Yandere Monster/Creature/Urba...

By ourcreepypastalover

1.3M 24K 28.5K

They want you. They NEED you. Some have never felt any love aside for the love you have shown them and some f... More

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Yandere Siren X Reader
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Yandere Werewolf X Reader
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Yandere Nature X Reader
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Halloween Special: Part 2
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New Story is up!
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Carnival X Reader part 2

Yandere Gargoyle X Reader

25.9K 612 315
By ourcreepypastalover

Warning!!! : Attempted Rape!!!

When you see these **** it means that is where attempted rape begins. And the next set is when it ends. It's not very graphic, but I want my lovely to stay comfortable with these certain topics.

Image was drawn by the wonderful @Cegolder !! Thank you so much for the drawing! She's already been so kind as to draw an image for another oneshot that I need to finish!

(you work in a skyscraper as an illustrator)


It was a day like any other. Your job is as demanding as usual and your boss, aka your publisher, won't stop with his sexual advances towards you. You aren't the only one he messes with, but you seem to be his favorite. Your job? You illustrate all kinds of pictures for various books, from mangas and comics too children's books.

Lately, your name has been flying around and being recognized with your beautiful and amazing artwork. You can only hope that someone else will want you so you can get away from your heinous boss. Sure, you can report him to the police, but you really need this job. You've been reaching out to other publishers trying to get a job with them and have gone to interviews, now you are only waiting to hear back. Once you get with a different company, you'll take the sleaze ball to the authorities. Besides, it's not like you can't ignore him for the most part.

He messes with you, and you fire back at him, worst he does is makes your due dates sooner and has you stay late to finish them. Again, most of the time you are already pretty close to finishing them anyways so you don't really stay as late as he planned.

To really get your motivation going, you usually travel just out of town to where the wooded area is located. Inside the small forest, lays an old rundown mansion. The ceilings all caved in and is just a giant mess really, but it helps you with your drawings.

"Good afternoon y/n." Your boss, Jeremy says. You were so close to making it through the whole day without having to talk to him.

"Good afternoon, sir." You respond monotonously, refusing to look away from your work.

"And how are we doing?" The annoyance questions. You see him walk behind you thanks to your peripheral vision. You roll your eyes when you feel the prick place his hands on your back.

"Sir, must I remind you to keep your hands to yourself?" You inform him. The hand immediately retracts.

"Right. Well, I guess I don't need to remind you that your illustrations are due this Friday." That caused you to freeze. Friday is only two days away and you're not even half way done.

You look up and meet his eyes abruptly only to see his sinister smirk. "My work is due next Friday, not this Friday." You bite back.

"Oh, it isn't anymore. Have the work done and on my desk in two days." With that, Jeremy leaves. Oh how badly you wanted to quit and report him. You really wanted to wait until you acquired a new job, but you have had just about enough of his sh*t.

Screw it; just make it to the next paycheck, or until your fired, whichever comes first. You'll take a job at Wal-mart to hold you over for a while.

Oh how you wished you could be like the character in the stories you illustrate. A heroic heroine that defends the defenseless, that would take on the villainous scum and save the day. Instead, you're just part of that defenseless crowd that works as a comic book artist. No hero was going to save you, you had to be your own hero and take it into your own hands.

With a sigh, you gather up your things to go to the little mansion in the woods. You have a major time crunch and the need to get out of this building is big.

"Hey, y/n! You leaving?" Claire asks as you head to the elevator. Claire is another co-worker who wants the attention of the slime ball boss. He gives her some, only when he's in the mood, and she knows that when you leave it is because he is in said mood.

"Yep, he's all yours." You tell her with an exhausted tone. With that, you watch as she high tails it to his office as the elevator door closes. Thank goodness for the policy that allows the creators to leave if they need a different space to write or draw in, that we all aren't confined to stay in the building during work. You just have to have proof that you worked while you were out instead of goofing off.

Mini timeskip

"And that is how my day went, how about yours?" you ask the stone gargoyle that resides outside the abandoned mansion. He was a better listener than any therapist you ever visited. Really, this stone figure was the second reason you even come back.

Sure, you talk to yourself a lot out here; it does help you stay concentrated. You can think out loud and talk things out, whether it's what to eat for dinner or what you plan on wearing tomorrow. It seems a little silly, but it helps.

You have even gone so far as to actually name the gargoyle Lexington, which is a character from the old television show Gargoyles. You use to watch it every Saturday when you were a child and he was one of your favorite characters.

"I can see how your day was kind of boring, but at least you are outside and can see wildlife and feel the cool breeze. I'm stuck in an office, looking at the same four walls and dealing with a sex crazed boss." You complain as you draw the next scene in the story.

"By the looks of things, I'll be fired by Friday if I don't have drawings done." You tell the statue. You give a few quite moments before you start speaking again. "No, he bumped the due date up. It was supposed to be due next Friday, but because I didn't fall into his hands and mess around he's punishing me."

Another moment of silence passes.

"Sometimes I think I'm going crazy, coming out here to talk to a stone figure, but you make me feel better."

That's how the rest of the day went. Once night started to fall, you gathered your things, told Lexington goodnight, and then you went back to the office to scan and copy what you accomplished today. You made an extra backup file just in case the boss wanted to try anything. He hasn't tried to sabotage your pay yet, but you wouldn't put it past him.

After getting everything at the office settled, you then head home for the night to get ready to start the next day. You had decided that for tomorrows outfit would be a dress suit, anything to keep your pervert boss from wanting to look at you.

Timeskip to the next morning

"What the hell?" Is the first thing that fumbles past your lips when you looked outside your office window. The gargoyle that you had been visiting is now resting on the ledge right outside your window.

'Maybe it's not the same one, maybe the company decided to put one there? Then again, when did they have the time to place it?' you thought.

"What's that?" Claire asks, pointing towards the window.

"I don't know, did his majesty have one placed?" you question her. She was all over him yesterday, if anyone would know anything that goes on in Jeremy's head, it would be Claire.

"Nope, he didn't say anything about having a creepy statue delivered."

"Why the hell is everyone standing around for? Get to work! Y/n, my office. Now." Jeremy yells.

Oh boy, what could he possibly want now? You follow your boss into his office and wait until he sat down before leaving the comfort of the door.

"Alright, I know I have been... misbehaving with you and all, but that is no reason to place that ugly thing outside on my building. I want you to have it removed."

You raise a brow. Does he honestly think you put the gargoyle on the ledge?

"Um, sir? I didn't do that." You inform him.

"Then who did?" he questions you suspiciously.

"Why don't you just check the cameras?" you tell him. "Now if you excuse me, I have some work to finish." With that, you turn and walk out the door.

Most of the day was uneventful, aside from coworkers stopping and looking at the gargoyle. You got more work done and stayed longer at the office today. 'What if this is my stone guardian? Oh listen to yourself! This is lot like the show, this is real life! There is no such thing as magic, get real y/n.' You think to yourself.

It wasn't long until the sun started setting and you realize what time it is. You take a look around and notice that you seem to be the only one left on your floor. Gathering up your things, you walk to the window where the statue sits.

The whole city is all lit up now. The view that this spot has is just beautiful, but sometimes, just getting out of the town and going star gazing is sometimes just so much prettier. Now is not the time for gazing though, now is the time to get more acquainted with the figure outside.

"Whatever you do, don't move." You say to the statuette as you open the window. You lean out just a little to get a look at the face. It certainly looks like your Lexington, but it couldn't be.

As you are examining the figure, you fail to realize something terrible.

There is a presence behind you. "Good evening miss y/n." a deep voice spoke. You go to jerk back, only to slam right into the body. Hands quickly grab your arms and twirl you around, your back now to the open window.

"Mr. Jeremy! What are you still doing here?" you ask, your heart pounding from the scare.

"I realized you were staying late and I couldn't leave a lady here all by herself." He grinned.

"Um, I was just fixing to head home actually, so if you will just excuse me." You say, waiting for him to move.

"I'll move, if you allow me to indulge your delicious body." He says with a creepy grin. A hand is placed on your hip and you feel it going straight to your chest. You give said hand a harsh slap.

"Move out of my way and leave me be." You growl at the trash bag.

He narrows his eyes. "I have a better idea, either you start undressing and begin pleasuring me, or I can shove you out the window. Your choice."

Your eyes widen, he can't be serious! "Sir, you really don't plan on actually killing me because I won't play your games, do you?" you question.

"I mean it. Now start stripping unless you want to die."

Why the hell didn't you just go to the damn authorities? It would have never came to this if you had done so.


Slowly, you take off your jacket to reveal your white button up dress shirt. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Scum bag asks. You ignore him. If you answered him, you would start crying. After tonight, you would be going to the cops. You are willing to bet he forgot all about the damn security cameras.

"Enough of you being slow." He said and grabs your shirt and jerks it open. You grab your shirt and turn to your side and shove Jeremy with your shoulder, knocking him to the ground. Taking the opportunity, you begin running to the doors, only to be stopped by a hand around your ankle.

"I don't think so!" He starts dragging himself over your body, grasping at any part of your body he could reach. He starts to pull down your pants and then his, you scream bloody murderer. You scream for help and then suddenly, Jeremy is lifted off of you.


You scramble to pull your clothes on and when you get dressed you noticed who, or rather what, saved you. Standing over you, holding Jeremy, whose pants are still pulled down, is the gargoyle that was outside.

"Let go of me!" He yells, struggling to reach his pants. Lexington is unresponsive and ignores the man. He then turns his head towards you and sticks his hand out for you to take. Shakily, you grab his hand and he pulls you to your feet. He is so much bigger when he is not crouched down, hell the creature stands about a good foot or two over you.

"Lexington?" You question. He nods his head and leans down close to your face. You go to take a step back, but he still has your hand wrapped in his own. Lexington takes a few whiffs around your face and hair, smelling you for who knows what.

"F*cker! Put me down!" Jeremy continues to yell. Lexington growls and then releases your hand. What was he-Oh no.

Lexington walked toward the open window and hung Jeremy out of it.

"What are you doing?! Don't drop me!" he screams and cries.

"You thought it was going to be a good idea to throw her out of the window." The gargoyle spoke.

After he said that, the hand holding Jeremy released. You ran to the window, Lexington grabbing you to keep you from falling. You watch as your boss fell all the way to the ground, a fifteen story high building drop. You wanted to feel bad for not stopping his death. You could have said something, but you didn't and you didn't really care about his demise.

That man threatened to kill you if you didn't give him what he wanted. He was going to rape you, he deserved the karma.

You turn towards the gargoyle. "Thank you for saving me." You tell him.

"You said you wanted a hero, but they aren't real. Even now."

You give him a confused face. "How do you mean? You stopped him from doing something awful, and now, they will have to hire someone else." You explain.

"You are not staying here. Who's to say that the next one won't be the same, or that you could be attacked by anyone? I want to protect you and the only way to do that is to keep you with me....so no, I am not the hero, I am the villain." He grabs you by the waist and lifts you bridal style.

"What are you doing?" you ask as he steps on the ledge outside. You wrap your arms around his neck and hold tight. "Please don't." you whisper.

"I won't drop you." He whispers back. And just like that, he jumps from the ledge, wings out and soaring. Looking down, you see cop cars and their lights flashing around the body of your boss.

"Where are we going?" you ask.

"Somewhere safe....somewhere no one will find you." he responds.

You thought he planned on taking you back to the old mansion, but he didn't. He flew the two of you very far and to a mountain he use to live in, at least until he found a human he liked. That was the reason he lived at the mansion. He fell in love with the woman and wanted to protect her. He failed and she died a horrid death at the hands of a thief. He vowed never to leave the house unless he fell in love again.

That's where you fit in. You wanted a hero, he thought he was the villain, but that wasn't what he is.


I. Am. Rusty! Not the best one to come back with, definitely not my favorite and I may come back and edit it.

But I am glad to be back! I have missed everybody!!

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