Temporary Fix (L.S)

Av _Harry_is_louis_baby

153K 4.2K 2.5K

Harry's been hurt too many times before and doesn't want to fall in love. Louis doesn't believe in love and d... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Thank you! :)

Chapter 41

2.4K 70 35
Av _Harry_is_louis_baby

"Harry, are you sure? I think we might need to cancel tonight. I don't want you going into labor when we aren't home.."

"Louis, my body could take AGES to prepare for labor. Days, weeks maybe. I'm not missing Zayn's party because I'm having simple Braxton Hicks and some nausea."

"If you're sure...I'm not leaving your side today though."

Harry rolls his eyes. He believes him. Louis has been practically attached to him since he took off work last week.

It's driving Harry crazy if he's honest.

He LOVES Louis being home but what he DOESN'T love is Louis standing beside him while he pees, nearly tripping up fifteen stairs to get to Harry in the hallway in fear he might fall, and him forcing him to drink so much water he feels more bloated than before.

"I'm FINE, Lou. Can we just watch a movie or something? I'm uncomfortable and I'd just like to relax."

"Of course!! Up or downstairs?"

"Downstairs. I'd like to lie on the couch and all the good movies are down there."

"Only Disney movies are down there, Haz."


Louis helps Harry waddle down the stairs slowly and he collapses with a heavy sigh onto the couch.

"Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yeah, think you can manage not burning the house down?"

"HARRY! Have you forgotten I took a cooking class?"

"That was over two years ago, Boo."

"I watch the cooking channel. Leave me alone. Now pick a movie and get comfy."

Louis goes to the kitchen and Harry turns the TV on deciding on Netflix instead of a DVD. He's halfway thru the Romance section when he gets a small pain in his belly. He hisses and puts a hand to the top of it. He feels it grow rock hard and he groans a bit. It's not terrible pain but it's enough to make him uncomfortable. He rubs the top of his belly, groaning quietly as to not alert Louis, and leans back.

"Harry! Do you want scrambled eggs?" Harry exhales deeply.

"Y-yeah. Please..."

He leans over, hugging his belly and the pain dissipates.

He doesn't panic. He's had those types of pains for a few days, maybe a bit less intense but he IS nearly 40 weeks. Even if he is in labor that was his first real pain and so he knows it'll be ages. He's determined to go to Zayn's tonight. He just can't allow Louis to catch on that he's in pain.

"Alright smarty pants. Try THIS."

Louis walks out with scrambled eggs and a cinnamon bun with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"You got this from Cinnabon."



Louis smiles, he still can't get used to that. He probably never will.

The more Harry eats, the more nauseous he feels. He puts his plate down halfway thru his cinnamon bun and only 1/4 of his eggs gone.

Louis frowns.

"Not good?"

"Feeling a bit sick to my stomach." He breathes out, eyes furrowed and a hand rubbing across his belly.

Louis' frown deepens.

"Are you ok?"

He nods.

"Just need a proper cuddle with my husband is all."

Louis smiles and gets behind Harry, crossing his arms over his rounded belly.

"Getting a bit wild in there today, yeah?"

"Yeah. Must be the sugar."

Whatever they're doing actually is sort of hurting Harry's stomach but he doesn't need to tell Louis that.

"What movie did you pick then?"


"You're too good to me."

No matter what Harry does, he CANNOT get comfortable during the movie. He keeps shifting discreetly so Louis won't notice but nothing's working. The babies are going absolutely crazy and his back is hurting. The movie is nearly over when Harry feels his belly tense again. He's nervous because Louis' hands are ON his belly. Pain begins to radiate through his belly and he bites his lip.

"Harry? Your..."

Louis' phone rings from the kitchen and Harry would scream in glee if his belly weren't rolling in pain. It's really starting to hurt.

"Uh..just a sec."

Louis still looks concerned but Harry's pretty sure as long as he doesn't see him in pain, he can play it off. He walks to the kitchen and Harry grips the arm of the couch.

He digs the heel of his palm into his rock hard belly and groans quietly. He's not sure how much longer he can keep his groans quiet. He furrows his eyebrows as the pain peaks. He presses his hand deeper but it does little to help. The pain eventually stops and Harry gets up to pace the room. He rubs wide soothingly circles into his belly desperate for some relief at least from the babies' kicking.

"Shit, H. That was my coach. We're taking team pictures today and I can't miss it."

"That's alright, Lou. Just be back by Zayn's party."

"But Harry..your belly feels like a stone. It just tensed up under my hand. Are you SURE you aren't in labor?"

"Positive. It was a Braxton Hicks."

He's not positive but he's stubborn and doesn't want to miss his best friend's bachelor party. He JUST got him back.

"Why are you pacing?"

"I'm just not comfortable. I'm trying to calm the babies so I can get some rest."

Louis bites his lip as if contemplating but nods.

"You lie down, ok? Tell the kids to draw or watch a movie when they get up and you rest, ok? Please call me if you feel any more pains, ok? Real or fake."

"I will."

"I love you. I'll be back in an hour or two tops, alright?"

Harry nods. Louis kisses him and leans down to kiss his belly.

"It's SO firm, H. Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Boo!"

"Well, it certainly won't be long I don't think."

"Go! Before you're late!"

"Ok, I'll hurry. I love you."

"I love you too."


Harry's belly cramps up just as he's getting the kid's chicken nuggets out of the oven. He stops, gripping the plate as his belly tightens up considerably.

The cramps in his belly are officially affecting him. He's hurting. It takes everything in him not to groan out.

Still, it doesn't TECHNICALLY mean he's IN LABOR it just means that labor is coming soon. It puts up a red flag for him that's for sure. But he's not too worried. He rubs his belly with a hum to mask his pain from his children. They don't notice thankfully and he passes each child a plate while his stomach continues to heave and contract.

He goes to the counter and grips it, pushing his body outward and rubbing the heel of his palm in his rock hard belly once again. The pain passes and he's able to sit down with his kids.

"Where your food Da Da?" Capri asks, concern filling her voice instead of her usual sassy tone.

Harry didn't make himself a plate. His belly feels far too unsettled and achy so it's obvious his body is gearing up for labor. But he's felt a bit sick for a few days so it doesn't mean anything..he tries to convince himself of that anyway. But it doesn't make it any easier to go thru or less painful.

"Hmm. Daddy's belly isn't feeling very well this afternoon."

He rubs a hand across the top of his belly, feeling the incessant kicking from his son and daughter. He just wished they'd give him a break for a moment.

"Babies hurtin Da Da?" Zayn's face crumbles and Harry's heart breaks.

"No baby. Daddy's ok. Eat your lunch and we can go watch a movie."

Harry's desperate for Louis to come home now. He's not sure how long he can hide the fact that he's in pain from the twins. His belly is hurting and it's starting to get to him.

He just wants his husband.

Of course, he won't be admitting his pain to him but at least he'll be there to watch the kids so Harry can go lie down. That's all he really needs. To lie down with nothing on because he's bloody boiling! And maybe some soft relaxing music. He just needs SOMETHING to stop the pain or at least distract him.

"FINISHED DA DA! Wanna go play outside!!!" Capri screams.

Harry winces.

"Love, Daddy's not really feeling up to going outside right now, ok? How about we watch a film?"

"But Da Daaaaaaaaaaa. Please Da Da. I be so good."

"No Capri. Let's go watch a movie."

She frowns but nods and goes back to the den. Harry breathes a sigh of relief that she's not being defiant today.

"Good Dinosaur Da Da?" Zayn asks him, sitting on the couch.

"Of course, love. I think it's in your room."

Which definitely makes him want to cry because he has to walk all the way upstairs. But whatever keeps the two calm and seated.

Harry climbs the stairs, huffing at the top and walks into Zayn and Capri's room. As luck would have it, he realizes the movie is in he and Louis room down the hall. He remembers leaving it there when he had one of his more "pukey" days last week.

He reaches the bedroom when he feels his belly roll in pain again. It's pretty intense this time and he has to lean over the bed, rocking his hips moaning. He's so glad the twins are downstairs so he can let out some moans.


He rubs wide circles as his belly continues to stay rock hard beneath his palm. The pain let's up a bit and he's able to grab the movie.

"Babies..please...hold off for me, ok? I'm home alone and I can't miss Zayn's party..please.." He begs once more and feels the babies kick harshly at him.

He's pretty sure that it's not them agreeing.

He's thankful the contractions are still widely spaced apart so at least if he is in labor, it'll be awhile. He can probably stay at Zayn's party a few hours, even.

It's NOT contractions anyway, just..harsh Braxton Hicks.

"Alright loves. The Good Dinosaur." He says, popping the DVD into the player.

The kids sit close to the TV on their small rocking chairs. Harry would usually pull them away from the screen but he's too preoccupied with the possibility of being in labor. He takes this opportunity to lie down on the couch.

He rubs up and down his belly soothingly, just praying that he's having the worst case of Braxton Hicks in history and that his babies AREN'T coming yet.

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