Temporary Fix (L.S)

By _Harry_is_louis_baby

153K 4.2K 2.5K

Harry's been hurt too many times before and doesn't want to fall in love. Louis doesn't believe in love and d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Thank you! :)

Chapter 36

2.3K 70 24
By _Harry_is_louis_baby

"That's my name. Wouldn't have a son named that if it weren't for me."

"Louis, what..?"

"I didn't want to leave without you guys making up." Louis says, "I've gotta go now, love. I'll see you on Monday. Ok?"

Louis hates leaving his thirty three week, heavily pregnant husband at home but he's at least glad that Zayn agreed to come over and talk things out.

"Ok. I love you.."

"Love you too. Babies-stay put while I'm gone."

He kisses his belly and gets two rolls in return. Harry groans as the rolls create unneeded pressure.

"So, shit Haz. I don't even know where to start. I'm so so bloody sorry. I've been so stressed out with the wedding that I've been snapping at everyone. My mum's bloody pissed at me right now."

Harry gets up and grips him into a hug. Zayn's nearly knocked down by his shaking belly.

"Easy mate."

"I-I'm sorry, Z. I shouldn't have said it was too soon for you to get married. Perrie' lovely and she's helped our family with so much lately. This pregnancy is making me a right ass and I'm sorry."

"So we're both hormonal?"

"I have an excuse, you don't."

"Will you still come to my wedding?"

"Of course. Front row."

"How about right by my side?"

"You-you still want me to be your best man?"

"Of course! You're my best mate in the whole world."

"Do you-I mean, can you stay for a bit? Hang out?"

"Cleared my schedule for my favorite curly boy."

Harry tries not to cry but he does. He's pregnant, OK?


"H, Louis told me you've been struggling and feeling lonely. I can't believe you didn't tell me that. You could've come with me to all of this wedding shit mate. You're good at it. I'm shit at it. Perrie thinks I'm a bloody idiot."

Harry laughs wetly.

"You are a bloody idiot."

"You love me."

"Only because your mum is my doctor."

"Heard that one before. Now come on. Let's go eat. And where's my mini me?"

"He's upstairs."

They go get the twins and go to Harry's favorite Chinese place.

Harry eats his Lo Mein while the babies kick happily under his palm.

"Bloody hell! I saw a foot!"

"Yeah, that happens. You don't remember?"

"My baby kick big Unca Z." Capri says with a smile.

"Your baby?" He pokes her tummy and she giggles.

"Yeah, da girl baby."

"Oh just the girl baby is yours?"

"Mine's da boy baby Unca Zayn." Zayn chimes in.

"Well which ones MINE?"

"You don't got one."

Zayn fakes a frown and the twin's giggle.

Harry eats way too much and is moaning at the end.

"What's wrong? Let me guess. Heartburn, indigestion the works?"

"If you knew, why'd you bother asking?"

"You didn't learn a thing the first pregnancy did you?"

"I can't help it, Z! M' so bloody hungry."

"I finish, Da Da. Can we go get cinnamon roll?" Capri asks.

Harry's eyes light up.

"Yes baby we can."

"Didn't you JUST say you had heartburn and indigestion?"

"So what? It's a cinnamon roll."

"You're ridiculous, Harry."

"I'm PREGNANT, Zayn."

They walk to the Cinnamon Roll restaurant down the road and Harry has to sit in a chair outside when they arrive. Zayn goes and orders everything and brings it out to him, sitting down beside him.

"They kicking?"


"Let me have a chat, then." He leans down to Harry's active belly.

"Hello babes. It's Uncle Zayn. Without a doubt, I am the coolest person you'll meet here on the outside."

"No Z, I am!" Capri interrupts.

"No me!" Zayn squeaks.

"No it's me. Can you kick for me little ones? Hellooooooooo?"

Of course the babies go absolutely crazy, fighting for space near Zayn's mouth and Harry groans at the extreme discomfort.

"Sorry, H." Harry's pretty sure he isn't sorry if his shit-eating grin is anything to go by.


"Perrie? It's Harry. Was wondering if you'd like to come by and go to lunch?"

Ever since his talk with Zayn yesterday, Harry has felt horribly guilty that Perrie thinks he doesn't like her.

Which, well...was technically true but not anymore!

And he'd really like to make it up to her. He's also missing Louis quite a bit and needs a distraction that isn't two screaming toddlers.

"That sounds nice. I'd love to!"

She comes around an hour later and Harry's super thankful that somehow he was able to put his pants on by himself today. He's started having to sit and wee now so he was a bit worried he'd have to ask Perrie for help.

Luckily, it wasn't the case.

She does however have to help him gather the twins' up to dress them.

"You're a hero, Harry. Really. Doing this while you're so pregnant."

Harry groans, pushing his belly outward.

"Ugh. Thanks."

"You doing ok?"

"Yeah, just ready to have these babies."

She smiles.

"How much longer?"

"Seven weeks, give or take. Really can't come fast enough."

"You poor thing. You look great."

"Thank you, Perrie. That's really nice. You're fiancé always made fun of me when I was pregnant last time."

"Yeah? Well I make fun of his bed head so I got your back."

Harry giggles. Perrie's lovely. He hates that he didn't give her a chance before.

They go to an Italian eatery in the square and Harry eats an entire plate of pasta. Perrie gets a small chicken sandwich and Harry huffs.

"Making me feel like a pig."

"You're pregnant. It makes sense. Woah. Was that a heel?" She asks, pointing to the top of Harry's belly, sticking up above the table.

"Baby kick dada, lots!" Capri squeals.

"Come dada. Want to feel." Zayn says.

Harry huffs but scoots closer to his booster seat. He puts a hand to his belly and one of the twins kick out hard. Harry quietly groans, rubbing his side a bit.

"Dada!!! Kicked me! Baby kick!" Zayn claps his hands and Harry smiles.

"Yes, love. Quiet down, ok?"

"Could I-" Perrie asks, scooting closer.

"Oh of course! You don't have to ask. They never do." He laughs.

She puts a hand to his belly and feels a kick.


"Yeah. Talking to them makes them go even crazier."

"Hi little tots. Comfy and cozy inside there?" The babies go absolutely crazy and Harry huffs.

"Woah. Sorry. Are you alright?" She says with a laugh.

"Yeah, sorry. Just ate too much and now there's lots of tumbling going on in my belly. Not the best mix."

"Oh no..I'm sorry."

"No Perrie! That's perfectly fine. I like it really. Love their kicks."

"I can't wait to have one with Zayn..you know when we're married."

Harry smiles.

"You're going to be a really good mum, you know."

"You think so? I've always thought Zayn would be the better parent."

"He sleeps all day! No way will he be THAT good." They both laugh.

"Do you feel up for some shopping?"

"Yeah actually. I'd like to get the babies' coming home outfits."

"Isn't your stomach feeling off?"

"It's just a bit of heartburn and indigestion. I'm used to it."

She smiles.

"Ok. Let's go!"

The pair shops for more than two hours. Harry finds the most beautiful dress for Johannah and a bubble for William. He also buys them monogrammed blankets for the hospital.

"So-are you going to do a natural delivery?"

"Yeah. No medication. I did it with Capri and Zayn."

"Oh yeah. You went into labor at that party, right?"

Harry blushes.

"Yeah..Quite embarrassing when I think about it."

"I think it's amazing. Weren't you in pain?"


"Zayn sure does have a good best friend."

"He really does, doesn't it? Think we better head home soon. I've got to get some Tums in my system and get these two laid down. Looks like they've already started their nap." Perrie smiles down at them.

"They're Angels, Harry. Really."

They drive to Harry and Louis' house and Perrie helps take the kid's inside.

"Thank you for today, Perrie. And everything else you've done. I've really been quite unfair to you and I want to apologize. I've just been really hormonal this go around and I'm not used to having to share my best friend."

"Oh love. I understand. I'm just glad you don't hate me. Your approval was super important to me."


"Of course. Zayn wouldn't have married me if you hated me or something."

"You really are a lovely girl. I'm so glad you and Zayn found each other."

And he really truly is.

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