Short of description

By stelleofdevoid

150 21 54

This is a book of description. Welcome! This is a project I wanted to do for a while since people say I'm goo... More

Flash out
Black sweet haze
Forward to that
stay and let me go

Ghost angle

56 7 8
By stelleofdevoid

Story: 1
Genre: paranormal
Date: 27/3/19
Dedicate to: NusratSuzanna cuz ya know I just love your pfp n when I see that violin girl all I can think is

She has a rose in her mouth, ordered by the her mind.
Who winks at her so gullible, he controls her, like that tittering on the inch of her cloth that will go away in the flash ones he touches it..

The rose
It's so red like her blood, pure, so pure it can kill a vampire's love to lick her dry.

Her hands are tied by a golden knot, forcing her to stay in a place.. which is meant to be here

In the eyes of a ghost

She lays low in the ground buried deep in a pit. So dirty like a pearl in the jungle...

And then it goes snap!

She is running faster then ever, there she turns to angels

A crown on her head strings to her fingers
Grabbing her out of here,

The rose in her mouth is chewed away
The petals slowly turning into her,
Making a red gown of rose

Her messy hair are toddled by the hands they are messed up by..
I assure you it's not her hands..

It's not a person
It's a ghost

She looks around at the mid night clicks
Of her shoes she wonders
Those heels She can never muster

The storm becomes a new monster
But just not the one to wink her sleeps away

It's standing

Just waiting

But the rose is still there you know?

No not in her mouth
She is the rose

It's so beautiful

Wait she is beautiful

The ghost is still chasing her like a truck race driver who just needs a glass of water before his next shipment or he might yell out and die by a knife of a owner of the merchants,

And the storm it's so huge so so so killing

It's like that time where we wanted to get to the bottom of a lake and then realised that we can't breath in side water.

Or that moment where I should have not killed the animals like fishes for a stupid happiness..

One petal is gone from its rose


2 petals



To be honest the girl says this time
"I never thought the angels would save me"

As the strings from her hair are cutter out

The grown is vanished with the icy cool world forever

And where is she you ask?

In the air

In the storm


Falling like a wishing star

To not wish ever again by


And the ghost ?

The rose is pealed off it's beauty and the stem is cut out..

Her hair is toddled aside

In the air and form

And the world darkens

As the angle never takes a form

That was depressing......ok next will be good sorry for a depressing start but I'm good at making sad things ya know?

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