I'll Be Your Gerard If You'll...

By killjoysneverforget

765K 31.4K 51.5K

Frank and Gerard have been through a lot. It's not until they meet when everything goes downhill. Nothing see... More

First Fucking Day
Double Music
Dammit, Frank!
Eating. Yuck.
Bye, Mom
I Can't Take It Anymore
Fuck, That Was Close!
Back At Home
Fuck This
An Uninvited Visitor
Please, God, No.
I'm Here, Frank
Fangirl Attack
Fucked Everything Up
Ring Ring
Make Out Buddy
Don't Believe Them
Shit, That Was Scary
Hospital Beds
He Never Eats
Wait, What?!
I'll Miss You
What Now?
Getting Settled
Fence Jumping
All For Frank
Going Crazy
Fucking Kiss Me
Therapy Helps?
He's Home
Are You Fucking Kidding Me?!
Fucking Adorable
Four Days
Something Not Quite Right
A Massive Headache
Cold Coffee
Happy Birthday, Frank!
Holy Shit
Oh My God
Not Speaking
Mrs Iero
I'm Fucking Fine!
Cringy Couples
Bad Dreams
My Frank
Last Session
A Surprise
He's My Gerard and I'm His Frank
Last A/N


10.8K 501 629
By killjoysneverforget

{Gerard's POV}

"Gerard! Frank's here!"

I looked up from my sketchpad.

For some reason, I found myself running my fingers through my hair.

What was I doing?

I laughed at myself.

Why should I care if I looked alright?

I guess I cared what Frank thought.

The guy in question appeared in the living room doorway.

"Hey, Sugar," He greeted me.

...Did he just call me 'sugar'?

I couldn't help but smile as he approached.

"What are you smiling about?" He smirked.

"Nothing... Nothing," I looked away, blushing.

He had never given me a nickname before.

It was kind of cute.

I felt his hand on my cheek so I looked back up.

"I missed you," He leant down and his lips touched mine.

My eyes shut and I moved closer to him.

The kiss was way too short but it still made my insides tingle.

It took me awhile to catch my breath when he pulled away.

"I-I missed you too," I finally managed to say.

He smirked at me before collapsing onto the sofa.

"When will you be back at school?" He asked.

I hadn't thought about school yet.

I was a bit worried about going back to school but I knew Frank would look after me.

There was a lot to catch up on.

"I don't know. The hospital suggested not for a few weeks yet."

"Damn," His face fell, "School's really fucking boring without you. I only have Mikey and Ray and shit, they never stop talking do they? How have they never run out of things to talk about?"

I laughed a little.

That sounded like Mikey and Ray.

They really were a package deal.

"Yeah I know. Hey, speaking of Mikey and Ray, where are they?"

He glanced towards the living room door as if expecting to see them and then looked back at me.

"I did originally wait for them after music but, Jesus Christ, they take so long! I couldn't be bothered to wait for them. I wanted to see you," He smiled.

Fuck, he was cute.

How did I deserve him?

It sounded cheesy as shit but I said it anyway, "I'm glad you ditched them. I didn't think I could wait any longer to see you."

His lips turned up at the corners.

I waited for him to say something.

For a moment he didn't speak, until he said, "You're so fucking adorable."

I blushed for the second time in the last ten minutes.

I really needed to learn to compose myself whenever he said stuff like that.

"No, I'm not."

He shook his head.

"You so are. You just give me more reasons to love you every day."

Fuck, I hated it when he did that.

No way was I good enough for him.

I went deep crimson and had to look down.

"Gerard," He called to me.

Against my better judgement, I looked up at him.

He was standing in front of me again.

He held out his hand and I hesitantly took it.

When he had pulled me up, he gazed into my eyes and smiled at me.

My heart stopped like it usually did whenever he smiled at me.

"Do you think we'll get caught if we make out right now?"

I looked around.

"Well," I smirked, "Seen as we're in the middle of the living room and my Mom's in the next room... I think we have a one hundred percent chance of being caught."

"Aw," He pouted, "Could we go down to your room then?"

I giggled, "Maybe..."

Still holding my hand, he slowly started pulling me towards the door.

However, we were stopped short by the front door slamming.

Frank immediately let go of my hand and looked at his feet.

Mikey and Ray appeared.

"Oh, there you are, Frank," Mikey said.

"I told you he'd be here," Ray smiled.

Frank looked back up and smiled at them.

How did he do that?

He was really good at acting as if nothing had happened.

Whereas I usually just babbled and embarrassed myself.

"How come you left without us, Frank?" Mikey asked.

"I uh..." I could see he was trying to think of something, "I just couldn't be bothered to wait. No offence but you guys take ages."

Looked like he just told it as it was.

Ray and Mikey laughed in response.

"You sound like Gee," Mikey smirked.

I had to agree with that but honestly, who wouldn't moan about it?

"You two are like one person sometimes," Ray laughed.

I looked at Frank and he grinned at me.

I had to smile back of course.

"Well," Frank looked back at my brother and his best friend, "You're one to talk."

Mikey frowned, "What do you mean?"

I had to join in then, "Oh come on! You guys do everything together. You're never apart. You're practically a couple."

Frank started laughing at that.

Mikey blushed and Ray laughed awkwardly.

"Well," Mikey started up once he had recollected himself, "If anyone's a couple around here, it's you and Frank."

The smile disappeared from my face.

This was awkward...

I shyly glanced at Frank.

He didn't seemed fazed though

He was still smiling and winked at me.

Where did all that confidence come from?

"No, no," Ray held up his hands, "That would be weird. I mean, they already flirt. What would they be like if they were going out?"

Wouldn't he like to know.

And anyway, what flirting?

"Flirting?" My voice was a little higher than I would have liked.

Ray bit his lip to stop himself from laughing.

"He's just jealous, Gee," Frank grinned at me again.

"Yeah, no," Ray stuck his tongue out, "I'm in a very committed relationship with-"

"Mikey," Frank finished off for him.

Ray's eyes widened, "What? No! I was going to say my bed!"

"Sure you were," Frank winked.

I was laughing silently and was about to say something when Mikey's face stopped me from commenting.

His expression was a mixture of horror and embarrassment.

"I uh..." He stuttered, "I think I'm just going to go up to my room now..."

He escaped out of the room.

Ray slowly walked backwards towards the door before smiling and following Mikey upstairs, leaving me and Frank laughing our asses off.

"Well that's one way to clear the room," Frank smirked.

I nodded, "Yeah. I now know how to scare my brother away."

"I bet that'll come in handy."

"You have no idea."

Frank then looked at the open door before looking back at me and lacing his fingers through mine.

"Come on then," He lead me towards the hallway, "I seem to remember we have a date with your bedroom..."

I laughed and followed him down into my room.


School is just ugh.

I'll try and write more but I'm just so tired.

Sorry. Don't hate me.

-Beth :3

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