Into The Shadows • Shadowhunt...

By taylaxauffray

51.4K 786 194

Allison Wayland, twin sister of Jace Wayland, is thrown into the "mundane" Clary Fray's journey of self-disco... More

• Chapter Two •
• Chapter Three •
• Chapter Four •
• Chapter Five •
• Chapter Six •
• Chapter Seven •
• Chapter Eight •
• Chapter Nine •
• Chapter Ten •
• Chapter Eleven •
• Chapter Twelve •
• Chapter Thirteen •

• Chapter One •

13.7K 161 17
By taylaxauffray

In Brooklyn, New York, in what may appear to mundanes as just an abandoned old church was actually the New York Institute to the Nephilim, Shadowhunters.

In her bedroom, a tanned skinned girl stood in front of her mirror looking at two different wigs. She was dressed in a white leather skirt and top to match with white heeled ankle boots. Her dark black hair was left loose, the waves falling down her back and shoulders ending at her midrif.

She tilted her head, pursing her lips as she tried to make a decision on which wig to choose. She then turned to face another girl, similar in looks to herself but she was much shorter and only this girl was dressed in black skinny jeans, black ankle heeled boots, a black crop top exposing her toned flat stomach. "What do you think Liyah?"

The shorter girl rolled her eyes. "Just pick one already before Alec flips that we're late." She responded. The taller girl pouted playfully and turned back to her mirror looking at the wigs.

"Isabelle, Aaliyah, lets go." A masucline voice called to them.

Aaliyah turned to her twin with a small smirk and pointed look. "I told you." She sang playfully and walked out.

Finally making a decision, Isabelle tossed the turqouise dipped wig aside and spun the white one on her hand as she walked out to her siblings with a smile on her face. "Hey there big bro." She smiled up at her older, much taller brother.

The young man, like Aaliyah, was dressed in all black. He wore black jeans, a black shirt, with combat boots and sported a leather jacket with a pair of fingerless gloves on his hands. He looked at Isabelle up and down before giving her a pointed look. "Really?" He questioned.

Aaliyah smirked and walked ahead of her siblings while Isabelle shrugged and responded to her brother. "What can I say? Demons dig blondes." She ran her slender fingers through the wig as Alec fixed his gloves walking beside her.

"Of course they do." He said sarcastically and then pointed to the wig in her hands "And that's white." He smirked slightly.

"Platinum." Isabelle corrected him. "And they don't exactly like Shakespeare, okay Alec?"

"You're planning on destracting on your own." Alec rolled his eyes.

Isabelle smirked up at him "So be yourself? Is that what you're trying to say?"

Shaking his head at his younger sister, they walked down the stairs into the main area of the Institute. "Nevermind. You're looking good. Let's go."

Already waiting there was Aaliyah along with two blondes. The first blonde was slightly shorter than Alec was but nonetheless tall. His hair was slicked back and he wore a pair of black jeans, black combat boots, a dark grey t-shirt with a black sleeveless hoodie. Like Alec, this male, too, wore black fingerless gloves.

The second blonde stood beside Aaliyah. She was taller than Aaliyah and a few inches taller than Isabelle. She wore black skinny jeans, with a dark grey crop top under her black leather jacket with a pair of heeled combat boots. Her blonde hair was left loose in waves that ended by her midrif. Her blue eyes landed on Alec and Isabelle entering the room.

"We're ready, Jace" Isabelle looked towards the blonde male who was busy at one of the many monitors in the room.

He turned to face the dark haired siblings, looking at Isabelle's choice of wardrobe. "Nice choice, Izzy." He commented. "Demons dig blondes."

Isabelle smirked at Alec. "Told you." Alec rolled his eyes with a slight shake of his head.

"Its platinum." He said, repeating Isabelle's statment from earlier.

"Alright guys, for some reason, our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood." Jace briefed them as all five of them walked to retrieve their weapons.

"Why do they want blood? Isnt that vampire territory?" The blonde female spoke up.

"I don't know, Allison." Jace looked back at his twin sister and shrugged his shoulders. "Lazy vampire maybe?"

He handed out seraph blades to Allison, Aaliyah, Alec and Isabelle and not forgetting to take one for himself, all while ignoring Isabelle and Alec's bickering.

Leading them all back over to the monitor he pointed to the picture pulled up. "This is what our demon looks like."

"For now." Allison commented with a smirk on her lips.

Alec looked at the picture and gave a short nod. "Great. I'll get approval for the mission." He said.

Jace smirked slightly "Come on Alec, by the time you've sent that message we'll have killed six demons." And began leading them out.

"Besides, its more fun to break the rules than to follow them." Isabelle grinned.

Alec rolled his eyes at Jace and Isabelle.

Allison smiled at the taller man. "Come on Mr By-The-Book," She teased him and gave him a playful nudge. "We've got a demon to hunt."

She took Alec's hand in hers and pulled him along, following Jace, Isabelle and Aaliyah who were now in front of them.

The group had followed the demon, who had now taken the form from an Asian man to a woman, to a club called Pandemonium. They had kept their eyes locked on the demon, following her inside.

"Hey! Can you watch were you're going?" A feminine voice called out to Jace who hadn't even realised that he had bumped into someone.

As he turned to the source of the voice, he was shocked to see the red haired girl with green eyes, dressed in jeans, a greenish half zipped up hoodie which revealed the black top underneath it, looking directly at him.

Jace took one step close to her, confused. "You can see me?"

This was indeed strange to the young male as Shadowhunters were never seen by mundanes unless they decloaked themselves. He frowned in confusion. How could this mundane see him?

"That's kind of the point but you obviously didn't see me." The girl replied.

There's a possibility, Jace thought to himself. "You have the sight." He said.

"The what?" The girl asked curiously causing Jace to become even more confused.

"How could I not know who you are..." He said to himself.

The girl tilted her head to the side, obviously hearing his comment. "Has that line ever seriously worked for you?" She asked him.

"Jace!" Alec called him before he could even answer. Without another word, Jace turned and headed into the club catching up with the rest.

The group made their way through all the mundanes, following the demon further inside.

Isabelle dragged behind for a second catching a glimpse of a few attractive young men. She smirked to herself and caught up to the group.

Alec maneuvered his way past people, Allison close behind him. She grabbed his hand causing Alec to pause in step and look down to the blonde haired girl.

She had an innocent smirk on her face. "We might as well have some fun while on this mission."

She pulled him close by his jacket and wrapped her arms around his neck, moving her body to the beat of the music that was blaring. Alec stood still, his eyes locked on his best friend's sister.

Noticing his tense body, Allison leaned towards his ear and whispered. "Loosen up, Alexander."

She guided his hands to her hips and looked up at him with a playful smirk. All Alec could do was stare, not even daring to remove his hands from her hips.

Knowing it's just for destraction, Alec pushed aside his thoughts of Allison and began dancing with her to the music. What he didnt notice was the blush across Allison's cheek.

Jace, with his sight on the target, glanced at Isabelle and nodded at her.

With a smirk, Isabelle dropped her black coat and removed her platinum wig. Shaking her hair out and flipping it over her shoulder she looked at the surrounding demon males as she began to dance. She smirked flirtatiously at them moving her body seductively to the beat.

Jace made his way to the demon, standing close behind her, grabbing her waist. "I hear you've been peddling mundane blood." He spoke into her ear.

"Why? Looking to score?" The demon responded before facing him.

"I'm not but you are going to tell me who is." Jace replied.

"You're outnumbered."

Jace smirked at her response. "Oh, I like our odds." He activated his seraph blade, not taking his eyes off the demon while warning her "Last chance."

"WATCH OUT!" A voice screamed.

Jace turned to see the red haired girl from earlier run forward and push the demon away from him. It was then when the demom began to attack.

Jace shoved the girl aside and slashed the demon, causing it to disappear.

One of the men who were watching Isabelle made his way towards Jace and thinking quickly, Isabelle used her whip, in the form of a bracelet of a snake twirled around her wrist, which had caught the demon around the neck and began choking him.

It was only then when Aaliyah, Allison and Alec sprung into the fight.

"What the hell was that? Who was that girl?" Alec asked clearly pissed. "How was she able to see us?"

"I don't know, Alec!" Jace said, frustrated.

"Things could have gone completely different. She shouldn't have been here." Alec continued.

"Alec..." Allison placed her hand on his arm. "It's over. The mundane is unharmed and we've slayed the demon." She reasoned.

"Yeah but we don't know who is behind it all" Alec muttered causing a sigh to slip from Allison.

"Enough." Aaliyah looked at them. "What's done is done. Let's go home and think this over."

Jace shook his head. "I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon."

Aaliyah frowned as she watched Jace leave the club. Isabelle gently pulled her sister's arm.

"He'll be fine... Let's go." She reassured her.

And with that, the four Shadowhunters had gone back to the Institute while Jace went off somewhere else.

It had been about an hour before Jace had returned but he didn't come alone. He held the red haired girl, who was unconscious, in his arms.

Needless to say, Alec was not too pleased but Jace wasn't in the mood for Alec's ranting again.

Instead, Jace asked Isabelle and Aaliyah to tend to the girl who had been injured.

In what seemed like hours to follow, the girl finally woke up but not without hitting Isabelle in the process.

"Ow." Isabelle smiled after reopening her eyes after the collision.

"Wait, I don't know you..." The girl said as she began to move away.

Sensing her uneasiness, Isabelle smiled at her. "I'm Isabelle." She introduced herself before grinning.

"I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane" She tilted her head to the side. "Or distracted. And like you saw earlier, distractions are dangerous in our line of work."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." The girl said. "Who's Jace?"

Isabelle looked at her. "You dont remember much do you?" She asked.

"The mundane shouldn't even be here." Alec walked in with Jace right behind him and Allison trailing behind them. Clearly, Alec was still not happy about the situation.

"She's not a mundane, Alec." Jace replied to his best friend for what felt like the hundredth time since he's been back.

"How do you know that?" Alec countered.

"Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it." Jace answered before getting Isabelle to move aside so he could speak to the girl.

"I'm Jace Wayland." Jace sat next to her and before the girl could introduce herself, he cut her off. "You're Clary. Clary Fray. We know who you are." He said.

"Am I the only one who finds this unsual?" Alec piped up and before Jace could answer, Aaliyah beat him to it.

"You find everything unusual, Alec." The dark haired male's younger sister responded with a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"I have to report this to the Clave." Alec said.

Jace looked at him. "You know what? Just dial it down." He said.

"My brother doesn't have a dial." Isabelle spoke up and smirked. She looked at Alec teasingly. "I love you, Alec, but you have a switch that's always on."

"Love you too" Alec rolled his eyes and turned his focus back to Jace. "But this--"

Jace cut him off completely by asking him for a minute. Alec looked at his best friend in shock. "Alright, here's a word you'll never hear me say, please?" Jace asked.

"What is with you?" Alec asked. "Really, what is with him?" He asked the others and Allison stepped forward pulling him by his arm gently.

"Walk with me Drill Sergeant." She teased in attempt to lighten the tense atmosphere in the room.

Aaliyah, who had been quiet most of the time, excused herself along with Isabelle leaving Jace alone with Clary.

Allison, still holding onto Alec's arm as they walked through the halls into the main room, listened to Alec vent.

"We don't even know this girl. There's no such thing as new Shadowhunters." He said.

"Apparently there is." Allison replied.

"You dont find that strange?" He asked her.

"Trust me, I'm not happy about this but I'm happy that my brother is interested in someone other than himself." Allison looked up at him.

"I'm just pissed that she ruined the mission. We never found out who is buying the blood." Alec sighed heavily. "It was our one job." He moved to sit down in one of the chairs at the monitors.

"You need to stop stressing." Allison said, standing behind him as she began to massage his shoulders, working out all the tension he was holding.

She smiled to herself, feeling him relax slowly.

Letting out another sigh, Alec leaned his head back slightly, closing his eyes. "I still don't like it." He said.

"I know..." She replied softly. "Neither do I..."

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