Call your girlfriend (Larry A...

By 90smalik

5.5K 240 59

In that moment, Harry thought his life was perfect, with his perfect friends and girlfriend. But all of this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (last chapter)

Chapter 2

671 33 16
By 90smalik

On the next day, Harry woke up with his phone buzzing. Still sleepy, he looked for his cellphone that was somewhere on his bedside table. When he finally got it, he blinked to a message from Sarah.

"I miss you already Haz! Can't wait to go back and tell you everything! See you soon! S."

As he read the message, the same feeling of sickness started to burn in the pit of his stomach. Of course he didn't do anything, but just the thought of thinking about someone that wasn't Sarah felt like cheating. In fact, his night was full of wide-blue eyes and tiny-pinky mouths hunting his dreams, like an obsession.

As on queue, his phone buzzed again, but this time the message was from some unknown number. He tapped the phone's screen and opened the message.

"Hey! I hope you're still up for my skateboard lessons? I don't know if you're busy or something, but I thought you'd have your day off because it's Sunday and stuff. Hope you're okay! Louis."

Harry quicly added Louis' number to his phonebook and started to tip an answer.

"I'm in! We could met tonight, maybe? I don't want you to fall in front of everybody so I think you would be safer at night, so nobody will see you failing miserably ;)"

He hit "send" and waited for an answer, but the reply came as faster as he could hope.

"With a teacher like that, I think I wouldn't be safe anytime. See you tonight, Tony Hawk lol x"

Harry smiled at the text and then realized he didn't even answered Sarah's message, and the tought disturbed him.


"Hey Harry, me and Niall are going to grab some Chinese food and then have some drinks at the pub, do you want to come with us?" Zayn suddenly stormed into Harry's room in his eternal happy and cheerful mood. But he stopped as he saw Harry standing in front of his mirror, wearing a grey tee shirt, black jeans (to hide his hideous bruise on the knee), a pair of white converse and his favorite green beanie. "Why are you all dressed up? Where are you going?"

"Come in." Harry said sarcastically, still looking at his own reflection in the mirror.

"Oh, don't be such a sarcastic piece of shit! Where are you going? It's been like three or four days since we're practically begging you to leave your room and hang out with us and suddenly you're going out?"

"Please Zayn, stop the drama. I'm just going out with a friend. We're going to skateboard, it's no big deal." Harry finally turned from the mirror and walked in his friend direction. Harry was taller than him, Zayn looked up at him face almost childish.

"Which friend? I thought me and Niall were your only friends! I'm offended."

"Shut up! His name is Louis', I met him yesterday." Harry said, searching for his cellphone on his messy bed.

"So you met this guy yesterday and you two are already friends? Wow, slow down road runner!" Zayn snapped, sitting on Harry's bed and giving him his cellphone.

"And I'm the sarcastic piece of shit? C'mon Zayn, it's really no big deal, I'm only going to teach him how to use the skateboard and stuff. Maybe next time?"

Zayn rolled his eyes, jumping from the bed. "Fine, but you owe me Mr. Styles! Next time I'm going to grab you by your collar and drag you to where the fuck I want!"

"You're such a drama queen. And it's a deal." Harry said, smiling to his friend.

"Jerk." Zayn said, leaving his friend's room.

Harry wonders what Sarah could be doing right now on his way to meet Louis. During the whole day he tried to convince himself that he and Louis were not going on an proper date: they were only two friends hanging out. But as he approached the other guy, he felt guiltier and guiltier.

Louis was already there waiting for him, sitting on the sidewalk with his feet playing on skateboard. Harry was happy that Louis didn't forget to bring his skateboard since he'd forgot it on his bedroom the day before. The blue-eyed boy was wearing a beanie on the top of his head, only his fringe left out to cover his forehead, a white shirt and black jeans, with a white pair of converses on his feet. As he looked up and saw Harry, his whole face lighted up and that was what Harry most liked about Louis: the way his face would genuinely display how happy he was.

"Hey. Sorry, I'm kind of late... My friend stopped by and he was very convinced to drag me to some Chinese place." Harry said, sitting right next to Louis.

"Oh, you should have gone with him, I would understand. Really!" He tried to be more convincing as he saw the look on Harry's face.

"Bullocks! I said I was going to teach you how to ride the skateboard and here am I. I'm a guy of promises."

"Okay promise man, or should I call you Tony Fall-K? Are you going to teach me how to fall perfectly from a skateboard or what?" Louis threw himself up and grabbed the skateboard, looking down to where Harry was sitting.

"You know, I would really appreciate if you only called me Harry." The curly haired boy said, laughing. He stood up and studied Louis face, the giant grin on his face and his eyes sparkling with joy. In that moment, Harry didn't even remembered who Sarah was, only caring about the boy right in front of him.


They spent almost one and a half hour trying to make Louis stand on the skateboard for more than thirty seconds, but he was really bad at this: he was very uncoordinated and since he forgot his glasses on his room his sight was a little bit blurry as well. So, Harry basically hold Louis' hand and dragged him slowly the whole time, while the other boy would be shivering on the skateboard.

"This was literally the last time I tried to ride a skateboard." Louis said, lying on the grass, feeling as tired as ever. Harry looked down at him, admiring how the moonlight would cut lines through Louis face, his red cheeks and his chest going up and down while he tried to catch his breath. Harry wondered how the boy would look like while being fucked by him. Oh.

"You only need to practice, It's not that hard! Maybe you should bring your glasses next time." Harry said, sitting next to Louis' again.

"No Harry, I was not born for this. I was born to watch people do those kind of things. Liam tried to teach me how to swim once and I can still feel the water in my lungs."

Harry laughed, still admiring the other boy's face. "I can hardly imagine you trying to swim. You're so tiny and cute you'd probably drown."

As Harry realized what he just said his cheeks turned a scarlet kind of red. Hopefully the dark of the night and the shade produced by his cap would hide his burning cheeks. Louis gave him a funny look, a funny smile playing on his face.

"Maybe I should grab buy a bottle of water or something, I'm feeling my throat as dry as a desert or something." Louis straightened up immediately, looking for his wallet on his pocket.

Harry landed his hand on Louis', stopping him. "Let me. It's the least I can do after what you did for me yesterday."

Louis cheeks colored like a peach in the sun, even though the only thing in the sky was the moon and a couple stars. They stared to each other for a minute, blue meeting black. While Louis' stared to Harry's eyes, the other guy eyes went to somewhere else, admiring his pinky lips, wanting to kiss them so badly.

"You know what? Let's grab something to eat. I'm starving." Harry said, getting out from his trance. He grabbed Louis' hand and led the way to his favorite dinner near the Yale campus. It was a very small and cozy place, practically desert on the Sunday evening. They both got in and grabbed a table, sitting right in front of each other.

"Probably you never came here but they serve the best turkey breast sandwich in the whole world!" Harry said, being the enthusiastic he was. Louis looked at him with a curious look on his face, smilling.

"Turkey breast sandwich? It looks interesting." The boy said.

"Intersting? It's like, incredible! It's better than strawberries and chocolate."

"What? Okay, there are some few things better than strawberries and chocolate and I don't know if turkey breast sandwich it's one of them."

The waiter came before Harry had the opportunity to argue back. He ordered two turkey breast sandwiches, a soda for him and tea for Louis ("Oh, cmon! Don't you love tea? It's my favorite drink, it tastes like home."). When the waiter went away, his attention went back directly to Louis.

"So, what are you studying for here in Yale? You said you're not taking medicine classes but you didn't really told me what are you doing here."

"Well, I'm in my first semester of literature. It's pretty nice, the classes are very interesting and the professors are great. And it's the first time I'm able to have time to myself, you know? Back at home I was always busy because my mom was always working and I had to take care of my four little sisters. I miss them a lot, mostly because I only have Liam around here, but it's nice to have a little bit of peace and space, I guess." Louis said, looking down to his fingernails.

"Oh, so you're a freshman? That's why I've never saw you around. That's cool, man! I remember that back in my first year I didn't used to have friends too, but then I met Zayn and Niall and..."

He felt a knot on his throat as he thought about Sarah: he didn't know why but he thought it as better not to talk about her with Louis. Instead, his eyes skipped around the room, looking anywhere but in the other boy's face, even though he could feel that pair of icy-blue eyes burning at him.

The waiter came back with their sandwiches and their drinks. He observed as Louis took the first bite of his sandwich, and the moan that escaped his mouth went directly to Harry's cock.

"Oh my God, this is so good. I don't know if this is better than strawberries and chocolate, but they're definitely tied." Louis said, covering his mouth with a napkin and smiling pleased.

"I told you. Hope you won't doubt me after this. Remember I said to you I was a man of promises?"

"Okay Mr. Honest, I believe in you. Now, let me finish my heavenly sandwich." Louis' throws his napkin on Harry's direction.

They both kept eating silently, stopping only to take a sip of their drinks. The only sound they could hear was the soft music playing on the background. Harry watched as Louis moved his head in the rhythm of the song, too distracted with his sandwich to realize what he was doing.

"So tell me Harry, what you do here in Yale? You spend your whole days riding in your skateboard and eating turkey breast sandwiches?" Louis suddenly asked, looking up to meet the green-eyed boy's eyes.

"I'm in the arts program, second year. I want to be an artist, more specifically a comic designer." Harry said, taking the last sip of his soda.

"A comic designer? Wow, this sounds nice. You want to create a super hero or something? Like, the Super Harry or the Stylefik and stuff?" The boy asked with a mocking grin on his face.

Harry laughed loudly, catching people's attention. He looked in Louis' direction, admiring the other's laugh. "You know, I've never thought about Stylefik, but it looks like an excellent idea. You should be a screenwriter or something."

After paying the bill ("Let me help you with that, you don't have to pay it all on your own." "Oh, shut up Louis.") they left the dinner and started to head back to the campus side by side. Harry didn't had a night like this for such a long time, without worrying about anything and only having fun. Louis was so relaxed, so bright, so... weightless. He was like a dream, but a dream that Louis had never dreamed about and now it was right in front of him, emerging slownly and at the right flow.

"So, can I try to ride the skateboard one last time before we part? I promise this time I'll got it right. My energies are full resthored." Louis said, stopping in front of Harry.

The chocolate-haired boy placed his skateboard on the ground and watched as the smaller boy got on it. Harry reached for Louis' hands and in the next moment he was pulling Louis through the campus paths, slowly.

"Concentrate Louis, just concentrate, don't g..." Harry could never finish his sentence because suddenly the blue-eyed boy slipped from the skateboard and almost fell, holding himself on Harry's chest. He hid his face on the boy's chest for a moment before looking up and meeting his gaze for the millionth time that night.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, worry filling his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm..." Louis lost the capacity of talking when he felt Harry's breath on his face. None of them realized how close their faces were, noses almost touching. Harry looked to Louis' lips, so close to his own. He placed his hands on Louis' waist, supporting him to stand still.

Harry could feel Louis' breathe on his face, their noses touching so smoothly. He was halfway from Louis' lips when he heard his phone buzzing in his pocket. He closed his eyes with frustration, feeling Louis step away from him.

"You should answer that." He said, his hand rubbing his own neck, clearly embarrassed.

Harry took his phone out of his pocket and shining on the screen was a message from Sarah. He almost grumbled when he opened the message and read it.

"Do you want to skype with me? I have some time off so we could catch up and I really miss you so, what do you think? Answer me!!! "

And suddenly he felt very bad: felt bad about not answering her earlier, felt bad about having all those messed up feelings for Louis, felt bad for almost kissing him, felt bad for wanting to kiss him so badly.

"I-I really have to go. I'm sorry." Harry said, grabbing his skateboard from the ground.

"Yeah, I understand. Actually it's pretty late so I really should get back to my dorm too." Louis answered, stepping back a little.

"Okay." Harry looked at him, hoping to have something to say, but nothing came out. Louis stayed quiet too, looking like he didn't know what to do with his face.

"So... I see you around, I guess." Louis said, tipping backwards, his hands shoved on his pockets.

"See you around." Harry started to walk from the boy too, feeling like he was leaving something behind. And he actually was.


Hey guys !

So um i hope the story is doing well so far although it's only second chapter ha



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