Living with a Jerk

By ii_lost_my_name

85.1K 3.6K 2.1K

Okay...Meet Naomi Carter your average teenage girl. She lives with her dad and has her two best friends by he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Part 1)
Chapter 13 (Part 2)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Birthday Part 1
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 2

3.7K 159 71
By ii_lost_my_name

AN: Well hello there my readers. I am reaaalllyyy sorry for not updating in like two months but I have my reasons. I figured that I didn't really like how the story was going but apparently you guys and my friends do so I'm updating. To be honest I actually enjoy writing it but some parts I really don't like..which is weird since I'm the one who wrote it but you get what I mean. Anyway back to the story. I hope you guys enjoy it! Happy reading!!

The next day I woke up by myself. When I was done getting ready for school, I met my dad downstairs for breakfast. "Hey dad," I greeted

"Morning hunny." My dad replied and kissed my forehead.

"So what's for breakfast?" I asked as hunger began to kick in.

"Bacon and eggs with toast."


"I know right. And you can thank your awesome dad."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at my dad playfully.

After breakfast, Dad dropped me off to school. I really need a car. I can't be having my dad drop me off to school everyday. When I was walking towards the door, I spotted Jasmine and Logan. "Guys!" I shouted. They saw me and advanced towards me. "Hey." I said "You won't believe what my dad told me last night."

"What?" I heard Logan asked

"Well my dad's letting Jason Adams stay at our house for a whole month in Sake of doing his dad a favour."

"Oh my god! Are you serious?!" Jasmine asked.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"



"Wait wait so why does he have to stay at your house?" Logan askee as we were walking down the hallway towards me locker.

"Because his dad doesn't trust him to stay in the house by himself. He's going on a business trip and since they have distant family my dad was his best opyion."

"Well that sucks." Jasmine said.

"Yea it does." I sighed.

"Well just avoid him. Pretend like he's not there even if he isn't."

"Yeah its gonna be hard to do that considering were gonna be under the same roof."


"So what are you gonna do?"

"I can't possibly do anything. He's so-" My sentence was cut off as Jason began walking towards me, and he didn't look too happy.

"Hey can I borrow your friend for a sec, k thanks." Jason didn't even wait for their say and pulled me into an empty room.

"What the bell do you want." I asked coldly.

"I need to talk to you."


"Your dad told you right?"

"Told me what?"

"Gosh, you're dumber than I thought."

I gasped and slapped his chest.

"What was that for?!"

"For insulting me!"

"The truth hurts." He said with a stupid boyish smirk to his lips.

"Whatever, Im leaving."

"Wait! I just wanna say that even though we'd be living in the same house for a month, I want you to know that I'm gonna pretend you don't exist."

Well that kinda stung.

"I don't care what you do. You're actually doing me a favour by doing that." Them smug look on Jason's face dropped as I spoke. Ha. Take that.

"Anyway. I'd be late for class. Good bye" And then I walked out the room feeling like such a badass. I could have sworn I heard him say 'bitch' under his breath, but I decided to ignore it.

As soon as the bell rang for lunch, I was literally rejoicing. At this level of hunger I think I can eat a horse and still have room for dessert. I went to my locker to put my bio books in then went to the cafeteria.

"Hey Nay." Logan said and then put his arms around my shoulders.

"Oh hey, where's Jasmine?"

"I don't know. She didn't come to Math class."

"I wonder if she's okay."

"Let's go look for her." Logan suggested.

"But I'm really hungry. I'm sure she's fine, we could go look for her after I feed this animal." I said and pointed to my stomach which was currently rumbling.

Logan then gave me a flat look. "You'd eat later. We gotta go see if Jasmine's okay."

I huffer but agreed anways. "Where you think shed be?" I asked as we both began our way out of the cafeteria.

"I was thinking the girls' bathroom. I was gonna check there but we all know I can't do that."

When we got to the girls' bathroom I knocked on every bathroom stall but Jasmine wasn't there in any of them.

"Let's check outside." I muttered and ran out of the bathroom towards the school doors. As Logan and I came to a halt outside, we spotted Jasmine against a tree with her head buried in her knees.

"Jasmine!" I shouted but she didn't look up. "Hey are you okay?" As I got closer to her, I realised that her shoulders were bobbing up and down. "Are you crying?" Logan asked.

"No I'm just peeing from my eyes!" She said as she raised her head and glared at Logan. I had to stiffle a laugh because you gotta admit, that was funny. I came back to serious mode as Jasmine gave me her death glare too.

"Sorry. What's wrong?" I asked and sat beside her as Logan sat on the other side,leaving Jasmine in the middle of us.

"Nick cheated on me." She said barely above a whisper and stared at nothing in particular as tears trickled down her cheek.

I immediately hugged Jasmine and whispered comforting words to her. You know the usual stuff you say to a friend who goes through a break up. He's not worth it, You deserve better and stuff like that.

"Hea a dead man." Logan finally spoke and glared at the school building.

"How did you find out? Who did he cheat on you with?" I asked her.

She was silent for a moment but then her voiced finally spoke up. "It was Kayla. I saw Nick and Kayla making out behind the bleachers, and by the looks of it I stopped them from having babies. They looked like they were seconds away from ripping each others clothes off." More tears rolled down Jasmine's cheek. One after the next. I couldn't stand seeing my best friend like that. I got up all gangster and shit and made my way towards the school doors. I swung open the cafeteria door with clenched fists and spotted Kayla laughing with Brittney, Nick and their fellow bimbos.

"What is wrong with you two?!" I shouted and glared hard at both Kayla and Nick.

"What do you want?" Kayla said coldly.

"You cold hearted bitch. And you! How could you do that to Jasmine! You know how fragile Jasmine's heart was when you met her!" By now I was less than a feet away from them. I stared at them both in disgust.

"I got bored of her. She want giving me any." Nick shrugged. I felt my palm swing right across Nick's cheek. How could he say that?! I then realized that I. Naomi Carter. Just slapped somebody. But I don't care! Its my best friend we're talking about here!

"You bitch." Nick said and stood up. "Look, you are so lucky I don't hit girls."

"But I can." Kayla's voice butted as she came nose to eyes with me. You see Kayla is about an inch or two taller than me. I felt so little when she stood above me like that.

"Go ahead you slut. Hit me." I said bravely. By now the cafeteria was dead silent. You could have hears a pin drop, that's how silent it was.

"Hey! You two break it up!" A voice said but I ignored it as I stared right into Kayla's eyes, daring her to do what she planned on doing. "Carter! James! Office! Now!" I glared at Kayla before follwing the principal to the office.


The principal didn't give me much punishment , just detentions for the rest of the week. My first ever detention. Great. Note sarcasm. After, I went to room 19 to serve my detention. When I got in, I saw three guys, a Goth lookin girl and- you have gotta be freaking kidding me. Of course he out of 650+ students had to be here. I took a seat at the front of the class and played my head on the desk. After about 30 minutws , Mr. Ferguson said that he'd be back in a few. A few seconds after Mr. Ferguson left, I felt a presence next to me.

"So." He said and looked at me "I heard about your lunch time fiasco." He said and smirked, Mocking me. Urgh.

"Really? Good for you" I stated sarcastically.

"I didn't think you had it in you Carter." Jason said, ignoring my sarcasm. "You always gave off the nerd vybe." For some reason I was slightly insulted. Not that I have anything against nerds. I stayed completely silent. Maybe he'd get the tired of trying to talk to me then leave.

"Okay, so I've decided that I'm not gonna pretend you don't exist when I get to your house."  Great, just what I needed. Note my obvious sarcasm. "In fact, I'm gonna annoy the hell out of you."

I clenched and unclenched my jaw, trying to control myself from yelling at him. "What's wrong Carter? Cats caught your tongue?" He asked with that devious smirk of his. I stays silent. "Oh so you wanna play that game? I know how to get you talking." I then felt Jason's hands on my thigh, causing me to gasp. Okay Naomi, you can do it. Jason then worked his way up my thigh, getting closer and closer know where. I couldn't take it anymore. "Jason, get your filty hands off of me or I swear to god." I whispered threatenly with danger in my voice. Jason removed his hand and gave me a smug look.

"Told you." This was all he said before he made his way back to his seat. Asshole! And I have to live with him for a month. Great. Isn't my life just frickin perfect?


When Mr. Ferguson said that detention was over I couldn't be happier. I was the first one to get out of the door. When I got home k was greeted by an angry yet happy dad. I don't know how he managed to mix those two together but he actually did.

"Um, hi dad." I said nervously. I've never gotten in any trouble before so I don't know how he'd react.

"Hi dad?" Is that all you have to say for yourself young lady?"

"Sorry?" I said..more like asked..

"Okay first of all I'm really disappointed in you Nay and second of all I'm actually kind of happy about this. You're finally breakin out of that shell of yours." I was completely confuffled. "Your first detention. I remember my first detention it was in freshman year when some of my friends and I put sticky notes all over the princapal's office. I miss the good ole days.

"You're starting to sound like grandma."I said with a chuckle. "But I'm really sorry dad. I guess I let my anger get the best of me."

"Why'd you get mad anyway?" I told my father everything that happened. From Jasmine telling us about Nick and Kayla to the cafeteria scene. I decided to leave out the part with Jason in detention.  I don't know why I didn't feel to tell my dad, I mean I tell this man everything. He's like my own personal human diary. Weird but true.


After dinner I called Jasmine. I haven't spoken to her since during lunch before I went all gangster on Nick and Kayla.

"Hello?" She answered

"Hey Jas its me. Are you holding up okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." She said with a snifle "I'd get over it."

"Yeah I sure hope so. That loser isn't worth your tears." I said to Jasmine, attempting to comfort her. She chuckled and then sniffled again

"Yeah. I know. Anyway thanks for sticking up for me at lunch time. Everyone's talking about it." I groaned.

"The things I do for my best friend. Honestly I don't know what came over me. I guess I got really really angry."

"Yeah I guess...but thanks anyway." She muttered and I can hear the appreciation in her voice. "The asshole deserves way more than a slap from a girl."

"Tell me about it." I replied.

"Anyway. Enough about him."

"Yeah. Oh! You won't believe what happened to me today in detention"

"What happened?"

I filled Jasmine in on what happened between me and Jason during detention.

"Oh my god! He actually did that?!" She squealed

"Yep. " I nodded and sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"I see someone likes themself a slice of Naomi." Jasmine teased.

"Yeah right. That's just what Jason does. He plays with girls',minds tricking them into sleeping with him."

"That's true. Anyway I gotta go. I'm going dinner with the Fam tonight."

"Okay have fun." I said and then she told me bye and hung up. After taking a shower and watching random videos on YouTube, I went to bed.
AN: did you enjoy it? I spent almost two hours typing that chapter out. The next chapter would be uploaded sometime during this week..can't say which day. I don't have a specific day that I'd be uploading but I'd figure it out soon. Anyway I hope you are enjoying my sorry so far!!!!! Btw I didn't check over this chapter so there may be some typos here and there. Can I get five votes for this chapter?,


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