the sun and the moon || h.s

By EmilyBlakeBooks

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Almost midway through the 16th century, France and England are crosshairs away from warfare. Malevolence is t... More



208 9 0
By EmilyBlakeBooks

The late afternoon sun was beginning to lower in the sky, and Marie hurriedly walked through the gardens, towards her and Harry's spot. She wasn't even sure she'd find him there, but she had to try. After they left his chambers, Leopold went on a ride with some of his guards. It was funny that she already missed him. How had things changed so drastically in so little time? One day, she was dreaming about a life away from all of this, a life with Harry. Now, she was excited for her life with Leopold...the life she'd come here for...the life that she had previously dreaded. The tall hedges came into view and before slipping into them, she stopped just outside and took a few deep breaths. As soon as the thick branches rustled, Harry's head snapped towards the culprit. He chuckled when he saw that it was Marie. She brushed herself off and walked towards him.


"What do you want, Marie?"

"To see see how you're doing."

"Oh, is that all?" His smirk is haunting, and she's sad that they had come to this.


"Stop what?" He spits, taking two big steps forward so that he's towering over her. "Stop being angry at you? Alright. Done. I'm not angry. Anything else?"

"You have...a right to be angry, Harry. I don't expect you to be happy about this...but you completely disrespected me last night. I told you to stop and kept going! You kept..."

"Touching you? I kept making you feel things you've never felt before?"

"You were out of line and completely inappropriate!" He laughs, angrily.

"I guarantee, that had my brother not suddenly turned on his swooning effects and lured you into his arms, you would have been crying my name—begging me to do more."

"No, I wouldn't! I knew we could never take it that far!"

"Marie..." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I have had you wound so tightly around my finger, if I told you to drop your garments right now, you would have. I've had you eating out of my palm since the moment that I met you!"

"Stop it." Tears fill her eyes and blur her vision. "You're being cruel."

"No, I'm being honest." He snaps. "Do I love you? Absolutely. Would I run away with you right this very minute, if you asked me to? Yes, I truly would. But am I certain that before my brother fed you whatever bullshit has you falling all over him, that you would have done anything for me? Yes. I am very much certain of that."

"That's not true."

"Don't lie to me."

"It isn't true! Yes, I chose to be with you but I knew the limits! I knew that we could never...we could never truly be together. Don't talk to me like I was some poor, weak little girl that you could simply have your way with!"

"Marie, I could do whatever I'd like and you'd still forgive me. That's why your here, isn't it? To forgive me for whatever you want to call last night?"

"I think assault is the proper word."

"I didn't assault you, darling. Your body was begging me to go on. I felt you come upon my hands and I know that you were aching for still are."

"I'm not." He takes a step towards her, but she takes two steps back. "Stop it, do not touch me—don't touch me!" He keeps walking until her back is against the hedge. In one swoop of his hand, he's got her pinned tightly against him. Their chests rising and falling with each shallow breath.

"He may have had your name first, but I had you first, Princess. I still have you." He forces his mouth against hers and she tries to fight him off, but he keeps her arms and back held tightly in his strong arms. "I will always have you..." For a split second, she kisses him back—rather, she stops fighting him. For a split second, she parts her lips and lets his tongue in, but she comes to and uses this time to shove him off of her.

"I am not yours!" She cries, her lips wet and stinging from the force, and her backside feeling bruised from his grasp. "I will never be yours! You..can't..have me. This is over." She knows she can't step outside their private little hideaway with tears running down her face. So she stops, with her back to him and she cries into her hands. Immediately, his hard exterior—his defense mechanism falls away. A wave of guilt, for the the way he's treated the girl that he so desperately loves, washes over him.


"You want me to hate you..." She says, turning back to look at him. He looks truly ashamed. "You want to push me away so that you feel better? So that it hurts less?" She wipes at her running nose. "That's not fair, Harry. I didn't have a choice here! No, I never should have jumped into your arms before giving Leo a chance, and that is on me. I'm sorry for that, I am. But I haven't ever been yours. I came here to marry him, so you can't...don't do this to me, please. Don't be cruel, because I can't handle that." She fervently wipes at her eyes and her nose, she does her best to compose herself before stepping out of the hedge. He just stands there, feeling sick to his stomach and very much alone.


The castle's library was in the Southern Wing and it was somewhere Marie had wanted to visit, but hadn't found the time. Now was as good a time as ever. She wanted the swelling to go down underneath her eyes and she wanted to calm down before she saw Leopold again. She was reading a book on Astrology, one that she'd gotten completely lost in. So lost, that she was entirely unaware of the time. The sound of boots knocked her out of her own head.

"Where have you been?" He asks, sounding relieved, but slightly concerned.

"I'm sorry..." She begins as he kneels down in front of her. "I just lost track of time." His eyes take every bit of her in.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I've just been reading..."

"Something happened." He says, "Your looks like you've been crying." She's unsure of what to say, but she shakes her head.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." His fingers lift her chin up.

"Don't do that, don't shut me out." She shakes her head. "Marie?" Her mind is racing, does she blame Harry? Does she make something up? "Please, talk to me."

"I just...I started thinking about everything and I..." He looked so worried, and she hated that. She didn't want him to question her or fear that she wasn't all in with him. She changes the direction of her excuse. "I feel so homesick, it consumed me and I began to's nothing about you or us...I promise. I just miss France. I miss home."

"Oh, Marie..." He cups her face. "I'm sure we can find a good reason to go for a few days after the wedding. Would that be okay?" She kisses him.

"Can we do that?"

"I think..." He begins, a handsome smile playing on his face. "It would be very good for the people of France to see England's newest—well, soon-to-be newest King and Queen." Her palm is warm against his cheek and she shakes her head, whilst admiring him.

"You...are going to be a wonderful King, because you are a wonderful man." He grins happily, boyishly.

"You are going to be, as I previously stated, a Queen for the ages...because you are remarkable and I'm so glad I get to spend my life with you." She kisses his knuckles.

"You have truly brought out the best in me."

"I feel like an entirely different person...a better person. A man worthy of your love, maybe." She puts her book down and stands up, guiding him up as well.

"You are more than worthy...rather, you will be, once you learn how to speak French." His head falls back as he laughs.

"Oh, that how it's going to be?" He spins her back to him.

"I'd feel so much more at home if my love could speak my's not very much to ask."

"No, not at all. Especially with a country to run and a wild Princess to look after. Finding the time should be very easy."

"Your father, the King of England, has a country to run...and as for the wild princess, I'm sure you can find ways to occupy her time." He bites his lip as he grins.

"Is that so?"

"I do believe she loves to kiss you."

"She does, does she?"

"Oui, elle le fait. Elle aime aussi faire l'amour avec toi, chérie." Yes, she does. She also likes to make love to you, darling.

"Well, would you mind translating?" She pretends to think this through, and takes pleasure in shaking her head.

"Non je ne pense pas." No, I don't think so.

"Marie..." He follows her, still laughing.

"Je pense que je ne parlerai que français jusqu'à ce que nous nous marions" I think I will only speak French until we get married.

"Okay, wouldn't do what I think you're doing...right?"

"Je ne suis pas sûr de ce que tu veux dire?" I'm not sure what you mean.

"Marie, my beautiful Marie..." He begins to panic, and she finds the whole situation to be hilarious. "You are so wonderful and I promise to learn French, but since I have no idea what you're saying now...maybe we can wait until I'm at an intermediate level? Maybe...?"

"Oh, pour l'amour de Dieu." Oh, for God's sake. She rolls her eyes. "Fine, but you will learn it."

"You have my word." He turns her back around and kisses her lovingly. "My wild princess."

"Je t'aime..."

"Now, that one...I do know." He kisses her temple. "And I you." As they walk out of the library, she realizes that for a little while, she'd forgotten all about the events that transpired while he was away.

"I want to sleep with you in your chambers tonight."

"I'd be happy to wake beside you." She allows him to guide them through the quiet and empty corridors towards the safety of his bedroom. They undress together and beneath the sheets, they spend their night, a tangle of limbs and breathless kisses and an abundance of I love you's.

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