Zombie Fun! (Furuichi X Oga)

By loopyloostory

340 15 0

It was just a normal day for Furuichi, Oga and baby beel. They sat in class just chatting like the rest until... More

Infected Time. Chapter 2.
I'm sorry Sis. Chapter 3.
Check Point. Chapter 4.
Sorry. Chapter 5.

A Call. Chapter 1.

139 3 0
By loopyloostory




Furuichi woke up with a smile and got ready for school like normal. He kissed his sister cheek and wished her a good day before leaving the house to meet up with Oga. They walked to school like normal, with a couple of fights here and there as they walked but Oga took care of them and the reached school on time. Furuichi said morning with his happy smile as they walked in the class and mostly got grunts from the rest or rolling eyes. He just giggled and sat down in his desk behind Oga and the two started chatting again, Furuichi using more words as Oga will just grunt or moan unless they were talking about a game or fighting then he speak properly. 

Furuichi wished his sister a good day when he received her text saying she was at school and safe. Many would say Furuichi would be over protected but since he always surrounded by delinquent and Oga always getting jumped by other delinquent. He worries for his little sister safety because others tried to him to bait Oga and he knows some would go low to go after family or family friends.

Oga knows how much Furuichi worries over his sister but how can he blame him, his sister smart, small, cute and lives a happy life unlike him and Furuichi who life is always wild but fun. But Oga know Furuichi started to get over protective on his sister after his mother died during middle school. Furuichi told Oga how she died and that would scar anyone but Furuichi stayed strong and smiled. He worked hard so his dad didnt need to worry and could keep working well. His dad leaves everything to Furuichi to handle since he works a lot and most come home at night. Oga knows how much Furuichi dose and that why he treats Furuichi as Furuichi instead of pitying him. Furuichi is his friend and nothing less, so he wont act sad to his friend not when he can make his friend smile and laugh by just being by his side. 

"da" baby beel clapped his hands and rolled off Oga head, lucky for Oga catching beel in his hands before he hit the table. "oh yeah where Hilda, i haven't heard her lovely voice for a while" Furuichi asked as he rested his head in his hand. "ah she went to the demon world for whatever it was again" Oga said letting baby beel crawl on Furuichi desk. 

"Oi Oga" yuka yelled with her huge smile making the two boys turn to the rest of the class, some where sitting and others was standing but they were all staring. "what" Oga grunted and Furuichi just smiled. "are you in for tonight" takeshi asked and Oga just gave a what the fuck are talking about kind of look to them. "there a street fight competition  on tonight for anyone to join, the whole town invited and you can be from any gang or school to fight" chiaki said with a blank face. "why would i go, it seems fishy" Oga said rolling his eyes since a huge street fight game is hard to hide from the cops so would they say any school can join. "the winner gets an IOY from the cops, they the ones holding the street fight hoping to gain some extra cops in a couple years" himekawa said with a grin. "so they wanna see who the best or someone they might get to join the police force after school" Furuichi asked surprised and everyone nodded. "but who cares about the reason, we get fight without the cops getting in the way" tora said excited. 

"you cant miss out on something this good and rare" kanzaki said with a smirk. "so are you coming, you get to fight all kinds of people" aoi asked with a smile and blush. "what about you, do you think your coming tonight" Oga asked turning to his idiot smiling friend. "seems fun and it would be interesting what kind of fights will happen" Furuichi smiled. "well i cant turn down a good fight" Oga smirked and the class cheered.

"this is gonna be interesting now Oga in the mix" natsume smiled. "hey Furuichi, i think someone trying to call your ass is lighting up" Nene said with a small smile and pointed to his bum pocket with his phone inside. "ah its my uncle" Furuichi said with a small smile and walked out the room to answer, he was gonna say a smart reply to Nene about her checking his ass out but his uncle hardly ever calls. "must important if his uncle calling" Oga said as he waited for Furuichi to come back.. "da" baby beel giggled and held his own feet.

After about ten minutes Furuichi came back in the class looking a little pale and sick. "what ya uncle want" Oga asked as he looked to Furuichi and saw how bad he was looking. "he said there was a chemical leak in the labs where he worked and it leaked out" Furuichi said pale and the class turned to him with worry. "but i thought he was working in the most safest labs, ones where nothing could get out" Oga asked and Furuichi nodded. "a newbie spilled the test all over him and he was being taken to the cell for overnight to keep an eye on him but he went wild and bite one of the guards hand trying to eat him, soon others he bite started acting like him and eating everyone, one scientist unlocked a door to run but got caught and some escaped thanks to his stupidest, he said it be hitting our town soon and we should all get out" Furuichi said sitting down. "are you sure he not pranking you again like last time" Oga asked since his uncle did this a lot. "here listen" Furuichi said passing his phone and letting Oga here the voice male, you could hear alarms, shots, yells, cried and growls in the background. 

"we need to leave, call your families and tell them to get out of town" Oga said as he passed Furuichi his phone back. "honoka" Furuichi said worried and called his sister.

"honoka where are you" Furuichi said with worry over the phone. "I'm now heading home, why" honoka asked with a sweet smile. "why are you not at school, did something happen" Furuichi asked a little shocked. "a couple people attacked the teachers at school and we all got sent home early, I'm nearly home" honoka said with joy. "honoka listen to me, run home and dont let anyone touch you, a sickness got out making others attack people, dont let them bite you and go straight home. Lock the doors and windows, close the blinds and take a knife to your bedroom just hide inside" Furuichi said with worry. "a sickness is making us kill, I'm scared" honoka said with fear. "i come get you soon so run home and lock everything up, just leave the key out the back door for me to get in, phone dad and tell him about the sickness and no matter what dont open the door for anyone, no matter what they" Furuichi hissed. "i understand, be careful" honoka said worried and Furuichi could tell she started running. "dont worry about me just stay safe for me" Furuichi smiled. "love you" honoka smiled and hanged up frowning knowing her brother probably be killed trying to reach her. 

"my parents are at work and said they already had a people attacking some staff" Nene said with worry. "most schools are sending children home or keeping the children in the gym until parents come for their kid to protect them all" yuka said with a frown. "its already hit the edge of town, the cops have there hands full and are tell people to hide in there homes not going near any of the sick people" Aoi said with worry. 

"what should we do, should we stay hidden in class until it gets sorted" takeshi asked and Furuichi looked at him like an idiot. "we cant they after non infected people right so schools and places with a bug group of people would attract them, if we sit in school we get over run by them in seconds, we need to get away from here" Furuichi said crossing his arms. "he right, we need to find somewhere safe with locks or something to keep them out" natsume said with a smile. "we cant just walk around town to wherever without being attacked or getting mix up in the crowds running around scared" himekawa said and everyone nodded. "what about the principle  office, he put all dangerous weapons or sports bats inside his office to keep them away from students here, he mostly collets them without anyone noticing, i only know about it because he need someone to help him oil the locker door, its full of things we can use" tora said with a grin and everyone nodded. "lets head over to our principle office and then find somewhere better to hide while we work this all out" kanzaki said and everyone walked out of class. 

"honoka gonna be ok she smart and will listen to you, if they do get in the house she knows to run to my house where my sister home and I'm sure she protect her" Oga said as he passed baby beel to Furuichi. "thanks, i just hope this sickness can be cured, yes you guys might be able to enjoy attaching people with ease but just think of how many with lose a love one in just a week" Furuichi said with a sad smile and the boys started walking to catch up with the class. 

 Tora was right the principle had a locker full of tools, bats and any weapons he found in school. Each person picked a weapon they liked or could use well and got ready to leave the school but stopped when they heard screams. Running to the principle window they turned to see some of the infected already made its what in the grounds and some idiot delinquent was trying to fight them with their hands. Furuichi watched as one got bite and tried to count how long it would take. The rest of the class checked out the door before walking out and slowly making their way to a fire escape out back so they miss the fight at the front of school. "da" baby beel kept yelling and tapping Furuichi as he and Furuichi was the last left in the office. Furuichi started to see signs of the student changing and smirk when he knew how long it took to turn. But soon Furuichi was yelling when Oga place a hand on his shoulder.

"shit Oga, dont scare me like that" Furuichi yelled as he turned to his friend. "you idiot we left you behind, if i didn't hear beel we would have left you to get eaten, lets go some already made it inside school" Oga hissed and pulled Furuichi out the office with him to join the rest. "sorry and thanks" Furuichi said feeling guilty Oga had to come back for him even tho he could end up getting attack by an infected because of him. "its fine, i just hope whatever caught your eye was useful to us, now lets get out of here" Oga said and Furuichi smiled as they ran.

As the boys ran down the fire steps they looked into the classroom windows and saw some of the infected attaching other students, some already eating them. They felt sick and just kept running down the steps, hoping they get out alive. Soon they saw the rest at the bottom of the steps waiting and keeping an eye out to check it was safe, Furuichi smiled they waited for them both instead of running.

Soon they sneaked out of school without getting to close to an infected, they tried yelling out to other students to warn them to run but they never listened. They were walking down a empty street at the back of school, the road would lead them to small ally's they could use to get around town without going near popular places. Soon they took a break in a small alley to break and think of a new plan now they were safe.

"what should we do now, we cant just break into someone house without breaking a window and we wont know if someone already infected inside" kanzaki asked as they all caught there breaths. "I'm worried about my family making it home safe, i know we a team and all but i dont want to leave them behind" yuka said worried and everyone nodded. "well do we all have our phones" chiaki asked with a small smile and everyone nodded. "we all have each number so we can call each other if needed, so why dont we split in twos and go to ours home before meeting at a certain place" natsume asked and everyone agreed. "if we find our families and want to try leaving with them then we can text others to let them know and as long as we in twos we be safer" himekawa smiled.

"why dont we give it an hour, we meet up the old closed down corner shop since it at the edge of town and safe, on the hour Oga will start the group call so everyone call will be together and everyone can talk at one, plus we all know Oga has the most bet of not getting infected so we can trust him to call us" Aoi said with a smile and everyone nodded.

"lets pair up with people who live close to each other so each group will only need to run a certain distance" Nene smiled and everyone got in groups of two and one group of three. "keep an eye on the time remember an hour, if you dont answer the phone we have to guess you got infected and if anyone gonna stay with their families or find answer about a safe area remember to tell the rest of us as well" tora smiled and everyone nodded before walking of in groups.

"what will you do, will you meet up with the group or stay at home" Oga asked as they walked. "i bring Honoka with us, my dad went on a business trip to another city so he safe and wont be coming home, i know i cant protect honoka on my own and numbers help" Furuichi smiled. "i stick with you, i check on my house and see what my sister wants to do but i promise to come meet you with you" Oga said with a straight face and Furichi just smiled before walking down his street and Oga going towards his own house.

Furuichi slowly walked down the empty street and could hear yells in the distance. He walked a little quicker and notice blood on the path and road. But what made him more worry was when he walked past a couple house to see their windows broken or door open. He ran past one house when he notice an infected eating someone in their own living room, he got more worried as he kept walking.

He looked up to see his house and smiled, he was nearly there. He jumped over the fire path gate and walked around to the back of his house. Checking no one or anyone infected as near before getting his key out. He unlocked the back door and slowly walked in shutting the door behind him, so nothing could walk in. All the curtains was closed and he could see the front door locked. Furuichi smiled knowing his made it home safe, he checked around downstairs t check nothing got in and attacked him while he walked upstairs. With everything being clear and safe he made his way upstairs, checking every room but hers to make sure it was safe for her to come out.

He walked to his sister door and knocked, after hearing a small thug that seem like his sister hid under her bed like she would always do if something scared her he giggled. "Honoka, its safe" Furuichi smiled and heard steps make their way to the door. "brother" honoka smiled and hugged Furuichi. "hey, its gonna be ok" Furuichi smiled and patted his sister head. "those things, they ate lin" honoka cried as lin was next door child who was only 5. "i just sat and hid as they ate her" honoka cried into her brother chest. "I'm sorry you had to watch but i promise its gonna get better" Furuichi smiled and honoka looked up to him. "really" honoka asked. "yeah i promise to protect you and to never let you become one of them but we need to hurry and meet with Oga, we have a small group waiting for us at the meeting point" Furuichi smiled honoka hand.

"will we be safe" honoka asked with hope. "yeah they all strong and great fighters and i dont think any infected will come to where we gonna hide" Furuichi smiled. "ok but what should i do with this" honoka asked with worry and held the kitchen knife. "keep hold of it, use that to protect you if anything happens" Furuichi said with a sad smile since he was asking his sister to kill. "i understand" honoka smiled knowing her brother felt bad to ask this of her. "thank you, now go pack some clothes in your backpack but leave some room to carry some water and food, you can even cut a hole in the side of your back to hold the knife" Furuichi smiled and his sister ran into her room to pack why he did the same. He packed extra food and water in his bag for the rest of the group and even packed a small first aid kit along with a small knife for just in case.

After hearing another scream a little close to home, he decided it was time to go and went to get his sister. "Honoka" Furuichi yelled as he looked around to see if she came down yet. "I'm here" honoka smiled sweetly. "lets go, are you ready" Furuichi asked since his sister probably not seen how its really like out there. "yes but I'm a little scared" honoka said nervous and scared to leave. "so am i but promise to keep close to me and do whatever i say" Furuichi said with worry and honoka nodded and took Furuichi hand as he looked around the door before stepping out and locking it again. "now listen if we ever get attacked or separated and we close to home then come back here and hide in your room, i come find you" Furuichi smiled and passed her back door key and she placed it in her bag nodding.

"up we go" Furuichi smiled and lifted honoka over the gate before jumping down and holding her hand. 

"Oga" Furuichi said with a smile and he saw Oga leaning on a pole with baby beel on his head. "Furuichi, you got honoka" Oga smirked. "da" baby beel cheered and Furuichi smiled. "where misaki" honoka asked with worry. "she safe, she going to take my parents to another city before the infection gets really bad, she wanted me to come but i rather stick with you" Oga said patting honoka head and notice she had a knife on the side of her bag and looked to Furuichi who turned away out of guilt. "we better start walking to the old shop, another ten minutes and i have to group chat everyone" Oga said and the other two nodded. 

"so how was school honoka" Oga asked trying to keep it cool as they walked. "it was fun until the teachers got attacked and we were all sent home, i saw" honoka started with a smile but had to cover her mouth so she wont puke. "she saw an infected eat he neighbour" Furuichi whisper and still held his sister hand. "so she not coping well with everything, wait how are we coping" Oga asked worried and Furuichi just smiled. "i hope everyone else is doing well and their families got out safe" Furuichi grinned and Oga just playfully punched his arm. "be more worried about yourself and honoka or others will use you" Oga moaned and Furuichi just giggled. "da" baby beel giggled along like he was trying to be Furuichi making them all laugh a little, the laughing stopped when they heard a window smash up ahead. 

"lets cut across these gardens" Oga said walking towards someone back yard. "come one" Furuichi smiled and pulled his sister hand after they checked it was clear to move. "nothing gonna get us right" Honoka asked with fear and the boys wasn't sure if they should lie or just keep walking. "its gonna be fine" Furuichi said with a soft voice but not turning to face his sister so she wont see his sad eyes. He knew it wasn't going to be easy or safe to live in this new world and with Honoka getting scared so easy made it so much harder. He wasn't sure if she be able to attack an infected who tried killing her and that scared him, since right now honoka his little sister was easy pray. 

Soon they got to the path that would lead them to the old shop and Oga notice it was time to call the group chat so he did. Everyone spoke to prove they were still alive and either heading to the shop or going with their families. What shocked Furuichi most was that everyone coming back to the shop, he thought at least one would go with there families but that got him thinking. Dose it mean its really already that bad in the city, could it have gotten so much worse quicker then Furuichi guessed. Most of the streets was empty so he thought it wasn't as bad with only a couple infected but could it be empty because there wasn't many people left in his area and the infected was still at school, shops or work places. Will they really be ok hiding in the old abounded shop, yes it was far away and no one lived near it so the infected wont need to come close but would they really be safe. Would it be best to try and steal a big family car or mini bus and everyone drive away like Oga family.

"stop" Oga hissed as he could tell Furuichi was over worrying and thinking. "sorry" Furuichi smiled, he was glad Oga would always snap him out of his thought during times like this. "look brother other survives" honoka smiled and pointed letting go of Furuichi hand and running a little ahead. 

"honoka" Furuichi yelled his eyes wide and His feet moving fast with Oga behind him. 

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