Me, and My Game

By Hungergamie8

688 41 19

Scarlet Jacksons always been prepared in her job, her job as a proffessianal killer that is. But nothing can... More

Chapter 2 *The Girl*
Chapter 3 *The Flirt*
Chapter 4 *The Plan*

Chapter 1 *The Package*

364 14 12
By Hungergamie8

Hey everyone I' glad you chose to read my book i wrote this before i even got a wattpad account:)

Chapter 1 *The Package*

-Scarlet POV

I hear the soft tapping of the mailman's footsteps against the concrete pavement as he walks to the front door of the apartment I am currently occupying. Oh great, i think to myself I just got done with the last job. I put the rifle I was cleaning back in its place in the false bottom of my suitcase. I close it and walk over to the door, as I have noticed the doorbell rings exactly 16 seconds after I here the footsteps , at least in this apartment. I have been counting the seconds absentmindedly in my head. 3,2,1 ding, dong, I smile right on cue. I open the door and in of me stands a young boy around 17 with dirty blond hair, he looks so nervous when he sees me, they all do.                  

"Um, um hello miss I-I have a-a package for you" he stutters nonconfidently.

'' Thank you" I say in a voice as sweet as sugar as I take the package out of his hands. His face turns as red as a tomato , poor boy, I close the door gently trying not to slam it.

Once I get my hands on the package I felt that something was about to change big time, really whats the difference, I think to myself,  I get like 50 of these every year it'll just say the same thing again , where I have to go next , my new name and my target. Last time it was some illegal something dealer, it didn't really matter to me , it just mattered that i got the job done.

Come on stop stalling just open the stupid package!!! I mentally screamed at myself. I rip the cardboard off the top and take out the white folder, out with it roles a new phone for me, its about drop to the floor when I grab it out of midair, thank you reflexes. I just got the phone and I already almost broke it. WOW I amaze myself sometimes. Opening the folder I see how I'm supposed to look for this job, I'm a brunette but way lighter than my natural color and my hair stops at my hips with beautiful dark brown eyes. I can tell their not making me look especially gorgeous this time, this must be a easy guy. My new identity is Scarlet Jackson, I don't think I've ever been a Scarlet, its a pretty name. And now my new target is Xander Greene, he's kind of cute, dark hair,brown eyes, with a trace of a mustache, lets just say not a guy I would go out with by choice. Then  I see where I have to go , my eyes widen and i drop the paper, its been 4 years and now I have to go back. I have to go back to high school.


I'm sorry it was kind of short I had to end it now to build up suspense but i promise that the next chapter will have more dialogue and lots more characters. since its my first chapter i would love it if you would vote . please comment:)

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