The Tale Of A Broken Soul ~Je...

By SiL3nTKiLl3r1

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Hey guys I'm back with a new story!!! Okay let's start.... She was happy.... But he wasn't.... She was livin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

668 24 11
By SiL3nTKiLl3r1

                                                    A soft smile
Jack's POV:
             I woke up yawning and stretching I walked downstairs scratching my head this little girl cried in the middle of the night or so which kinda disturbed me but I was okay I went to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water when I saw Elsa with bags under her eyes and hair messy making coffee she was dozing off again and again, so she didn't had a good night sleep.

"Ah......last night was great I never slept so well in years"I said getting myself a glass of water I went to the couch but I could still hear her groaning she sat on the couch with the cup of coffee I grabbed the remote turning the TV on in full volume in just a second crying of a little girl could be heard loud and clear.

"Oops"I said lowering the volume she placed the cup on the table with a loud thud throwing a cushion at my face which kinda shocked me she left to the room when my phone started to ring I looked at the collar ID it was Mom I picked up.

"Hello? Jack! Me, Emma and your Dad are on our way to your house uh....could you please send us the address?"I heard on the other line I cringed my eyebrows in confusion looking at the phone for a minute then I placed it back on my ear.

"Why Exactly?"I asked turning the TV off I heard giggling and faint voices on the other line.

"To see my granddaughter of course"Mom said all excited I rolled my eyes and hung up I texted them the address throwing my phone aside on the couch turning the TV back on.

Elsa came back and sat on the couch drinking her coffee with two thick books in her hands she began to study with her eyebrows narrowed means she was concentrated I cleared my throat getting her attention.

"Mom and family is coming to see the girl"I said watching the TV she nodded and began to study again after some time she closed her books and went upstairs and right after five minutes I heard crying of that girl I first tried to ignore it but she won't stop.

"Elsa!! Your girl is crying!! Get down already!!"I yelled but no one answered I went upstairs annoyed and I heard the splashes of water from inside the bathroom she's taking a shower! I went back downstairs and she was still crying ugh she cries a lot!

I went inside her room and she was in her crib crying I went to her she stopped crying when she felt my presence and looked at me smiling widely I stared at her she was so beautiful she moved her small legs and arms as a gesture for me to pick her up.

"What am I doing?"I mumbled to myself brushing my hand in my hair as I started to walk away and she started to cry again I arched my eyebrows and walked back to her she stopped crying when she saw me.

"What the....?"She tried to sit up and to get to me I slowly and hesitatingly reached her as I picked her up she made sounds of excitement her big crystal blue eyes were sparkling.

I just stared at her and my other hand travelled to her cheek I brushed my finger on it she gave me a toothless smile and grabbed my finger it took her whole hand to grab my finger I didn't know what was that new feeling? It was good, it felt so right.

I reached to kiss her forehead my eyes began to fill with tears she placed her hand on my lips I kissed her small hand and I felt the edges of my lips curving up and few tears slipped my eyes she kicked her legs with excitement.

"What the.....? What's happening to me?"I whispered to myself placing my hand on my lips that were curved into a small smile I looked at her who was smiling at me innocently.

I-I--I--I'm smiling!?! I really am!! I'm feeling this feeling that I craved for so long, this-this was the feeling I was so desperate to feel?! Of course after so long I finally......

"T-thank you!"I said hugging her close to my chest as I kissed her forehead I wiped my tears away hugging her I looked at her she yawned trying to keep her eyes open.

"You should sleep now"I whispered kissing her cheek she yawned once again she placed her head on my chest as I began to walk back and forth in the room.

I brought her back into this house not knowing why until now she was my happiness and only she was supposed to make me happy and I never thought that it would be my own daughter who would be able to put on a smile on my frowny face just by her toothless smile.

I thought I could never be happy again and I was feeling like the wish I used to make by every passing star it was being granted I looked at her face she was already fast asleep in my arms I kissed the tip of her nose lightly and placed her in the crib even though I didn't wanted to.

"Bye little angel"I whispered lightly looking at her face she's my angel because she came into my life out of nowhere, unexpected, life changing like an angel I left the room closing the door behind just as I closed the door I heard the doorbell I went to answer the door and it was Emma, Mom and Dad.

"Hello brother oh and thanks for the very warm welcome I'm truly moved"Emma said sarcastically I rolled my eyes leaving the way for them to enter I could hear Mom scolding her in light whispers.

"Jack where's my granddaughter?"Mom asked over excited as they all entered the house I nodded leading them to Abigail's room.

"OH---"Since Emma was about to shout I placed my hand over her mouth as a sign for her to shut up.

"She's sleeping"I answered shortly they all nodded and I let go of Emma they tip toed towards the crib watching her sleep.

"Oh My God Jack she's so adorable"Emma whispered as her eyes began to twinkle Mom and Dad kissed her forehead and we all left the room.

"Jack I'm so happy for you son"Dad said smiling placing his hand on my shoulder and we all sat on the couch they asked me few questions then Elsa came.

"It's so nice of you all to come here, I'm really happy to see you all together here"Elsa said smiling as she sat on the couch across from me and beside Mom smiling softly they both talked for awhile when Elsa began to make breakfast with the help of Emma.

Elsa's POV:
              I was taking shower when I heard Jack calling me downstairs because Abigail was crying shoot! I began to do quick job when I was done I wrapped a towel around me and ran downstairs I was about to barge in the room when I stopped seeing Jack with Abigail.

He was just staring at her face brushing her cheek with his thumb as she smiled and he kissed her forehead it brought warmth to my heart I placed my hand on my heart as few tears of joy slipped my eyes.

Then Abigail placed her hand on his lips and he kissed it gently and a small soft smile came upon his lips Name her Abigail because it means A father's joy and beautiful and I really hope she becomes her father's joy I remembered Tadashi's words, his smile it was so heart warming, so beautiful I felt my heart skipping a beat.

I don't think he knew that he was smiling when he realized he placed his fingers on his lips and tears began to trickle down his cheeks as his smile widened I don't know how much he was desperate to feel this happiness, he looked so happy he was overjoyed by this I quickly turned and leaned against the wall breathing heavily.

I placed my hand on my heart what was this feeling again? Why am I feeling my heart skipping beats? Why do I see him smiling in front of my eyes again and again? I ran upstairs and locked the door behind I slid down sitting on the floor.

"What's happening to me?"I whispered brushing my hand in my messy, wet hair I'm just overthinking, everything is alright I stood up and threw on a grey shirt with small sleeves with a smiley face printed on it, black skater skirt and black leggings I put on black flats as I braided my wet hair in a French braid and I went down to find Emma, Mama and Papa sitting on the couch talking with Jack.

I was now making lunch with Emma's help we were talking and laughing about some random stuff she was the same age as Anna and a really nice girl.

"What do you do at home when you're free?"I asked her cutting vegetables for salad while she was now just sitting on the stool she shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing much I usually get so much bored and then I start to miss Jack we used to have so much fun together but then everything changed he's not the same anymore, like any other siblings we used to talk, laugh and smile he was such a great big brother that any sister wish for"She answered sadly looking down playing with her fingers I smiled rubbing her back reassuringly.

"I promise you that your old brother will be back just get ready because I know it will probably surprise you"I said smiling she looked up at me smiling sweetly she tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

"When we were little Jack once put frogs in Dad's laptop bag and when Dad opened it in the meeting room there were frogs everywhere there was screaming and yelling everywhere and Jack did got a punishment which was to clean the bathrooms for a month it ruined Dad's deal with the other company"Emma said laughing at the end remembering the memory I giggled I didn't know he used to be a mischievous boy I wonder how would it be like living with that old Jack, would it be fun? I wondered as I shook my head smiling to myself.

"He really did that?!"I said giggling she nodded laughing along with me we talked for awhile and placed the dishes on the dining table after we ate me and Emma sat on the stools talking when I heard Abigail crying.

"I'll get her!"Emma said running to her room I smiled then she came back with Abigail in her arms who was crying I took out the milk bottle from the refrigerator I handed it to her and she began to feed her.

"She's so cute"She said smiling widely looking down at Abigail who was looking at Emma wide eyed I giggled.

"Wait! I've just got something to show you"Emma said taking her mobile out of her pocket she clicked a few times and handed me the mobile it was a video.

"It was my 12th birthday party and it's about the gift that Jack gave me these memories with him are very special to me even though they were stupid but still"She said excitedly I played the video hesitatingly I couldn't see faces just hands camera was concentrated on the gifts and hands which I presume were Emma's since they were receiving gifts.

There was laughing and talking I could hear Emma's excited laughs she was receiving gifts.

"Hey Ems, My gift for you and cookies!"I heard Jack's voice there was a strange mischief in his voice which was quite weird for me because he was all the time frowning.

"Alright, It's my birthday today Frost butt I hope it's not a prank or something or even worse gosh I'm so scared to open your gift alright I can do this"Emma said I heard everyone laughing so hard at her she first unsealed the packet of cookies.

"Stop overreacting drama queen and already open the gifts"It was Jack I smiled listening to his once happy voice she muttered something that I couldn't get and took out a cookie from the bag.

"Seriously Frost? Half eaten cookie?"Everyone laughed I chuckled softly she grabbed a bigger box which was wrapped in a purple gift pack.

"It's not that bad I wanted someone to taste it to know if they were tasty, come on trust me for once Ems open this one I'm sure you'll love it"I heard who's voice was full of joy, mischief and excited.

"You know everyone has trust issues here just because of you and you're telling me to trust you? I wonder if that person is still alive who tasted your cookies"Everyone laughed again I cupped my mouth with my hand snickering Emma chuckled.

"Ouch, I'll act like it didn't hurt me"Jack said everyone laughed so hard this time and Emma began to unwrap the gift slowly muttering something under her breath.

"Don't be scared"Jack said reassuringly Emma opened the box and a bloody joker's head popped out and the next thing I heard was Emma screaming and the video was over.

I laughed handing her back the mobile he used to be like this? She was laughing along with me even though he wasn't her real brother but still she loved him like a real sister should.

Time skips

It was night now I just came back from Abigail's room everyone was sitting on the couch talking and drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows while Jack was sitting with a glass of water.

"I'm guessing we should all go to sleep now"Papa said and everyone stood up Jack came to me and grabbed my hand by surprise which was kinda shocking for me I looked up at his face as I felt blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Let's go to sleep, Night!"Jack said everyone nodded and he walked up the stairs with me following him because he was still holding onto my hand we got to the bedroom and he closed the door behind, I don't know I wasn't afraid of him anymore? I was feeling more secure by his side.

"We'll have to share this room till they don't leave"Jack said shortly taking his night clothes from the closet going to the bathroom after a minute he came back dressed in a white tank top and black sweatpants.

Then I went to the bathroom with my navy blue night gown in my hands I came back and he was lying under the covers with his back facing me.

I grabbed the pillow and duvet as I layed down on the couch staring at his back as a picture of him smiling came flashing in my mind and my cheeks began to heat up he toss and turned and I closed my eyes so he won't catch me staring at him because it would be creepy I fell asleep out of nowhere unexpectedly.

Elsa's dream

I was running in a dark room because I was hearing loud screaming and crying I was curious to know about it and even if I didn't wanted to my feet were dragging me there.

I stopped suddenly it was me in a corner crying loudly I looked like I lost my everything I was so sad, why? I walked up to my clone I'll call her that for now.

I tried to place my hand on her shoulder but it went through, what's going on? Then the door opened and came in Jack who was really sad he walked up to my clone.

He looked stressed he placed his hand on her shoulder she looked up at Jack and tightly hugged him crying harder on his chest he wrapped his arms around her crying along with her.

"What's going on here? Please tell me! Why are you crying like this?! What happened?!"I yelled scared they couldn't hear me nor could they see me I clenched my head not knowing what to do I tried to run away but I couldn't move there was a weird feeling tingling in my stomach that incant run away from this.

I sat up breathing heavily I wiped the sweat from my forehead I was sweating so much I was shaking with fear why were we crying? I looked towards Jack who was up looking at me his eyes were sleepy, looks like he woke up because of me.

"What happened?"He asked his voice tired, husky and hoarse I was still breathing heavily I again wiped my sweat as I shook my head.

"N-nothing, just a nigh-tmare"I stammered lying back down still terrified I closed my eyes rubbing my arm trying to calm myself I was suddenly feeling cold he layed back down I don't wanna sleep but my eyelids were getting heavy and my eyes closed I saw a glimpse of that dream again and I quickly opened my eyes I was scared.

"C-c-can I s-sleep with yo-u? I'm sca-red"I said scared he opened his eyes looking at me for awhile then he nodded his head and made room for me on the bed I grabbed my pillow and walked to the bed I layed down on the edge of the bed and covered myself with the duvet.

I closed my eyes again hugging myself I slept for good 15 minutes or so when that dream came again I sat up yelping as I quickly covered my mouth Jack sat up because of my sudden reaction.

"Hey hey calm down, what's up?"He asked rubbing his eyes I hugged my knees close to my chest I shook my head again he sighed brushing his hand in his hair he placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me down with him I gasped.

"It's okay, I don't bite"He said wrapping his arms around my waist my heart beat fastened at first I was uncomfortable but then I started to feel relaxed I placed my arm on his stomach with my head on his chest I closed my eyes listening to his calm heart beat.

And I wasn't afraid anymore it felt like the fear just ran away seeing him by my side I smiled, he placed his head over my head yawning, I can't believe this is the man I used to be so scared of and now here I am in his arms feeling secure, my life was having some serious changes which was confusing me a lot.

     Hey guys Jelsa moment!! In this story I guess this is the biggest Jelsa moment that I've made so far anyways don't forget to.....





oh and please also

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