True Love

By Brooklyn-Paige

620 10 1

Derek asks Lydia to help him find a cute for looking his wolf powers but eventually it turns to love. More

Can't Find The Cure

True Love(Teen Wolf)

372 4 0
By Brooklyn-Paige

Lydia's Prov. 

        We just got Derek back to his old self but there's something wrong with him I can feel it! I guess its my banshee thing. Derek come walking into the school. Why is he here? No clue Malia! He comes straight for me to talk to me it looks like. Lydia I need your help! With what? Just follow me! Fine! So I went with Derek. Hope I don't get hurt with doing this because if I do I'll never help a Hale again!  

Cora's Prov. 

        No one knows that i'm coming back to Beacon Hills but I feel there is something wrong with my big brother Derek. So lets hope I don't end up capture and almost killed like last time I went back! I better go to school if I don't Derek will make me go to when he finds out. I walked into the school can tell Derek has been here but he's not here right now which is good. Cora? Oh hey Scott! What are you doing here? Well I came back because I know there is something wrong with Derek. Well he looks fine! But looks can fool people Scott, I'm going to be here untill I know if he's okay then I'll leave! Okay then what are you doing here at school? I can if I want Scott! I walked away fom him then I went to my first class. 

Lydia's Prov. 

        What do you want me to do Derek? I want you to use your powers and fine away to fix me. What do you mean by fix you? Whatever Kate did to me made me lose my wolf powers! Oh so you want me to fine a cure well I'll try but I'm not promising you anything. Okay thanks for the help Lydia. Welcome and I just got a text that Cora is back & she's at school. 

Is Lydia going to fine a cure?If she does what is the cure?


Brie Lydia Martin Bella(Lavonne)

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