By shae_027

325K 2.1K 163

I looked up fearfully in the eyes of Dominic as he peered down at me. Our eyes met and the first thing I see... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Where to read the rest?
I have an announcement
Hi short Notice

Chapter Two

21.3K 496 54
By shae_027

Chapter Two:The Arrangement

Cassandra's P. O. V

"What,are you nuts?,You know I can't marry anyone,not now,I have to focus on my career."

"We know baby,that's why we didn't agree",mom piped in.

"But what about the company?",I asked.

"We'll have to sell it",dad said lowly.

Oh no, Dad's going to lose the company.

I feel bad that Dad's going to have to sell the company now. I remembered the sleepless nights he went through to reach where he's at.

"Mom when's dadda coming home?",young Cass said.

"Don't know honey he's trying to fix the company.",mom replied unsure on what to say.

Or even on a holiday...

"Mom when's dad coming back, everyone else is here?"

"I don't know he's busy hon",mom look unsure.

Sometimes he would come in the late nights kissing me good night's.

It's not like he didn't like us,he was the roof over our heads,he's the bread giver, he's the care taker.

After I turned five, old enough to have a nanny-for some reason mom can't trust them-,mom started working as my dad's PA and she does it really well. She help him more and she made sure he's fine.

After,we became famous, although rumors came but gone though.

Im a selfish child my parents gave birth to.

I sighed,"I'll do it",I stated trying to keep back the tears welling up in my eyes.

"What!",mom seemed surprised.

"Honey, you don't have to,I'll think of something else",dad scratched his head.

"No,it's okay Dad,I'll do it",I smiled reassuring him.

"Thank you, Cassie,you have no idea how much it means to me",he embrace me into a hug.

Mom came and asked,"Are you sure Cassie dear?".

"I'm sure mom really,how bad can he be",I smiled at her too with the same fake reassuring smile.

"So,when are they coming?",I asked.

At the same time a knock on the door tells me that someone is waiting outside.

I father cleared his throat the did a throatly 'come in'. The door opened revealing a handsome yet aged man.

He had a neatly combed brown thick locks which shones due to the sunlight.

I wonder what hair product he used?

His eyes were dark brown and he had a well defined nose. His jaws doesn't look masculine to me for they have a little skin hanging down. He was in a black tuxedo that looked a little big for him. But fit nevertheless.

Another man walked in looking much younger and much handsome.

He looks similar to the other man. But younger. His eyes holds something but I can't put my finger on it.

Something about him gives me chills. His orbs are a bit yellow thou.

His jaws were defined as ' perfect '. Everything on him made me drool over him.

His intoxicated perfume filled up the room. His lips looked kissable.

I wonder how his arms look or even feel?

I cleared my throat,and smiled while heading to meet the gentlemen.

"Why, hello sir, I'm  Cassandra Lewis,and you must be the investors",I shook there hands.

"Yes,I'm Weston Black and this",he gesture to his son,"Dominic Black, we're here for the arrangements"

How did they know so fast?

I turned to see Mom and Dad awkwardly smiling.

Wild guess.

"Oh well,let's go over the details shall we?",dad gesture us to the conference room.

I stopped mom,"where you going to tell me the truth about you already decided about me being married to a stranger?",I asked.

She sighed,"I'm sorry the offer came on noticed",she explained,which only made my blood boiled.

"Oh so that's what I am an offering now?",I asked.

"No,no honey it's not like that",she said.

"Oh then what is it then",I asked putting both hands on my hips to show how serious I am.

She didn't respond.

Well I didn't expect an answer anyway.

I rolled my eyes,"you know what just forget it",I walk seeing as the men already left.

Mom followed behind. We enter the room seeing two other older men with them.

I went beside dad and asked,"who are they?", gesturing I the other unknown men.

"They are lawyers,Mr Bernard",he gestured to the bald one with slightly grey hairs."And Mr knight",the other one looks a little younger than Mr Bernard.

They nod there heads in response and I just smiled.

"So shall we get started?",Mr Black said.

"Sure",Dad exclaimed.





So that's the end of another chapter thanks you guys for reading.

I'll try to post more for you.

Any ways how do you think about my book so far now.

Please let me know by Voting and commenting on your favorite characters or parts of my book.

Love y'all

From shae-027

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