Alpha and his Omega ~~ Jeong...

By I_stay_for_stray

139K 3.8K 1.2K

Chan is an Alpha Jeongin is an Omega Jeongin believes that Woojin and Chan are together, but what happens w... More

Omg i love all of you
Photos continued
11 the announcement
Q&A sort of


6K 174 43
By I_stay_for_stray

~~Chan's POV~~
After I made sure Jeongin was comfortable , and made sure he had stuff to do that was in his reach of course, I left to go shopping. I called manager hyung a while ago, so he was already outside waiting for me when I came down.
"Where are the others?" Manager hyung asked. I pulled out a my phone and was about to send a text when I answered.
"Minho and Changbin went into rut last night so the boys took them to a hotel, and yes I did go into rut last night but Jeongin helped me." I felt a blush creep up my neck and I immediately looked out the window.
"Took you long enough" Manager hyung mumbled and chuckled.
"What do you mean hyung?" I looked at him curiously
"You two were so oblivious to the tension between you two, everyone else knew you two had feelings for eachother but it just went over the both of your guy's heads." He laughed then continued " Poor boy even confided into me about how perfect Woojin and you were together. Never seen that boy cry as much as he did, but I'm glad Felix told you about Jeongin or my lord I'd have to keep you three separated at all times. Anyways where to?" He asked
"Adult store, I need you to run in and grab some stuff" He glared at me through the rear view mirror.
"And what am I going to be getting??" He huffed. I handed him the list that I wrote last night while Jeongin was asleep. He gasped
"What do you plan on doing to the poor boy??" He yelled. I laughed
"Most of that isn't going to be used until after we come out to the fans, but we do need lube because I kind of didn't have any last night." I mumbled and played with my phone.
"Ok and where are we going after that?"
"To get some extra bedding, then after that to the mall to shop for some clothes, and then to the jewelry store" I said. He nodded and then my phone signaled that I got a text.
~~ From: Baby boy:~~
Daddy I miss you
Me: I miss you too baby boy
Baby boy:
Where are you going first?
Me: To the adult store. I'm sending manager in, so we won't get caught
Baby boy:
Mhmm, I need to go to the bathroom but it hurts to move. Can you text one of the hyungs to come home until you get home?? They listen to you.
Me: Of course baby, I'll text Hyunjin and Felix to come home, because knowing Changbin, he'll be asleep for the rest of the day.
Baby boy:
Thank you baby
Anything for you love.
I exited out of Jeongin's and I chat and started a new one with Felix and Hyunjin
Me: Hoes wake your lazy asses up, I need you guys to do something for me
Boy who yeets:
What the fuck you need??
Beautiful man:
Be nice you two!! Anyways what can we do for you?
Me: Jeongin is at home, while I'm out shopping. He can't walk on his own so if you guys could watch over him until I come back I would be eternally grateful.
Beautiful man:
How hard did you go on the baby? It was his first time!!
Me: I didn't have have any lube so I had to go in raw, he's in more pain because of that!!
Boy who yeets:
CHAN!! How could you??
Me: I went into rut last night and he said he wanted it!! I was willing to wait but he didn't want to so I don't want to hear it!! Anyways will you just stay with him?? He said he really needs to go to the bathroom but he said he's in too much pain.
Boy who yeets:
We are already on our way!! I want to see what you did to our poor baby
Beautiful man:
Yeah!! We'll be there in 5 minutes.
Me: Thank you guys so much!! I'll let him know and just so you guys know I'll be home in about 4 hours. I have a lot of shopping to do.
Beautiful man:
Ok thanks for letting us know
Boy who yeets:
Yep, he will be in good hands
Me: No cooking!! Order food!! I don't trust Felix in the kitchen
Boy who yeets: Asshat
I laughed and reopened the chat with Jeongin
They'll be there in a few minutes, so can you hold your bladder just a little bit longer??
Baby boy:
Yeah, but I want you not the boys
I know baby but you'll have me the rest of the day as soon as I finish getting everything I need.
Baby boy:
How long will you be gone baby??
Me: A couple hours, hopefully 4 at the most
Baby boy:
UGH!! That's too long!!
Me: Oh shush when I'm looking for bedding I'll call you and also when I'm shopping for matching clothes
Baby boy: Promise??
Me: Promise!! But I have to go know manager hyung just got to the adult store and he wants me to double check everything on the list.
Baby boy:
I love you babe
Me: I love you too baby boy
I put my phone away and double checked the list that I gave manager hyung. He got out of the car and hurried into the shop as quick as he could. I played some games on my phone for a good half an hour be he rushed back into the car and threw the bag full of items at me. He was panting and flushed.
"Fuck you!!" I started laughing to the point I was crying.
"Now let's go and get your damn bedding!"He growled as he started the car and drove off, while I was still laughing. We arrived at the bedding store a half an hour later. I got out of the car with manager hyung and put on a cap, mask, and sunglasses. We went in and I walked straight to the fluffy pastel bedding as I knew that's what Jeongin liked. I pulled out my phone and pressed the FaceTime button and looked for Jeongin's name. Once I found it I clicked on it and put my headphones in.
"Hi Channie!!" ​my little bundle of joy said as his face popped up on the screen along with Felix and Hyunjin.
"Hey baby" ​I smiled even though he couldn't see it "Where are you right now??" ​He said as his brows furrowed in confusion
"The bedding store"​ I said as I turned my camera around and showed him the section I was in. I heard him squeal and that just made my smile widen even more.
"FLUFFY BEDDING" ​he screamed with a look of pure joy on his face. I showed him the styles that I was looking at. He picked out a pastel pink and grey bedding set. We continued to pick out a few more sets. After we finished picking out bedding I told him I'd call him again in an about an hour as we were going to head to the mall now. I payed for the bedding and put it in the back of the car and got in and manager hyung drove us to the mall.
~~​time skip to the mall~~

When we got to the mall manager hyung and I split up as we both had very different shopping to do. I finally got to the store I was looking for when I called Jeongin again. This time he picked up almost instantly, like he was waiting for me to call.
" Hey baby" ​he smiled
"Hey love" I walked around for a bit while we talked about random stuff. We picked out so many outfits (photos of everything will be at the bottom) and I paid and sent a quick text to manager hyung that I was ready to go.
"Ok baby boy, I gotta go now. I have one more stop and then I'll be home alright?" He whined and threw himself back on to his pillow
"But Baby!! I want you home now!!"
"Just an hour more ok?? I promise, just gonna go get groceries and snacks for the house and then I'll be ho—" he hung up on me. I sighed and got in the car. Manager hyung drove me to the jewelry store about 5 minutes away and dropped me off. He went to go get the groceries and snacks.
I walked into the jewelry store and looked around. I found multiple matching bracelets and couple rings. I picked the ones I want and told the jeweler. I continued to look around, because I was on a mission. Find Jeongin an engagement ring and wedding bands for us. After about half an hour I found the perfect ones and paid for everything. I walked outside and Manager was waiting for me. I got in the car and we drove home.
~~Jeongin's POV~~
After I hung up on Chan, I laid down next to Felix bad Hyunjin, who were both asleep. I felt bad for hanging up on Chan but I just wanted him home. I felt like I was being too needy and that maybe Chan was out to get some time away from me. I sighed and slowly fell asleep
~~Chan's POV ~~
Manager hyung and I arrived at the dorms and he helped me bring everything up to our dorm. I unlocked the door and we set everything in the living room. I bid manager hyung goodbye and started working on making everything look presentable and put the Gracie's away. After about an hour I finished and went into my room. When I walked in I saw Jeongin in between Felix and Hyunjin. I woke up Felix and Hyunjin and told them they could go. After they left I laid down next to Jeongin and drew little hearts on his stomach with my finger.
"Channie??" He mumbled sleepily.
"Yes baby, I'm home" I smiled and pulled him into my arms
"How long have you been home??"
"About an hour and a half, why?"
"I wanted to welcome you home" he whispered as he buried his face into my chest
"That's all right baby, I wanted to surprise you anyways."
"What??" I ignored his question and gently pulled him up from the bed and put my hands over his eyes as I led him to the living room. Once we got there I removed my hands from his eyes and wrapped them around his waist.
"Surprise baby!" The outfits had the matching bracelets and rings on full display. The bedding was stacked like a pyramid, and last but not least all the plushies manager hyung got him were on the floor between the couches, each one with his favorite snacks in front of them. He gasped and covered his mouth and I could see tears streaming down his face. He turned around in my arms and wrapped his arms around my neck.
"I love it Channie. Thank you so much!!"
"Anything to see that beautiful smile of yours" I smiled and kissed his lips, in a soft and slow kiss.

Hello it's author-nim here and I just thought I'd let you know that I did have some writers block with this and I really didn't mean to take this long to update but anyways here are all the photos of what Chan bought


Outfits: (all the outfits with girls, just pretend they're boy clothes)

Only aloud 20 photos per chapter so I'll create another one for theJewelry

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