really?" Damn. I've always wanted more siblings. Or, at least I did until a few years ago.

"Yup" Scarlett says, for once not looking like she's annoyed. "Us two, twin brothers that are 12 and a seven-year-old sister."

Wow. All the people I knew back home had one or two at most. Five is enough for a whole basketball team.

You'd never get bored.

"Ok." Looking at Ella and Stella I add, "No more surprises, how many siblings do you two have?"

I need to know how many people there are to keep up with.

"Just a brother that's 12." Stella says.

"It's just me." Ella offers up glumly.

A small part of me relates to her. I hated being an only child when I was younger. There was never anyone to hang out with. Then I got a little sister and eventually neglected her.

How ironic.

"What about you?" Stella prompts, leaning over the table.

"A little sister who's six" I explain, silently wishing she would sit down.

"How did you two meet?" Ella inquires, pointing to Sage and me as she drags Stella back into her seat.

I take a moment to evaluate her and Sage. They're practically sitting on top of each other, him stealing bits of her food.

He didn't mention anything about having a girlfriend, but it would explain why she hasn't flirted with me.

"Second period gym." Sage says before belching.

"Red." Scarlett whispers.

Why is she explaining her name? We all know what Scarlett means.

"Purple." Ella laughs

"Pink!" Stella screams.

"Green!" Sage adds

"Eat it!" They all shout at me.

I stare at them in horror, "Eat what?"

Is this a cult because I'm pretty sure that's on the list of things mom told me I couldn't do? I don't normally listen to that list, but I can make an exception.

"The burp, Man." Sage informs me, wiping a tear from his eye.

For a second I'm taken back by how comfortable they all are with each other. Fun little jokes and games that no one else would get shared between them.

It hurts a little to acknowledge the fact I've never shared an experience like that.

"Um... ok." I say, awkwardly biting the air.

How badly do I want friends because this is some weird shit?

We talk, the topics never too personal. It makes it easier to fit in if I don't have to explain my messed-up life.

Scarlett groans and I'm about to guess what's pissed her off now when a nasally voice cuts me off.

"Would you like to sit at my table?"

Twisting around I find a tall blonde smiling slyly at me, her red lips grabbing my attention.

It doesn't take much for me to realize she's James' girlfriend, although I must say the pictures are better. The girl, Avery, inches towards me, leaving very little space between us.

I know her type. She flirts with whoever she wants but still has the security of a relationship to fall back on. Too many times I've fallen for the trap.

"No thanks, I'm pretty good right here." I state, throwing my arms behind my head to prove a point.

I offer her an easy smile before turning back around but my table has a different reaction. Ella drops a cookie and Stella goes silent. Sage's eat shit grin is plastered his face as he watches us. Scarlett chokes on her soda, brown eyes bulging from her head. If it wasn't for the fact, I'm trying to prove a point I would offer her a napkin.

Avery leans closer to me, which I didn't even think was possible, the desperation evident in her blue eyes. "Are you sure? My friends are such an improvement from these... freaks."

Who gives a shit? None of it matters in the end anyway. I had a spot with that group and look where it got me, nowhere.

I lean in the opposite direction; strong perfume being replaced by lavender. "I'm sure, now leave." I deadpan before facing whoever's next to me, it's Scarlett.

I wish I could capture the shock on her face, it's priceless.

Avery sounds like she's in the middle of a meltdown but I don't look, the sound of a heel stomping the ground telling me more than enough.

Before I can laugh Scarlett opens her mouth. "Enough, Avery! He said no, now walk your skank ass back to your boyfriend and sit the hell down."

Holy shit, she snapped. A part of me wants to stand up and slow clap, the other half is relived it's not me on the receiving end of that glare.

"Shut up, Bloody Mary, no one asked to hear from you!"

And with that she stomps her heels all the way back to her table. Bloody Marry. What are we, 12?

"Always a pleasure, Cousin." Sage calls after her, a bitter tone in his voice.

Hold up. Pause. Time out. Halt. Freeze. Cousin?

"You mean to tell me that is your cousin?" I ask, pointing at Avery who's now being consoled by James. Why would he ever help her? She just screwed me with her eyes for the whole school to see.

"Sadly." He confirms, flicking a fry onto Stella's tray.

"Dudes, what happened to keeping no more secrets?" I demand. If there's anything you should warn a dude of it should be that your cousin is a complete crazy lady that's dating your friend.

"We aren't exactly proud of it." Scarlett grumbles into her drink.

I don't blame them. There's a very drastic difference between them, almost too scary to be real.

"So where exactly are you from?" Ella asks, pulling the conversation away from the Rhodes siblings and onto me. This is the last thing I wanted to have happen.

Fiddling with my straw, I try to ignore my shaking leg. It's just a simple question that has a simple answer, "Atlanta."

The answer is honest, but it feels weird to talk about. My mind flashing back to memories of destruction I don't want to remember. Parties. Girls. The back of cop cars. Fights.

It's enough to ruin my mood.

"What brings you to Tennessee?" Stella pushes, not noticing how uncomfortable I've gotten.

"No important reason, just time for a change." I say casually, the lie tainting my tongue.

Everything. From stealing to arson, I did it. I didn't always get caught but it happened more times than I cared to admit. Mom would have a heart attack if she truly knew all the things I've done, although she suspects most of it.

The bell rings, cutting off our conversation before I can spiral into even more misery. Everyone splits off, Sage and Ella going to the hall while Stella runs off to find a friend, leaving just Scarlett and me.

She starts walking for the doors, leaving me behind. Ouch. I hurry after her, she moves fast through the halls like a lightning bolt.

"What class are you going to next." I glance down at my schedule, some delusional part of me hoping it's the same as mine. At least I'd know someone in there.

"Um, English?" She lies.

"You had English this morning." I point out, finding it humorous she wants to get rid of me so badly.

Her cheeks turn red, embarrassed for being caught in the act. Sucks, doesn't it. "I have gifted next." She whispers, focusing on her hands.

I'm almost not sure if I heard her, surprised to see such a shift from the aggressive girl I saw twenty minutes ago.

"That's a class?" I ask, unsure of what to make of it.

"It's more like a whole program. I'm enrolled in classes that I can't take here." She says, glancing around to make sure no one's listening to our conversation.

"What kind of classes?" The school offers a pretty extensive list of courses, everything is at the honors or AP level. There's nothing really above that.

She bites her lip, finally meeting my eyes and I can see how flustered she is. Scarlett Rhodes is shy, who would've ever thought that. "Like second year college psychology."

Dear God, she's a full-fledged college student. "You mean to tell me you're a junior taking that type of class?"

"Yeah." She mumbles, hugging her elbows.

How can someone be that smart and be so humble about it? I would brag to everyone how much smarter I was then them, that's what I did at my old school. Back when I went to classes, that is.

She stops in front of a door. "This is it, hopefully we won't have any more classes together."

A smirk spreads across my face as I wink at her, knowing it'll piss her off. "Oh, but we do, Sweetheart."

At least I hope so because I'm not done trying to figure her out just yet.


Hope everyone's having a good day!

Let me know what you think

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