Fire Meets Ice

By wynaught1

445 21 6

Hey! I'm glad that you ended up here, and I hope I won't bore you guys. This is my first fic, . Also it's my... More



180 10 4
By wynaught1

(Wynonna's pov)

I had a pretty great life . My parents Ward earp and Michelle Gibson were a happy loving couple . I have an elder sister Willa earp . My parents were so much in love . My elder sister she used to play with me , she was jolly, bright, chirpy(i know no one would believe me because now my sister is not the same she used to be. she became self-centered, mean, blunt) . It was because of that accident that took thelife of my parents. my father got promoted as a town sherrif . and My mama was 8month pregnant with my baby sister. My father took my mother to a restaurant which was outside of town . we were with our aunt gus i was playing Willa that's when we heard the news that changed our lifes.


Gus glance at phone as P PD(purgatory police department) number flash upon her mobile screen she picked up but before she has a chance to say something Nedley beat her to it 
"Gus you have to come to the purgatory hospital there was an accident on the road which involved ward and michelle"
Gus didn't hear anything she just took wynonna and willa and rushed to the hospital nedley was standing there with sullen and grieving look on his face "how are they and how the hell all of this happen? "Nedley started stammering
"Gus i-i- need yo-you to calm down"
"Don't tell me to calm down officer my family is in hospital just tell me their condition"nedley took a long breath but doctor interrupted him "I am sorry deputy but he didn't make it" gus just just sadly shakes her head in denial and started crying after some seconds she asked "how's michelle"
"She is in labor rightnow we can't say anything at the moment "after that doctor rushed to ER .
"Who did this randy"
"I don't know anything but as soon as i get to know i'll inform you"
She know that he's lying because he's avoiding her eyes


she grabbed his collar and made him look into her eyes "Tell me"

"It was Richard delrey (bobo's father) "gus interrupt him " isn't he the one who shot your niece father". "Yes he shot nicole's father and it was his car which was crashed against ward and michelle car. i know about the car because he reported about it.But i ordered my officers to search inside the car for some evidence after that i took ward and michelle to the hospital "nedley huffed

"So sent someone to arrest him or go arrest him by yourself why are you here"
"I can't arrest him" and look down "what the hell why can't you arrest him"
She was frustrated she can't even look in the eyes of her nieces . nedly looked up deadly in her eyes

"I sent my officer to his house . my officer called me and said richard wants to talk to me so i called him. I asked him to come with my officer. he asked me for what reason i told him about his car and crashed and about ward's death . he told me he didn't left his house for two days and his car has been stolen which is true as i said he reported about his car six days ago and he told me ward deserved death i asked him why is he talking like this about ward becausè he and ward were  good friend. he told me ward took some cash from him and didn't returned it . and threatened me if i'll arrest him he will take legal action against his family"
"So what i can't let him go so easily he has to pay for what he did to my sister's family . i still want you to arrest him" she said with final decision.
"Gus you have to understand he has public relations. more than half of the town depands upon him . how do you even think that you can win against him"
She gave nedley deathly glare " ohh so what do you want me to do huh just pretend like you that nothing happened huh? Just like you did when nicholas died?"
Nedley knew gus is just hurt that's why she is saying things like that but that doesn't mean it hurts any less
"You know damn well i tried it was cryderman who decleared nicholas was a traitor and do you really think that cryderman will do justice with you and your niece?"
Before gus can reply loud cry interrupt them. doctor came out with a baby and handed to gus but instead of smiling he had a sorrow look on his face "i am sorry we really tried but she lost so much blood we couldn't save her" gus just cry with the baby after a moment she glanced up to see her niece willa was crying she yelling but wynonna she didn't even know what to do she just stood there shocked and scared . she just want to go home to her father to play with him or she just want to lay her head on her mama's lap
When gus reached for willa and wiped her tears
"Hey wills come here she's your baby girl"
Willa yelled and glared at baby through her teary eyes
"No she is not my baby girl .she is not my sister . i have only one sister. she is the reason of my parents death" and ran away from them nedley goes after her
Gus didn't know what to do . how to handle all of this . she look down to her new born niece and then up to her 4 years old niece who was so scared to say anything
Gus solfty said "Hey nonna come here wanna meet your new born sister"
wynonna wants to meet her sister but she saw how willa ranoff because of her new sister so she just shook her head and down her head to hide her tears but baby was crying wynonna wanted to comfort her she can't take it anymore . baby reminded wynonna of their mother so she just hugged her and tried to comfort her just like her mama taught her after 10 mins baby stopped crying. Gus was shocked to see her 4years old niece managed to comfort her sister wynonna looked down in baby's hazel eyes then look up to gus
"C'n i give h'r a name"
Gus smiled softly "of course you can nonna"
"How 'bout welcome earp" she asked with a small smile
Gus laughed at that "why would you like to name her welcome"
"B'cause she looks so welcome"
"No we can't name her welcome nonna" wynonna face slightly fell after a moment but again lit up
"Waverly earp"
Gus was confused she never heard of this name "Huh"
Wynonna said it again "waverly earp her name will be waverly earp"
She glance down at baby with a dimple smile and baby just stared at her .

That day wynonna promised to her mother that she will love and protect waverly from all the bad things in world even if it meant for her to stay away from her babygirl.


I was coming back from visiting my parents grave when my mobile started ringing like maniac but i ignored it . i just wanted to get drunk so i decided to go shorty's the only bar in town . i just entered and walked towards the bar and asked Doc Holliday for a whiskey . Doc is my only friend  . his mother died of cancer when he was 12 . we know our all secrets including my crush on nicole haught and i know about his crush on jeremy. She is the only person besides waverly who can make me smile without even trying.
"Hey doc my whiskey neat" i order him . usually he replies with sarcasm but today he just give me sympathetic look
"I am so sorry wyn"
Now i am more confused because we don't do sappy emotional shit. it's our friendship deal
"What are you talking about"
"Oh wyn you should check your phone"
Before i can react he went to deal with other patrons
I shrug and take my phone out. there are so many notification on my social media. someone from school sent me  a link of video i opened it to see.
It was a video of nicole entering the class just as she stepped in class champ fucking hardy swinged at him (now i am furious but i can't do anything because my baby sister is in love with that fucking boy-man ) he snatched her glasses then jonas grabbed her hands and champ started to open her pants (my heart  stop beating) they started taking pictures of nicole's appendage . she tried to get rid of his grip but he was too buffy and she was too lanky.she started pleading them but they didn't pay attention. Despite all the thing i and bobo have done to her she never shed a tear . it was the actual bet between bobo and me that how many children we can bully to make them cry that is the reason bobo always picked upon her .video ended with their snickering . after watching this i don't know what to do . i decided that i have to tell nedley about this just as i started standing up . the voice i hate the most in this world started speaking
"Ah wynonna earp i fucking did it . i made that freak to leave this town"
I gritted "She is not a freak YOU ASSHOLE and how dare you to do that to her i'll kill you"
He replied with sickeningly sweet voice "aww why wynonna do you like her or you love her but oh you can't love her huh because you are the one who always called her freak, shoved her into lockers, embrassed her infront of whole school don't you think you are also a reason why she left? Shouldn't you feel some shame? huh she never done anything to you and she was basically your sister's puppy" i feel a pang of guilt in my chest
Instead of replying him. I puched him on the face and kicked chump in his crotch and grabbed his whiskey.
i went out of bar as i went out  cold air washed our my face i don't feel any thing now tears were streaming on my face . some how i managed to walk to my aunt house. Gus standing there watching me with a disapproval emotion (which she always wear when i am around) . " where were you. And what did you do now"
"Why do you think i did something"i slurred
"Because you are drunk and you have blood on your knuckles"
"I punched bobo delrey and kicked chump "
"Why the hell did you do that? Can't you behave like your sisters" gus yelled and waverly run down off stairs "why are you both yelling? What did you do nonna?"
"Why the hell everybody thinks i did something"
Gus ignored me and said "She puched bobo delrey and your boyfriend"
Now waverly is also start yelling " YOU ARE A MESS WYNONNA AND YOU WANTED TO MAKE MY LIFE ALSO LIKE YOURS .WHY DO YOU DO THAT . CAN'T YOU SEE HOW HAPPY HE MAKES ME. I LOVE HIM WYNONNA . SOMETIMES I THINK IF YOU WERE NOT MY SISTER I WOULD BE HAPPY" and with that she stomped to her room leaving .her aunt just shake her head walked into her room leaving wynonna alone outside. I started crying so much . i decided that there's no need for me to stay here now .Everyone thinks i am poisonous to my family, to my sisters, to my aunt, to everyone . i also ruined nicole's life it was so heart breaking to bear all of this . my sister who i love most in this world thinks i am a mess and i am jealous of her .the love of my life just left this town becàuse of me. my aunt is disappointed in me. when my mother died i promised to my mama that i'll always take care of waverly even if it means for me to stay away from my baby sister .
I went to barn to look for my uncle's bike. I started it and driving outside of town before i left i promised to myself that i will not return to this town until my sisters wants me to return.

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